- Linda Jaquet -
Gay van Hasselt has yet again pulled off a remarkable feat. Just eight months after the untimely death of her husband, Gay, who admits that she knew very little about farming angora goats at that time, has walked off with six prestigious awards for her angora goats at the inaugural International Mohair Summit in Graaff Reinet at the beginning of November.
Gay, who boasts numerous local and international awards for her cheeses and Guernsey cattle, lifted the South African Junior Champion Medium Ewe and the Reserve Junior Champion Fine Ewe trophies at the South African Mohair Championships held at the Summit. She also was in the running for the Supreme Animal trophy and was placed in four other classes. She proudly noted that the Supreme Animal award was won by a ram bred by the Grootfontein Agricultural College in Middelburg out of goats from Clive’s stud.
As if that was not enough, the first three prizes in the flock competition were won by goats bred from rams that were also bred by Clive. “That so many of the winning goats were bred from Clive’s goats is a testimony to what he achieved in the mohair industry,” Gay told the Friend. “It was a feat to get to Graaff Reinet but I needed to be there. And winning has motivated me to continue Clive’s legacy.”
Gay’s modesty masks the hard work and intensity she has put into learning all about managing an angora goat stud. “As the only qualified woman judge in South Africa, I understand what qualities and standards to look for in goats and mohair, but I was never involved in shearing, dosing, mating, inoculation and veldt management, let alone the selling and other administrative decisions.”
“Clive was so in tune with nature, the animals and their needs. He even researched and advised me on the genetics of my Guernsey herd.” Gay said. Gay also had to take over the day-to-day management of their farms, sorting out fencing, machinery and broken windmills, things that she took for granted. “It has been a steep learning curve,” she says with a wry smile. “And I’ve had tremendous support from friends, especially Jan Venter, who shared Clive’s views.” She is determined that nothing will get her down and that empowering her staff and developing their skills is the best way to manage the angora operation.
One doubting Thomas has had to apologise to Gay for predicting that she would not be able to keep on both the mohair growing and her renowned Gay’s Dairy. “I am so proud of how well the Dairy staff is running things while I have had to concentrate on other areas. They are a great team.” Would she ever consider returning to public life? Gay ponders this and says that maybe one day when her son, Jordi, takes over the farm and she has the time, it could certainly be a possibility.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Gay's Magnificent Tributes to Clive
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:27 PM
112 jaar oud!
-Sharon Witts-Hewinson & Henriette Liebenberg -
Hoërskool Zwartberg is vanjaar 112 jaar oud. En diè mylpaal is op 21 September op heel gepaste wyse gevier met ‘n samekoms van onderwysers, leerders en ander rolspelers in die dorp.
‘n Nuwe boom is vir toekomstige nageslagte geplant en heel gepas vernoem – “Boolboom” - na die vorige skoolhoof, Kobus Snyman, wat diep spore in die gemeenskap getrap het. Jennifer Munro en Rachel LeKay het almal begelei in ‘n geesdriftige weergawe van “Happy Birthday” en Chris Gouws het ‘n toespraak oor die skool se geskiedenis en erfenis gelewer.
Die skool is desjare begin in ‘n kamer in die huis van die eerste onderwyser, Jan van Manen. Die seuns en meisies het aanvanklik apart onderrig ontvang en selfs toe die twee skole in 1897 saamsmelt is ‘n skeidsmuur opgerig om die seuns en meisies uitmekaar te hou – iets wat vandag se onnies dalk nog steeds nodig sou ag!
Hoërskool Zwartberg het ondanks die twee Suid-Afrikaanse oorloë, die twee Wêreldoorloë, en die Groot Depressie- en apartheidsjare, sterk bly staan en die gemeenskap gedien. Die skool se leuse, Ut Prosim, beteken nie verniet "om van diens te wees" nie.
En as toekomstige nageslagte onder die nuwe boom ontspan, sal hulle hopelik die beskermende en opbouende hand van die gemeenskap voel.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:27 PM
My Spiritual Perspective
- André Jaquet -
Yesterday I watched a small bird that was flying very fast disappear into the canopy of an old pear tree. So dense were its leaves that it was impossible to see what happened next, although I can tell you it remained inside.
I wondered how the bird had found its opening through the leaves at such a speed and then managed to align its fragile body on the branch it chose to land upon gently - all within a fraction of a second. Just imagine the flying manoeuvres required, the banking, the curling, the vertical and horizontal stabilisations, the deceleration and landing.
Memory? Calculation? Not in that tiny brain. Instinct? Maybe, but how does instinct know which way the branches of a tree have grown when no two trees are the same?
That little bird just knew. It had faith, in spite of not being able to see how things would work out.
It knew that if it stayed the course the details would be taken care of, an opening would appear and a twig would be found. In fact, had the bird prudently slowed down enough to inspect the tree carefully and logically first, she would have lost her lift and fallen to the ground.
To live a good life and to reach your dreams neither memory, nor calculations, nor instincts are the deciding factors. But faith coupled with action does it.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:26 PM
Briewe / Letters
The Thursday Group wish to thank all those people who have made contributions to their White Elephant stall at the Saturday morning market as well as many other contributions throughout the year. Without your help we cannot succeed in helping those who are not able to help themselves.
We have ongoing projects such as knitting teddies for children in the hospital, making caps for premature babies, assisting with the BADISA-run soup kitchen, providing toiletries for an orphan, and leading exercises and games at Huis Kweekvallei. There are also undertaken numerous other smaller projects.
As we have no overhead expenses and all work is voluntary, all monies are ploughed back into the community.
Dankie aan almal wat ons so goed ondersteun. Met julle hulp kan ons voortgaan om die gemeenskap te help waar daar ‘n behoefte is.
(on behalf of the Thursday Group)
We would like to thank Richard Dean for his article on Waterwise Gardens (October 2009) and give our support for his views. The committee discussed his suggestion for the Garden Club to demonstrate how to create a waterwise garden at their last meeting.
At present, our membership is small and, although enthusiastic, we are somewhat senior in average age. However, we would be happy to donate plants towards and give our support to any future initiatives.
Corroded by time and tortured by the harsh Karoo elements, rusted relics have become a Prince Albert signature. All over town one sees these old treasures of the veldt used in most creative ways. However, it seems these monuments to the town’s story, both past and present are treasure of a different kind to others.
Some time ago while walking on the Koppie, I noticed several white bags scattered around and each one filled to the brim with familiar old rusted metal bits and pieces, obviously awaiting collection. Weeks later, driving out of town early one morning on our way to Oudtshoorn my suspicion was confirmed. There in front of us was a large truck chugging along loaded high with Prince Albert’s scrap metal of all shapes and sizes….including the easily recognisable white bags – all leaving their origins, untold stories and a town that much poorer for their removal.
How sad and helpless I felt that these sentimental remnants so much part of the Karoo landscape had been scavenged by outsiders and merely regarded as “scrap metal” to be sold for a couple of bucks.
The hope of finding an interesting piece on a walk through the veldt is now diminished. I will be left wondering instead where all that potential has ended up ….maybe China?
I was pleased to read in “More water for PA?” in last month’s Friend (October 2009) that steps have been taken to make sure that the water furrow is now safe for wildlife.
I used to regularly check those parts of the furrow where tortoises in particular were always trapped and expressed my concern to the Municipality, on my blog and to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
It is a relief that the furrow no longer poses this danger. This restored my confidence in Prince Albert as a community, which cares for all its inhabitants, human and animal.
Returning here this spring, I could see for myself the progress that has been made. Again, as I often have stressed, South Africa is in very many respects an example to others.
I would like to thank everyone that has supported PA Animal Care this year. Thank you for the donations, both cash and food.
A special thank you to Brian & Marion Finch for their contribution, which we greatly appreciated. I am also grateful to Yvette Breedt & Martie vd Merwe of La-di-dah and Yolande Singery of Décor de St Géry for helping so many wild cats off the streets this year and to anybody else who has taken pity on and helped animals in need.
Thank you to the wonderful people who have adopted our strays and given them a loving home. I will be doing one more sterilisation this year - we are hoping to sterilise all the female cats behind the Swartberg Hotel, to prevent them from breeding any further.
Finally I would like to thank Brett the Vet, without whom PA Animal Care would not be able to do any work. Thank you for all your endless advice, free consultations, medication and providing cheap animal sterilisations to the poor. We can never thank you enough.
Merry Christmas to all animal lovers in Prince Albert and may God bless you.
PA Animal Care
Nadat ek ‘n paar maal my artikel, “Die Beste Skou in 18 Jaar”, in die Prince Albert Vriend (Oktober 2009) deurgelees het, moes ek vinnig na my “pen gryp” om beswaar te maak.
