- Ailsa Tudhope -
Spoke in ons begraafplase?
Het jy onlangs oor die wit gekalkte muur van die ou begraafplaas in Markstraat geloer? Kyk gerus en jy sal verbaas wees. Alles is netjies, elke graf se klippe mooi reggepak, die onkruid en vullis is weg en die blomme begin om hulle gesiggies in die son oop te maak. Hierdie was die eerste begraafplaas wat die NG Kerk op Prince Albert gebruik het, wel vanaf 1844 tot 1884. Net ‘n paar van die eenvoudige grafte het kopstene wat die oorledenes identifiseer, die meeste grafte is naamloos – moontlik was daar oorspronklik houtkruise wat oor die jare verweer het?
Die skoonmakery is die werk van Elsa de Beer en haar hardwerkende span, Francis Claassen, Norika Scheepers, Chantal Flieër en Anna Witbooi. Die span het mekaar die “Spook Dames” genoem, omdat hulle vir die spoke werk!
Dit was Elsa se idee om die ou begraafplaas op te knap. Sy het hulp gesoek by die Munisipaliteit en ’n flinke reaksie van die waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder, Dawid Rossouw, gekry. Hy het die raad se lys van werklose persone wat graag wil werk, geraadpleeg en so is die vier dames gevind.
Ons sonnige wintersdae is ideaal vir fisiese werk in die buitelug en die hardwerkende span het vinnig ‘n hele paar bakkievragte rommel en onkruid verwyder. Elke graf se klippies is netjies reggepak en die meeste is met vygies beplant, wat vir spatsels kleur sal sorg nadat die lenteblomme se tyd verby is.
Volgens Elsa is al die grafte in die ou begraafplaas nou in ere herstel en die span is baie trots op die merkbare verbetering wat hulle poging aangebring het. Daar is nou planne vir soortgelyke werk in die dorp se ander begraafplase.
Baie dankie Spook Dames, ons sien uit om die ander begraafplase net so netjies te sien!
Dorothea de Villiers Rest in Peace
Tourists visiting Prince Albert are always intrigued by the Markstraat graveyard and since the “Spook Dames’” blitz, some have already commented on how well kept it is.
This would have delighted local historian Helena Marincowitz, who was particularly concerned that it be preserved. The Wri-ters’ Guild members and Museum staff remember her glee when she discovered a photograph of the 1938 service in the graveyard during the centenary commemorations of the Great Trek. It must have been taken from the wind pump which used to stand in St John’s Church grounds and shows the villagers dressed in Voortrekker clothing, the cars parked around the graveyard the only sign that it isn’t an assembly from an even earlier year. The photograph can be seen at the Fransie Pienaar Museum.
While a list of most of those buried in the Markstraat graveyard exists, very few of the graves have any form of inscription.
It was Helena who discovered some locals called it the “No Name” graveyard, due to the lack of headstones. Some of the graves bear English inscriptions, which is not surprising since the “English” Burial Ground was only consecrated in 1872, when Bishop Robert Grey visited the village.
One English headstone is that of little Dorothea Elizabeth de Villiers, who died in infancy. Some years ago our Tourism Officer at that time, Inge Mynhardt asked Prince Albert Friend readers whether they knew anything about the de Villiers family. It took six months but eventually a letter arrived from Mr M de Villiers of Somerset West which made fascinating reading. It appeared in the June 1999 edition of the Prince Albert Friend. Mr de Villiers wrote:
“My grandfather Jacob Nicholas Pieter de Villiers was born in Paarl on 27 October 1837. He was the second child of the eldest son of ten children in the family of my great great grandparents CC de Villiers and Dorothea Elizabeth de Villiers (born Retief). His father died when he was a young boy of 16 and his mother three years later. It fell to him and his elder sister to rear his younger brothers and sisters - the youngest was only three years old when their mother died. He started work in the Magistrates Court in Paarl.
My grandmother, Anna Johanna Marais, was born in Paarl on 19 December 1854. My grandfather knew the family and saw his future bride grow up. He had to wait a long time but on 7 January 1874, shortly after her nineteenth birthday, they were married in her parents’ home in Paarl and as he had just received an appointment at Prince Albert, he and his teenage bride set out by horse and cart for their new home. By this time all his younger brothers and sisters had completed their schooling and further education. The second brother JH de Villiers - later to become Lord de Villiers - became the Chief Justice of the old Cape Colony, the third brother CC de Villiers was an attorney in Cape Town with the firm van der Bijl and de Villiers and the youngest brother Melius de Villiers became Chief Justice of the Orange River Colony.
My grandparents settled down in Prince Albert and their first child Maria Emmerentia was born there on 28th December 1874; the second Charles William followed some 18 months later on 14th June 1876 and the third child, a little girl, was born on 15th December 1877. She was given her grandmother’s name: Dorothea Elizabeth - but she died early in 1878 and is buried in the Market Street cemetery. Her mother was a young woman of just 22 years at the time.
I have been told that my grandmother was an excellent horsewoman and notwithstanding her many duties as a wife and mother still found time to ride in the hills around Prince Albert.
Later in 1878 my grandfather was transferred to Victoria West where he was Magistrate until 1890 when he was transferred once more, this time to Worcester where they lived in the Old Drostdy until he retired in 1897. He was later a member of Parliament for Worcester in the old legislature of the Cape Colony and died in 1922, while living in retirement in Kenilworth.”
If anyone has any information about any other graves in the Markstraat graveyard, the Fransie Pienaar Museum would be delighted to hear from you, please phone 023 5411 172.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Die Spook Dames en die Begraafplaas
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:40 PM
New Mayor for a Month
- Linda Jaquet -
Daunting” is how Prince Albert’s new Executive Mayor, Democratic Alliance (DA) Councillor Gay van Hasselt, described her new role to the Friend on 14 August, her first day in office. Cllr van Hasselt’s appointment follows the resignation of DA Executive Mayor, Andrew Claassen, in April. ANC Council member Maria Benjamin was Acting Executive Mayor from that time to 13 August when DA leader Helen Zille and ANC Provincial Secretary Mcebisi Skwatsha intervened to ensure implementation of the 2006 verbal agreement between the two political parties on the sharing of power in our “hung” Municipal Council.
In terms of the agreement reached after the 2006 local government elections, the DA would hold the position of Executive Mayor and the ANC would fill the posts of Speaker and Deputy Mayor for the first half of the current Council’s term of office. Thereafter, the parties would swap the leadership positions for the remainder of the term.
However, for some time Prince Albert residents have watched in consternation as infighting and political wrangling have resulted in paralysis in the Council and the DA’s inexplicable delay in replacing Claassen. Mayor van Hasselt’s term will thus end on 13 September 2008.
Burgemeester Van Hasselt is duidelik nie deur die tydsbeperking gepla nie. Sy beoog om – met behulp van onafhanklike kundigheid – die kritiese poste van Munisipale Bestuurder en Hoof Finansiële Beampte so vinnig moontlik te vul, asook die vakante pos van Gemeenskapsdienste Bestuurder.
Terselfdertyd is sy bedag daarop om die breuk tussen Raadslede te heel en om die munisipale werknemers se vertroue in die politieke leierskap te herstel. “Ek sien ons graag as ‘n span wat dinge gedoen kry: die Munisipaliteit se sukses behoort aan ons almal, nie aan ‘n individu of ‘n party nie,” sê van Hasselt. ‘n Volgende prioriteit is die hou van gereelde openbare vergade-rings in alle dele van die munisipale gebied om die gemeenskap op hoogte van sake te hou en om ook hul insette te kry.
En wat van die dissiplinêre verhoor waarin sy betrokke is? Van Hasselt sê “dit moet volgens normale prosedure afgehandel word, ek sal geensins daarmee inmeng nie.”
