-Denise Ohlson-
Die vyf dooie bloekombome voor Lekkerbek Kafee in die hoofstraat van Prince Albert is tans druk onder bespreking: Kunstenaar Richard Forbes se voorlegging om die bome te omskep in kunswerke, ontlok wye kommentaar.
Forbes se projek, gefinansier deur Absa, behels die omskepping van die afgestorwe ou reuse tot speelse beeldhouwerke wat mense gaan uitnooi om hulle te streel en aan te raak, eerder as om hulle van ‘n afstand af te beskou. Prince Albert se dooie bome is die eerste been van ‘n landwye kunsprojek wat oor drie jaar sal sterk.
Drie plaaslike kerwers en een helper sal intensiewe leiding en opleiding kry en kan Forbes dan moontlik later help met opvolgende projekte. Tydens die projek sal ‘n professionele videospan ‘n opname maak wat by die KKNK op Oudtshoorn vertoon sal word. Volgens Forbes sal dit groot belangstelling genereer en mense sal van oraloor kom om na ons vrolike bome met hul oulike skoentjies te kom kyk.
Sou die Munisipaliteit toestemming verleen vir hierdie projek, begin Forbes so gou moontlik kerf - sodat die projek betyds klaar is vir die KKNK wat die eerste week van April afskop.
Hierdie kort kennisgewing het talle Prince Alberters op loop. Vrae word gevra: Wie het die bome vir die kunstenaar “aangebied”? Gaan hierdie beelde inpas by die karakter van ons dorp? Is Richard Forbes die “regte” kunstenaar om die beeldhouwerk te doen? Gaan die projek werklik werk skep? Moet daar enigsins met die natuur gepeuter word? Wat gebeur as die eindproduk esteties nie slaag nie?
Gudrun Toelstede, wat vier jaar gelede saam met haar man Bodo die dryfkrag was agter die behoud van die bome as natuurlike monumente, reken die bome is deel van die dorp se geskiedenis en dat hulle net so behoue moet bly as waardige “dorpsburgers”. Derek Thomas en Judy Maguire, beide van die Prince Albert Kultuurvereniging, het ewe groot empatie met die bome. Volgens Judy spreek hul kulturele en historiese waarde boekdele en Derek sien hulle as trotse simbole wat meer as ‘n eeu lank onverskrokke en trots oorleef het.
Argitek John Whitton se kompromisvoorstel is dat die stomp van die eens enorme bloekom voor Ortons eerder gebruik word aangesien dit naby die toerismeburo, museum en kunsgallery is. Gudrun bied die twee stompe voor haar huis by Kerkstraat 12 aan as beter opsies.
Brent Phillips-White en Mary-Ann Botha van die Prince Albert Gallery, waar van Forbes se etse te sien is, reken die baba moet nie saam met die badwater uitgegooi word nie. Die projek hou besliste voordele in vir die dorp. Mary-Ann hoop om ‘n openbare vergadering oor die saak te reel met ‘n kundige fasiliteerder as voorsitter.
Openbare kuns, volgens kunstenaar Sally Arnold, is ‘n hoogs emosionele saak en altyd kontroversieel. Sy ondersteun die gedagte van ‘n ope debat waartydens die kunstenaar sy idees kan aanbied en Prince Alberters hul goeie oordeel kan laat geld.
Die Vriend verneem graag lesers se opinies oor hierdie interessante saak. Gaan lees gerus die stories op die koperplaatjies wat die Toelstedes destyds op die bome laat aanbring het. En gaan kyk na Forbes se voorlegging – tesame met briewe van beswaardes en ondersteuners – wat by die Prince Albert Gallery te sien is.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Ons Bome natuurlik of gekerf?
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:59 PM
Labels: bloekombome, bome, trees
Hier kom 'n Fees!