Die feit dat julle die feite en paragrawe heeltemal geklits het, is nie vir my so ‘n groot probleem nie, maar die laaste paragraaf het nou regtig my genoop om die briefie te skryf.
Dit moes as volg lees:“Ons wil net ons gelukwense aan Samie Luttig Jnr en sy bestuur oordra vir ‘n baie suksesvolle skou.Ons dank ook aan alle borge en vertoners.Sonder hulle sou dit net nie moontlik kon wees nie.Doe so voort!” (m.a.w Die borge en vertoners maak eintlik die skou moontlik).
Julle het dit so deurmekaar geklits dat niks sin maak nie.
Die Derksens wat ons bedank het moes onder die perde se hofie kom.
“Elke jaar word daar ook beoog om tydens die skou iets vir die dames te reël.Sonder hulle sou dit net nie moontlik kon wees nie.”Soos julle sin nou lees lyk dit asof niks moontlik sou wees sonder om iets vir die dames te reël nie of iets dergeliks!
Ek wil regtig vra dat indien julle in die vervolg ‘n artikel redigeer julle dit asseblief sal deurgee aan die persone wat dit geskryf het, net om seker te maak dat die betekenis nog dieselfde bly.
Die redaksie waardeer opbouende kritiek en ons teken verskoning aan vir enige onduidelikheid, maar terselfdertyd behou ons die reg voor om alle kopie te redigeer en te verkort. Dankie vir u bydrae aan vorige uitgawes van die Vriend. Ons sien uit na nog artikels in die toekoms.
Please let all of Prince Albert know how much we appreciated the natural beauty of the Karoo and the equally beautiful nature of the people.
Manchester, UK
We are an informal group of cyclists of varying ages - all over 40 - and levels of fitness, who ride a few times a week in the early morning. Our enthusiasm wanes with the onset of winter but as the days lengthen and grow warmer so our pleasure at the simple freedom of being able to ride several kms before breakfast increases.
We would like to thank the farmers who generously allow us to ride regularly on their land and wish them all the very best this festive season and in 2010. We won’t name them so as to avoid abuse of their good heartedness towards us and other cyclists who respect them and their property.
The large numbers of cyclists who have recently passed through Prince Albert and so enjoyed the town and its surrounds are a growing breed, people who enjoy exercise, the beauty and the thrill of nature and some, the edge of competition that cycling offers. Couldn’t the Tourism Association work with the farming community to promote Prince Albert as a mountain biking mecca?
We also feel strongly that more children should be riding bicycles; it is healthy, economical and means fewer cars on the road in our town. Whatever became of Hoërskool Zwartberg’s promotion of BEN bikes at the school?
Let’s become the bike-friendly town of the Western Cape!
Lorna Verran, Gill Hall, Sally Arnold
Proudly Prince Albert Pedallers
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:23 PM
Die donkie is ‘n wonderlike ding!
'n Sug van verligting! Die Prince Albert donkies is wel – hulle hoewe is gesny en “gemanicure” danksy ‘n briljante Silas Jantjies van Beaufort-Wes. Dr Jaco Pienaar, die Staatsveearts van Beaufort-Wes, het tyd ingeruim om spesiaal Prince Albert toe te kom om na die hele proses om te sien.
Die donkies is elkeen ‘n kalmeermiddel ingespuit en het geen ongerief ervaar nie, behalwe om ‘n bietjie onbeholpe rond te loop na die hele oefening. Hulle is ook teen perdesiekte ingespuit vir die wis en die onwis, aangesien hier perde in die omgewing geteel word.
Ou Boggom se “slipper”-hoef, wat ‘n groot bekommernis was, is baie mooi herstel (en duidelik net betyds) en sal wel opvolgbesoeke van Silas vereis. Hy stap al klaar sonder enige ongemak op sy “nuwe” hoef.
Daar word beoog om gereeld met die donkies te gaan stap, aangesien die veearts meen dat hulle so nou en dan op harde grond moet stap. Hy was egter ook van mening dat die kampe waar hulle tans gehou word heeltemal geskik is en dat hulle voeding, wat van tyd tot tyd lusern insluit, ook gesond is.
Hierdie hele oefening sou nie moontlik gewees het sonder die wonderlike geldelike bydraes van Prince Alberters, wat op baie kort kennisgewing hand in die sak gesteek het. Baie dankie ook aan dr Jaco Pienaar, Kobus Ferreira, Silas Jantjies (terloops self ‘n perde uithourit kampioen) en Gawie Nel wat tyd ingeruim het om na die welstand van die donkies om te sien.
As ‘n mens sien hoe donkies verniel en verwaarloos word as gevolg van verkeerde toerusting, te swaar karre-tjies en swak voeding, dan kan Prince Albert opreg trots wees op sy goedversorgde (weliswaar dalk ‘n bietjie oorgewig!) donkies.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:23 PM
Starry Splendour over Prince Albert
- Hans Daehne -
In December star-gazing can reign supreme again with warm nights and holidays in abundance and with our favourite and well-known constellations in their full glory overhead.
The most eye-catching open cluster, the Pleiades (M 45) or "Seven Sisters", is best seen through a pair of binoculars where 13 to 20 "sisters" can be counted while with a telescope only four of the seven are picked out. M 45 serves as a test for the acuity of your vision: if you can only see less than six stars you should have your eyes tested.
At an age of about 60 million years this cluster of stars in Taurus is an example of a star kindergarten with bright, bluish stars in contrast to the red, old "oupa" Aldebaran close by.
Binocular viewing, by the way, is so ideal for astronomy that the world’s largest binocular telescope (LBT) on the 3,270 m high Mount Graham in Arizona has proved to be quite successful. Each of its two primary mirrors is 8.4 m across and as a system it produces images with a clarity of ten times that of the Hubble Space Telescope.
A binocular view of the Orion Nebula (M42), the bright, fuzzy patch above the three belt stars, is also very rewarding but seen in the eyepiece of a telescope this maternity ward of star formation is awe-inspiring.
The Moon will be new on the 16th of December. Two Full Moons on the 2nd and the 31st (“blue moon”) will occur in December with a partial lunar eclipse on the 31st to end the International Year of Astronomy 2009. How "once in a blue moon" is this?
Summer Solstice is on the 21st of December.
The fast Mercury at magnitude -0.5 will again be visible after sunset for most of the month.
Jupiter at -2.3 is still the markedly bright object that can be admired in the early evening for the rest of the month.
Now is the time to view the Magellanic Clouds over the Swartberg and to use them to determine south as the famous seafarer did in 1519.
Although S.P.A.C.E., the Starfriends of Prince Albert for Celestial Enjoyment, took off to a slow start in the IYA2009, mostly due to adverse weather conditions, the prospects of more relaxed, social star-gazing sessions in future still remain. All starfriends are invited to observe the last sunset of 2009 and the following partial lunar eclipse from Gordon’s Koppie or from the air strip on Thursday 31 December at 19h30.
Hans and Tilanie from Astro Tours wish all starfriends a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
We are available for any queries or observation sessions on a daily basis during the Festive Season from the 12th to the 24th of December. (Cell: 072-732-2950)
Keep the stars in your eyes!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:22 PM
Brett the Vet - Multiple Choices
Consumers are more aware than ever about knowing the origins of their food. Sheep are thought to be a healthy option because they are presumed to be free-range. For most people it is difficult enough to tell different sheep apart in the fields. The secret histories of half a dozen legs of lamb in a display fridge still remain a mystery. Supporting ethical farming practice is something every caring person wants to do especially when they know the right questions to ask.
Appearance can be deceiving. A thicker layer of fat has accumulated due to lack of exercise. In the confined feedlot space there is no pasture for grazing. The sheep are fed concentrates in troughs. Growth hormones are used to improve weight gain, and the flesh is tender. It is generally accepted that the withdrawal period for hormones has lapsed before the lamb goes to slaughter. Tests can be done to identify traces of potentially harmful hormones in the meat. There are also drugs available that can be used to make the tests invalid.
The piece of meat that is the right size came to no harm during its brief life on the farm. The last remaining leopard that reigned over the mountains beyond the farm was caught in a gin trap and died from septicaemia after an agonising week gnawing at his festering paw. The fatal poison that had been distributed along the paths by the perimeter fence had killed scores of naturally free roaming jackal, raptors, rodents, otters, and also the neighbour’s harmless pet dogs. So the lambs were safe until their throats were cut.
Elastrators (elastic bands/ ‘rekkies’) are commonly used to dock lambs’ tails and for castration. Some farmers have used these on their best friends too!
