Sunday, August 31, 2008

Put Spring in Your Step

- Terry Barnato -

As the mornings get lighter, Zwartberg Runners come out of their winter holes and hit the road again. We have been running during the winter but have kept it low key! But now there is nothing like donning a pair of tekkies and heading out in the mornings again to celebrate spring!

That’s why on 23 September at 18h00 we’re holding a fun Spring Relay. We’ll rejoice in the arrival of spring and at the same time, raise awareness of Prince Albert’s new waste recycling project. Use your imagination and come as an old baked beans tin in a team of four other tins... all ready for recycling! Fancy dress is optional, of course, but we would love to have you join us. There are prizes to be won and lots of fun to be had. We need your support. Please see our ad in this newspaper for more information.

Our cross country training at Hoërskool Zwartberg is a very encouraging. Every Monday and Wednesday afternoon we have an average of eight learners attending in addition to our other young club members. After doing some simple warm up exercises, we head out on a run of 3km, or 5km for the fitter ones!

It has been great to see the same steady group show up every week and what's more, they are really enjoying it! For us, that's the main objective.... to enjoy getting and staying fit! There's nothing like running to get the blood pumping and the result is a healthy feeling of well-being! Thanks to our school runners for their great spirit!

Another recent initiative: every Saturday morning we gather at the Lazy Lizard at 07h00 for a run that accommodates everyone who wants to join in. We all clamber into a kombi and some get dropped off on the Swartberg Pass to run a 15km route back to Prince Albert, while others start at various intervals along the roads towards the town, depending on what they feel up to doing. Whether you want to run a half marathon that morning or walk 5km, there is a place for you! Ask the four-year old who ran from Gay’s Dairy to the Lazy Lizard! Come along and join us!

Thanks to all our loyal club members who keep us going and who are always there with help and support every step of the way. A good spring to you and to all in Prince Albert!

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