-Pieter Joubert-
Ons doen ‘n beroep op Prince Albert se inwoners. Sonder die ondersteuning van die hele dorp, kan ons dorpsfees nie ‘n sukses wees nie. Ons vra elke besigheid, gastehuis, restaurant en inwoner om te help. Ons Sater-dagoptog moet hierdie jaar ‘n sukses wees. Sonder jou hulp kan dit nie gebeur nie. Al maak jy net ‘n plakkaat of deel brosjures uit – as ons saam werk, sál dit ‘n sukses wees. Neem ook deel aan al die lekker opwindende kompetisies, kom onthul jou talente!
Vir die kreatiewe dames, ontwerp ‘n besondere snaakse uitrusting. Gebruik enige materiale. ‘n Rok van plastieksak, broek en pet van karton, aandrok van krale en lint, enigiets waaraan jy kan dink. Dit hoef glad nie duur te wees om te maak nie. Onthou, hoe meer inheems, hoe makliker jou kans om te wen.
Olie solank daai wieletjies! Ons hou ‘n kiskarkompetisie. Bou ‘n kar van hout, karton of blikke. Dit kan lyk soos ‘n trein, huis, muis, boom of padda – hoe meer oorspronklik hoe beter jou kans om te wen.
Kom manne, kom! Wys jou spiere vir Prince Albert. Ons hou ‘n sterkman kompetisie vir die fris mans van die dorp, jonk en oud. Kom wys vir die wêreld waarvan jy gemaak is.
Lanklaas Potjie gemaak? Laat die monde water en slaan ‘n heerlike Potjie kos aanmekaar, vir almal om te proe dat jy die bobaas Potjiekoskampioen is. Van hoender tot volstruis en lam – jy’s mos die baas van 2007 se Pot!
Wys jou bakkerstalent vanjaar met die Broodbak-Talentedag. Warm solank daai hande op!
Inskrywingsvorms vir bogenoemde kompetisies te kry by Sampies Restaurant en Deli, Kerkstraat.
Vir enige verdere inligting kontak:
Marinette of Pieter, 082 9450362
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:58 PM
Labels: Festival, Olive Festival, Town Festival
The Burghers of Prince Albert
Dear residents of Prince Albert
Two and a half years ago I embarked on a project to carve, with sensitivity to the surrounding environment and people; standing, dead trees in prominent places all over South Africa and get the private sector (not council, or government) to pay for it.
My intention was and is;
1.To retain these trees as monuments on our landscape so as to bring the art out of the gallery into peoples daily lives as is common in many successful countries.
2.To emphasize the cultural quality of our new South African citizens, so that all visitors from far and wide could speak of us in terms of 'interesting', complex, diverse, adventurous, creative and resourceful.
3.To give people the opportunity to build skills, confidence, and live their dreams even though they see no possible chance of gaining access to a tertiary education system.
4.To train these people so they are their own engine and therefore in control of the outcome of their futures. Too many NGOs and helpful hands have trained people to be dependent on them, leaving them high and dry with none of the lateral thinking tools to fend for themselves.
5. To ensure that these apprentices get paid while they learn, with the backing of corporate funding.
6. To motivate other artists and makers to utilise the resources and inspiration of our country in a way that lets the world know we are aware of recycling and environmental issues and are actively investigating alternative options. I will not cut a living tree.
I have spent these past 28 months looking for backing to begin this project. The first trees were intended to be in Johannesburg. These are still ear marked for carving and the sites approved by council.
The Blue Gum Project concept has already received significant publicity and interest since inception, but the Burghers of Prince Albert was the first such proposal to receive enthusiastic and full funding, should it go ahead.
In November of 2006 I was brought to your town for a holiday. I had no idea that Prince Albert was such an artistic, cultural and historically untainted place.
While in Prince Albert, I spent much of my time meeting the friendly people. Experiencing your Swartberg pass, Weltevrede valley, the untouched museum which filled me with a sense of my own history and heritage as my family hails from De Rust. I also listened to many a tale of the region which took me back through time to see the courage and tenacity of the founders of Prince Albert.
I saw these grand trees as a beautiful feature in the story of the town, and I admired the town folk for their appreciation of what is considered disposable in big cities.