This method has been revealed to be the most debilitating of all. Constricting bands cause intense pain and suffering, and sometimes death from the gangrene and associated infection. It would be like placing the tightest elastic band imaginable over your ring finger and leaving it there until the finger drops off. But the pain would be worse for a lamb only a few days old because young nonhumans (and humans) feel pain more intensely than adults do.
Good herd management and breed selection have eliminated the need for these procedures that were once considered mandatory. In some instances traditional standard procedures like docking fat-tailed ewes’ tails has recently been proved to actually lower lambing percentages. It is now understood that the tail is important not only for sexual attraction and distribution of pheromones, and it has many other functions as well. And there lies the leg of the lamb that lost its tail and testicles on the vast and violent plains of the Great Karoo.
Sheep survive even better than ostriches when the temperature hits hellish heights in summer. There is no shade from structure or tree in camps for all to see how sheep shelter in each other’s body shadows, panting during the hottest part of the day. So many flocks linger longing for the starry night, enduring the midday inferno with nowhere to go for respite. The fences are strong, the water is deep, the distances are long, and the sun burns no holes in the meat.
We are still left with a dilemma. There are vital questions and selections with consequences. In the past it was not possible to make an informed choice. Details of production may not be standardised and there is no perfect solution. A little discretion will bring us closer to compassion for the sentient creatures of the earth over which we have assumed power. You choose.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:22 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
Outa Lappies
Outa Schoeman het my gebel. Sal ek asseblief skryf oor hoe ek hom leer ken het, oor wat hy gedoen het, goed èn kwaad, en oor die Schoemans se verhouding met mekaar. Sien, ek is mos darem ook ‘n Schoeman, het hy gesê. (Dat ek eintlik maar net aangetroud is, was blykbaar nie vir hom ‘n “issue” nie!) Schoeman is Schoeman, en vir hom is daar twee soorte – wittes en bruines. Hy stuur ook vir my ‘n Schoeman-naambord.
Vir die waarheid van Outa se herkoms kan nóg hy nóg ek instaan. Wat hy weet, is aan hom vertel, en wat ék weet is weer deur hom aan my vertel. Maar dat hierdie derdehandse kennis baie interessant is, is seker.
Outa se eie woorde was dat daar nooit bruin Schoemans sou gewees het as die voortydse Schoeman-togryers nie doerie tyd die “klein swart kaff… parcel-tjie” (Outa se oupa), uit Rhodesië saamgebring het nie. Hier is die oupa toe daardie lente saam met hul eie babatjie gedoop as September Schoeman.
Saam met die naambord was daar ook ‘n tydskrif in Outa se eie handskrif. Ek moet sê, die handskrif het sekerlik al agteruit gegaan sedert sy netjiese skoolhandskrif toe hy in die distrik in “ Standerd Twee-en- ‘n half” was, soos hy altyd sê. Die geskrif lyk so:
Ik Outa, skenk Dese NAAM–Plaat Schoeman aan NONA Adri onvoorwaardelik vir ons twee se persoonlike mense wese.
Oor die kwaad, Outa, wat jy gedoen het, skryf ek niks, want as ek skryf en dis die waarheid, is jy in die moeilikheid. En as ek skryf en dis onwaar, is ék weer in die moeilikheid! Oor die goed wat jy gedoen het, haal ek aan uit wat jy op ‘n kierie in my besit gebrand het:
“To receive make me a slave
To give make me a master.”
En moet ek nog leer, maar weet jy al lankal.
Adri Schoeman
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:21 PM
LIFE IN KAROO COUNTRY… or, “I am the Lord of the Dance, said he”
- Elizabeth Storey-Lawson -
SAFM has a new program that really caught my interest last month. The general public is invited to call in and consult on air with a practicing psychologist who dispenses gentle counsel and practical homilies for dealing with common relationship problems. Time and again, this kindly doctor stressed the critical importance of “communication” between parties.
It set me thinking about all the ways in which we, and virtually an endless list of creatures, communicate and exactly what qualifies as “language”. Hubristic humans once coined the expression “dumb animals” in the misguided impression that without speech all other organisms had extremely limited means of communicating, either with each other or with the world at large.
We are all familiar with obvious transfers of information in the wild: who has not heard birds trilling their distinct species songs or noticed the brightening of their bodies with mating plumage. Carnivores spoor mark territorial prerogative; impalas snort-signal predator perceptions; and humpback whales chant pod locales. (As a small aside, my tiny island of Bermuda was the site of the very first under-sea sonar recording of these extraordinarily complex and lyrical whale songs.) With some degree of humility, man readily admits the paucity of his five senses as compared to the eyesight of a soaring eagle, the hearing of a hunting bat, or the narrow range of his ability to differentiate smells. We have about 3,000 scent receptor cells in our noses; a beagle hound has 30,000!
In my father’s library I once found a wonderfully interesting book entitled “Non-Verbal Communication” which dealt with the history and development of signage. Throughout history and valid in almost all human languages and cultures, certain shapes and colours have had a universal communicative character. An arrow for direction, a triangle for attention and the ubiquitous red for danger. But what is true for and used by man is also prevalent in entomology. Prince Albert’s own expert ornithologist, Dr. Richard Dean, recently described to me the effectiveness of brilliant red markings on insects which so clearly convey their toxicity to hungry birds hoping for a quick lunch.
But think of the amazing communication between Acacia Karoo trees when any one of them begins to be under threat from over-browsing. It releases into the air a signal to all neighbouring stands to increase tannin production in their leaves thereby heightening unpalatability. This communication method is so effective that in some geographically restrictive game parks kudu who continued to feed off the trees actually developed renal failure!
Of course, in my musings about how to silently and accurately share information, I came to wonder at our own most precious creatures – apis capensis – the Karoo honey bee. We are so often queried on how to tell the floral source of our honey varieties and I am afraid I must apologize for the length and complexity of the explanations given! Ultimately, one needs to understand the choice is theirs; we can only place the colonies in the vicinity of our desired nectar flow and watch where they decide to gather food.
Every colony sends out a small number of “scouts”, often a dozen or so, to reconnoitre a potential arena, up to 3km from the hive, for the gathering of pollen (their source of protein) and nectar (carbohydrates). Each scout returns to the colony with samples to be tasted and evaluated by the principal group of “workers” – all females, by the way, in the classic division of honey bee labours. Before I am accused of gender bias, “bringing home the bacon” simply does not apply to bee behaviour. Male honey bees – drones - do not perform any domestic chores within the hive nor provide any food for the colony.
Now the utterly amazing and unique process of communication begins! Each scout will perform either a round dance conveying precise information on the quality and quantity of available pollen or a waggle dance describing similar details of the potential nectar flow. In addition, these dances portray the exact direction and distances to the food sources. Remember – this is all done in the dark! In my humble opinion, and not to take too much objection to the author’s intent of this most beautiful song, the “Lord of the Dance” is truly a Lady.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:20 PM
Hoe verantwoordelik is Jy?
- Henriette Liebenberg -
Verantwoordelikheid – dít is die fokus van vandeesmaand se Media & Training Centre for Health, ‘n projek van die Prince Albert Advieskantoor (PAAK).
Ferdi Willemse van die Media & Training Centre sê verantwoordelikheid vorm ‘n belangrike grondslag in die gemeenskap. Nie net het ons ‘n verantwoordelikheid teenoor onsself en die manier waarop ons lewe nie, maar ook teenoor ons medemens – veral kinders, die gemeenskap as geheel, ons werksplekke, ander kulture en gelowe, siekes en alle diere.
Aktiwiteite dié maand sluit in ‘n uitsen-ding op 2 Desember op Radio Gamkaland tussen 15h00 en 16h00 die middag en ‘n mini-teaterstuk, “Lucky the Hero” op die 7de, om 19h00 die aand in die VGK-saal.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:20 PM
Cape Craft and Design Institute Workshop
- Shireen Reid & Vicky Raft -
How do you find a new way to present and transport a precious, fragile item such as an egg, using only cardboard and toothpicks? Or, why would a group of mature adults model a monster out of clay, pass it on to another person who can then either embellish or destroy it, depending on his or her mood?
This proved to be quite a challenge for us and the other 9 participants who attended the workshop held by the Cape Craft and Design Institute (CCDI) in “Die Dam” from 9 to 13 November. These residents of Merweville, Leeu-Gamka, Beaufort West, Klaarstroom and Prince Albert learnt from Mara Fleischer, the very enthusiastic presenter, that the main aim was to think “out of the box” and to see the potential in recycling materials.
Between drawing exercises done to train the eye to recognise negative and positive outlines, 3D models also had to be invented, which we found very difficult. Our wire craft session showed who was really talented as some models were very basic while others were quite impressive. Outlines were made of silhouette drawings and were very life-like.
