- Derek Thomas -
On the fourth day September, the generally accepted start of Spring, the Prince Albert Cultural Foundation hosted the first Water Indaba ever held in the town. The intention was clear – water is the lifeblood of the town and, deriving from a relatively small Dorps river catchment, is a precious resource under the pressure of a growing demand. The Indaba was an informationsharing session which highlighted the need for dialogue between all the role players about the present and future management of a scarce resource.
To open the Indaba Mary Anne Botha clarified the role of water in underpinning the cultural life of Prince Albert, and indeed the very existence of the town. The course of the river and the alluvial plain from the time of Zacharias de Beer has created an imprint which still reads on the physical landscape, giving the town its unique character – a pattern of agricultural food production, the water erven, oasislike in the context of the Great Karoo. Due to the resourcefulness of its founders, no external energy is needed to coax along the flow of water in the irrigation furrow – by gravity it reaches almost into every corner of the town's agricultural landscape.
Recently the alignment of the 'leiwater furrow was charted by the Foundation for the first time! Until now its route along and under streets only existed as a mental map in the minds of the generations of townsfolk who have managed the water to serve the town's domestic and agricultural needs. If, in modern times, the way of life of Prince Albert is to be maintained, it is imperative that water not be alienated from the productive lands it has serviced for countless generations whether or not these are worked farmlands at present. Food security in the global context is a disturbing fact, only confronted if it is brought to the fore in local planning.
The organising committee conceived the Water Indaba as an open session. Therefore, the Department of Water Affairs, the Prince Albert Municipality, Dr Ricky Murray of Groundwater Africa (and advisor to the municipality) and the Kweekvallei Irrigation Board (KIB) were all invited to respond to water issues. The contributions comprised a balanced picture of where Prince Albert stands today and will be in the future should the water resource be managed and administered well.
Dr Ricky Murray is an expert in groundwater reserves and, as a consultant to the Municipality, has for the past few years directed current water practice regarding domestic and agricultural needs. The escalation in water demand has to a large extent been met effectively by the current water plan: domestic supply from boreholes drawn from natural aquifers which are recharged on a more regulated basis, and agricultural water fed through the historic 'leiwater' system, but with a more assured supply even during summer peak periods.
The disturbing principle that "the Reserve (forming part of the Act) should not be at the expense of all development" means: in a critical water situation human consumption should take priority, which gives a different emphasis to the issue of priority.
The Indaba yielded some useful pointers on current policy and interaction. Mayor Gay van Hasselt was pragmatic about the Municipality's reliance on outside expertise and guidance in its decisionmaking process. She invited assistance wherever it was relevant, for example, at the request from a participant from the floor, the contract for the proposed pipeline to the Poort would be made available for review.
Mr Kallie Erasmus, the speaker on behalf of the KIB, explained that the Board carries out its mandate in terms of the historical legislation in terms of which it was constituted. It has no formal policies. Its current function is to maintain the furrow system and manage the existing water rights – 'leibeurte'.
The Indaba certainly highlighted the following issues:
The fact that current ad hoc decisionmaking on matters of equitable water distribution and management does not serve the community well. Serious scenario planning holds the key to the way forward.
The projected saving of water after the installation of the long–awaited pipeline from the offtake in the mountain to the waterworks outside the town needs to be distributed equitably to serve priority needs after consultation with the community.
A solution has to be found for the unaccounted for volume of water which is lost after the water reaches the waterworks.
The ecology of the Dorps river appears not to be monitored or maintained on a regulated basis. A focussed management policy would need to address this shortcoming.
Dr Ricky Murray is to be thanked for participating and bringing the Water Indaba to a close with the wisdom which goes with good stewardship. For the future he spoke of the need for a vision and urged all role players to develop a strategy, determine a threshold for development, use solid guidance, work towards what the community wants the town to be like in twenty years time.
The Prince Albert Cultural Foundation would like to thank all the invited speakers, and all those who participated in this Water Indaba. The Foundation regrets that as a voluntary organisation it is not always able to afford to duplicate its functions in both languages.
Water was the drawcard, which knows no language barriers, and the hosting of this Water Indaba should be seen as an important a start to a long term vision for Prince Albert.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:48 PM
Labels: Water
Letters - Briewe
Town’s disgraceful entrance
We recently made an extensive trip through parts of the Western Cape – travelling up the West Coast as far as Kammieskroon, then across to Nieuwoudtville, along to Prince Albert and then home via Oudtshoorn, Knysna, George and Mossel Bay.
The area which proved to be the dirtiest, most shocking and an absolute disgrace, on an otherwise memorable trip, was the entrance to Prince Albert. I cannot understand how your Municipality has allowed this to become the problem it has. There must be an acceptable and easy solution to the litter in an otherwise pristine and well- maintained area of so much historical and picturesque value.
We don’t like to complain and have made this observation as proud and committed South African citizens.
(A copy of this letter has been sent to the Acting Municipal Manager as a matter of courtesy.)
Vrae aan die Munisipaliteit
Graag sal ek verneem waarom ons in Prince Albert nie ook ons Munisipale rekeninge by die poskantoor kan betaal nie. Advertensies in die media moedig mense aan om hulle rekeninge by die poskantoor te betaal…daar is nogal pryse ook aan verbonde. Ongelukkig deel Prince Alberters nie in hierdie voorreg nie. Ek glo deur die Munisipale rekening by die poskantoor te betaal dit baie voordele inhou, want die Munisipaliteit maak vroeg toe en is Saterdae ook nie oop nie.
Ek het dit al twee keer onder die Munisipaliteit se aandag gebring dat ‘n restaurant aan die noordelike ingang van Kerkstraat wat vir jare nou al gesluit is, nog steeds prominent adverteer wat toeriste verwar. Persoonlik het ek dit al onder-vind dat toeriste moes terugdraai tot groot frustrasie omdat die plek nie meer operasioneel is nie. Kan die advertensie nie maar verwyder word nie? Wie se taak is dit?
Verder stel ek voor dat die parkie op die hoek van Park- en Kerkstraat moontlik toegerus word met karavaan of kampstaanplekke. Die rede hiervoor is dat baie navraag by my aan huis ontvang word vir oornagfasiliteite, veral vanaf motorfietsryers en persone wat net een nag of ‘n naweek wil oorstaan. Dit behoort nie te ‘n groot onkoste te wees nie, want water en elektrisiteit is reeds daar beskikbaar. Al wat verder nodig word, is ‘n klein gerieweblok met twee toilette en storte. Die mooi bome en die ligging van die perseel is aantreklik en sentraal. Wat van geraas? Moderne motorfietse raas nie en wat kan meer raas as die groot transportlorries met staalbakke en lugremme? Ons is ‘n dorp wat toeriste lok. Dit gebeur almeer dat hier nêrens akkommodasie beskikbaar is nie, en dan wyk van die besoekers na Klaarstroom of omliggende dorpe uit.
(‘n Afskrif van hierdie brief is om hoflikheidshalwe aan die Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder gestuur.)
Baie dankie oom Carinus
Namens die Graad 11-klas wil ek net vir oom Carinus Koorts dankie sê vir die koedoe wat hy geskenk het as prys vir ons fondsinsameling. Met die lootjie verkope het ons R2 990.00 ingesamel. Sonder oom se bydra sou ons nie hierdie bedrag kon insamel nie!
Ek wil ook dankie sê aan al die mense wat ons ondersteun het deur `n lootjie te koop. Die trekking het 1 September plaasgevind en die gelukkige wenner van die koedoe was Fransiena Moos.
Bekommerde Ouer
Hiermee wil ek as inwoner, maar veral as ‘n bekommerde ouer, met die gemeenskap van Prince Albert ‘n ernstige en kommerwekkende tendens deel. Ek is ‘n ouer van twee kinders onderskeidelik 6 en 9jaar oud. As skoliere by Hoërskool Zwartberg moet hulle gebruik maak van openbare vervoer omdat die afstand eenvoudig vir hulle te ver is om alleen te loop. Nou is ek baie bly oor ‘n paar taxis wat beskikbaar is om ons kinders te vervoer.
My bekommernis is dit:
- Hoeveel van hierdie taxi’s (karre ingesluit) is wettig in ons dorp? Is hulle wettig geregistreer en het hulle die nodige permitte?
- Beskik die bestuurders oor die nodige rybewyse en openbare bestuurspermitte om mense te vervoer?
As jy nie seker is dat hierdie reëls / vereistes in plek is nie, word jou kinders dalk onwettig vervoer en as hulle in ‘n ongeluk beseer raak, het jy GEEN eis nie.