I believe the carving on the trees is only an enhancement to what already exists. I had done more elaborate drawings but, after much thought about the possibly perished branches and the potential loss of size and stature of the trees; I looked at the trees from a more sensitive point of view resulting in the drawings you see now. The existing plaques would remain on the trees as part of their history and the love Prince Albert has for them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Richard John Forbes.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:57 PM
Municipal Manager, Hospital Secretary Suspended
- Linda Jaquet -
In January 2007, Prince Albert’s Municipal Manager, Mr N M Wicomb, was suspended from his post pending a disciplinary hearing. At the time of writing, neither the charges against Mr Wicomb nor the date for his hearing had been finalised. Mr E September, the town’s Community Manager, has been appointed Acting Municipal Manager until further notice.
A member of the Board of the Prince Albert Hospital confirmed that the Hospital’s Secretary, ds. C Afrika, had been suspended awaiting the outcome of a disciplinary hearing. Ms H Botha, the Hospital’s financial officer, has been appointed Acting Secretary. No further details were available at the time of writing. Both officials have been suspended with full benefits.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:56 PM
Labels: Municipality
Chrisna Smit, Another Prince Albert Gem!
- Peter McEwan -
Her eyes could barely reach the keys of a piano and her little fingers could not span the notes when she first took pre-school music appreciation. A year and a half later at age three she took piano lessons under the watchful eyes of Mrs Henna Swart in Warden.
Chrisna furthered her piano studies with Mrs Catherine Struthers at the University in Bloemfontein. The Free State Musicon selected her to play wood wind instruments and she took clarinet lessons under a Mr Osmond. Mr Heinrich Armer, a lecturer at the university selected her as one of his pupils, she completed her music degree with the clarinet as her main instrument and in later years she was appointed principal clarinettist of the national chamber Orchestra.
After a rewarding year with the Arts Council of North West in Mmabatho, Chrisna felt that she should return to her first love which was teaching, and applied for the music post at Hoërskool Zwartberg. Fortunately for us, she met and married Stefan Smit, a born and bred Prince Alberter. They have been married for nine years and have two lovely children.
How did I first meet this highly accomplished musician and charming person? Well, it was a result of a chance meeting with our neighbour, ds. Chris Briers. We “bumped” into each other in Pastorie Street and got chatting. He invited my wife, Rosemary and I to come and look at his magnificent house. In one of the rooms I saw an old organ- type piano and this got us chatting about music. I told him that I was looking for a voice trainer and “begeleidster.” Without hesitation he went to the telephone and arranged a meeting.
A few days later I answered a knock on our front door and there she was! Very smartly dressed and groomed – I don’t know if she thought she was going to meet someone “LARNEY”, but I must say I was more impressed and even more so when she started to play on my old Bluthner piano. What a gem! I couldn’t believe how fortunate I was to find such an accomplished pianist in such a small dorp.
It was the beginning of a wonderful musical partnership between Chrisna and me. It has resulted in the participation in, and the production of, successful local shows using Prince Albert talent. Chrisna moves effortlessly from sophisticated classical music to more popular as in our Irish night on the 17th of March at 7pm in Gay’s Old Barn. The evening will include Irish jokes, sing-a-long and Irish history supported by song. Don’t forget to bring your own drinks. A light supper will be served.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:55 PM
Brett The Vet
EPISODE 7: Genetic Miss
Man has genetically manipulated domestic animals for centuries. Different breeds were artificially created to enhance form and function through specific selection for desirable characteristics. The process can produce spectacular results and much progress has been made in the production and aesthetic sectors of animal husbandry. But the DNA double helix is a splendid and infinitely complex entity which our minds will never comprehend. Our narrow focus inadvertently reveals weaknesses and vulnerabilities that would normally be excluded through natural selection.
In the extremes we have created spectacular features and simultaneously deplorable affliction. There are double muscled beef breeds that struggle to walk and give birth. Hornless milk cows bear giant udders that are proned to damage and mastitis. Broiler chickens reaching maturity in 3-4 weeks, unable to support their own bodies because of deformities.
Enormous sows must be separated from their young by steel bars to avoid piglet crushing, depriving them of engaging their natural mothering instincts. They also succumb to heart failure.