We were also instructed to make an outfit for a 2010 soccer match as if our luggage had gone missing after our flight. This meant a visit to the recycling project to find enough material to make ourselves outfits. And what a surprise they turned out to be (although not all were suitable for a soccer match!) One hat was made out of a flower pot, decorated with ‘doppies’ and another hat was complete with horns and guitar to match. What a pity the Blue Bulls don’t play soccer! And then there were dresses fit for the Durban July and jewellery made from string or wire and bottle tops.
It was a very industrious and also great fun for all and also included a visit to the Fransie Pienaar Museum. Most participants had never been there before and were very impressed with the contents as well as with the Rooikamp exhibition which Lydia Barella explained to us. We then had to draw an interesting item that we had seen. Reinie Smit was also delighted to have some members join the Library as new ideas for crafts were much in demand.
The CCDI is intent on growing and promoting craft businesses as an economic sector in the Western Cape. It offers product support, workshops, market access advice, exhibitions and competitions. It is a Section 21 not-for-profit organisation and is funded by, amongst others, the National Department of Trade and Industry and the provincial Department of Economic Development and Tourism.
To learn more and also access the CCDI’s monthly newsletter, visit their website at www.ccdi.org.za.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:19 PM
VLV Sluit af in ‘n Kersfeesstemming
-Ronél McKnight-
Die VLV se jaarlikse afsluiting by The Olive Branch het almal in ‘n Kersfeesstemming geplaas. Ten spyte van so baie wat nog gedoen moet word voor Kersfees, raak ‘n mens lus vir Kersboom uithaal en pakkies versier.
Met vanjaar se Kersfees-vergadering wou ons lede inspireer om handgemaakte versierings vir die Kersboom, pakkies en tafels, in te span. Laphartjies, familie-foto’s wat mooi versier is en papier-engele kan die boom versier. Ook vir die Kerspakkies wat opgemaak moet word, kan ‘n goedkoop handgemaakte versiering elke ontvanger spesiaal laat voel.
Drie Kerstafels met uiteenlopende temas, is gedek. Ook hier het die klem geval op die gebruik van items wat in jou huis is of wat self gemaak kan word.
Die Kerstyd hoef dus nie in ‘n nagmerrie te ontaard wat jou ‘n klomp geld uit die sak jaag nie. Wees kreatief en gebruik dit wat jy in jou huis het om mee mooi te maak en selfs as ‘n geskenk te gee. Daarby is dit sommer terapeuties ook!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:19 PM
Labels: VLV
VLV Tagtig Jaar Oud
-Ronél McKnight-
Op Vrydag 16 Oktober is landwyd fees gevier om die tagtigjarige bestaan van die VLV te vier. Ook op Prince Albert is die verjaarsdag-kersies aangesteek.
Ongeveer 20 lede was teenwoordig om in die feesvieringe te deel. Tannie Hester van Vuuren tree na 18 jaar as voorsitter uit. Dalene Coetzee onderneem as nuwe voorsitter om die VLV op die pad vorentoe te neem. Sy wil graag met nuwe idees, om by die moderne behoeftes aan te pas, die volgende voetspore trap. Om aan te pas sal verseker dat daar altyd 'n hedendaagse organisasie is om aan 'n volgende geslag te oorhandig.
Tydens die verrigtinge was vorige voorsitters teenwoordig wat elk 'n kort oorsig oor die hoogtepunte van hulle tyd as voorsitter gelewer het. Interessante staaltjies is vertel van die gebeure wat lankal vergete is. En ja, ons het weer besef vandag se bejaardes was nie altyd bejaard nie! Hulle was op hulle jong dae vlytige vroue wie se hande vir niks verkeerd gestaan het nie en hulle het geweet van wérk!
Elke oud-voorsitter het ‘n kersie aangesteek om die tagtig jaar van die VLV te vier. Ook namens dié wat nie die verrigtinge kon bywoon nie. Tee en verversings is bedien waarna elkeen ‘n kolwyntjie met ‘n kers op ontvang het. Die seën en heildronk is deur Dalene Coetzee gelees waarna almal hulle kersies doodgeblaas het. “Happy Birthday” is gesing en ‘n klomp kleurvolle ballonne losgelaat.
Gedurende die verrigtinge is goeie herinne-ringe opgeroep deur ‘n skyfievertoning oor die VLV op Prince Albert deur die jare.
Die VLV kan slegs vorentoe gaan as almal dieselfde passie deel: die opvoeding van volwassenes.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:18 PM
Labels: VLV
Raai wie word 80?
- Magriet Muller -
Op 18 November 1929 is die dogtertjie Maria Margharita vir die egpaar Muller gebore op die plaas Bottelkraal in die distrik Fraserburg. Die oulike klein Rita begin haar skoolloopbaan by die plaasskool op Albertsgraf. Met haar gesin se verhuising na Oewersfontein, beland sy op die skoolbanke van Laerskool Merweville, maar die gesin verhuis weer na Staanleegte, en sy voltooi haar laerskooljare in Laingsburg.
Hierna word die Huishoudskool op Riebeeck-Wes haar tuiste en sy aanvaar haar eerste betrekking by die Huishoudskool (Die Ark) op Wellington, waar sy drie jaar lank werk. Later besluit sy op ‘n betrekking in Kaapstad se Kindersen-dinghuis in Bredastraat, waar sy tien jaar lank in die seunskoshuis werk.
Rita vertel graag dat sy baie goed onthou dat sy juis daar in Bredastraat besluit het om op ‘n dieёt te gaan. Sy het een Sondag-oggend niks geёet nie, maar so teen twaalf-uur saam met ‘n kollega ‘n glasie wyn geniet. Nodeloos om te sê watter effek glasienet voor die middagete op haar gehad het! Maar sy lag vrolik, en sê dit is darem ‘n lekker onthou.
Rita het in1963 na Prince Albert getrek waar sy verskeie betrekkings beklee en na haar ouers omgesien het in Markstaat 18, die huis waar sy tans nog woon.
Na haar ouers se afsterwe trou sy in 1976 met Paul Voordewind, wat haar twee jaar later weer ontval. In 1990 verbind sy haar in die eg met Gert Niehaus.
Bonusse is dat haar broer Nic Muller en skoonsuster Babs ook sedert 2001 op Prince Albert bly en dat hartsvriendin Attje (Adri) Schönborn, wat sy in die Kaap ontmoet het, haar ook jare gelede op die dorp kom vestig het.
Rita se verjaarsdagpartytjie is gehou by Lah-di-dah en die hele Muller-familieen al haar vriende was daar om die gawe dag dag saam met haar te vier.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:18 PM
VGK-Ringskorefees te Misgund
- Jakoba Visagie -
Die tweede Saterdag van Oktober is die datum waarna die kerkkoor van die VGK-gemeente plaaslik elke jaar uitsien. Dit is wanneer die korefees van die Ring van Zoar plaasvind. Die Ring van Zoar bestaan uit 11 gemeentes oa Prince Albert, De Rust, Dysselsdorp, Oudtshoorn, Môreson, Calitzdorp, Zoar, De Villiers, Uniondale, Joubertina en Misgund. Hierdie jaar het die gemeente van Misgund in die Langkloof as gasheer vir die korefees opgetree.
Van vroeg af het die kore van heinde en verre opgetrek na die VGK kerk in Misgund. Die pragtige kerk is teen ‘n heuwel tussen appelboorde en langs ‘n spoorlyn geleë. By hulle aankoms is die kore verwelkom met ‘n heerlike bord voedsame potjiekos.
Die aand was ‘n luisterrryke geleentheid waarby elke koor ‘n gesang en ‘n eie keuse lied moes sing. Die byeenkoms is geopen met “die VGK-lied” deur die massakoor en afgesluitmet ‘n pragtige kerslied. Na ‘n heerlike ontspanne dag waar vriendskapsbande weer versterk is, het ons huiswaarts gekeer.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:18 PM
Prince Albert Garden Club News
- Sue Goosen -
Have you ever seen a maze of sunflowers and mielies? Well, 22 members of the Prince Albert Garden Club will be able to tell you where to go to find one!
Neil and Jacquie Dixon bought a piece of land in Christina de Wit Street in 2007, with the intention of building a house. When the property next door became available (previously The Views) they purchased that too and now have two very different pieces of land. Neil is a horticulturalist, and although more familiar with plants available in Britain, he is transforming both the older, established but overgrown garden on one side, and also developing and planting a new garden on the adjacent ground.