Ek sal bly wees as die plaaslike verkeers-polisie hierdie saak kan ondersoek, want ek is lief vir my kinders en besorgd oor hulle veiligheid. Ek wil graag hierdie versekering hê dat as my kinders soggens die huis verlaat, hulle op pad skooltoe in die beste sorg moontlik vervoer word en hulle lewe (sover menslik moontlik) verseker is.
Ek sal bly wees as die Plaaslike Munisipale Owerheid my op my vraag in die Prince Albert Vriend kan antwoord. ‘n Lys van geregistreerde taxi’s sal nogal ‘n aanbeveling wees. Dan weet ons van wie se dienste wettig gebruik gemaak kan word.
Prince Albert Women in Action
After successfully implementing two projects this year, at their August meeting the Prince Albert Women in Action (PAWA) looked at a new focus for the upcoming months.
Several ideas were discussed in the context of contributing to the Municipality’s Local Economic Development (LED), which has called for proposals in the fields of tourism and small business development.
I am talking to a jewellery designer from Johannesburg, who has been working with empowerment beading projects for women in Mpumalanga. She is considering setting up an initiative in Prince Albert, similar to Monkeybiz in Cape Town, to produce her new range. Local women receive beads, work from home and are paid for their production, which is then sold through the Monkeybiz shop in the Waterkant. It is a simple concept which has worked wonders for women both in terms of self-esteem and hard cash to raise their children.
My wish is to see this happen sooner rather than later, as the number of small street children begging is on the rise again, in spite of more soup kitchens in town. If children – and their mothers - are not living a productive and nurtured life, society will not be productive and nurturing. Handouts are not the way to empower women in the long term – teaching them to discover and develop their real marketable skills is. They can pass this invaluable knowledge on to their children later on.
Another important project would be the creation of a dance school for the many talented children in Prince Albert. The local school performance, “Around the World”, revealed a rich talent just waiting to be nurtured. Business people could support such an initiative and assist the school personnel in raising corporate and private funding for such a project.
I believe local professional women can raise the bar in establishing a level of excellence for society in general. Role models can come from all sectors of society, but highly significant are those informed, independent women who join hands in excellence and good governance across all societal and politically imposed divides.
Prince Albert Women in Action
Ons Groet
Ons verlaat Prince Albert na byna 17 jaar om by ons kinders te gaan woon op Krugersdorp. Ons sê tot siens aan al ons vriende en kennisse en sê dankie vir al julle vriendskap en liefde. Wees gegroet
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:46 PM
Sterreprag oor Prince Albert
- Hans Daehne -
In Oktober word die beweging van die planete en die sterrebeelde wat in September mooi duidelik geword het, voortgesit. Die winterkonstellasies en saam met hulle Jupiter, wat in die Boogskutter is, beweeg al nader na die westelike horison om van die hemeltoneel te ver-dwyn.
Omdat Jupiter 12 jaar neem om om die son te wentel, is hy elke jaar in `n ander sterrebeeld van die diereriem en dus beweeg hy nou na die Steenbok toe. Op die oomblik is hy nog baie helder, en bokant ons koppe te sien naby die handvatsel van die teepot in die Boogskutter maar op 1 Desember sal hy op gelyke hoogte met Venus naby die westelike horison wees, met die sekelmaan onder die twee om `n “glimlag-gesiggie” te vorm. Dit sal op sy beste te sien wees vanaf Gordon`s Koppie.
Mercurius in Virgo word in Oktober weer `n oggendobjek tesame met Saturnus (in Leo) terwyl die aandster Venus (in Libra, later in Scorpius) met magnitude -3.9 die helderste hemelsobjek sal wees na Jupiter (mag. -2.3).
Mars, wat deur ses diereriem sterrebeelde per jaar jaag, is in `n wedloop betrokke na oos deur Virgo en Libra terwyl dié sterrebeelde na wes beweeg.
Die slotsom van bogenoemde is dat niks in die hemelruim stil staan nie, en alle bewegings wat ons waarneem vanaf ons bewegende uitkykpunt relatief is.
Volmaan is op die 14de Oktober en Nuwemaan op die 29ste.
Die grootste eksperiment op sterrekundige terrein is in September aangeskakel, naamlik die Large Hadron Collider (LHC) wat 100 m ondergronds op die grens tussen Switserland en Frankryk gebou is. Dit is `n sirkelvormige partikelversneller van 27 km wat protone verkieslik tot die spoed van lig moet versnel en hulle dan met mekaar moet laat bots. Die verwagte uitkoms van die eksperiment sal `n kortstondige gravitasiekolk en die skepping van nuwe partikels kan wees. Dit sal hopelik binnekort vir almal baie interessante resultate oplewer. Raadpleeg Google onder LHC vir verdere inligting.
In Oktober word dit ook om ander redes baie spannend in die ruimte bo ons, want die Hubble Ruimteteleskoop word dan vir die vyfde en laaste keer deur die Ruimtependeltuig Atlantis gevang vir `n diens en opgradering. Omdat die pendeltuig nie vanaf die Hubble Ruimteteleskoop na die Internasionale Ruimtestasie kan uitwyk in `n noodgeval nie, moet `n tweede pendeltuig, die Endeavour, op gereedheid geplaas word indien `n reddingspoging nodig sou wees.
Raadpleeg www.heavens-above.com vir moontlike waarnemings van die ruimte-teleskoop onder reparasie.
Hou die sterre in u oë !
Vir navrae : sel. : 072-641-9657
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:45 PM
Labels: Sterreprag
Nuwe Belastingwet op Eiendom Bekend Gestel
-Benita Freysen-
Op Donderdag, 4 September, het meneer Wellies Welgemoed van Akhile Konsultante die nuwe Belastingwet op Eiendom aan die gemeenskap van Prince Albert kom bekendstel.
Kennisgewings is vroegtydig per hand, in elke posbus en telefonies, aan die gemeenskap deurgegee om hierdie belang-rike vergadering by te woon. Die opkoms was egter uiters swak - belastingbetalers besef blykbaar nie hoe belangrik hierdie wet is nie. Dit raak elkeen wat ‘n eiendom besit en belasting aan die Munisipaliteit van Prince Albert betaal.
Die aanbieding was interessant en agtergrond oor die wet (en die toepassing daarvan) is deurgegee. Munisipaliteite se reg om belastings te hef, asook hul plig om dienste te lewer, is bespreek. Meneer Welgemoed het beklemtoon dat inkomste afkomstig van eiendomsbelasting ‘n kritieke bron van inkomste is.
Die belangrikste implikasie van die nuwe wet is dat eiendomsbelasting vanaf
1 Julie 2009 volgens markverwante waardasies bepaal sal word. “Mark-verwant“ beteken die prys wat ‘n vrywillige koper bereid sal wees om te betaal aan ‘n vrywillige verkoper van ‘n spesifieke eiendom.
Inligtingstukke is nog beskikbaar by die Tesourie-Afdeling van die Munisipaliteit, indien enigiemand sou belangstel.
On Thursday, 4 September 2008, Mr Wellies Welgemoed of Akhile Consultants presented the new Property Rates Act (Act 4/2006) to the community of Prince Albert at a meeting in the VGK church hall. The Municipality informed the community well in advance of this important meeting by placing notices in every post box and through telephonic invitations. In spite of this, attendance was poor – clearly ratepayers do not realise the importance of this new Act, which affects everybody who owns property and pays rates to the Municipality of Prince Albert.
Mr Welgemoed’s presentation was informative and explained the background to the Act and its implementation. He also discussed the rights of municipalities to set and collect rates, as well as their duty to deliver efficient services. Mr Welgemoed emphasised that the proceeds derived from property rates represent a vital source of revenue for municipalities.
The most important change introduced by the new Act is that as of 1 July 2009, property rates will be determined by market-related evaluations. “Market-related” means the price that a willing buyer is prepared to pay a willing seller for a specific property.
Copies of the presentation are still available at the Treasury Department of the Municipality for those who are interested.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:44 PM
Labels: Municipality, Munisipaliteit
Vlytige Vingers
- Jeanette de Lange -
Woensdagoggend, 3 September, dis weer die eerste Woensdag van ‘n nuwe maand – tyd vir die Vlytige Vingers om te ontmoet – daár by Rina Gouws se huisie in Klipstraat.
Dis breiwerk, hekel, verf, borduur, resepte ruil – besige vingers! Elke maand vergader ‘n groepie vroue rondom ‘n kreatiewe tafel.