Dogs previously established as working breeds are kept as pets with fanatical emphasis placed on particular appearance.
There is no logical explanation for the obsession with pedigree only to say that it reveals an extension of the owner’s capacity for discrimination. Dogs are by nature companions to man in their role as ‘man’s best friend’. And yet people who call themselves animal lovers strive to maintain peculiar attributes in certain breeds based on form, which clearly cause suffering. The bulldog is an example where almost every system is compromised: The legs are deformed, restricting normal exercise behaviour; eyelids malfunction causing dry eye and corneal ulceration; compressed facial features impair breathing and create skin folds susceptible to infection; they cannot mate or give birth naturally.
Other breeds like the dachund has a strong likelihood of intervertebral disc prolapse resulting in extreme pain, for the sake of a long back and stunted legs. Bull terrieirs often suffer a lifetime of debilitating skin disease. Nearly all Cavalier Spaniels have a degree of heart failure. Many poodles will develop retinal atrophy leading to blindness. Crippling hip dysplasia is prevalent in Labradors and German Shepherds. Bone tumours and weak hearts shorten the lives of Great Danes. For every breed there is a list of potential problems both physical and mental that have been created while reducing the gene pool and favouring genetic mutations.
The only solution is to celebrate diversity and embrace the strengths revealed through hybrid vigor. Cross breeds are unique, tough, disease resistant, and exhibit the normal behavioural traits of the species. It is clear that our heritage of indigenous breeds like Nguni cattle, Windsnyer pigs, and Africanis dogs excelled through natural selection into healthy living examples of how nature, perhaps unscientifically, ensures reigning of the fittest.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:53 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet, Vet
Phoenix Rises from the Ashes….Again!
- Jeremy Witts-Hewinson -
Travellers can once again browse through goods for sale at the Poort Pourri outside Klaarstroom – attracted by a bunch of dummies nogal!
Many passers-by, from the north as well as local, will remember the Poort Pourri farm stall at the southern entrance to Klaarstroom. Formerly the “white” school, it was closed in the early 1980s and was later transformed by the local Women’s Agricultural Association (W.A.A.), under the leadership of Annie Schoeman and others, into a vibrant country stall selling local produce. When Annie and her husband moved to the coast, the venture was taken over by Marie Gerber, who soon became a legend in her own right. Unfortunately, Marie found that the focus of her entrepreneurial passion was simply too far from her home and the Poort Pourri closed its doors in 2003. An attempt was made by a member of the local community to resurrect it about two years ago, but that venture was short lived and the quaint 1940’s building stood forlorn and empty once again.
Recently Mark and Elmarie Nel from Stellenbosch, who have a holiday house in the binnedorp, have re-opened the stall - albeit in a different form. Using that old technique used by farm stalls in the Western Cape - re-assigning former scare crows in new capacities as bicycle riders, gardeners, wind pump mechanics and even Santa Claus - they have managed to draw attention to the fact that something’s once again afoot in the old school yard! Some observers have already questioned the fact that all the men have been assigned ‘working’ poses, whilst the women are all reclining on the various benches and chairs! Maybe Elmarie is making a statement about old country district perceptions!
Enthusiastically managed by Mark’s father, Lesley Nel, Nellie Wildschutt and Griet Jantjies (they certainly are not simply reclining on chairs like the dummies outside!) the Poort Pourri now offers customers a selection of second hand furniture, bric-a-brac and country antiques as well as the ubiquitous cool drink. Maybe Marie Gerber’s famous country ginger beer will make its re-appearance!
Plans are afoot to set some space aside to have an information desk for the Prince Albert Tourism Office to assist tourists at the Southern Gateway to the Prince Albert district.
Next month in news from Klaarstroom…
The official One Horse Town’s horse gets her first pair of shoes;
And…Silver Ghost spends a night with her old mates in Klaarstroom!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:50 PM
Labels: Klaarstroom
Comet McNaught Graces Our Skies
- Zelia Mullins -
On Saturday, 20th January 2007 at around 8pm our family drove out on the Skaapieseinde road to view McNaught’s Comet also known as the Great Comet of 2007. We weren’t exactly sure where to go but were told that we should just follow the road and that we would see the cars......this was not an exaggeration – it seemed that the whole of Prince Albert had turned out for the event!