Neil calls their garden “work in progress”, but has already revealed a peaceful leiwater dam, surrounded by mature trees, and containing fish, which attracts abundant wildlife and many birds. Old shrubs and vegetation have been removed and an enticing shady bower invites one to relax in the hammock slung beneath an enormous pear tree.
Follow the newly- laid brick paths past the vegetable beds and you will reach the new dam which has the beginnings of a wetland/bog area. Climb up the steps to the viewing platform and you will be able to enjoy the amazing views all around, and also appreciate the layout of the maze, which follows the Persian Carpet pattern.
A colourful walkway planted with shrubs, herbaceous perennials and pelargoniums was much admired. Future plans include beds of hibiscus and roses at the front of the house, and a fountain with cascading pools. Several members commented that they hoped we would make a return visit to Neil’s garden.
Our outing was slightly shortened when a storm that had been threatening finally resulted in a downpour, and we made a dash for Miller’s Restaurant, where Michael Upton, assisted by Tim Rowen, provided us with his renowned cream scones for tea.
Maureen McKinnon was the winner of a pelargonium in the lucky draw. Members were reminded of the Plant Sale to be held at the market on Saturday, December 12th. Contributions of rooted plants, exotic or indigenous, succulents, herbs or any garden-related items are needed. Phone Sue at 023 5411 558 for more information.
The end-of-year meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec 2nd, at 21 Pastorie Street. Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a glass of wine or fruit juice with us. Please note a later starting time of 17h00. Bring along a folding chair and a wine glass, a pen and a small plate of nibbles. The cost will be R10 for members and R15 for non-members.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:17 PM
Recycle on a Thursday
The recycling project is doing well. Since the start of the project in August last year, more than 80 tonnes of recyclables have been diverted out of our landfill site and sold to the depot in Oudtshoorn. The profits from this are being pumped back into the community through the buy back scheme which now operates weekly.
The contribution of material to the project from the street collection on a Thursday remains a very important part of the project, as the material collected in this way subsidises the transport cost to the project, leaving the profit to benefit the community where it matters.
Please make sure that you put your recycling out on the curb only on a Thursday. Everything collected by the tractor on Thursday goes to the recycling area, while everything collected on Tuesday and Friday goes into the landfill site. This means that if you go to the trouble of putting your recyclables in their own bag, but put this bag out on a Tuesday or Friday, your efforts are in vain – it will end up in the landfill!
So remember:
Recyclers do it on Thursdays!
Dit gaan goed met die herwinnings-projek. Sedert die projek in Augustus verlede jaar afgeskop het, het net meer as 80 ton herwinbares die pad Oudtshoorn toe gevind eerder as in ons altyd voller vaste afval stortingsterrein. Die wins van die verkope van herwinbares word teruggepomp in die gemeenskap deur die terugkoop skema wat nou elke week plaasvind.
Die herwinbare materiaal wat op Donderdae deur die trekker van die sypaadjie af opgelaai word, bly ‘n belangrike deel van die projek – dit subsidieer die vervoer van herwinbares na Oudtshoorn sodat die wins aangewend word waar dit ons gemeenskap die meeste kan help.
Maak tog seker dat jou sak herwinbares net op ‘n Donderdag uitgesit word. Alles wat die trekker op ‘n Donderdag oplaai gaan na die herwinningshok. Alles wat op Dinsdae en Vrydae opgelaai word, gaan reguit in die stortingsterrein. Dit beteken dat jou moeite om te herwin alles verniet is as jy jou sak uitsit op ‘n ander dag as Donderdag.
As jy van die plase af herwinbares inbring dorp toe, kan jy dit direk by die herwinningshok by die stortingsterrein aflaai, of jy kan dit vroeg op ‘n Donderdag oggend op die sypaadjie aflaai.
Onthou nou:
Herwinners doen dit op Donderdae!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:17 PM
Finding our place in the sun
Julie & Richard Waterston discover Prince Albert’s unique brand of hospitality and the many special people in our town who have helped them to make it their home.
We arrived in Prince Albert for the first time in February 2008, en route to Cape Town. It was a sweltering 41.5ºC afternoon and there was not a soul to be seen. Fortunately we managed to get cold water and a beer in the blissful shade of the Swartberg Arms’ stoep. We checked in at Dennehof... and things began to look up.
After a friendly welcome we took a cooling off dip in their dam-cum-pool, and were finally able to appreciate the beautiful surrounding in which we found ourselves. The majestic Swartberg Mountains, the sweet air and the wide-open Karoo plains left us feeling unexpectedly satisfied. We finished off the day with a visit to Gay’s Dairy sampling yummy cheeses.
Seven months later, on a mission to find our own piece of ‘heaven’ we visited the town again. Things didn’t start out too well because we ‘lost’ the sump of our car on the road between Willowmore and Klaarstroom. But fortunately two members of Prince Albert’s Detective Branch stopped to offer their help.
They took our luggage and Julie all the way to Dennehof, where Alta was awaiting our arrival. Poor Richard only arrived much later. He had spent half the day out in the veld – with two Klaarstroom policemen to keep him company while waiting for a flatbed truck to take the car to Oudtshoorn.
But, of course things began to look up, as they always seem to do here. After a marvellous breakfast Ria tirelessly showed us numerous properties for sale... and we simply fell in love with the view from two plots adjacent to Skaapies Einde. It was exactly where we wanted to spend the rest of our lives.
Over the past 14 months we have made numerous trips between our previous home in Hillcrest and Prince Albert. And during this time we have had many wonderful experiences, made loads of happy memories, and met many fantastic people. One more trip back for Christmas and then we’ll be settling here permanently. We can hardly wait.
But in the meantime we’d like to thank the many Prince Alberters who have touched our lives and helped make this decision feel so right. As a community you are blessed to have so many wonderful people whom you can call friends.
We’d like to thank Ria and Lindsay for their hospitality and amazing trips up the Swartberg Pass and into Die Hell. To Wendy and staff for giving us ‘a home from home’ at Olienhof. Marlene and Laurie, Carol, Dorrien and Dick, Michael and Gunda were never short on helpful advice and have become wonderful friends. Peter Kamfer and his team are doing an excellent building job of making our dream come true on the Koppie... along with Theunis, Michelle and the rest of the Home Hardware staff. And also Johan Smit for arranging hassle free deliveries, Jan Nel for putting up with all our changes and Brian for allowing us to just pick up blocks whilst he was away.
We also thank the wonderful people that work for the Municipality, Elysia our fantastic gardener, Riaan for his advice and Zelia at Tourism, who never tired of answering all my questions. And La-di-dah’s wonderful “cuppa chinos”, Yvette and Martie who have been so supportive of Ju Ju’s Jewels.
We’ve also just heard that my mother and an aunt have also decided to re-locate here and will be joining us in the New Year. So a heartfelt thanks goes to Eric for showing us such a beautiful home and also to Amanda who at a moment’s notice, drew up a copy of the house plan.
None of this would have happened back in the city and we thank the people and the spirit of Prince Albert for helping us to find our special place in the sun!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:16 PM
Kankerstap 2009
- Reinie Smit -
Vrydag, 30 Oktober, het Toktokkie die kleuterskole besoek – Bambino, Wildekanisland, Miernes – met goeie raad oor ‘n gesonde leefwyse. Om daad by die woord te voeg, het ons ons eie “Kankerstappies” gehou (“oefen gereeld!”)
Op Saterdag, 31 Oktober, het ons jaarlikse Kankerstap ongeveer 140 deelnemers opgelewer – van babas in stootwaentjies, kinders op fietse tot ons eie “Golden Games”. Ons het 08h00 weggespring en teen 09h00 het die laastes klaargemaak.
‘n Groot dankie aan almal wat ons ondersteun het; almal wat gehelp het om deelnemers te werf (Sammy Delport, Juliana van der Westhuizen, Michelle May en Andelene Kamfer); Tertius en Hester Jarrard vir jul hulp Saterdagoggend; Hannes van der Westhuizen, Jean Viljoen en George Tait van die Polisie vir jul hulp met die reël van die verkeer; en Alta en Melissa vir jul hulp by die kleuterskole.
Dan wil ek hierdie jaar ‘n spesiale dankie sê aan die onderwysers van Prince Albert Primêr vir hul volgehoue ondersteuning élke jaar. Alhoewel hul atletiek saam met die Kankerstap val en hul dus nie kan deelneem nie, skryf almal (en sommiges se gesinne!) in, om sodoende ook húl bydrae tot Kansa te maak. Jul positiewe gesindheid word deur ons almal raakgesien en waardeer.