Mayor van Hasselt is well known by the local community and beyond the bounds of our town for her highly-successful “Gay’s Dairy”. She and her husband, Clive, are a hard-working, supportive partnership. She is a mother, who always speaks with great pride and gentleness about her children.
How does she balance all her roles, particularly now that she has added a public persona to them? “I have a remarkable support system of people who I care for and who care for me,” she responds. “After all you can’t be involved in nation-building if you have no sense of family. I would love to see everyone in Prince Albert working together without any concern for the other’s race or colour or creed with one purpose – the good of the town that is crime-free, where women and children are safe and people live peacefully and happily.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:39 PM
Labels: Mayor
Letters - Briewe
Dankie Abraham Kammies
I grew up at Beaufort West and often picnicked with and drove over the Swartberg Pass with my parents.
2 May 2008 was a wonderful day, when a childhood dream was realised and my wife, Esmé and I finally arrived in Prince Albert for good. Recently another wonderful thing happened, which I would like to share with the people of Prince Albert.
I quit farming in the Free State in 2000. I quite honestly had lost faith in our country and its future. On 17 June this year, I bought something at the little shop at the Prince Albert National Garage. That afternoon someone phoned to ask if I was not missing my wallet, which I was. It had some rather important items, plus quite a bit of cash in it. It was returned to me with nothing missing. And the name of the man who brought it back, Abraham Kammies.
Abraham, ek het vir jou gesê: Dankie vir jou eerlikheid. Maar ek voel dit was nie genoeg nie. Dit is hoekom ek deur die koerant jou weer wil bedank. Mense soos jy sal maak dat mense soos ek weer ons vertroue terugkry in ons land en sy mense. My pa het altyd gesê: “As jy begin lieg, dan moet jy begin onthou.” Lyk my jy het ook so ‘n pa gehad. Dankie Abraham.
Praise for Recycling Activists
Well done and thank you to Imke Maeyer and Ellen Joubert for the long awaited Recycling Depot. The difficulties and delays you experienced in getting it off the ground makes the facility all the more valued and appreciated by all who care about the environment.
In your informative article in last month’s Friend (July 2008), recycling was referred to as an OPTION – on the contrary, it is a MUST if we want to reduce the enormous amount of indestructible waste consuming this planet.
A big thank you too to the Prince Albert Municipality for their consent and co-operation in getting the facility under way.
Boere voed die nasie
Die kommersiële boer in die land het nie 'n goeie naam nie. Keer op keer word die verlede voor ons kop gegooi en dis dan ook sommer die skuld vir hoekom dinge vandag is soos wat dit is.
Almal het hul monde uit te spoel oor die landbou, maar niemand het nog geboer nie!! Dit is met groot hartseer dat die vakbonde en NGO’s nou eers besef dat ons nie die oorsaak van hoë voedselpryse is nie, en nog meer, dat ons die fondasie van hierdie land is (of jy dit nou wil weet of nie!).
Alles wat verkeerd gaan is ons skuld; en daar word maar alte maklik en lekker veralgemeen; en meeste van die tyd weet ons nie eens daarvan nie. Byvoorbeeld: 'n paar weke terug is daar weer ‘n ongeluk gewees met ‘n trok en mense agterop. Dadelik is daar aangeneem dis weer 'n boer se skuld, en so is daar na die pers gehardloop. Met deeglike ondersoek word die teendeel bewys, maar nooit is ons om verskoning gevra oor die verkeerde beriggewing nie.
In 1977 was Suid-Afrika ‘n uitvoerland. Vandag is Suid-Afrika ‘n invoerder van basiese voedsel met onbetaalbare skuld in die buiteland. Ons kry geen hulp van die regering nie, maar Ysland subsideer sy boere met 60%. Dis nou wat ek liefde noem!!! Die gemiddeld vir die ander lande teen wie ons kompeteer is 22%. Ons praat ‘n ander taal as die res, en ek praat nie van een van die elf nie.
Ons is minder as 40 000 boere wie hierdie land voed (laat jou dink oor wie eintlik hierdie land moet regeer) en almal van ons kom nie eens reg nie.
Kom sluit aan by georganiseerde landbou, dis nie nodig om te boer om deel van jou toekoms te wees nie.!
Sekretaris: Landbouvereniging
Thank you, Prince Albert
We wish to thank all the people of Prince Albert for the kind and gracious manner in which they welcomed us in our new hometown.
We continue to be overwhelmed on a daily basis by the warm hospitality and sincere interest in our well-being. We expected people here to be friendly, but we were pleasantly surprised by the generosity and sincerity we encountered.
Village life is everything we expected it to be and much more! We dread the next time we may have to spend a few days in any city (even the traffic in Oudtshoorn is fast becoming a traumatic experience…)
Thank you also to all the members of the Tourism Association for your guidance and positive feedback. Your continued support is sincerely appreciated!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:37 PM
Starry Splendour over Prince Albert
- Hans Daehne -
In September, according to the calendar, Spring should start in the Southern Hemisphere with the Equinox on the 22nd .
This is manifested by a look into the night sky where the prominent Spring Constellation of Pegasus high up in the north gives the same seasonal indication. On earth longer and warmer days already become evident together with the characteristic flowers and blossoms at eye-level.
Pegasus, the flying horse (reminding us how fast time is flying), can easily be identified by four bright stars arranged in a huge square, the Square of Pegasus, representing the body of the horse with its neck extended to the left, westwards. It is one of only a few northern constellations that is in the upright position for us and you should have no difficulty in finding it.
The fast planet Mercury is an evening object until the end of the month but because of its closeness to the Sun, is best observed from Gordon’s Koppie after sunset.
Venus has become the splendid evening star again and will proceed to shine brighter and brighter towards the end of the year.
Mars in Virgo sets soon after sunset and thus also becomes a Gordon Koppie object.
Saturn is moving to morning visibility but the bright Jupiter is still close to the handle of the teapot in Sagittarius; at magnitude -2.5 it is still brighter than any star.
Full Moon is on the 15th and New Moon is on the 29th September after it moved to the end of the month with the two New Moons in August.
News from beyond Earth:
After having detected ice water, an analyzer aboard NASA’s Phoenix Mars lander has detected perchlorate in the soil of the red planet’s northern latitudes. Perchlorate is chlorine with four oxygen atoms and is found on Earth in the Atacama Desert in Chile.
Space shuttle Atlantis will be sent up to catch the Hubble Space Telescope in early October to service and upgrade the observatory.
The European spacecraft Venus Express is placed in a lower orbit around Venus for more detailed investigation of our neighbouring planet’s atmosphere.
The International Space Station can regularly be observed over Prince Albert, to find out when, visit: www.heavens-above.com
Keep the stars (and spacecrafts) in your eyes!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:36 PM
Labels: Starry splendour
Tourism EXCO Re-elected
- Linda Jaquet -
The Prince Albert Tourism Association’s AGM held on 30 July saw members re-elect the 2007/8 Executive Committee (EXCO) for a second year.
Chairperson Bokkie Botha expressed his appreciation for their confidence in the EXCO and said that continuity was essential if the Committee was to achieve the objectives it had set itself at the start of its term.
These included being more member-centred, encouraging all potential members to join the Association and developing sustainable tourism ventures in all sectors of the community.
The other EXCO members are Charles Roux (Vice Chairperson and Marketing), Di Steyn (Development), Mark Steyn (Finances), Mariette van Schalkwyk (Leeu-Gamka) and Jeremy Witts-Hewinson (Klaarstroom).
In his Chairman’s report, Bokkie Botha noted that the Association’s membership had increased over the year from 77 to 89 members and also outlined a subsidised membership plan for the previously disadvantaged active in the tourism sector.
The Municipality had significantly increased its funding for the Tourism Association thanks to the efforts of the former EXCO and information desks were planned for Leeu-Gamka and Klaarstroom.