There was a festival-type atmosphere as everyone awaited the appearance of the nocturnal visitor. Then just to the left of the setting sun, a little glimmer was seen on the horizon. At first it looked like a very bright, twinkling star but as it gradually got bigger and brighter we were able to see its long, spectacular tail. I am told that when a comet approaches the Sun, its head leads the way, but as it travels away from the Sun, the tail is in front. This is due to the effects of the Solar winds and means that the tail always points away from the Sun.
Hans and Tilanie Daehne of Astro Tours were on hand with their telescope to provide answers to all of our questions. What everybody wanted to know of course is what a comet is made of? Hans explained that the nucleus consists mostly of ice, rock and dust and that the tail, made of gas and dust, streams from the nucleus – thus the name comet which is derived from the Latin, cometa meaning “long-haired”. The tail can apparently stretch for millions of kilometres!
Hans clarified that comets seem to mostly originate from the mysterious “Oort Cloud” on the outskirts of the solar system and are basically massive pieces of rock floating in space, orbiting the Sun. When the rock is attracted to the Sun it begins to “melt” due to the solar wind and radiation pounding on it. The nucleus starts shedding materials to form a tail. You’re not seeing flames, as most would assume, the comet is actually “melting”. Every time a comet comes close to the Sun, a part of it melts. Over time, it will completely disappear.
Comet McNaught was discovered on 7 August 2006 by Robert McNaught based at the Siding Spring Observatory, Australia. The Observatory routinely scans the skies for NEO’s - or in plain English - Near Earth Objects, which include not only benign comets but more sinister comets, asteroids and other objects that may impact the Earth. The comet has been given the designation C/2006 P1 and it is a so-called “non-periodic” comet, meaning that it might never return to the Sun again. The experts say that it will take more than 200 years, perhaps even thousands to make one orbit around the Sun. So if you missed Comet McNaught, I am afraid you missed an opportunity of a lifetime!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:50 PM
Labels: Astronomy, Comet McNaught, space
Sterreprag oor Prince Albert
-Hans Daehne-
Die komeet McNaught het bo verwagting nie net die inwoners van Prince Albert verras nie, maar ook die meeste astronome wêreldwyd.
Daar is min data beskikbaar oor hierdie groot komeet, aangesien dit eers in Au-
gustus 2006 ontdek is. Dit blyk dat dit eers oor 1000 jaar mag terug kom om die son of dalk glad nie.
Ons sien dit nog gereeld op Gordonkoppie maar net deur `n verkyker aangesien dit nou vinnig kleiner word. Dit was heerlik om gedurende die afgelope weke so baie nuwe sterrevriende te maak.
Nog `n pragtige aanskoulikheid aan die begin van Februarie was die gelyktydige verskyning van ons twee binne-planete Mercurius en Venus net na sonsondergang en Saturnus naby die Volmaan.
Die volgende gebeurlikheid wat met die blote oog waargeneem kan word, is die totale maansverduistering op die 3de Maart. Ons sal weer op die Gordonkoppie wees !
Die herfs dag-en-nag-ewening gebeur al weer op 21 Maart en daarna word die nagte weer langer as die dae.
Die Hubble Ruimteteleskoop word in 2008 weer gediens - wat dringend noodsaaklik geword het nadat `n belangrike kamera op Hubble buite aksie geraak het.
So `n onderneming in die ruimte is altyd `n opwindende gebeurtenis !
Hou die sterre in u oë !
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:49 PM
Labels: astronomie, Sterreprag
Prince Albert bly in die nuus
-Denise Ohlson-
Koerante en tydskrifte staan nie sommer plek af aan alledaagse dinge nie. Pitkos is wat hulle soek. En hier in Prince Albert pik joernaliste al meer waardevolle pitte op vir hul lesers.