Danksy almal se ondersteuning het ons R4992.50 vir KANSA ingesamel.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:16 PM
Museum News
Look here, that’s what I always have in my bag,” Katie, 5, said at the market the other day. “A lipstick, a hair brush and money.” I personally have never owned lipstick but I’d agree on the hairbrush and money bit, especially when I’m travelling. When Mrs Catherine Alice Honeyborne (née Goulding) travelled in the 1800s she took her travelling case along.
The case is made of black leather lined with green satin. It is divided into a lower and an upper compartment by a hinged partition which has 6 satin divisions housing 2 brushes and 4 glass containers with engraved pewter tops. Included is a mirror in which Mrs Honeyborne could check her appearance before climbing into a horse-drawn carriage or a steam train. Amongst the things ladies took with them in those days were Epsom-, Glauber- and smelling salts, castor oil, methylated spirits and Conde’s Crystals for sterilizing; face powder, tongs for curling eyelashes and all sorts of toiletries.
When you go to the Museum and look at the case you’ll see a manicure set and several button hooks, used for buttoning up shoes and spats. There is a prayer book and a hymn book, both written in High Dutch; they belonged to Petronella Jacoba Honeyborne (née Gouws, 1872-1968).
Mrs Catherine Alice Honeyborne was married to Bolton Blackwell, who changed his name by deed poll to Bolton Stretch Honeyborne. He was born in Ireland in 1823 and arrived in the Cape Colony in 1849.
He filled various posts in Cape Town, Fraserburg and Beaufort West and finally made his home in Prince Albert. He owned the building that houses Pep Stores today until 1861 and sold groceries, clothes and hardware to the inhabitants of the dorp and the district. He was an agent and auctioneer for 30 years. He was also a member of the Prince Albert Divisional Council and did a lot to get the Swartberg Pass project started. He was involved in the Anglican Church and was generous to the poor. He died in 1891 and is buried in the Anglican Cemetery in Prince Albert.
We don’t have many records of Mrs Catherine Alice Honeyborne and we don’t know if she had one favourite thing without which she would never travel. Present day Prince Alberters being asked what they would take had the following to say: my “knipmes”; my leatherman; cable ties; my headlamp; my lighter; my camera; my notebook; and Ohropax (a superior brand of earplugs).
What is the one thing YOU would take along on a trip into the blue?
Gunda Hardegen-Brunner
Is hereby given that the Official Opening Ceremony of the Zwartberg Pass will take place on Tuesday, the 10th January 1888, on the summit of the Mountain.
The Public of the Division are requested to attend.
By order of the Board.
B.S. Honeyborne. Secretary.
Div. Council Office, Prince Albert. 27th Dec., 1887.
Geschiedt by beze, dat die Oficieele Openings Plechtigheid der Zwartberg Pas zal plaats vinden op den 10den January, 1888, op den top van den Berg. De Boerenvrienden en heg algemeen Publiek dezer Afdeeling wordt verzocht by die gelegenheid tegenwoordig te zyn.
Op last van den Raad.
B.S. Honeeyborne, Secretaris.
Kantoor van den Afdeelingsraad. Prince Albert, Dec. 27th. 1887.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:15 PM
Gallery Stages Two Exciting Exhibitions
- Brent Phillips-White -
The Prince Albert Gallery is hosting two very different exhibitions over the upcoming holiday period. Diane Johnson-Ackerman’s exhibition, “Time-less Karoo”, opens in the middle of December and is followed in January by “Black, White and Colour”, featuring the work of Elza Botha and Joshua Miles.
Diane Johnson-Ackerman has an honours degree from Rhodes University, having studied under the likes of Prof Brian Bradshaw and Prof Robert Brooks. She has exhibited extensively since the early 1970’s with works in public and private collections as far afield as Japan and the United States. Diane’s work has featured regularly in the Prince Albert Gallery over the last three years.
For this exhibition of acrylic paintings and etchings she has focussed on Prince Albert homes and landscapes captured in the strong Karoo light. Her work has a strong three dimensional quality in which she pays attention to the contrasts between light and shade, for example, the shadow of brookie-lace cast on a wall or the shadow of a single sunflower on a wall. The paintings in both large and small scale exude a sense of calm, quiet timelessness.
Elza Botha (Miles) and Joshua Miles are both acclaimed print-makers. Earlier this year Joshua held a successful exhibition at the Prince Albert Gallery. He has since acquired a much larger printing press and for this exhibition will be showing his impressive printmaking skills on a grander scale.
Elza Botha, in the words of well-known curator Julia Meintjes, is “one of South Africa’s foremost printmakers – producing mainly woodblock prints in very limited editions. Renowned for her feminist and political work, Elza provides a sensitive, emphatic commentary on aspects of South African society and history which resonates beyond the artist’s own story. Although her use of a black and white medium appears to simplify the image, the details which she selects (or exaggerates) to depict her subjects sharpen the emotive content of her statements – the drooping pattern of facial lines, the pathos in the stance of a figure, or the combination of narrative objects. This complex-simplicity of her works exhibits her life-long involvement in art and her astute observation of character.
She kept intricate scrapbooks and created works in her youth, studied under Walter Battiss at the University of Pretoria and achieved her Masters at RAU (Johannesburg University). She has lectured in Art History and worked as a reputable art critic. As a respected researcher she has curated pivotal exhibitions and published books (including “Land and Lives”, “Lifeline out of Africa” and “Polly Street”). Her research focuses on the lives and work of artists too long undocumented and unrecognised in South African art history.”
Locals and visitors alike are welcome to join us at the Seven Arches for a glass of wine at both exhibition openings on the following dates:
“Timeless Karoo” an exhibition of paintings and etchings by Diane Johnson-Ackerman opens on Wednesday, 16 December, at 18h00
“Black, White and Colour” an exhibition of woodblock prints by Elza Botha and Joshua Miles will open on Saturday, 16 January, at 18h00.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:14 PM
- Jan-Chris Marais -
Die jaarlikse Boerbokinterstreeks-kampioenskap gaan voortaan in Prince Albert gehou word. Dié goeie nuus is op die onlangse Landbouskou bekend gemaak, en beteken dat Noord-, Wes- en Oos-Kaap voortaan hier gaan meeding.
Bykans 300 bokke het aan vanjaar se kampioenskap deelgeneem en die kompetisie is as baie sterk bestempel.
Die twee opkomende boere-groepe van Treintjiesrivier en Katrivier het veral beïndruk met die kwaliteit van hulle bokke. Die Katrivier-groep het vanjaar koning gekraai.
Die Baksteen Boerbokstoet van Jan-Chris Marais het weggestap met die louere vir die meeste punte.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:14 PM
Herwinning met die Rommeltjommel en Blikvreter
- Denise Ohlson -
Herwinning is nie vir sissies nie. Gaan kyk maar daar by A+ Scrapmetal in die industriële area waar Ampie Jordaan saam met sy vrou Anna en tweelingdogters Elize en Annalien letterlik tonne skroot en rommel elke maand verwerk en vervoer.
Dit is inspirerend om te sien hoe daar daagliks van vroeg tot laat geweeg en gesweet, geswoeg en gepers word. Die honde Wors en Buks is ewe bedrywig en begeesterd – en die hen sonder naam skrop ook tussendeur kloekend om haar kuikens…
Die gesin en hul helpers het al vele ou vullisgate “ontrommel”. Elke stuk blik, yster en plastiek word uitgegrawe en in sakke gestop, op die Rommel-tjommel gelaai en aangery na die skrootwerf waar dit met die perser, genaamd Blikvreter, binne twee minute inmekaargedruk word tot stewige blokke – wat in Oudtshoorn verkoop word. Van Oudtshoorn gaan dit Kaap toe en van daar dra skepe die Karoo-blik oor die see China en Japan toe... waar dit gesmelt word - en wie weet, dalk weer in die vorm van ‘n bakkie of trekker hier by ons beland?
Ampie, as oud-leerling van Hoërskool Zwartberg, pluk vandag die vrugte van die dissipline wat daar afgedwing is. Vandag groei daar nie ‘n lui haar op sy kop nie – en planne kan hy ook maak: As boere vra dat hy hul plase moet opruim, sorg hy dat hy daar kom; hy woon veilings by; hy organiseer optelsessies langs die treinspore waar derduisende blikkies weggegooi word. As daar hier en daar ‘n waardevolle artikel te voorskyn kom, is daar vanselfsprekend groot opgewondenheid. Hy het ook al sy kliënte vir wie hy uitkyk vir spesiale artikels soos ou trekkers, skale, skaars onderdele…
Die smous met afvalmateriaal skep werk vir tot ses mense per dag en dan is daar daagliks werkloses wat as rommelgaar-ders ’n goeie dag se loon kan verdien met die blik en yster wat hulle aandra in sakke, kruiwaens en handgemaakte karretjies.