During the discussion of the Chair’s report, those present expressed dismay at the poor turnout of members at the meeting – 17, including the EXCO members and two Tourism officials – and wondered whether it reflected the lack of seriousness accorded tourism generally in spite of the vital role it plays in the town’s economy.
The EXCO undertook to conduct a survey of the employment and skills development opportunities the tourism sector offers local residents. It would also look seriously this year at participating at INDABA 2009 in Durban in an effort to market Prince Albert more widely in South Africa and abroad.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:35 PM
Labels: Tourism
Museumnuus: Raar, maar waar…
Elke oggend, so net voor agt, dan kom ek met ‘n spoed in Klipstraat af, draai regs in Bankstraat en links in Kerkstraat, museum toe. Diep ingedagte ry ek nou die oggend by die twee huisies verby wat in aanbou is, en sien die trekker en sleepwa van die Munisipaliteit langs die bouwerk staan.
Die volgende oomblik spring Hendrik Kellerman agter die sleepwa uit, reg voor die bakkie in. Ek skrik my skoon uit my geloof uit, los die stuurwiel en gooi my arms in die lug op. Hy lag lekker en groet my terwyl die bakkie rukkerig by hom verby gaan.
Later dieselfe oggend, kom stop Hendrik met die trekker by die museum en haal iets uit ‘n bruin koevert. Hy sê dat hulle dié omslaggie maande gelede op die ashoop opgetel het en dat hy dit al lankal museum toe wou bring…
Ek vou die karton-omslaggie oop en kom op stokou poskaarte van die Swartbergpas, en ‘n paar foto’s van een of ander feesviering af.
Lydia kom die middag werk, ek wys dit vir haar, want sy werk met die argiefmateriaal. Sy sit by my in die kantoor en ons kyk deur die kaarte en foto’s.
So half gelyk wonder ons hardop uit watter era die fotos sou wees, en sê saam: “Dis so jammer dat mense byna nooit agterop foto’s die gebeure, name of datums neerskryf nie. Nou moet ‘n mens sit en wonder wat, waar, wanneer…” Lydia draai die een foto om, en ons herken onmiddelik Tannie Helena se pragtige handskrif! Opening van ou hospitaal - nou Museum. Marie de Jager (Askop) op vlot. Stom geslaan kyk ons vir mekaar. Tannie Helena sou nooit ooit foto’s wat verband hou met Prince Albert se geskiedenis, weggegooi het nie!
Het hierdie omslaggie met foto’s dalk, op pad museum toe, per ongeluk verlore geraak? Wel, deur ‘n baie eienaardige sameloop van omstandighede het dit tog die pad na die museum gevind. Raar, maar waar…
Debbie Badenhorst
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:34 PM
Labels: Museum
Prince Albert celebrates Madiba’s 90th birthday
-Zelia Mullins-
In celebration of Nelson Mandela’s 90th birthday on 18 July, the Prince Albert Tourism Association launched a community project called “Let us keep others warm this winter”.
The week-long project meant that Prince Alberters could also join in the country-wide festivities by giving gifts and at the same time, support the elderly in our community.
In true Prince Albert style the donations came flooding in. Blankets, clothing and non-perishables were handed in at the various drop-off points and continued to pour in long after the scheduled deadline date.
At the beginning of August, the Tourism Office handed over the donations to Huis Kweekvallei and BADISA who were delighted with the response from the community. Johan du Toit, manager of Huis Kweekvallei and Ilze Koorts, social worker at BADISA, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to this very worthwhile cause. Dawid Rossouw, Chairperson of BADISA, remarked that this initiative was in line with BADISA’s vision, which is to work together for a community that cares for each other.
To all of you who gave so willingly from your hearts, your generosity is much appreciated and will go a long way to making a difference in someone’s life.
Please bear in mind however that this project doesn’t have to stop here. Let’s continue to show warmth and charity to those around us who are less fortunate than we are – the Tourism Office will continue to act as a drop-off point for any second hand clothing and non-perishable goods that you may have and we will ensure that these items reach those who need them the most.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:33 PM
Labels: Fundraising
Stoep Talk: The Art of Shopping in Prince Albert
-Queen Vic -
On one of my irregular visits to the village supermarket I came across a rather irate, frustrated new-comer walking out empty-handed, having done a circuit of the store and not found a thing she needed.
I recalled the many visits I had made that had ended with similar feelings. Two years later I’m still learning, but I have realised that there is no such thing as spontaneous or last-minute shopping in Prince Albert. Here are a few “have to dos” I would recommend.
If you have a memory like mine, buy a notebook, because there is nothing simple about shopping.
You need to know the hours when the shops open and days when things are delivered, plus many shops sell things you don’t expect them to sell. The butcher at times has the most delicious melons, fresh nuts and dried beans. One of the gift shops sells homemade household cleaning products. So you have to explore. Be the hunter-gatherer and go into every little shop and see what they have.
Speak to the locals and find out where they shop. They will tell you where and when to buy the best boerewors, free-range chickens, flowers and so on. I only recently found out that the local supermarket bakes different breads on different days. We know that fresh veggies arrive twice a week, but watch out for public holidays as they throw the whole routine out.
Buy basics when you see them on the shelves – don’t wait until you run out, they won’t be there.
Make friends with your neighbours, local café owners and restaurants. You will be amazed how helpful they are when you need something in an emergency and the shops are closed, whether it is a cup of cream, eggs or fresh herbs.
In conclusion, there are many “have to dos”, but remember that in our village you don’t have to pay for parking or a security guard. You don’t have to travel far and stand in long queues. You don’t have to worry about being mugged as you load your groceries into your car. Happy Shopping!!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:32 PM
Labels: Stoep talk
Strange Wanderings around the Town
Have you been wondering what teams of Prince Alberters are doing, walking the streets of the town in teams, standing and discussing every building? It is work–in–progress towards updating the survey last done in 1995 to record the heritage significance of the town's built environment.
The Heritage Resources Act of 1999 requires every local authority to carry out the identification and management of what is termed the 'national estate' within its area of responsibility. The Prince Albert Cultural Foundation has been given the task by the municipal council to carry out a heritage inventory for the whole of Prince Albert within the urban edge, including North End. Ultimately, the heritage survey will extend beyond the urban area to include the entire municipal area of Prince Albert. At that stage, Klaarstroom and Leeu-Gamka and outlying farms will also be surveyed for their heritage significance.
Did you know that Prince Albert has 13 proclaimed national monuments, and 18 gabled buildings? A worthy start, but there are many more buildings worthy of being on the heritage register. You would be very welcome to participate in this heritage survey, and would get to know why Prince Albert occupies such a unique place amongst Karoo towns, many of which have not rated their built environments highly enough, and have permitted inappropriate development. The growth and development of Prince Albert will be more competently served once the heritage survey is complete.
Contact persons:
Judy Maguire 023 5411713
and Derek Thomas 023 5411492
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:31 PM
Labels: heritage
Brett the Vet - Who’s a Clever Boy?
Asking the wrong questions to evaluate the intelligence of animals often misleads us into assuming predictably unsatisfactory answers.
Usually we take what is known about human mental processes and look for comparable processes in other species, and try to measure how intelligent animals are in the same ways as humans.
This attitude is not very complimentary about the extent and capacity of human understanding or imagination. Animals aren't particularly interested in knowing more about us.
'Intelligence' means the ability to understand, learn, and think things out quickly; 'smart' the ability to adapt; 'clever' the ability to adapt creatively. These days our interpretation of intelligence has expanded into other spheres beyond IQ to embrace many types of intelligence as being equally valid.
With our greater understanding we are also starting to realise almost by surprise, and not without indispensable scientific proof, that animals are intelligent. The prevailing, arrogant assumption that animals are dumb until proven otherwise precludes the common sense approach of accepting their inherent natural intelligence.
It is limiting to impart a reflective interpretation of animal intelligence. From the clever cat painting pictures, to the smart dog walking on two legs, to the piglet playing computer games, people perpetually marvel at the anthropomorphic exploits of animals, and ridicule their ostensible shortcomings. Natural intelligence is often widely misunderstood because it encompasses all the systems of control in biology.