Die uitstalling van David Goldblatt se foto’s by die Prince Albert Gallery het die aandag getrek van BY, Die Burger se uiters gewilde Saterdagbylaag. Die artikel lewer insiggewende sosiale en politieke kommentaar op die 17 foto’s, geneem in die Gamkaskloof van die sestigerjare. Gaan kyk gerus na hierdie beroemde fotograaf se uitstalling.
Mail & Guardian
Bekyk dan sommer ook die werk van Richard John Forbes, Derek McKenzie en George Coutouvidis - wat saam met Goldblatt in die Mail & Gardian se “On Circuit” blad beskryf word as kunstenaars wat bydra tot “the most important critical visual commentary on historical and contemporary South Africa”. In hierdie uitgawe van 12 tot 18 Januarie 2007 word ons dorp beskryf as “becoming a destination for art aficionados” (kunsliefhebbers). Forbes se etse “are a series of fantastical universes where stars and planets and other heavenly bodies seem to give an indication of the organized and systemic chaos that has given rise to life as we know it”.
McKenzie herhaal graffiti op film en vra:
Ape ken reeds 1000
woorde in gebaretaal
Hoeveel woorde ken jy?
Garden and Home
Die Februarie 2007 Garden and Home staan twee volkleurblaaie af aan die wonderlike volstruiseierdopwerk wat Gideon Engelbreght onder sy hande laat vorm aanneem en wat te sien is by De Wakis by die Seven Arches.
House and Leisure
Tanya Sturgeon se huis in Markstraat pryk in ‘n pragtige fotoartikel in die Desember 2006 uitgawe van House and Leisure.. Hierdie stylvolle Gautenger sê: “Prince Albert is my sanctuary and a love affair. The remoteness and lack of commercialism inspires me … I am so glad I bought this house. Even when I am not here it is a haven for my mind to escape to.”
Village Life
Helena Marincowitz se boek Karoostyle het skaars verskyn, of Village Life eer haar en haar navorsingswerk in hul Des/Jan uitgawe in ‘n glansartikel wat oor vyf volkleurblaaie strek. Maré Mouton sluit sy insiggewende en waarderende artikel só af: “The fact that so many Karoostyle houses have survived for over a hundred years, is a tribute to the skill of their builders, and Helena Marincowotz has done valuable work in documenting what is left.”
Lydia Barrella se waardevolle kristalle kom ook tot hul volste reg in hierdie tyd-skrif in sewe absoluut verstommende mooi foto’s wat die artikel “Crystals – Order in the world” illustreer.
Hierdie maand het Piet Cordier, Neels en Louisa van der Nest, die Mayers en die mense by die Saterdagmark hul sê ingekry op SABC 2 se “In search of Karoo Mermaids…”!
Prince Albert is ‘n lieflike bestemmingsdorp propvol interessante mense…‘n Goeie produk verkoop homself! Selfs aan die kieskeurige media…
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:47 PM
Labels: Community news, Prince Albert, Publicity, Tourism
Wenners van die Looitjie Trekking
-M du Toit & A Tudhope-
Ter stywing van Willem du Toit se fondsinsamelingsprojek om Amerika toe te kan gaan, het ons `n fiets en `n skildery uitgeloot vanaf Oktober verlede jaar. Op Maandag, 29 Januarie 2007, is die gelukkige nommers tydens Hoërskool Zwartberg se saalbyeenkoms getrek.
Die geel resiesfiets (geskenk deur John en Sonia McKenna) is gewen deur Chester Mopiley, Loopstraat 204,Prince Albert. Die skildery (geskenk deur Ailsa Tudhope) is gewen deur Mev. Babsie Mulder, Klipstraat, Prince Albert. Albei wenners was baie bly oor die groot geluk wat hulle getref het.
Willem en sy familie is nog steeds besig om pannekoek op die Saterdagmark te verkoop. Ons is baie dankbaar vir die gemeenskap se ondersteuning en kan met groot dankbaarheid getuig dat ons reeds oor die halfpadmerk met ons poging is. Ons benodig ongeveer R30 000 en het reeds R16 000 ingesamel. Die vliegtuigkaartjie vir 15 Julie 2007 is reeds bespreek en betaal. Toe ons op 16 Januarie aangemeld het by die Amerikaanse konsulaat in die Kaap vir Willem se visum het ons weereens besef hoe klein die wêreld is en hoe groot God se Voorsienigheid is in Willem se fondsinsamelingprojek.