Ampie is trots op wat hy en sy gesin vermag en sê die polisie kom gereeld inspeksie doen om te help verseker dat daar nie met gesteelde goedere gehandel word nie. Vanselfsprekend hou hy sy oë oop en dit het al gebeur dat hy windpomponderdele geëien het en aan die eienaar terugbesorg het.
Die energie en sinergie op die skrootwerf herinner aan ‘n miernes – en veral Elize se stralende gesig as sy werk en Annalien se waardige houding as leerlingbestuurder agter die stuur van die bakkie vervul ‘n mens met verwonderde bewondering.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:14 PM
Die Donker Sy van die 2010 Wêreldbekertoernooi
- Henriette Liebenberg -
Volgende jaar se Wêreldbekersokkertoernooi in Suid-Afrika hou beloftes in van duisende sokkergeesdriftiges en groot geld. Maar daar is ‘n donker kant – die misbruik van veral vroue en kinders. Gedurende die Wêreldbekertoernooi in Duitsland in 2006, is sowat 40 000 jong vroue uit veral Sentraal- en Oos-Europa en die ou Sowjet-Unie onder valse voorwendsels na die land gelok en uitgebuit vir seksuele gunste.
Carol Bews van Kinderwelsyn in Johannesburg sê met ‘n verwagte toename in toerisme in 2010 kan daar ‘n styging wees in prostitusie en gevalle waar kinders vir seks gebruik word. Sy sê onskuldige vroue, mans en kinders kan verblind word met beloftes van werk en ‘n beter lewe en dan uiteindelik misbruik word.
Inspekteur Eddie Hattingh van die Prince Albert Polisie het aan die Vriend gesê hoe gouer almal bewus word van die dreigende gevaar, hoe beter. Hy sê mense wat daarop uit is om onskuldige vroue, mans en kinders te misbruik, gaan waarskynlik veral plattelandse gebiede teiken en Prince Albert is be-slis nie immuun teen sulke aanslae nie. Jongmense veral is maklike teikens en almal in die gemeenskap moet bedag wees daarop. Hy het ook sy kommer uitgespreek oor die feit dat heelwat kinders sonder toesig gelaat word wat hulle ook maklike teikens maak.
Verskeie organisasies landwyd het reeds begin met ‘n veldtog – Rooilig 2010/Red Light 2010 – ter bewusmaking en die voorkoming van menslike handeldrywing. Die veldtog in Prince Albert is op 25 November deur ‘n kinderregte-organisasie, ANEX, wat in die Sentraal-Karoo gebaseer is, afgeskop.
Inspekteur Hattingh sê mense moet nie oorgerus wees net omdat daar nog nie voorvalle van menslike handeldrywing was nie. Hy het Prince Alberters aangemoedig om waaksaam te wees teen vreemdelinge wat mense vir werk werf of inwoners probeer betrek om mense-werwing te doen. Hy sê indien daar enigsins onraad bespeur word, kan die polisie geskakel word by 023-541 8000 of hom direk by 082 5594723.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:13 PM
Promising work by our Chamber of Commerce
- David Long -
The many residents who attended the 19 November meeting of the Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce were visibly impressed by the Chamber’s achievements since its inception earlier this year. They were also treated to an excellent presentation by Paul Hoffman Acting Branch Manager for the Small Economic Development Agency (SEDA) in George.
Progress by the Chamber has been made in the following areas:
The PACC website is fully operational and can be accessed at: www.princealbertchamber.org
Sponsors and advertisers are invited to provide more information for members of the Chamber.
The A to Z Directory of Services available in Prince Albert is currently being updated, and the cut off date for submission of amendments and corrections is 15th December 2009, when the Directory will be sent to print.
The Chamber lobbied vigorously for ADSL to be introduced to Prince Albert. TELKOM has advised that there are now an additional 42 ports available to Prince Albert.
Yolande Singery advised that she is an agent for VOX, and gave a brief description of this facility. VOX can provide cheaper internet access as well as cheaper and in some cases free call charges. Further information on VOX is available from Yolande directly on 082 882 8289.
The meeting was well attended by local business people who were clearly interested in Paul Hoffman’s presentation on SEDA, a user-friendly organisation that provides an advisory service to small entrepreneurs starting up their own businesses.
SEDA is funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and in many cases their services are free of charge. They help with business plans and provide additional advice and support with marketing and networking. They also run relevant training programmes.
For further information regarding SEDA visit their website located at www.seda.org.za or contact:
Paul Hoffman on 044 874 4770 or 082 577 5302.
There was a spirited discussion about the current delays in the approval by the Municipality of building plans. It was reported that currently there are 25 sets of plans for new buildings or renovations that are outstanding.
Not only did this have a frustrating effect on the relevant homeowner, it also had a negative effect on individuals and businesses who are dependant on such activities.
At the moment there is a joint services agreement between Prince Albert and Beaufort West for the approval of plans. A resident requested that the PACC put pressure on the Municipality to reinstate the local planning approval process. The PACC agreed to this request, and have written to the Municipal Manager.
The Chamber wishes all its members and all Prince Alberters season’s greetings and looks forward to its next meeting in March 2010.
Any enquiries regarding the
Chamber should be sent to:
The Swartberg Hotel, Church Street,
Prince Albert.
or via e-mail to princealbertchamberofcommerce@gmail.com
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:13 PM
Absa fiasco
Met die ter perse gaan van die Vriend was daar groot ontevredenheid onder inwoners met die diens wat Absa Bank aan ons dorp bied. Dit is verbasend dat die mense van byvoorbeeld Uniondale so bevoorreg is om tussen drie banke te kan kies…
Ons berig in ons volgende uitgawe meer volledig hieroor – en ook oor die feit dat die bank se OTM gedurende die laaste week van November 4 dae lank buite werking was. Dit het onge-kende vertragings (en kostes en ongerief) tot gevolg gehad. Kliënte het tot op die sypaadjie tou gestaan – en die temperatuur was juis 40 grade plus op 24 en 25 November!
Die Vriend hoor graag wat ons lesers dink van die diens van ons enigste bank.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:12 PM
Our Municipality: So far, So very Good
- Linda Jaquet -
The fair winds of change certainly seem to blowing in our Municipality. At a frank press briefing in the middle of November, the Executive Mayor, Councillor Magdalena Benjamin, accompanied by the Municipal Manager, Juanita Fortuin, reported on a meeting which President Zuma held in Cape Town on 20 October with all the Mayors and Municipal Managers of South Africa’s 283 Municipalities.
The meeting followed the countrywide assessment of the performance of local government and a comprehensive report of the findings for every municipality. All Cabinet Members, Premiers, and Directors General of Government Departments attended.
The New President speaks
Mayor Benjamin explained that the President conveyed a brutally frank message that Government was meant to serve the people and not the other way around. He said that the focus on service delivery had to be sharpened and set 2014 as the target date by which he expected a clean audit target from all levels of Government on important areas of governance.
In essence this means that all financial statements and maintenance systems had to be in order and that all communities should by then have clean water, decent sanitation and access to electricity. The President also emphasised that oversight of local government had to be strengthened but that politicians were not to interfere with the administration.
What we can expect
Mayor Benjamin then described plans that the Municipality had developed in response to the assessment of its performance. These included:
* Regular interaction with the community, working towards effective area committees and quarterly meetings with role players including representatives of the farming community, those involved in the tourism industry, business, heritage groups and other non-profit organisations.
* A complete analysis of basic service delivery, of backlogs and the re-organisation of the Municipal team to deal with problem areas will be made. This includes improving the capacity of the Municipality through employing the right people for the job and proper staff training. Ms Fortuin added that for instance, she and her staff had committed themselves to ensuring that by July next year, Prince Albert will comply fully with the Department of Water Affairs’ strict water supply and waste water management requirements. Here she was talking about the Blue/Green Drop project, which will make sure that our town’s drinking water is sampled and tested daily, by trained interns.
* Control systems would be tightened to make sure that spending was in line with approved plans and targets and proper oversight to ensure good financial and performance management.
For example, residents who order the sanitation truck (suigtenk) over weekends or after hours will have to complete a record of when and how long the truck was used.
* Proper planning was to be done for disasters and emergencies, including fire, especially at this time of year when the Municipality no longer has its own fire engine.
* An assessment of infrastructure such as roads, sewage, the storm water system, water and electricity in Prince Albert and upgrading of infrastructure in Leeu-Gamka and Klaarstroom are underway.
* Proper responses will be given to queries and the Municipality would intervene with Provincial and National governments in those areas outside the Municipality’s responsibility, for example, health facilities and public transport.