Animals left to their own niche and devices have adapted by 'survival of the fittest'. As long as sheep follow or horses shy, pigs wallow or geese fly, instincts enable exquisite intelligence.
When we intervene and make a mockery of nature by imposing demeaning conditions on animals like batteries for hens or crates for pigs, they are reduced to a commodity. The 'dumbing down' affecting modern civilisation has inadvertently been imparted to the domestic animals. Selective breeding, restrictive living, and manipulated behaviour are draining their resilience.
The consequence is dependence on human intervention such as the reduction of instinctive smothering ability in dairy cows and laying hens, or the inability to breed naturally in some dog breeds.
It is astounding that highly intelligent animals concede to performing humiliating tricks people consider to be clever. An elephant standing on a ball, a dolphin diving through a ring of fire, a parrot saying 'hello' repeatedly every day during its years of solitude. The level of trust displayed by domesticated species towards humans is staggering and begs the unanswerable question.
Retaliation is not a feature in the implicit natural order. The balance is redressed in a closed system. As the ancient human cultures that revered nature slip away and modern humans plunder the planet's resources, destroy natural habitats, churn out carbon, and continue to make the earth less habitable, we are experiencing the effects manifest in a world where everything is connected.
Fighting nature leads to the destruction of life. To salvage what remains requires a creative mind shift into unfamiliar territory: to think from a different perspective.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:28 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
BADISA opens two more soup kitchens
- Linda Jaquet -
On Friday, 15 August, BADISA launched two more soup kitchens in Prince Albert, bringing the total in the town to four.
The two original soup kitchens have been providing a wholesome meal to 600 children in Rondomskrik and at the Bejaardesorg Sentrum every Tuesday and Friday for the last few years.
The two new centres will serve needy children in “Die Gatjie” and in the neighbourhood commonly referred to as “Die Blink Hokke”.
About two hundred youngsters and their families attended the launch at the Bejaardesorgsentrum. They were welcomed by BADISA Chairperson, Dawid Rossouw, who reminded them of how of much hard work behind the scenes goes into the soup kitchens and of the important role played by the twenty volunteers who take turns to run the kitchens.
A special round of applause was reserved for the “Three Musketeers”, Sarah Morris, Christine Cupido and Marie Stroebel, who volunteer at the kitchens every week.
BADISA community worker, Rozanne Spogter, confirmed to the Friend that the decision to open further soup kitchens reflected growing hardship in Prince Albert, which she associated with the rise in food prices across the country.
Deputy Mayor Magdalena Benjamin, in a speech read on her behalf, pointed to the fact that even before the current economic difficulties, the Central Karoo had been declared one of the most impoverished areas in the country. She called on everyone to become doers and not just talkers and to make the choice about how they wanted to contribute to helping the most needy in the community. In closing, BADISA’s Ilze Koorts thanked the Department of Social Services which funds the soup kitchens and donors such as the Thursday group for their ongoing and much-needed support.
Soup kitchens were also opened in Prince Albert Road and Klaarstroom in August. Leeu-Gamka’s soup kitchen will be launched on 4 September.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:27 PM
Labels: BADISA
30 X 40 Auction Draws Record Number of Art Works
- Sonja Mckenna -
There is no doubt that the annual 30 X 40 art auction at the Prince Albert Gallery is one of Prince Albert’s cultural highlights. The crowd that attended this year’s auction on the evening of 9 August was proof of this.
A record number of paintings, 95, were submitted by many well-known artists living in our town and the other parts of the Karoo, as well as by several aspiring painters. Auction-goers were also excited to get a glimpse of Gregoire Boonzaaier’s portrait of the late Dr Jan van Heerden, which is now on view at the Gallery.
Gallery owners, Brent Phillips-White and Mary Anne Botha, commented that the standard of the works on offer improves every year.
The silent auction, which took place before the main auction, had many prospective buyers speculating as to who the artists were - the canvasses are unsigned.
Once the actual bidding began, quite a few paintings were highly contested, no doubt to the delight of the artists. “Last Light” by Neels Coetzee which sold for R6 100.00, earned the highest bid of the evening.
Several of the artists were at the auction and were introduced to the crowd as their paintings were sold. When asked why they had submitted paintings and also attended the event, some replied: “It’s a wonderful social occasion and it’s a chance to meet other artists.”
Others remarked: “It’s when artists can support the Gallery, which is open all year round for them”, while yet another felt that: “The auction gets one painting and is motivating and inspiring.”
Some of the newer artists said that they loved being displayed alongside the big names! All agreed that through the auction’s support of the Art Department at Hoërskool Zwartberg, they were doing something for the young people of Prince Albert.
Well done, Mary Anne and Brent, for another delightful evening and to Clive van Hasselt for his auctioneering skills.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:26 PM
Labels: 30x40. exhibition
Van die Namibwoestyn tot Rusland tot Rotskuns in die Sederberge
- Denise Ohlson -
Die Prince Albert Kultuur-vereniging is ‘n lewenskragtige organisasie met 'n groeiende getal lede wat elke maand moeite doen om ‘n interessante aktiwiteit aan te bied. In Juliemaand is rolprentversamelaar Japie Gouws genooi om ‘n Afrikaanse film te kom wys. Uit sy versameling van 700 titels, waarvan sowat 150 Afrikaanse films is, het Japie se keuse geval op Jamie Uys se film Dirkie - wat dateer uit 1969. En wás dit ‘n gewilde keuse. Veertig mense het kaartjies gekoop, en al was dit ‘n koue aand, was almal daar toe die eerste klaviernote val en Jamie Uys in die hoofrol verskyn as konsertpianis…
Die mense wat die film by uitreiking gesien het, het dit weer net soveel geniet as diegene wat vir die eerste keer die dramatiese vliegtuigongeluk en die lewenswerklike oorlewingstryd van ‘n eensame figuurtjie in die ontsagwekkende Kalahariwoestyn ervaar het. Die rol van Dirkie is voortreflik gespeel deur Jamie se seun, Wynand Uys. Die wenresep van spanning en humor teen ‘n agtergrond van aangrypende natuurtonele het almal aan die einde spontaan laat hande klap.
Ter afsluiting is die heerlikste sop en geurigste brode saam met tuisgemaakte konfyt bedien en almal het gesellig nabetragting gehou. Juliana Nel was heel opgewonde om die ou Johannnesburg met sy bypassende motors en modes weer te kon sien en Adri Schoeman, nie bekend vir oordadige lofbetuiginge nie, het waardering gehad vir die kwaliteit van die film wat na bykans dertig jaar steeds geloofwaardig en oortuigend was.
Hierdie maand se aktiwiteit het saamgeval met die Kultuurvereniging se Algemene Jaarvergadering. Derek en Christine Thomas het hul onlangse besoek aan Rusland in ‘n pragtige skyfievertoning vir ‘n waarderende gehoor aangebied. Hul deurlopende kommentaar was besonder insiggewend - met Derek se insette as argitek en Christine se kunstenaarsoog het hulle die hartland van Rusland eg aanloklik uitgebeeld. Dié aand is ook afgesluit met ‘n lekker informele ete.
Van 19-21 September kan almal wat die rotskuns belangrik ag, saam met Judy Maguire na Sevilla en Salmansleegte in die Sederberge vertrek om meer te wete te kom van hierdie kultuurerfenis. Judy het ‘n arsenaal van kennis en haar entoesiasme is meesleurend – dit is pure plesier om saam met haar te “toer”. Die Toerismeburo het al die inligting, bespreek vroegtydig – daar is net 18 plekke beskikbaar. Of skakel Judy direk by 023 5411713.
Onthou, dit kos net R30 per jaar om aan te sluit by die Kultuurvereniging – kom word ‘n lid en verryk jou lewe!
