In this edition / In hierdie Uitgawe:
- Great success for PA Sterilisation Project
- Growing support for Cultural Foundation
- A right royal Apple
- Biblioteekweek 2010
- The Miracle of Gay's Dairy
- Sokkerkoors
Issue 162 of The Prince Albert Friend is now available as a PDF download.
Download Issue 162 - June 2010 (18.7 MB)
(Right click on link and select "Save As" to store it on your computer)
Uitgawe 162 van die Prince Albert Vriend is nou beskikbaar as 'n PDF.
Laai Uitgawe 162 - Junie 2010 (18.7 MB) af
(Regs klik op skakel en kies "Save As" om dit op jou rekenaar te stoor)