Hierdie maand was dit effe anders – dit was ‘n gedekte Lentetafel, kleur op kleur, blomme, servette en vir elke dame ‘n swailing (Engelvlerkies) in ‘n sakkie geplant!
Maar nog is dit het-einde-niet!
Every second week another group of ladies meets – to do patchwork! My, my, this you have to witness. This group still needs a name. Any suggestions!
During the Oktoberfest the ladies will display their needlework at St John’s Church. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
‘n Feit soos ‘n koei – Prince Albert vroue glo nie aan skink en skinner nie – selfs die begraafplase word bygedam.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:43 PM
Thursday Group’s Spring Outing
On a warm afternoon in September members of the Thursday Group took eleven residents from Huis Kweekvallei for a drive in and around Prince Albert to see the beautiful spring flowers.
The outing ended with a walk on the local golf course which was resplendent in shades of purple, pink, orange and yellow blossoms. There Cynthia Corey surprised everyone with the treat of a heavenly chocolate ice-cream on a stick. What happiness! In the picture above, Cynthia (left) and Beryl Rimes enjoy their ice-creams and share a joke at the golf course.
The Thursday Group, which quietly supports several deserving causes in Prince Albert, has also donated a new DVD player to Huis Kweekvallei.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:43 PM
Labels: Thursday Group
Prince Albert enchants MG Drivers
- Chris Brown, Durban -
The MG Car Club of South Africa held its biennial Indaba in Port Elizabeth from 4 to 8 September which was attended by approximately 200 members from the South African clubs, joined by 15 visitors from Holland, the UK, Australia and Malaysia.
The four days were taken up with tours to local places of interest, a motor gymkhana, in MGs, a visit to the Volkswagen Museum, judging of a selection of top quality restored MGs and a gala dinner/dance with the 60’s theme “Bobby Sox and Brylcream”.
At the conclusion of the Indaba, a group of ten members from KwaZulu-Natal toured the Western Cape and the Free State, which included crossing the Swartberg, driving part of the route to Gamkaskloof and a stopover in Prince Albert.
After a comfortable stay at Onse Rus, Ailsa Tudhope’s Ghost Walk and a delicious dinner at the Karoo Kombuis, they plan to include Prince Albert once again in their 2010 tour when they hold their Indaba in Oudtshoorn.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:42 PM
Labels: motors
CCA 1 neem deel aan internasionale toer
Ford se Model-T is vanjaar 100 jaar oud (1908-2008) en om die feestelike geleentheid te vier, bied die Suidkaap Ou Motor Klub die Model-T-Toer aan vanaf 21-27 September.
Veertig inskrywings van regoor Suid-Afrika, Frankryk, die VSA en die Verenigde Koninkryk is reeds ontvang.
Prince Albert se bekende 1921 Model-T Tourer (CCA 1) neem ook deel met Gawie Breytenbach agter die stuur en Moorrees Janse van Rensburg van Pretoria as navigator. Monte en Theo Schoeman van Malelane reis ook saam as inskrywing vanaf Prince Albert met hul besonderse 1922 Model-T Tourer. Dries Hart vergesel die geselskap vir werktuigkundige ondersteuning.
Die toer strek deur die Tuinroete, maar vir die deelnemers is die roete nog onbekend…Miskien kom maak hulle nog ‘n draai hier in Prince Albert. Bly gerus op die uitkyk!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:42 PM
Labels: motors
Swartberg Hotel’s Fabulous Food Award
Every year the AA Travel Guides and American Express acknowledge the top 2% of accommodation establishments in South Africa. This year the 15th annual AA Travel Guides American Express Accommodation Awards were presented at the Tourism Indaba in Durban. In recent years the Swartberg Hotel has represented Prince Albert in these awards.
This year, in addition to being selected as a finalist in the category: “Small Hotel/Inn”, the Swartberg Hotel also won a “Fabulous Food Award”. This award was presented in recognition of the newly established Food Store and Bakery at the Hotel. During November 2007 Andrea Koch, daughter of Anobé Badenhorst, joined the staff of the Swartberg Hotel. This ex-IT professional from Johannesburg soon developed a passion for baking and the mother-and-daughter team developed a new bakery at the Hotel
Andrea en haar span voorsien die Koffiewinkel daagliks van heerlike fyngebak. Een happie van die fantastiese kaaskoek was genoeg om die AA-assessor te oortuig om die “Fabulous Food Award” aan die Hotel toe te ken!
Die toekenning het die Bestuur geïnspireer om alle aspekte van spyseniering van die Hotel verder te verbeter, en in Mei is die Hotelspan versterk deur die aanstelling van die uiters bekwame Orscilla Hitchcock.
The Food Store now offers artisan breads, pastries and confectionary, as well as prepared frozen meals to take home. Plans for the expansion of the food store are well under way, and soon a wide variety of delicacies will be available. In addition to this, an exciting new menu for the Coffee Shop will be launched during October 2008.
Die Swartberg Hotel is met reg trots op die prestasie, en steef daarna om Prince Albert se naam in die toekoms selfs nog hoër te hou!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:41 PM
Labels: Swartberg Hotel
Herwinningsprojek maak ‘n geldjie en doen huisbesoek
- Ellen Joubert -
Prince Albert se Herwinningsprojek het op 21 Julie 2008 afgeskop en nou, ‘n klompie weke later, is daar al ‘n klein bietjie wins te toon!
Tot en met 10 September 2008 het die projek herwinbare materiaal met ‘n waarde van R 3 128 aan ‘n terugkoopdepot in Oudtshoorn verkoop. Dit het bestaan uit:
424 kg plastiek
930 kg plastiekbottels
1 205 kg blik
3 054 kg glas
1 484 kg karton
190 kg gemengde papier
377 kg wit papier
Die vervoerkoste van hierdie verkope het R 1 840 beloop en dit laat die projek met ‘n wins van R 1 288. Soos meer en meer inwoners begin om hul herwinbare materiaal Donderdagoggende in herwinningsakke uit te sit om afgehaal te word, sal die wins groei.
Die Raad sal by hul volgende vergadering besluit of hulle toestem tot die oprig van ‘n Prince Albert Terugkoopsentrum. Indien die Raad instem, sal Prince Albert se inwoners teen einde Oktober die geleent-heid hê om herwinbare materiaal plaaslik aan die projek te verkoop.
Die sukses van die projek hang af van die hoeveelheid herwinbare materiaal wat die projek kan insamel. Dit is die rede waarom vrywilligers in Augustus en September al die restaurante en besighede in die dorp besoek het om seker te maak dat hulle weet watter rommel uit hul besighede herwin kan word en dat hulle hierdie materiaal in die herwinningsakke sal uitsit.
Nou gaan die projek ‘n stap verder en doen sommer huisbesoek ook!
Prince Albert se vier Gemeenskap-Ontwikkelingswerkers (GOW’s) het op 10 September begin om huishoudings te besoek. Hulle beplan om ál die huise in die dorp te besoek!
Tydens hierdie besoeke wys hulle inwoners voorbeelde van materiaal wat herwin kan word en ook van die algemeenste foute wat mense maak. Hulle gee vir elke huis ‘n handige opsomming van herwinbare materiaal en ná die besoek word herwinningsakke by inwoners afgelewer.
Onthou: Herwinningsakke word nou op Donderdae opgelaai. Die sakke kan by die Finansiële kantoor van die Munisipaliteit gekry word. As jy ‘n sak uitsit, sal jy ‘n leë sak terugkry.
Die GOW’s wil weet: “Doen jy wat jy kan om seker te maak jou herwinbare materiaal bereik die projek?”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:40 PM
Labels: herwinning
Herwinbare van die maand – Blik, blikkies en metaal
- Ellen Joubert -
Sukkel jy om aan die gang te kom met jou pogings om te herwin? Konsentreer dan daarop om hierdie maand ten minste blik, blikkies en metaal uit jou gewone vullis te haal en in jou herwinningsak te sit.
Sit sommer van vandag af die volgende uit vir herwinning:
- Koeldrankblikkies
- Bierblikkies
- Kosblikkies wat leeg en skoon is
- Verf- en olieblikke wat leeg is
- Spuitkannetjies of aerosol blikkies
- Die metaal doppe van glas kosflesse
- Bottel doppies
- Enige ander staal of aluminium
In Suid-Afrika word daar meer as 3 biljoen blikkies per jaar gebruik net vir bier, koeldrank en vrugtesappe! Dit sluit nie eers kosblikkies, verfblikke, oliekanne en al die ander soorte blik verpakking in nie.