Other projects which the Cultural Foundation has initiated are: the Water Indaba, 4th September, an open public information session on water issues affecting the whole community; and the Food Garden project with potential benefits for food security.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:25 PM
Labels: Kultuurvereniging
Skryfster in ons midde
- Denise Ohlson -
Annette Marais woon al 26 jaar op Prince Albert. Hier het sy saam met haar man, Wynand hul twee seuns grootgemaak, Jaco en Daneel, een skoondogter ryker geword, en vele gedigte geskryf.
As dogter van ‘n Afrikaans onderwyser in George – “n báie goeie onderwyser”, beklemtoon Annette – is sy van jongs af aangemoedig om te skryf, maar sy het gehou van voordrag. Tot sy in haar matriekjaar op ‘n dag verhoogvrees kry en, mooi rok en al, nie die gedig St Franciscus van Assisi kon voltooi nie. Toe sy die verhoog druipstert verlaat, het sy klaar besluit: “As ek dan nie kan praat nie, dan skryf ek.”
Op Wellington bekwaam sy haar as laerskoolonderwyseres en sy sou ook bitter graag die Sendingkursus daar wou doen, maar haar loopbaan neem haar na Wittedrif, waar sy ‘n gekombineerde grade-klassie van tien leerlinge het. Dis ‘n plek waar koeie op die netbalbaan verskyn, waar makoue en eende jou straat af volg en ‘n mak skaap by die dominee se voordeur niks snaaks is nie… Daarna gee sy Liggaamsopvoeding op Warrenton en sy beweeg steeds al nader aan haar kerk en die evangelie. Dit is vir haar ‘n groot hoogtepunt toe sy saam met die KJV die sendingvelde van die destydse Rhodesië besoek en ‘n toer na Israel meemaak.
In Knysna gee sy in Engels klas en geniet dit om haar skyfies oor Israel met belangstellendes te deel. Haar volgende pos is in Beaufort-Wes, waar sy byna 40 kinders in haar standerd 2-klas het. Hier is sy baie gelukkig, en dis ook die tyd dat sy Wynand by die KJV ontmoet. Hulle trou, begin met ‘n gesin, en verhuis ‘n dekade of wat later Prince Albert toe.
Soos elke regskape vrou en ma, beleef sy ook maar tye van vertwyfeling, depressie en mismoedigheid – en reik al meer haar hand uit na die pen om die negatiewe weg te skryf. Maar haar pennevrugte gaar sy op in ‘n kas, nie seker dat dit “goed genoeg” is nie. Haar “rymwerk” beskryf sy vandag nog as “nou wel nie waffers nie, maar darem”!
Adri Schoeman is die een wat haar oortuig om van haar werk te publiseer en saam bind hulle in 2006 in afgerolde formaat die Gebede-Gedigte.
In 2007 volg Die Leraart se Vrou: ‘n Vernuwende stukkie prosa wat jou dit plek-plek kliphard en vrolik laat uitlag. Verkwikkend, inderdaad! Annette sê haar skoonsuster Christa en haar vriendin Cotie, albei predikantsvroue, het haar oë oopgemaak vir die lewe in ‘n pastorie en sy het die leraarslewe met humor opgeteken uit die mond van die een wat “die vloere gepolies en later se tyd altyd die matte skoon gesye” het. Wat oor baie van die leraars se vroue wat weg is “gesnik” het, “gehyl” het, en “nie gehyl” het nie. En dan erkentlik getuig: “ Oor die waaroor ek nie gehyl het nie, moes ek my Liewenheer om verskoning vra.”
Vol deemoed verklaar die karakter: “’n Prerekant se vrou moet ‘n mens wees. Sy moet ammal enerster behandel, nes ons Liewenheer. Sy moet met die dokter se kjind praat en ôk met die Fererekjinners – al loop hulle neuste ôk so baie en is hulle so verslons.”
Annette se derde boekie, Lof uit Leed, het pas verskyn en is ‘n vesameling aangrypende geloofsverse. Dit is te koop by die Biblioteek teen R20. Die volgende verse is voorbeelde uit die bundel.
In bos, berg en klip, groen, purper, wit -
In die sagblou van die lug, in ‘n voëltjie se vlug,
In blomme so mooi met reënboogkleure getooi,
In ‘n ster se geflonker in die stik-stik donker,
kom Sy genade na vore -
dis ook in my gebore.
Dat ek ryk mag wees na gees,
Dat ek mag wandel, onbevrees,
Dat ek mag weet die aardse leed
is slegs ‘n kleine deel van die baie groot geheel
waar geestesrykdom wag –
genesing wat geeneen kan steel.
Annette gee alle dank en eer aan die Here; sy sê dat sy bid voor elke gedig wat sy skryf. Dat Adri haar so gehelp het om haar stof te sorteer en om haar drie boekies die lig te laat sien, is ook net genade. Sy is verheug dat twee verse ook pas opgeneem is in Interaksie – Kwartaallikse Skakelbrief van die Vrouelidmate van die NG Kerk in SA.
Aan inspirasie ontbreek dit Annette verseker nie. Sy oorweeg dit nou om Karakters in die Skrif, ‘n tema wat haar al lankal aanspreek, aan te pak. Vol entoesiasme vertel sy aan die Vriend dat die Verlore Seun haar gunsteling karakter is en dat sy sommer met hom sal begin!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:17 PM
From the Karoo to Land’s End
- André Jaquet -
If you have the good fortune to have lived in our lovely community for some years, you will instinctively know that the photograph of a heavily-laden motorcycle on this page must have something to do with Lindsay Steyn and wonder: “What has he been up to this time?” The answer: Lindsay and Jannie le Roux, a wine farmer and motorcycle enthusiast from Paarl, have just completed a 22 000 km overland trip on motorcycles from Prince Albert to Europe through 17 African countries and lived to tell the tale.
From Prince Albert their epic journey included Namibia, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, Western Sahara, and Morocco. They transferred to Spain, drove through Portugal and France to catch a ferry to Tilbury in the UK. Then, just for the fun of it, they did a trip from John O’ Groats to Land’s End!
Can this greying, middle-aged man who is chatting and drinking tea with me on the lovely stoep of his Dennehof guest house really have done this? When I express my surprise to Ria, Lindsay’s wife, she adds laconically that it is actually his second trip because her mad husband had done the East coast trip through Africa and wanted to see what the West coast would be like. She had advised him to go ahead when he first raised the idea because if he had wanted to do so since his childhood, he would regret getting older not having lived his dream.
During our short conversation Lindsay confirmed the hackneyed phrase that Africa is a continent of contrasts. For instance, one of the hazards they faced were mud holes so deep that they almost engulfed both motorcycles and riders. Then there were sectors which involved driving hundreds of kilometres in a day, without seeing any signs of human habitation or even vegetation. They also encountered sandstorms in the Sahara with the winds sandblasting the paint off their bikes. A most testing time was driving for hours on end, leaning over to one side to counter strong winds from the left or the right. At the same time, Lindsay was overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity he and Jannie encountered from ordinary folk wherever they went. On hearing they were South African, “Nelson Mandela!” and “Bafana Bafana!” was the common vocabulary!
I wondered aloud what advice he would give those who might want to follow in his tracks. Lindsay thought for a while and said that the secret of success was meticulous planning of every aspect of the trip. This included consulting anyone who had done similar journeys, luggage, visas, knowledge of Africa, superior fitness and the ability to adapt to the new and unexpected. And that was just for a start, before deciding to prepare seriously!
Lindsay is busy piecing together the diary he kept daily during the trip in order to write a book about the adventure. He has a small problem in that his diary did not take kindly to being totally immersed in one of the mud holes! Congratulations on your successful trip, Lindsay and Jannie. Please let us all know about the next adventure you are planning.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:16 PM
Labels: Motorcycle
Prince Albert Garden Club News
-Linda Jaquet-
Nineteen enthusiastic members attended the July Garden Club meeting at new Chairperson, Michael Upton’s Prince Albert Garden Guest House.