The du Toit family had tried to obtain Willem’s visa the previous week, but on arrival at the Embassy for their pre-arranged appointment they found the gates locked and a notice informing them the Embassy had been closed for the day due to unforeseen circumstances. The family had no choice but to return to Prince Albert and drive all the way to Cape Town again the following week for another appointment. Three hours queuing brought them to a counter where thick security glass separated them from the man who would decide whether or not Willem received a visa, the conversation would take place through a telephone handset. The official indicated that he needed to speak to the applicant, not his parents, so Willem picked up the ’phone.
He was thoroughly questioned (in English) as to his reasons for visiting the USA. The official expressed concern that attending the Eisenhower People to People Leadership Summit would be extremely costly – where was the money to come from?
“Well,” said Willem, “that’s a long story. My family and I have been fundraising, I have been working at my school’s tuckshop and every weekend I make and sell pancakes.”
The American wanted to know what pancakes were. Willem forged on, explaining how he makes pancakes.
The official suddenly beamed: “Well Mr du Toit, the pancakes you make are delicious, my wife and children and I really enjoyed the ones we ate last weekend at your stall in Prince Albert.”
So “pannekoeke” assume a new significance – at the right time and place they can even open a door to the USA. Willem and the du Toit family are very grateful for all the support they have received and hope that you will continue to buy pancakes to send Willem to the Eisenhower Summit.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:45 PM
Labels: looitjie trekking, USA
Skaakspelers Blink Uit
Twee van ons skool se vyftienjarige skaakspelers het teen die einde van 2006 bewys dat hierdie sportsoort wat min of geen publieke en regerings-ondersteuning kry, steeds blakend gesond bedryf word by Prince Albert Primêr. Die Wes-Kaap o/17 Dogters en Seuns Skaak-spanne, wie aan die Suid Afrikaanse Skole Spele te Kaapstad deelgeneem het, was be-voorreg om spelers soos Nadia Claassen en Joshua Afrika in hul midde te kon hê. Hierdie twee is Provinsiale spelers en het die af-gelope 3 en 6 jaar onderskeidelik, jaarliks aan Nasionale Kampioenskappe deelge-neem, en kon dus met hulle ervaring hul onderskeie spanne tot groot oorwinning by die Spele help.
Nadia en Joshua het tydens die spele wat plaasgevind het vanaf 3 tot 6 Desember 2006, albei agt uit die nege rondtes gewen, wat vir hulself, asook hul spanne, Goue medaljes besorg het. Ons hoop van harte dat hul nuwe skole, Bridgton Senior Sekondêr en Die Kaapse Akademie vir Wiskunde, Wetenskap en Tegnologie, hulle die ge-leentheid sal bied om hul skaak verder te bevorder. Ons wens hulle alle sterkte toe met hul studies!
Duitse Musiekskool besoek PA binnekort
-Bodo Toelstede-
Die Schreiber Musiekskool van Duitsland wat uit 17 lede bestaan, besoek Prince Albert op die 3, 4 en 5 April 2007.
Wildekanisland se kleauters is baie bevooreg om musiekopleiding op bogenoemde datums te ontvang.
Op 4 April 2007 om 19h00 (7 uur) word ‘n Kultuuraand deur die groep in die Hoërskool se saal aangebied.
Kaartjies kos R20. Onthou die datum en teken dit in u dagboek aan.
Duitse musiek is tog so mooi!
Hierdie Kultuuraand is slegs die aanhef vir wat ons te wagte kan wees, want op 5 April 2007 om 19h00 (7 uur) word ‘n Kultuuraand in die V.G.K saal aangebied.
Die groep besoek ook verkeie ander dorpe, nl. Keurboomsrivier, Kleinmond, George en die stad Kaapstad. Ons is baie bevoorreg dat Prince Albert ook in hul reisprogram ingesluit is.
Kom geniet ‘n mooi aand.