Blikkies word van staal of aluminium of ‘n mengsel van die twee gemaak. Volgens Collect-a-Can is daar sedert 1993 in Suid-Afrika 750 000 ton koeldrank- en bierblikkies herwin – dit is gelyk in gewig aan 150 000 olifante!
As blikkies en blikke herwin word, is minder energie nodig om produkte van rou grondstowwe te maak. Die herwinning van een aluminium blikkie spaar genoeg energie om ‘n televisie stel vir drie ure te laat speel.
33 blikkies weeg ongeveer 1 kilogram. Vir elke kilogram staal blikkies wat ge-smelt word eerder as om rou materiaal te gebruik, word 1 kilogram koolstofdioksied gespaar. Dit beteken dat die herwinning van blik en blikkies nie net minder rommel laat rondlê nie, maar ook energie spaar en help in die stryd teen aardverwarming.
Selfs al begin jy net om jou blik, blikkies en metaal te herwin, doen jy al iets wonderliks!
(Die inligting gebruik vir hierdie artikel kom van www.greenworks.co.za )
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:40 PM
Labels: herwinning
Help Save the Karoo’s Riverine Rabbit
The Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) is appealing to the public in various parts of the Karoo to assist it in identifying the areas where the critically endangered Riverine Rabbit can still be found.
The bilingual flyer in this month’s Friend aims to help farmers, farm workers and the general public distinguish the Riverine Rabbit from the other three hare and rabbit species that occur throughout the Karoo.
The EWT is hoping that in this way, they will be able to find all the existing Riverine Rabbit’s remnant populations, provide them with formal protection and save the mammal from extinction.
According to Dr Vicky Ahlmann of the EWT’s Riverine Rabbit Working Group, 297 rabbits have been sighted in 18 different districts in the Western, Northern and Eastern Cape.
The highest numbers have been seen in the Beaufort West and Fraserburg districts, while until fairly recently the Riverine Rabbit’s occurrence around Prince Albert was unknown. However, thanks to local farmers, landowners and conservation officials its presence in the area has been discovered.
Dr Ahlmann explained that the Riverine Rabbit, Africa’s only burrowing rabbit, faced extinction as a result of habitat destruction, trapping and illegal hunting, from feral pets and climate change. It exists in the shrub lands and alluvial soils close to rivers in the Karoo.
Please report sightings to:
Dr Vicky Ahlmann
E-mail: vickya@ewt.org.za
Cell: 082 446 0548
Reda Potts
E-mail: redap@ewt.org.za
Cell: 082 799 4936
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:39 PM
Hoërskool Zwartberg’s Budding Artists
- Imke Maeyer -
On Thursday, 24 September, an auction of children’s art was held at Hoërskool Zwartberg, with auctioneer of note, Mark Steyn! It was a combined effort of the school and the children’s art classes by Christine Thomas. As with so many events held by the School, this was an effort to raise much-needed funds and as always, we were astounded at the generosity and support of the people of the town!
In addition to the children’s art, we were given various other items to auction by Lenor Snyman and Sheila Coutividis, Sally Arnold, Di Steyn, Trudy Brain, Gideon Engelbrecht and Avoova , Karoo Slaghuis, Willem Freysen, Swartrivier Olive farm, the Tourism Office, Gordon’s Drink Store and Prince of Africa, Gay’s Dairy, Ailsa Tudhope and Rudi Maeyer.
All helped to earn the school R11 500, but the main focus of the evening was the children’s art, which was of a remarkably high standard. Art is often a forgotten subject at schools and has to take a back seat to the more academic subjects and sport. Yet for a holistic education, it is vital and complements academic subjects perfectly and improves the learning and performance abilities of children. For a start, it allows a child a little more physical movement than just sitting at a desk and a lot more freedom to use their imagination than any other subject. That is an important part of any person’s development.
It was a joy to look around the art classroom with bold colour radiating off every wall and in the middle of the room, the sleeker ink drawings by the Matric students. The children have every reason to be proud as they have helped in a very big way to earn funds for the School and Christine’s art fund. More importantly they were willing to show the town the wonderful art that they have been quietly producing in the last year. Whether their paintings sold or not, should not be an issue. Every painting speaks to a different person in a different way. We know that next time we will have a wider audience and more parents will join in the fun and bid on their children’s art works.
The art teachers have equal reason to be proud. Lenor Snyman teaches grades 4 to 9 at Hoërskool Zwartberg and with precious little time, she has managed to produce a huge variety of children’s work and also teach the children to love the subject. Diana Koorts and Bianca Marais of grades 2 and 3 worked like troopers and let their children get down and dirty with yummy, messy paint to produce their wonderful offerings.
Di Steyn is dedicated to her high school learners, giving them huge amounts of her time, knowledge and energy to help them sail through Matric in this very labour intensive subject (not for sissies!) Christine Thomas teaches art to any child of 12 or 13, who wants to learn. She quietly, without pomp or ceremony, volunteers her time every Wednesday afternoon to a mix of children from Hoërskool Zwartberg and Prince Albert Primêr. Her lessons are a highlight in many a child’s week!
The starting price of all the paintings was R30 and as soon as more than one person was interested in a specific painting, the bidding began. It was not "just another school function” and could certainly turn into an annual event. Thank you to those parents who filled our tables with delicious food and donated their time to make the evening a success; and to Gordon’s Drink Store for sponsoring the liquid refreshments!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:37 PM
Labels: Art, Hoërskool Zwartberg
Brett the Vet: The Colour of Monkey
Somewhere over the restricted rainbow notion of divided white light is a palate of visual splendour beyond our most psychedelic imaginings.
Variations in texture, sheen, shape, volume, temperature, mood and motive influence the tints and shades of hues to peruse. Every living thing responds to colour because life depends on it. Nothing is plain when it contains jumbled spectrum remains, intertwined with inaccessible dimensions.
Blue sky is a lie and must die at night when the light drains the heavens, leavens the void, and takes and leaves a waking stimulus. Diurnal rhythms triggered at dawn with a yawn and birdsong belong to the day in a way clearly for everything to be seen.
We do know all humans don’t interpret colours in the same manner and even if most do, individuals experience the effect differently. What animals see is not a complete mystery because their other senses also work in the zones of our own: only the detail must be phenomenal!
Fish and birds have a more complex colour vision than humans, and the rest we can only surmise. Animals hear things we hear, and more that we don’t, they smell odours that bypass our olfactory system, they feel sensations invisible to us, and taste indescribable variations.
But the world animals see can only be dreamt by deduction as hallucinatory by our meagre standards. Not forgetting those other senses that enable chickens to see into the future, cats to predict earthquakes, and elephants to flee the tsunami long before they set eyes on the tide.
Bees swarm for flowers of magenta and gold as manifestations unfold in ultraviolet ways invisible rays to man. Their multiple arthropod vision of buttercups and daisies sends them buzzing with enthusiasm. For the bee colony life is literally a bed of roses. Most pollination depends on bees and without them we would die. No wonder they’ve been blessed with the ultimate protective weapon.
Sex red read sex red, unless you’re a queen that responds to green eyes before thighs, and sighs when the ginger tom glances her way. Every female virgin vervet monkey only has eyes for baby blue, and not just make-up right, but true scrotal delight. Parading peacocks elevate preening to a dazzling state of iridescent allure purely for the pearls. And when those ostrich pegs glow cerise, no peace. The bishop bird turns orange in springtime not just to decorate bulrushes.
Bull rushes the red rag full of rage and torment or is it the movement? A flash eye white gives fright and flight, and surrenders the fight. The black sheep is born to be ostracised; and worse, the curse of the pink dolphin. A mould is more than shape or attitude.
The subtlety of camouflage exists by process of elimination; there are no white lions. Pass the buck in the grass, a snake in the looking glass, the moth on the bark, the lark or the lizard exquisitely blended, defended by revelation of light.
Black night is day for the owl and the pussycat guided elegantly in that we only know as darkness, dominated by fear of what we cannot see: fear of using our imagination in admiration for the wealth of experience in the lives of others.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:36 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
SoetKaroo Estate Wins Michelangelo Wine Award
- Linda Jaquet -
SoetKaroo Wine Estate’s 2008 Red Muscat d’Alexandrie was awarded a Silver Medal at this year’s 2008 Michelangelo International Wine Awards competition held in September outside Stellenbosch. The panel of international judges used the 100 point system - the Silver Medal was awarded for wines scoring 86-92 points.