Introducing his committee’s plans for the next few months, Michael said that they looked forward to an exciting annual garden club competition to be held later in the year than usual, when gardens were in full bloom. Plant of the month was the kalenchoe.
Michael demonstrated how to make one’s own cuttings, using plants that are waterwise and grow well in Prince Albert, with lots of useful, practical tips for both beginners and more experienced gardeners.
He noted, for example, that he had a high success rate and only used hormone powder on olive tree cuttings.
Michael’s demonstration generated a discussion where Garden Club members shared problem-solving ideas, know-ledge in identifying various plants, and information on nurseries in the area. Any uncertainty as to how to overcome a plant’s problem was met with the exhortation: “Give it compost!”
The meeting ended with a stroll through Michael’s charming, eclectic garden followed by his legendary scones and tea. Everyone agreed that this meeting had set a high standard for the remainder of the Garden Club year.
The Prince Albert Garden Club meets once a month and visitors and new members are most welcome. For further information, please phone the Club’s Secretary, Dawn Viljoen, on 023 5411 832.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:15 PM
Labels: Garden club
From Camelot to Ketelbey
-Peter Mc Ewan-
An evening of nostalgic music and song from around the world will be presented by Chrisna and Peter on the 13th September at 18h00 at the Jans Rautenbach Schouwburg, 12 De Beer Street.
From Handel’s World of the Raging Nations (so what’s changed?) to the Highlands of Scotland, we start our travels to the South of England and King Arthur’s Legendary Camelot.
Or would you rather cross to the New World and join the first settlers in their discovery of the magnificent and wide Missouri River?
One can also look back and remember when we were young and could dance the whole night away to the village band with maids and bachelors or perhaps gentlemen of the road just passing through. Or how about visiting the warm and languid islands of the South Pacific?
We experience the magic of the European composers of the 19th century skilfully brought to us by the fingers of our very own concert pianist Chrisna Smit.
She’ll be playing works by Friedrich Burg Müller, Edward McDowell, Chopin and Albert Ketèlbey.
We are negotiating the appearance of a mystery Persian dancer. How can we play Ketèlbey without one?
If you enjoyed our last concert then this one is definitely not to be missed.
Tickets are available at R50 per person from the Tourism Office.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:03 PM
Labels: music
Landbougrond is steeds Landbougrond – Hoogste hof
- Philip de Bruin, Johannesburg -
Landbougrond, soos dit tans in Suid-Afrika bestaan, sal voortaan permanent landbougrond bly.
Dié bevel is Vrydag [25 Julie 2008] deur tien van die elf regters van die konstitusionele hof uitgevaardig. Daarmee is ‘n einde gebring aan ‘n jare lange wipplankryery in die howe oor of daar hoegenaamd nog iets soos landbougrond in Suid-Afrika is, omdat “elke sentimeter grond” in die land tans onder die beheer van munisipaliteite of metrorade is.
Die regsonsekerheid oor die landbougrond het begin toe die maatskappy Wary Holdings in 2004 ‘n stuk grond naby Port Elizabeth aan die maatskappy Stalwo verkoop het.
Later het dit geblyk dat die grond baie meer werd is as die verkoopprys. Wary Holdings het toe aangevoer dat die transaksie met Stalwo nietig is, omdat die grond landbougrond is en die verlof van die minister dus nodig was voordat die transaksie beklink kon word.
Stalwo het op sy beurt aangevoer dat dit nie landbougrond is nie, omdat dit onder die beheer van die Nelson Mandela-metroraad val. Stalwo se argument was dat alle grond in Suid-Afrika ingevolge huidige wette oor plaaslike bestuur onder die beheer van metrorade of munisipale rade val en dat grond wat vroeër as landbougrond bekend gestaan het, dus nou nie meer landbougrond is nie.
Die appèlhof het verlede jaar met Stalwo saamgestem.
Nou het die konstitusionele hof egter beslis dat ‘n bepaling wat in die 1990’s ten tyde van die sogenaamde “oorgangsrade” in die Wet op die Onderverdeling van Landbougrond verskyn het en wat bepaal dat erkende landbougrond as sodanig sal bly voortbestaan totdat die tussentydse munisipale indeling later in die 1990’s verval het, steeds van krag is.
Dit kon nooit die bedoeling van die wetgewer gewees het dat die betrokke bepaling sal verval sodra die destydse tussentydse rade met permanente rade vervang is, is bevind.
Die konstitusionele hof het bevind dat die minister dus inderdaad toestemming moes gegee het vir die Wary-Stalwo-transaksie. Omdat dit nié gedoen is nie, is die transaksie dus nietig.
In die praktyk bring dit mee dat alle landbougrond in die land voortaan landbougrond bly en dat die minister eers moet toestem voordat dit verkoop of andersins vervreem mag word.
Prof Tom Coetzee, regskenner van die Potchefstroomkampus van die Universiteit van Noordwes, het in reaksie op die uitspraak gesê dit is “verstandig en tot voordeel van die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie”. Elke land se regering moet landbougrond jaloers beskerm. As die appèlhof se uitspraak deur die konstitusionele hof aanvaar sou word, sou dit meebring dat ontwikkelaars byvoorbeeld van die land se top-landbougrond kon aankoop vir ontwikkelings soos vakansieoorde, hotels en selfs dobbelplekke.
“Suid-Afrika sou dan baie gou sonder voldoende landbougrond gesit het en boere sou nie genoeg kos kon produseer nie. Kos sou uiteindelik ten duurste uit die buiteland ingevoer moes word. Ek meen die uitspraak is tot voordeel van boere, die publiek en veral die land se ekonomie.”
Die berig het eers in Die Burger van 28 Julie 2008 verskyn.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:55 PM
Labels: Landbou
Herwin is Ons Toekoms
- Denise Ohlson -
Prince Albert kan met reg trots wees op herwinningswerkers Celester Masango, Pieter Schreuders, Jan Deelman, Niklaas van Rensburg en Basie Tolken. Hier is hulle hard aan die sorteer by die nuut ingerigte Herwinningsplaas. Die munisipaliteit het ‘n stewige draadhok opgerig, met skadu-afdakke waaronder die manne sorteerwerk doen. Inwoners sal die werkers grootliks te hulp kom en baie man-ure spaar deur hul herwinbare materiaal by die huis al te skei van onherwinbare vullis – soos uiteengesit op bl 21.
Voltydse werkers Basie Tolken en Josef Delport (met verlof toe die foto geneem is) het opleiding in Oudtshoorn ontvang en hulle is vaardig om die ander manne te help en is besonder entoesiasties oor die projek. Basie sê: “ Ons werk almal baie lekker saam – ons is gelukkig om so in die buitelug te kan werk en ‘n bydrae te maak tot ons dorp se besoedelingsprobleme.”
Baie mense voel dalk dat die uitdagings van besoedeling en aardverwarming só oorweldigend is dat dit ‘n onbegonne taak is om daarteen te probeer wal gooi, maar as elkeen van ons net ons herwinbare papier, karton, blikkies en glas in die sakke uitsit wat die munisipaliteit (gratis) daarvoor beskikbaar stel, sal ons in Prince Albert ‘n navolgbare verskil maak.
Met die eerste besending is 1,438 kg afval verkoop vir R995,25. Die vervoerkoste was R460 – wat ‘n wins van R535,25 opgelewer het! As hierdie projek so suksesvol volgehou gaan word, sal dit nog meer werkgeleenthede skep en Prince Albert sal boonop die geleentheid hê om die “Skoonste dorp”-kompetisie te wen.