With the previous vintages sold out (with the exception of some of the 2007 Reserve Carafes) the Perolds bottled the award-winning wine in July. Then during September they bottled this year’s blend of Touriga Nacional and Petit Verdot – the popular port-like dessert wine first made in 2007. It is almost inky black in colour and Susan calls it her ‘Mafia wine’, as opposed to the ‘Pink One’ or Red Hanepoot, the Red Muscat d’Alexandrie.
The little Garagiste enterprise (i.e. operated from the garage) at 56 Kerk Street is registered by SAWIS, the South African wine regulatory authority, as “a unit for the production of estate wine”, in other words, a cellar that makes wine from its own grapes and also bottles on its own premises. And, no, SoetKaroo is NOT the smallest wine estate in South Africa - it is, however, definitely the largest in the main road of Prince Albert!
Herman cultivates the vineyard of 3000 vines for low yield and maximum quality fruit. The annual production of wine is limited not so much by the quantity of grapes grown, as by the bulkiness of the packaging, the pallets of bottles and cartons for putting them in. These take up an inordinate amount of physical space, before use, as well as when filled with the bottled product. After all, the house at no 56 was designed for people to live in, not as a winery shed…
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:34 PM
Labels: Soetkaroo
Museumnuus: Die vere maak die voël…
Prince Albert, ons pragtige dorpie aan die voet van die Swartberg, is ‘n toonbeeld van ou-wêreldse sjarme met sy Victoriaanse huise, skoon, breë strate en rustige atmosfeer. Stap jy in die museum in, sien jy die pragtigste meubels uit die Victoriaanse tydperk. Ons dorp is mos darem na koningin Victoria se man vernoem, dus het die Victoriaanse tydperk letterlik en figuurlik sy merk op ons dorp gelaat…
Vanoggend is ek, baie gepas, besig om klere en bybehore uit die Victoriaanse tydperk uit te pak en te kyk wat is nog geskik vir uitstalling. Ek besluit om meer inligting oor dié era in te win, skakel vir Reinie by die biblioteek, en kom op baie interessante feite af.
Mans én dames, geklee in hul Victoriaanse klere, was ‘n toonbeeld van wie jy was, hoe jy geleef het, hoeveel geld jy in die bank gehad het en ja, selfs jou ouderdom, kon volgens jou kleredrag bepaal word! Vir die ryk dames was daar egte sykouse, terwyl vroue uit die werkersklas met wol sokkies tevrede moes wees. Vrouens se bene moes te alle tye bedek wees, óf met swart kouse en lang rokke waarmee jy behoorlik die vloer kon skoon vee, óf soos later in die eeu, met lang broeke. Mans is darem toegelaat om hul maermerries te wys.
Stel jou voor: Jy is in jou pragtige Victoriaanse swemdrag geklee, reg vir ‘n dag op die strand, maar o wee, jou hele liggaam is met meters en meters materiaal bedek. Een enkele stukkie van jou mag darem kaal wees, jou arms! Swemkeppe was ook ‘n “moet” vir mans en dames.
As jy ‘n sambreel besit het, het jy sommer een stappie hoër op die sosiale leer gestaan. Die rykes het hul eie sambrele besit, terwyl die middelklas maar een moes gaan huur as dit na reën lyk. Die korrekte drag het natuurlik ook die dra van ‘n oogglas vereis. Dit het egter niks met swak sig te doen gehad nie, nét die raam is gedra. Geen uitrusting was ooit volledig sonder ‘n wandelstok of kierie nie. Van hierdie kieries het selfs versteekte kompartemente gehad waar parfuum en ander noodsaaklikhede gebêre kon word.
Modes het van regaf rompe tot hoepelrokke verander en later het dit plek gemaak vir die “bussel”. Nét een item het gedurende hierdie era ‘n móét in elke vrou se kas gebly: die korset. Vrouens wat flou val, was ‘n algemene verskynsel. Hoekom? Die korset, natuurlik! Vir die jonger dames was dit amper verpligtend om dieselfde middel-mate as hul ouderdom te hê. Is jy 17 jaar oud, dan mag jou middeltjie ook nie meer as 17 duim wees nie. Glo dit of nie, maar mans wat ‘n bietjie te veel om die lyf gehad het, is ook in ‘n korset ingewurg, veral vir deftige geleenthede!
Die ouer garde het statig in satyn, sy en swaar fluweel uitrustings gelyk, terwyl die jonger geslag veel ligter materiale gekies het. Ragfyn gaas rokkies, versier met blomme en lint, is net een keer gedra om ‘n voornemende eggenoot se oog te vang, daarna is dit weggegooi! Hoede het gewissel van groot, ryklik versierde gedoentes, tot klein, knap goedjies, maar áltyd was die vere, blomme, lint en die pragtigste kant teenwoordig.
Die uitdrukking: “Die vere maak die voël”, was meer van toepassing op die Victoriaanse tydperk, as enige era voor, óf daarna.
Debbie Badenhorst
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:33 PM
Labels: Museum
Just Married (at last): Karoo style!
-Kerrigan Speirs-
A cold and windy winter took a backseat on the 13th September as JP du Toit and Lindsay Speirs exchanged their vows under a blazing Karoo sun. The Cape Town couple chose Prince Albert as their wedding venue for their love of the Karoo and their ties to the town: JP’s father has family in Prince Albert (his cousin is Johan Blom), as does Lindsay – her brother Lance and uncle Dr Pete.
Our town’s population almost doubled as family and friends from throughout South Africa and as far as the UK came together for the service at St John’s, followed by a fairytale reception at the Skougronde.
Many thanks to Johanna, Madri, Bianca and the rest of the Luttig team for transforming the hall into a golden wonderland and making this such a memorable occasion.
To JP and Lindsay: may your future together be just like your wedding day: full of golden butterflies, surrounded by loving family and friends and filled with happiness and laughter.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:31 PM
Labels: Marriage
Huis Kweekvallei vra die Gemeenskap se Ondersteuning
- Denise Ohlson -
Tydens Huis Kweekvallei se algemene jaarvergadering op 11 Augustus het bestuurder Johan du Toit finansiële state voorgelê wat uitgawes toon van R1 356 637 - waarvan 64,4 % op salarisse en 20,6% op voedsel bestee is. Die tehuis, geregistreer vir verswakte bejaardes, het die boekjaar afgesluit met ‘n verlies van R38 349.
Geldinsamelingsveldtogte het gehelp dat die verlies nie groter is nie, al het sommige organisasies net ‘n skrywe vir sterkte teruggestuur! Gelukkig het die Lottoraad die hoop laat opvlam vir hulp van daardie kant af.
Veral hoë voedselpryse maak dit bitter moeilik om binne die begroting te bly, en ‘n beroep word op die gemeenskap gedoen vir skenkings. Selfs vars produkte sal welkom wees.
Aangesien Huis Kweekvallei ook gere-gistreer is as ‘n Artikel 18 organisasie, kan donasies van persone of ondernemings se inkomstebelasting afgetrek word.
Hoewel die personeel van elf verpleegsters, twee administratiewe beamptes en elf huishoudelike assistente reeds onder groot druk is, is ‘n toename in die aantal inwoners die mees volhoubare manier om die boeke te balanseer. Dit bied nie net ‘n groter losiesinkomste nie, maar beteken ook ‘n groter subsidie.
Die tehuis het plek vir 56 inwoners, maar tans is daar net 46, waarvan dertig in die siekeboeg versorg word.
Vir verdere besonderhede of om uit te vind hoe jy van hulp kan wees kontak Johan du Toit by 023 5411 626
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:30 PM
Labels: Huis Kweekvallei
Another Month, Another Mayor
- Linda Jaquet -
At the time of going to press, Prince Albert had a new Executive Mayor, ANC Councillor Maria Benjamin. Cllr Benjamin has taken over from Cllr Gay van Hasselt of the DA in terms of the 2006 verbal agreement between the two political parties on the sharing of power in the “hung” Municipal Council. In terms of the agreement, the DA’s Stoffel Botes, has assumed the Speaker’s position in the Council, while the former Speaker, April Pienaar of the ANC, is now the Deputy Mayor.
It is understood that this arrangement will be in place until the election of a new Municipal Council in 2011.
We hope to carry an interview with Mayor Benjamin in the next edition of the Friend.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:29 PM
Labels: Mayor
Let Your Body Do the Talking
- Wilma Grobbelaar -
On the afternoon of Tuesday, 9 September, I set off for four days in Prince Albert to do advanced BodyTalk sessions and teach the one-day Access programme.
Shortly after leaving Touws River behind me, my senses became more aware of the vastness of land and sky with its own beauty and a harshness that can be unforgiving. It took me back to my childhood years in the south-west Free State where I learnt appreciation for space and the acuteness of the elements.