Die Vaste Afval Bestuursforum maak verskoning dat die vorige kennisgewing van vergadering belangstellendes nie betyds bereik het nie, maar almal word genooi na die eerskomende vergadering op Woensdag, 10 September, in die Munisipale Raadsaal om 17h00.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:55 PM
Labels: herwinning
Jy is nooit te oud om te leer nie
- Linda Jaquet -
Prince Albert se Onderburgemeester, Magdalena Benjamin, het saam met Dulcie Claassen van Aloe cc ‘n Bewustheidsdag oor Volwasse Geletterdheid amptelik op 13 Augustus geopen. Aloe cc, wat die Onderwysdepartement se program vir Volwasse Onderwys en Opleiding (VOO) in Prince Albert bestuur, het die Bewustheidsdag georganiseer.
Die dag het afgeskop met ‘n sakeontbyt by die Swartberg Hotel, bygewoon deur beamptes van die Wes-Kaap se Departement van Onderwys, Learning Cape (‘n inisiatief wat lewenslange geleerdheid aanmoedig), plaaslike sakelui en kerk- en gemeenskapsleiers.
Aloe cc het ook ‘n loopbaanuitstalling in die VGK se saal georganiseer. Belangstellendes, insluitende ‘n groep Graad 11 leerders van Hoërskool Zwartberg, het die geleentheid benut om studiemoontlikhede en werksgeleenthede met verteenwoordigers van UNISA, Suid-Kaap Kollege en die Departement van Arbeid te bespreek.
Leerders is ingelig dat ‘n ope dag op 5 September by die Suid-Kaap Kollege in Oudtshoorn gehou word wat ‘n toer van die kampus, inligtingsessies en vaardigheidstoetse insluit. Op 6 September kan studente gratis by die Kollege en by ander soortgelyke opleidingskolleges in die Wes-Kaap inskryf.
Die Bewustheidsdag het op ‘n hoë noot beeindig: ‘n aantal trotse Prince Alberters het hulle VOO diplomas na ‘n jaar se harde werk ontvang. Aloe cc het Soedan (‘n land waar onderwys onder meisies tot onlangs redelik beperk was) as die tema van die oorhandigingseremonie gekies. Vroue, aangetrek in tradisionele Soedanese drag, het die saal in ‘n kleurryke towerwêreld verander wat almal teenwoordig aan die gedrag, gewoontes, geloof en ge-skiedenis van die land blootgestel het.
Graad 12 sertifikate is aan Amanda Hoorn, Magdalena Coetzee, Annelise Koorts, Annastatia Andries, Jeffrey Jantjies en Randall Wagenaar toegeken. Sannie April, Eluize Fodor, Agnes Arendse, Spasiena Schreuders, Magrieta Waterboer, Angelique Wanie, Petronella Stalmeester en Sophie Muller het verskeie leerareas as deel van hulle Vlak 4 (Graad 9) studies voltooi. Jakob Willemse het Vlak 4 voltooi en is nou reeds besig met Graad 12. Diplomas in rekenaarstudie (N3) is ook aan Abraham Esua en Anna van Der Horst toegeken.
Magdalena Benjamin se woorde: “Jy is nooit te oud om te leer nie”, is alte waar en sal altyd ‘n aansporing wees vir leergieriges.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:54 PM
Labels: Leer
“Tolbossies” het natuurlike talent ontgun
- Denise Ohlson -
Wie het die afgelope maand ‘n bakkie sien ry met singende kinders op, elke Maandag- en Dinsdagmiddag, net ná skool?
Dis die sestien leerlinge van Prince Albert Primêr en agt van Hoërskool Zwartberg wat twee maande lank gratis dramaklasse neem by Marijke Coornaert (skilder Philip Willem Badenhorst se vrou) terwyl sy in Prince Albert bly. Die bedoeling is om die kinders die basiese tegnieke van drama te leer, en wanneer Marijke volgende keer kom en vir ’n jaar in Prince Albert gaan bly, wil sy na ’n toneelproduksie toe werk.
Marijke was die laaste vyftien jaar lektrise in Drama aan die Koninklijke Balletschool van Antwerpen en by ’n skool wat spesialiseer in Woordkuns-Drama. As regisseur was sy betrokke by meer as twintig teaterproduksies en drie films.
Marijke sê: “Ek het al baie mooi dinge sien gebeur. Daar is egte, natuurlike talent tussen hierdie kinders. Tolbossies vind ek ‘n mooi naam vir die groep : lewendig, speels en kan-nie-stil-sit-nie. Die verskil met die Belgiese kinders is dat ek hier nie opwarmings-oefeninge moet gee nie, maar eerder konsentrasie-oefeninge.
“Maar ons lag baie, ook as hulle my snaakse Afrikaans soms nie verstaan nie. Sommige noem my ‘Mevrou’, ander ‘Marijke’, maar die grootste klomp sê ‘Roxy.’ Toe ek hulle vra of die naam afgelei is van my fiets met die naam ‘Rocky’ is, skreeu hulle soos een man: ‘Néé... Dis die vrou van die Sewende Laan!’
“Ek voel ek kan ’n bydrae lewer - naas die eensame besigheid van skryf - hier in die pragtige dorp waar ek en Philip so gelukkig is.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:52 PM
Labels: Teater
Prince Albert Primêr se netbal-span onoorwonne
- Berenice Ewerts -
Prince Albert Primêr se o/13 netbal-span verdien hulle nuwe uitrusting na hulle oorwinnings teen talle skole. Die uitrusting is deur een van ons ouers, Brenda Fillies, gemaak.
Op 7 Augustus 2008 het die span teen Dysselsdorp Primêr gespeel en 11 – 1 gewen. Hulle het weer op 14 Augustus geseëvier toe hulle teen Colridge Primêr van Oudtshoorn gespeel het. Dié keer was die finale telling 11 – 5. Ons wens hulle alle sterkte toe op die pad vorentoe.
Dit is nie net die o/13 span wat kan spog nie. Die o/12 span het vir Den-Marsha Arendse wat vanjaar die SWD-span gehaal het. Ons skool is baie trots op haar.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:51 PM
Mnr en Mej Zwartbergie 2008
- Nina Vermeulen -
Woensdag 6 Augustus, was ‘n groot aand vir leerders van Hoërskool Zwartberg – die aand van die kroning van Mnr en Mej Zwartbergie vir Graad 2 – 7. Die geleentheid was ’n fondsinsamelingprojek vir die Graad 11 klas vir hulle matriekafskeid.
Daar was 31 deelnemers wat volgens graad en geslag in kategorieë ingedeel is. Die aand het bestaan uit drie afdelings: somersdrag, wintersdrag en formele drag of ”fancy dress.”
Daar was ’n verskeidenheid karakters op die loopplank te siene. Shaun het almal beïndruk met sy bykomstighede van ’n teddie en kombers by sy slaapklere en niemand kan Reuben se maagspiere vergeet wat hy vir somersdrag vertoon het nie! Die spanning agter die gordyne het skoon verdwyn op die loopplank.
Ons beoordelaars, Reinie Smit, Yvette Breedt en Ronel Fourie het ’n moeilike taak gehad, maar hulle het die volgende wenners aangewys:
Graad 2 - 4 meisies
Mej Zwartbergie: Nicole Frieslaar
1ste Prinses: Drieske Marais
2de Prinses: Beualah Berdien
Graad 2 – 4 seuns
Mnr Zwartbergie: Shaun van Zyl
1st Prins: Hegan Pipes
Graad 6 - 7 meisies
Mej Zwartbergie: Ismari le Grange
1st Prinses: Petra April
2de Prinses: Lauren Maritz
Graad 6 - 7 seuns
Mnr Zwartbergie: Reuben Esterhuizen
1st Prins: Nelius Koorts
2de Prins: Theo Kleinhans
Baie dankie aan elkeen wat die moed gehad het om deel te neem. Julle het pragtig gelyk.
’n Spesiale dank aan ons beoordelaars en die borge van die pryse:
- Café Albert
- Lazy Lizard
- Ansie Vermeulen
- Ronel Fourie.