Erica Phaal, BodyTalk Practitioner in Prince Albert, had invited me with such enthusiasm that I could not decline. As I drove into this quaint little town at the foot of the majestic Swartberg I could sense a vibrant energy not to be found in all country towns.
My five days turned out to be filled with things to do, starting with a visit to Lydia’s mineral collection, a drive up the Swartberg with snowflakes falling on my hair, meals at The Lazy Lizard, the Gallery Café and Karoo Kombuis, an evening of music with Penny and of course, Ailsa’s ghost walk and the delights of Gay’s Dairy.
A further surprise awaited me with the wonderful response to my public talks on Wednesday, 10 September – 48 interested people attended them. Thursday and Friday were booked with individual BodyTalk sessions and on Saturday I taught the one day programme to 20 Prince Alberters.
BodyTalk is a highly effective health care system that is safe, non-invasive and requires no diagnosis. BodyTalk restores communication within the body, empowering it to heal and effectively respond to injury and illness.
BodyTalk Access is a selection of five techniques from the BodyTalk System that balance the body in a general way. These easy-to-learn techniques can alleviate the effect of stresses of modern living that play havoc with our health, resulting in illness, emotional pain or just feeling unwell.
All the participants of the course are now well equipped to do these techniques on themselves and on other people. Erica and the group will soon meet to practise on each other and I believe there is a community project in the offing.
At 06h30 on Sunday morning I left Prince Albert knowing that I will return if not to teach, at least to experience the essence of stillness that feeds the soul.
Thank you, Erica, for the invitation - and everyone I met who made me feel so welcome.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:28 PM
Labels: Body Talk
Prince Albert Garden Club News
- Jeanette de Lange -
On 3 September, the Garden Club met at the home of Reinwald Dedekind on Jan Louw Street.
A lot of changes have taken place since the Garden Club’s last visit to Reinwald’s garden nearly two years ago. Fine gravel has replaced green lawn. There is also more container planting and a spectacular stone collection.
Obviously a lot of members wanted to know more about the stones – what, where, tell us about this – oh, look at that one. Reinwald, your stones stole all the attention.
And a gasp at the “Klapperbos” doing very well in Reinwald’s garden. Members admired the shade trees, cycads, aloes, succulents – they all vied to be noticed. Reinwald, we wait for your tree orchid to burst into colour and we’ll be back in a flash.
Please note:
The Garden Club’s November meeting is at Middelwater on Wednesday, 5 November.
We leave Prince Albert at 13h00 sharp, meeting in front of the Fransie Pienaar Museum – we’ll plan lifts.
Cost per person R15.00; non-members R25.00. Circle this date on your calendar – this is an outing not to be missed.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:27 PM
Labels: Garden club
Peter and the Wolf Whistles
- Renee Finn -
Peter McEwan and Chrisna Smit presented an evening of music and song on Saturday 13th September at the Jans Rautenbach Schouwburg.
Both were in fine form as the evening started with Peter confessing that their first piece was a repeat from a previous concert, which he had had to cajole Chrisna into including: “Why do the Nations so Furiously Rage?” from Handel’s Messiah. Chrisna followed this with a crisp, cheeky Salon piece, “La Marche” by Frederick Muller.
Peter, the true Scot, in green kilt, sang “My love is like a red, red rose,” by Robbie Burns and Chrisna replied with a tender rendering of Edward McDowell’s “To a Wild Rose.” That really got us into a romantic mood for “If ever I should leave you,” from Alan Jay Lerner’s score for Camelot. Two works from Chopin followed: Nocturne Opus Posthumous and the popular “Raindrops” Prelude, Opus 28 No. 15. Chopin certainly appears to be Chrisna’s forte.
Peter sailed into the American folk song “Shenandoah;” then “Maggie,” by James Butterfield and “Dis Al,” by Jan F Cilliers, bringing just the right touch of pathos to the closing words of this Anglo-Boer War song. Before we could believe it, it was interval and time for that glass of red wine.
The second half presented a bit of fun with Chrisna’s performance of Albert Ketèlbey’s “In a Persian Market.” The audience really wished to join in with “haadjie-baadjie” at the moment of the Merchant’s theme, but no such luck! However, when the Beautiful Princess’ theme began, a veiled apparition appeared from the wings, hands raised above her head, wriggling her hips as in belly dancing! But wait, “she” was wearing a green tartan skirt and when “she” showed a bare, hairy knee there were cat-calls and whistles aplenty from the audience. Rosemary McEwan was heard to say: “So that’s where my kitchen curtains went!”
It took a moment or two for everyone to settle down for the “Floral Dance” by Katie Moss, followed by “Some Enchanted Evening” from Rogers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. The audience enthusiastically joined Peter for a sing-a-long of Harry Lauder’s famous “End of the Road,” and there had to be an encore, so Ketèlbey stepped forth once more … to more catcalls and whistles. Well done, Peter and Chrisna, you launched Spring in style.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:27 PM
Labels: Arts
Proudly Prince Albert with a Swedish twist
- Sally Arnold -
In August, Three Lily Buds, an exciting new showroom for unique South African products, including several produced in and around Prince Albert, opened its doors to the public on the small Swedish farm, Fridhem Gaard, situated close to the Swedish border with Denmark.
The project was conceived by Swede, Anders Paulsson, with Sally Arnold, an artist and designer who lives in Prince Albert and took two years of extensive renovations to the farm buildings, the addition of a glasshouse and the sourcing of local high-quality products, such as Avoova, True Karoo, Vinwood, Charlotte Rhys and Carrol Boyes. Several items were custom designed by Wolskuur Spinners and Kredouw Farm of Prince Albert and by Rugalia and Kales Marble in Cape Town.
On 1 and 2 August a team of eight busy South Africans, mainly from Prince Albert, set up the exhibits in the renovated, spacious old farmhouse and gave the enthusiastic public a taste of the good life and fabulous resources from Down South. Three months earlier, Johann Rissik had assembled a vintage Karoo windmill, which now pumps groundwater into the farm dam. The dam attracts small buck and large numbers of migrating geese.
Organic Reyneke wine from Stellenbosch, complemented by the upcoming Migliarina label, organic Rozendal vinegars, the peppery green Kredouw-produced Karoo Virgin olive oil with Alf Gundersen’s iconic Karooscapes adorning the cans, and a hot dinner conjured up by two young Swedish chefs on the newly installed AGA, kept the crowd coming back for more.
Large scale paintings, outdoor sculptures and carpets by Sally Arnold, three original Gundersen Karooscapes, Avoova bracelets and furniture, Charlotte Rhys perfumes and body care and Vinwood recycled wine vat furniture competed with 14 vintage aircraft for attention on a beautifully sunny, calm summer’s day.
Bengt and Sten, Anders’ highly professional aerobatic colleagues, wowed spectators in their nifty vintage airplanes, drawing smoke hearts in the sky and setting spectators’ stomachs churning with their daredevil repertoires. Many too enjoyed a thrilling ride - among them new Prince Albert resident Annelies Brans of Mirtehof. Annelies and her husband, Thijs, arrived via Amsterdam, while Charles Roux and partner travelled via London with Jo and David Long to attend the opening.
Unique in its nature as a multi-purpose Swedish farmhouse venue with a contemporary South African twist, Three Lily Buds is now officially open for business. The various spaces are available for private and corporate event bookings, besides continuing to showcase the imported South African brands.
Three Lily Buds would like to thank Ilse Schutten, John Southern, Carsten Migliarina, Shirley Southwood, Dick Metcalfe, and Pat and Margie Arnold for their huge creative input and team spirit in making the inauguration the success it was.
For more information please look at
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:26 PM
St John’s hosts Archdeaconry Layministers’ Training
- Ailsa Tudhope -
Saturday 13th September was a busy day for the layministers of St John’s as they were joined by more than twenty layministers from throughout the Archdeaconry for training in ministering to sick, dying and bereaved members of the community.
The morning started with a Eucharist Service in the church, celebrated by the Rev. Peter Rhodes, Diocesan Chaplain to Layministers and then everyone headed for the hall in De Wit Street. Here the Rev Eben Pretorius, Archdeaconry Layministers’ Chaplain, the Rev James Allens, Hospital Chaplain in George and Cecil Africa explored various aspects of ministry to the sick and dying and those they leave behind.
Special thanks go to Chapel Warden Eva Marsch for organising the day and to Clarissa Hinkman, Christine Cupido and Katrina Koorts, the ladies who prepared a delicious tea and lunch for our guests.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:25 PM
Labels: st johns
Municipality’s Drivers Shine
- André Jaquet -
Our village motto, ‘Proudly Prince Albert’ took on a special meaning earlier this month when the Municipality’s Attieen Arendse and Klaas Pieterse were awarded diplomas for excellent competency after taking part in the annual Western Cape Driver of the Year competition in Brackenfell.
Mark Februarie, the town’s Traffic Officer, did an outstanding job when he accompanied them in the capacity of team leader. “The success of our two colleagues is all the more remarkable since this was the first time in 30 years that we qualified for the competition and Attieen and Klaas were only given time for one trial run,” Mark told the Friend.
The event consisted of series of exhaustive practical and theoretical tests to assess the competency of strong participants from Beaufort West, Laingsburg and Prince Albert.
Candidates had to complete a number of tests against tough competition. These included correct procedures, the thorough physical examination of various vehicles, driving a range of vehicles from cars to articulated trucks through obstacle courses and on how to stop speeding cars safely, without injury to the occupants and to pedestrians.
When interviewed all three were clearly proud of their performance and said that they had been quite nervous, something like their first day at school but talked modestly about their achievement: “It was a real challenge, but we believe we must now plough back what we have learned into our community so that we all benefit.” they said.
Congratulations Mark, Attieen and Klaas!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:23 PM
Labels: Municipality
Residents Rally to Support Hoërskool Zwartberg
- Lesley van Heerden, Teacher -
Recently the Sunday Times ran headline news about the ongoing struggle that South African private and public schools have in their efforts to meet the rising costs of education. Across the board, they all experience a lack of funds and input both from parents and the Education Department is inadequate. Reading the article, I was cheered to think of the kindness of the Prince Albert villagers and their wonderful response to the local High School’s call for help.
In June when we held our “Zwartberg Hoër” financial needs awareness evening and invited villagers to attend, we exposed this year’s very real monetary shortfall of R60 000. In the three months that have followed our evening together, we have generously received donations of almost a quarter of that shortfall. A special “thank you” to all who love our youngsters and village and have contributed to easing the school’s financial strain.
We have been somewhat slow at getting our donation tins properly placed but these are now to be found at several shops and restaurants around the village.
A number of villagers have come forward and sponsored individual learners’ school fees. They have extended their offer into the next school year.
This is greatly appreciated as by simply sponsoring a child (and we have about 200 that could be sponsored!) and paying a lesser monthly amount, our budgeting is more accurate and the benefits are felt immediately.
All the “My School” card application forms were processed on-line. Should you have given us an application form and not received your card yet, could you please let Hendrika van Onselen at the School know and we will follow it up immediately.
We all appreciate the need to have a healthy and happy high school and we thank you for your investment in our Prince Albert youth!
For more information contact Hendrika van Onselen at 023 5411 570.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:22 PM
Labels: Hoërskool Zwartberg
A Tribute: Patricia Mary Goudie: 20 March 1930 - 21 August 2008
- Renee Finn -
Pat, née Long, was born on the 20 March 1930 in Muizenberg, Cape Town. She attended school at the Star of the Sea Convent, St James and was a keen English scholar whose particular love was for poetry. She achieved the highest marks in the Western Cape for English in her Matric year.
After leaving school she worked for M Bertish and Co. in their advertising department and from her office window she watched the arrival and departure of the Union Castle liners and dreamt of sailing away one day on her honeymoon. Pat was already active in the Anglican Church community, serving as Secretary of the Young People’s Fellowship at her parish in Plumstead.
Pat and Keith met on a blind date at a friend’s 21st birthday party and discovered they shared interests in hiking, sport and mountain climbing. Weekends would often find them boarding a steam train in Plumstead at 5.00am, heading for Cape Town station, where they would catch a bus to Kloofnek and then climb up Table Mountain. Keith, with a twinkle in his eye, remembers Pat had extremely good legs for climbing and dancing!
Some Saturday afternoons Pat watched Keith as he played rugby, which was followed by pies and beer at their favourite pub before they went dancing. Keith was still studying at UCT to become a Chartered Accountant, when, after two years of courting, they were married at Christ Church, Kenilworth on the 22nd of May, 1954. Pat’s dream came true when they sailed from Cape Town on the Dunnottar Castle, bound for Tilbury Docks, London.
Their honeymoon took them to Scotland, where Keith’s father had been born, and where the country folk could hardly be understood. They bought a tandem and cycled throughout Europe for three months. Keith found the pedalling became tiring when he discovered he was pedalling for 2 ½ people, and decided to bring Pat home. Their family grew as the years passed and they had three sons and a daughter.
After Keith retired and they were on a visit to George, Pat expressed an interest in visiting Prince Albert. They stayed in one of Alta Rossouw’s houses for the grand sum of R10 pppn, which pleased Keith’s Scot’s purse. Within a short time they bought their house for R28 000.00 and started their new, busy life in the village. The next seventeen years saw them involved in many activities.
When Pat was suddenly diagnosed with cancer in August and transferred to Tygerberg Hospital, she bravely accepted the fact that her life was drawing to a close.
One night she and Keith recalled their younger days together and even sang some ribald songs, adapting one to their present circumstances. A nurse came to listen and then ran off to gather her colleagues to “come and hear what the two old people are singing:”
Walking down 5th Avenue
She says: “Honey have a sniff, have a sniff on me
Honey have a sniff, sniff on me!”
So ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
If the coke don’t get you
then the morphine must,
“Honey have a sniff, have a sniff on me
Honey have a sniff, sniff on me!”
Pat died quietly on 21st August 2008. A memorial service was held for her at Christ Church, Kenilworth, where she and Keith had been wed and where they worshipped as a family for many years.
Their friends in Prince Albert joined the family in a service of thanksgiving for Pat at the NG Kerk four days later. We give thanks for Pat’s life among us and pray for Keith and their children as they feel her absence and remember her with love.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:20 PM
Labels: Memoriam
Om die Wêreld in Een Aand
- Chrisna Smit -
Hoërskool Zwartberg het met hul jaarlikse Kultuuraand op 29 Augustus 2008 die gehoor op 'n reis deur die wêreld geneem.
Lande soos Frankryk, die Verenigde Koningkryk, VSA, Argentinië, Japan, Israel en Suid-Afrika was by hul reisplan ingesluit.
Die leerders het die gehoor bekoor met sang en dans, van feetjies, hondjies en vliegtuie tot elegante paartjies. Die Karate groep het selfs 'n "kata" op maat van "Kung Fu Fighting" gedoen.
Patchwork Theatre het hul vernuf in Frans en Spaans gewys met hul weergawe, onderskeidelik, van "La Petit Fleur" en "Vaia con Dios".
Caleb en Rebecca Swanepoel het die gehoor 'n danspassie of twee bygeleer met hul genotvolle en vermaaklike weergawe van die Tango. The Scots were well represented - kilts and all!
Therene Fourie en Henrico Bezuidenhout was die twee soliste wat ook met hul sang die gehoor bekoor het. Lisa Esterhuizen en Lucille Steyn het saam met Me. Chrisna Smit die gehoor vermaak met klavierduette, en Christopher Mullins het die Duitse vlag met trots laat wapper, met sy blokfluit-weergawe van drie tradisionele liedere.
Om die aand op 'n hoë noot af te sluit, het die hele groep leerders "Dis 'n land" gesing en die Gr 1-3 leerders het met klein Suid-Afrikaanse vlaggies die gehoor begroet. This brought a tear to the eyes, especially those of the grannies!
Heerlike sop en varsgebakte brood het die mae gevul en in die geselskap van Hoërskool Zwartberg was dit weereens 'n skitter geleentheid. It is such a delight to see the whole community support our school, not just our parents. It is much appreciated!
Baie dankie aan almal wat gehelp het om die aand 'n sukses te maak. In die besonder wil ons vir Jennifer Munro baie dankie sê vir al die organisasie en harde werk wat sy ingesit het, dit word opreg waardeer!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:19 PM
Labels: Hoërskool Zwartberg
Skaakspeler van Formaat
Maurice Claassen is slegs 11 jaar oud en het reeds 'n paar nasio-nale skaaktoernooie agter die blad. Hy het ook sy skool, SWD-streek en die Wes-Kaap by verskeie geleenthede verteenwoordig. Nou het hy weereens bewys dat daar met hom rekening gehou moet word wanneer dit kom by Pionne en Kastele rondskuif op ‘n skaakbord.