Sonder julle sou daar nie ’n Mnr and Mej Zwartbergie kon wees nie.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:50 PM
Labels: Mnr en Mej Zwartbergie
Albert College Trio receive English Olympiad certificates
- Ailsa Tudhope -
Towards the end of 2007 Abigail Modra, Joshua Swanepoel and Matthew van Heerden started studying the material for the 2008 English Olympiad. The theme was Court in the Act: The Law on Stage. Besides reading extracts from the set texts they were able to watch films of The Merchant of Venice, Twelve Angry Men, The Winslow Boy and an episode of Boston Legal.
Lots of writing and discussion followed. The writing included slogans for posters which might have been displayed by the crowd at Antonio’s trial, character studies of the Twelve Angry Men, a script for a television play about a chat show in which prejudice was discussed and much more.
All the preparation paid dividends when Abigail received a Bronze Award and the boys both achieved Merit Awards. This prestigious and demanding competition encourages young people in senior schools to read widely, with insight and to develop their writing skills.
The examination includes a long and a shorter piece of writing, which are assessed for content, style and language. The standard is extremely high and the rewards substantial: the top hundred candidates each receive entrance scholarships to Rhodes University and the top three enjoy a trip to England.
Now that they have experienced the examination and have a sense of the requirements, Abigail, Joshua and Matthew have enthusiastically registered for the 2009 competition. We look forward to all the reading, heated discussion and writing ahead.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:49 PM
Labels: Albert College
“Litterbug” takes on a new meaning
- Ailsa Tudhope -
The Grade Four English Home language class at Hoërskool Zwartberg were enthusiastic participants in the litter clean-up campaign held last term. The event coincided with their starting a chapter in their language books about the Wombles, the dangers of pollution and our responsibility for caring for the Earth. One of the activities was to write a description of a Litterbug. When we started chatting about it I was astounded to find that their definition of a litterbug wasn’t someone who drops sweet wrappers but a creature that goes out to clean up litter. Now, there might be those who think I am an irresponsible language teacher who should have taught them the proper definition, but I believe their take on the whole business is marvellous, so they gaily set about drawing and describing their brand of the bug.
This term we invited Imke Maeyer and Ellen Joubert, organisers of the clean-up and recycling projects in Prince Albert, to visit the classroom to see their litterbug pictures and hear them read their descriptions. Imke and Ellen thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were able to provide our young anti-litter campaigners with an update on the recycling project, encouraging them to spread the word and get others involved.
Here are some extracts from their litterbug descriptions:
Louis van der Nests’ litterbug is Nosy: “…he sucks the litter through his nose, his wings are lights so in the night he can put his lights on to see in the dark.” Thomas Gous’ Pinky “…lives under tables and eats every type of litter.” Greeny, created by Germari Steyn, …eats rubbish like paper, bottles and plastic.” Lisa Esterhuizen’s Kinkerdew “…sucks up oil from the sea and gives it to farmers to use in their tractors.” Marjohandi Fourie’s Linky “…picks up rubbish,” and Andrew Steyn’s Taily “… sucks all the pollution up his tail.”
They all listed a hint to help us stop polluting: Use a car that works on bio-diesel, pick up rubbish left in the road, tell the government to make littering illegal, do not throw litter around and recycle everything that can be recycled. Let’s follow their advice and make them as proud of us as I am of them.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:49 PM
PA Primêr kry ‘n spog nuwe bus
- Samuel Delport -
Vir die personeel, ouers en leerders van Prince Albert Primêr kan die slapies nie gou genoeg omgaan sodat hulle hul nuwe bus kan kry nie. U het reg gelees, hierdie eenvoudige skool gaan sy eie bus kry.
Die betrokke ouers, beheerliggaam en personeel het besluit: “Genoeg is genoeg! Ons weier om verder te sukkel met ordentlike vervoer vir ons leerders.” Hulle het na vele konsultasie uiteindelik besluit om die bus – met 35 sitplekke - te koop. Die bus sal eersdaags sy opwagting by die skool maak en hierdie ge-leentheid sal op luisterryke wyse met ouers, kringbestuurders en die publiek gevier word.
Groot fondsinsamelings-pogings gaan aangepak word om die paaiemente maandeliks by te bring. Op 5 September begin die skool dan met ‘n reuse snoekbraai. Kaartjies is R25 vir ‘n stuk snoek en twee slaaie, voorwaar ‘n weggee prys. Belangstellendes kan hierdie kaartjies by die personeel van Prince Albert Primêr kry.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:48 PM
Labels: PA Primêr
Prince Albert Primêr Skaak Nuus
- Neville Claassen -
Ons het 2008 afgeskop met baie beginnerspelers, maar die entoesiasme wat die spelers aan die dag gelê het, het ‘n mens gou laat vergeet dat hulle beginners is.
Aan die einde van die SWD-proewe op 10 Mei is drie spelers in die SWD-span opgeneem en sal vanaf 8 tot 18 Desember aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Junior Kampioenskappe te Potchefstroom gaan deelneem. Maurice Claassen (o/12), Roberto Galant (o/16) en Jonathan van Rooyen (o/10) sal ons skool en ons dorp se naam gaan hoog hou. Maurice Claassen het ook of 24 Mei in Stellenbosch die SWD verteenwoordig by die All Age Games en het die Wes-Kaap span gehaal.
Op 9 Augustus het twee gemengde spanne die skool verteenwoordig by die Topskole kompetisie in Riversdal. Die dogterspan sal die skool en SWD verteenwoordig in Swellendam tydens die Interprovinsiale Topskole kompetisie vanaf 26 tot 28 September. Die span, Annestine van Rooyen, Willicia Reed, Edlynne Hattingh, Desline Delport, Ilze van der Ross en Misha Schreuders (in die foto bo) word alle sterkte toegewens.
Ons nuwe seisoen het 1 Augustus begin en ons hoop dat daar vele ander leerders by die skaak sal kom aansluit.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:47 PM
Labels: Skaakt
Put Spring in Your Step
- Terry Barnato -
As the mornings get lighter, Zwartberg Runners come out of their winter holes and hit the road again. We have been running during the winter but have kept it low key! But now there is nothing like donning a pair of tekkies and heading out in the mornings again to celebrate spring!
That’s why on 23 September at 18h00 we’re holding a fun Spring Relay. We’ll rejoice in the arrival of spring and at the same time, raise awareness of Prince Albert’s new waste recycling project. Use your imagination and come as an old baked beans tin in a team of four other tins... all ready for recycling! Fancy dress is optional, of course, but we would love to have you join us. There are prizes to be won and lots of fun to be had. We need your support. Please see our ad in this newspaper for more information.
Our cross country training at Hoërskool Zwartberg is a very encouraging. Every Monday and Wednesday afternoon we have an average of eight learners attending in addition to our other young club members. After doing some simple warm up exercises, we head out on a run of 3km, or 5km for the fitter ones!
It has been great to see the same steady group show up every week and what's more, they are really enjoying it! For us, that's the main objective.... to enjoy getting and staying fit! There's nothing like running to get the blood pumping and the result is a healthy feeling of well-being! Thanks to our school runners for their great spirit!
Another recent initiative: every Saturday morning we gather at the Lazy Lizard at 07h00 for a run that accommodates everyone who wants to join in. We all clamber into a kombi and some get dropped off on the Swartberg Pass to run a 15km route back to Prince Albert, while others start at various intervals along the roads towards the town, depending on what they feel up to doing. Whether you want to run a half marathon that morning or walk 5km, there is a place for you! Ask the four-year old who ran from Gay’s Dairy to the Lazy Lizard! Come along and join us!
Thanks to all our loyal club members who keep us going and who are always there with help and support every step of the way. A good spring to you and to all in Prince Albert!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:46 PM
Labels: Running, Zwartberg runners