Die knapie is weer ingesluit in die o/13 Wes-Kaapspan wat vanaf 1 tot 4 Oktober aan ‘n Nasionale “All Ages” Toernooi in Kaapstad gaan deelneem. Alle voorspoed word hom toegewens.
Verder sal hy en twee van sy skaakmaats, Roberto Galant en Jonathan van Rooyen, in Desember te Potchefstroom aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Junior Skaak Kampi-oenskappe gaan deelneem. Hulle is besig met fondsinsamelingspogings omdat elkeen R2 150.00 moet bydra. Sterkte met al hulle pogings.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:19 PM
Labels: Skaak
Cross-country runners train in style!
- Abigail Modra -
Zwartberg Runners’ first term of cross-country training at Hoërskool Zwartberg has gone very well, so we celebrated at the last two sessions by doing something different.
On one session, we ran a mini-relay and at the next, we did different exercises at three stations along our route. For instance, at the first station we did push-ups, then we leopard-crawled (crawled backwards) to the next station where we did Pilates or Yoga exercises. Everyone had a lot of fun.
We are going to have even more fun on Saturday, 27 September, when all of the regular cross-country runners who have been coming faithfully will be rewarded by going to the Oudtshoorn 5km Fun Challenge.
Maybe we will bring back some medals and trophies to encourage us to persevere with our training!
Speaking of Saturdays, our Saturday morning run is still on the go and for many of our runners it is the highlight of our week. It is a lot easier to run a longer run when the countryside is so beautiful and when everyone is cheering you on!
The Meiringspoort 21.1km is coming up in October and if you haven't run that distance yet but would like to try, then this is the run for you! It is easy running along the smooth, flat tar road which is mainly in shade.
There is also a 10km for those not quite ready to tackle a half marathon. Entry forms are available at the Lazy Lizard, go and get yours now and start training!
To all our faithful runners: thank you, we really appreciate your support and hope you have enjoyed your time with us so far.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:18 PM
Labels: Running
Our Golden Oldies
Twelve of Prince Albert’s senior citizens will represent the Central Karoo at the Western Cape Golden Games being held at the University of the Western Cape from 1 to 3 October. They were selected following their success at the Central Karoo sports day in Beaufort West in August where they competed against other teams from towns throughout the Central Karoo.
The Golden Games, consisting of a series of competitive but fun track and field events for people over the age of 60, are held annually. In Beaufort West, Prince Albert’s Karoo Olywe, as they are now known, won silver medals for the team event, Passing the Ball. Alfred Voetpad shone in Jukskei, where he too won an individual silver medal, while Spasie Plaatjies brought home a bronze medal in the Duck Walk.
Apart from their regular physical exercise routine, the Karoo Olywe meet at the local service centre (Bejaardesorg Sentrum) to do arts and crafts and other educational activities. However, they are concerned that their numbers have dwindled in the last year – to 12, whereas, by comparison, Klaarstroom’s senior citizens group has 21 members – and that financial support for an intern to work with them is no longer forthcoming from the Department of Social Development.
At the same time, the Karoo Olywe told the Friend that they were not going to let either setback get them down. “People shouldn’t let age and health stand in the way of joining us. Before we do any physical exercise our fitness levels are tested, we’re kept informed about health issues that could affect us and no-one should be worried,” they said.
They also have plans to fundraise by organising Baking Days and selling home-baked bread and other goodies, as well as needlework.
The Karoo Olywe also felt that their activities should be more inclusive and representative of the whole community of Prince Albert and noted that the other sports teams participating at Beaufort West were just that.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:16 PM
Labels: golden games
Visbraai Reuse Sukses
- Ursuala Pienaar & Myrtel Deelman -
Die 5de September het by Prince Albert Primêr met groot afwagting aangebreek! Hope doringhout het kole gemaak vir die 1000 stukke vis wat onder mnr Rockman se wakende oog gebraai was. Almal het heerlik gesmul aan die kos wat soos ons hier in die Karoo sê, uit die boonste ge-stoeltes was!
Baie dankie aan mnr Steyn, die onderwysers, ouers, leerlinge en die gemeenskap wat hard gewerk het om ‘n sukses te maak van hierdie vondsinsameling, en aan Colin van Spar wat die vis oornag in sy koelkamer gehou het.
Ons nuwe bus is binnekort hier en die fondse sal ‘n gedeelte van die paaiement dek.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:16 PM
Labels: PA Primêr
Youth Fight Litter Louts
- Imke Maeyer -
On 4 September, 230 children from Prince Albert Primêr and Hoërskool Zwartberg filled 339 bags of rubbish on their second joint litter pickup of this year. Sadly, soon after, a strong wind decorated fences and thorn bushes with the never-ending supply of flying plastic packets!
Recycling is now part of the school curriculum but respect for the environment begins at home. We hope that litter pickups will encourage our children to practise what they learn and encourage friends and family to do the same.
Children’s safety on a litter pickup is a priority: the area is first scouted, they are supervised, wear plastic gloves donated by the hospital and are not allowed to touch glass.
Our goal is a litter-free town. Join us on our next “action against litter”, if only to see the children’s sense of achievement at clearing an area of rubbish.
Thanks to our townsfolk’s generosity on our first litter pickup, we could give each child a juice and many of them prizes!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:15 PM
Labels: Litter
Valentine Lange (née Reinecke) - 12/09/1946 – 12/09/2008
- Mary Anne Botha -
I offer this tribute to a friend in the hope that it will trigger memories for others, aware that I can only point to the complex wonderful person who lived in our community for ten years of her life.
I know very little of Valentine's life prior to our meeting in Johannesburg on the eve of her departure for Prince Albert. For my part I was happy, recognising that we would be living in the same town and that I had things to learn from her. I wouldn't say that we were instant friends, for she was never very interested in liking or being liked. She practised the wisdom of being who she was, no more no less.
I am reluctant to put words to the kind of person that she was, to 'freeze' her into a characterisation, but yes, Valentine was a strong individual. She was feisty rather than fey; content rather than happy; conscious rather than charming; spacious rather than spacey and steely rather than soft.
She was a good friend, loyal but never a flatterer, as her keen intelligence did not tolerate foolishness in those close to her. I learned from her, noting how she did things. She offered me (and many others) insights into her world - its energies, its flux, its decay and renewal. She was in tune with her environment and was a wonderful guide in the surrounding landscape.
She made and surrounded herself with beautiful things: crystals and strings of coloured glass beads to capture the light; chimes to catch the wind; textures and colour and patterns. She gardened with rocks and pebbles as well as plants; she knitted stylish jerseys 'for poor babies' while she watched Oprah and Egoli (of late switching her allegiance to Sewende Laan). She blended great pawpaw smoothies and concocted a delicious 'feijoada', for every special occasion.
She opened her home to visitors and students, and although a woman happy to keep her own company, her strong spiritual purpose drove her to communicate with others.
She walked the path of a healer, practising a form of healing kindness known as reiki, which she described as working with 'the life force behind every human being'. She readily taught others the skills inherent in her healing disciplines.
She loved Prince Albert, and only left for Pretoria when her ill health prevented her from being able to earn a living. There, as big sister to her brother Pieter and sister Martinda, she was supported by her family during her last two years. Friends continued to visit her and to be trained, informally as well as formally!
Dear friend, as your journey continues, may you be fearless and without illusion, and may you realise the freedom and purity of your abiding nature.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:13 PM
Labels: Memoriam
Zwartberg Runners Spring Relay
-Abigail Modra -
We had the noisiest relay ever on Tuesday the 23 September! We were celebrating the beginning of Spring and the launch of Prince Albert's recycling project and had quite a few fancy dress teams. There were runners swishing by dressed in plastic bags, even one crazy person (me) strung with soft drink cans, so you can imagine the noise we made.
There was a large number of teams: 23 teams of five listed alphabetically i.e. A to W. Thanks to many donations, there were lots of prizes. They went to: the 1st Adult team "Team A", the 1st Senior School team "The Untouchables" (who definitely lived up to their name), the 1st Junior team, "Team K" and then there were prizes for Best Dressed. The "Five Rs" won that and the "All Blacks" were runners-up. The "Red Wrigglers" got a special mention being the youngest team and then there were lots of spot prizes, including one for each child who participated.
We would like to say a big thank you to the following people, who all made the evening so enjoyable:
the Police, who made an excellent job of keeping the whole run safe,
our wonderful club members who yet again were there when we needed them
and lastly everyone who supported us!
Hopefully we can have many more relays just as successful and fun as this one was!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:11 PM
Labels: Running, Zwartberg runners