A welcome and impressive aspect of the briefing was the detailed information the Mayor gave on the progress that has already been made on implementing programmes on capital expenditure and finance. Notable examples are how and by when the vexing problem of municipal accounts will be fixed and a commitment was made to finalise all the backlog of outstanding building plans by the end of November. These included deadlines, time frames and importantly, what had been accomplished and how many jobs had been created.
There was a clear thread in the briefing: There will be a strong drive to improve service delivery, accountability and value for the money taxpayers are paying. The Municipality will now be more open to the public and has made a commitment to alleviate poverty by employing local labour on capital projects and the right people in the Municipality.
As if that is not already a big commitment, the Municipality plans to lighten up from time to time! Councillor Benjamin will host a Ball on 4 December in aid of the Mayor’s Bursary Fund. “I hope that local businesses will contribute in kind to this Fund and help fund her dinner for Senior Citizens on 11 December”.
The Mayor is also launching a “Christmas tree drive” and asks residents to donate new or used, but neat and clean, toys and books for children who will not be getting presents this year. There will also be school holiday programmes in the three towns to keep youngsters busy and to teach them new and interesting crafts and skills. Above all they will be having fun!
Councillors’ Portfolios
As political head, Mayor Benjamin is an ex officio member of all the Council’s committees. Deputy Mayor Pienaar chairs the Finance Committee, while Councillor Abrahams heads the Community Development Committee. Councillor Jansen is in charge of the LED/IDP Committee, Speaker Botes chairs the Personnel and Transformation Committee and the Building Committee is chaired by Councillor Goliath.
The Mayor encouraged residents to contact the Councillors about matters that fell under their purview
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:11 PM
Kerskoek haal R600 op veiling
Tydens die Reinders-fonds-insameling op 27 November, is daar met entoesiasme gebie vir die lieflike kerskoek wat Susan Viljoen spesiaal vir die geleentheid gebak en versier het. Die uitsonderlike vrugtekoek, getooi met die fraaiste marsepeinvruggies, elkeen perfek met die hand gevorm, het ‘n volle R600 tot die fonds bygedra.
Susan, wat in 1969 aan die sy van houtwerkonderwyser Pieter Viljoen as gradeonderwyseres in Pastoriestraat kom bly het, was in 1988 ook die stigter van die dorp se eerste kleuterskool. By Wildekanisland het sy jare lank 30 kindertjies op ‘n slag skoolgereed gemaak. Deur al die jare was sy ook trou betrokke by die Sondagskool en kinderkrans - en in die gemeenskap het sy ook haar deel gedoen. Vandag nog is sy hart en siel betrokke by die werk van die Here.
As ma van vier kinders was die bak en versier van partytjiekoeke maar deel van haar lewe. Dit het ‘n ernstige stokperdjie geword toe sy by die Koekversierdersgilde in die Kaap aangesluit het. Sy het ‘n kursus bygewoon en gereeld hul boeke en brosjures ontvang. Bestellings het landwyd begin inkom en daar moes verpakkingsplanne gemaak word!
Vir Susan is die uitdaging die wonderlike temas waarmee mense opdaag vir hul spesiale koeke. Dolfyne wat uit die water spring, swane wat swewend swem, kerktorings… teksverse. Koeke vir elke geleentheid en seisoen: Matriekafskeid, Voorstelling, huweliksherdenking, mondigwording… die VLV se 50 jarige bestaan, Sigri Barrella se 80ste verjaarsdagkoek onthou sy goed. Daar is gesinne vir wie sy vir ma en dogter ‘n voorstelkoek gebak het; vir die pa ‘n troukoek en vir die seun ‘n “sleutelkoek” vir die mondigwordingsparty.
Niks is te groot of onmoontlik nie. Maar, waarsku Susan, sy gee eerder berading voor sy ‘n egskeidingskoek bak!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:11 PM
Bushman Valley on the Camping Map
Ian Uys of Bushman Valley was delighted that two national magazines recently featured the campsite as one worth visiting in the Karoo.
The November 2009 edition of Wegsleep mentions the numerous hiking routes - one of which passes a ridge studded with fossils from the Devonian era of 350 million years ago.
The August 2009 issue of Caravan & Outdoor Life featured a recommendation by Dot and Eric Moss who came for a day and stayed for a month. They praised the setting, management and staff of the camp and their high standards. The Moss’s also were charmed by Prince Albert’s “wonderfully friendly people … fabulous cafés and restaurants … and history in truckloads.” They concluded, “Do yourself a favour and plan a trip there and we are sure you will agree that you have found that ‘next amazing site’.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:10 PM
Moë fietsryers in Prince Albert
- Lenor Snyman -
Die Klein-Karoo se onlangse Cape Pioneer Trek vir bergfietsryers het ‘n draai in Prince Albert gemaak. En die Hoërskool Zwartberg se koffers is R30 000 voller.
Dié marathon-wedren is vanjaar vir die eerste keer gehou. Dit het oor 6 dae en 616 kilometer gestrek, in Oudtshoorn begin, Calitzdorp toe, oor die Swartbergpas Prince Albert toe en van hier af De Rust, Uniondale, George en terug Oudtshoorn toe. Dit word reeds as die naasgrootste in Afrika bestempel met sowat 200 fietsryers wat deelgeneem het.
Die fietsryers het aan die einde van die tweede skof op die rugbyveld van Hoërskool Zwartberg oornag. Ouers en leerders het behoorlik bontgestaan toe die trapvoos fietsryers begin aankom, met skoon fietse en sakke wat rondgedra is. Dit nadat vroegdag reeds begin is met kosmaak, tente opslaan en matrasse uitpak.
En met die begin van die derde skof na De Rust het sommige onderwysers, ouers en leerders waterpunte beman. Koeksisters, vars vrugte en water is uitgedeel. Op die rugbyveld was dit weer ‘n miernes van bedrywigheid toe die tente afgeslaan en alles gelaai moes word vir vervoer na die De Rust-oornagpunt.
Dit is danksy al dié harde werk wat Hoërskool Zwartberg se skoolfonds R30 000 ryker is. Die wedren is deur Klein Karoo International en Toyota aangebied, en word weer vir aanstaande jaar beplan.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:10 PM
Flink Dink
- Diana Koorts -
Hoërskool Zwartberg het vanjaar weer aan die Cami–wiskunde kompetisie deelgeneem. In diè kompetisie kry leerders +/- /x/ ÷ somme om te beantwoord. Elkeen werk teen sy eie tempo en moet poog om soveel somme as moontlik binne 400 sekondes te beantwoord.
Gr.1’s doen net plus somme en Gr. 2 en 3 doen plus en minus somme en vanaf Gr.4 -7 kom die maal en deel ook by. Hoe vinniger die antwoord ingepons word, hoe vinniger verskyn die volgende som. Dis werklik ’n wonderlike kompetisie wat leerders aanspoor om elke keer hul prestasies te verbeter.
Vanjaar het die inskrywings die hoogte ingeskiet en nie minder as 67 000 leer-ders in die Wes-Kaap het deelgeneem. Daar is twee rondtes gehou. 27 leerders het aan die eerste rondte deelgeneem wat plaasgevind het in die Garden Route Mall.
Dit het uiterste konsentrasies en uithouvermoë by ons leerders geverg – aangesien die kompetisie plaasvind in een van die gange van die gebou, terwyl honderde “toeskouers” en deelnemers rondloop, gesels, aanmoedig en aankondigings oor luidsprekers gemaak word.
Nie eens al die lawaai het ons leerders van stryk gebring om deur te dring na die finale rondte wat op 24 Oktober gehou is. Hulle het die 20 beste leerders in elke graad –uit al die skole van die Wes-Kaap- gekies om aan die finale rondte deel te neem – 14 van hulle behoort aan Hoërskool Zwartberg!!
Ons leerders het pragtig presteer en ons is regtig trots op elkeen se prestasie – volgende jaar gaan ons probeer om van die GROOT pryse terug te bring. Die nr.1 in elke graad het ’n skootrekenaar gewen ter waarde van R6000, nr.2 ’n selfoon ter waarde van R5000 en nr. 3 ’n geskenkbewys van R500.
Veels geluk aan ons leerders wat uitgeblink het:
Gr 1:
Dewald Le Grange
Ashwill van Rooyen
Jana Koorts
Gr. 2:
Bianca Vorster
Zaunry v d Ross
Gr 3:
Shaun v Zyl
Hegan Pipes
Pieter Koorts
Heinrich Everts
Antonio Charles
Gr 4:
Monique Klue
Drieske Marais
Gr 6:
Driekus Marais
Anri de Wit
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:09 PM
Dra jou toekoms
- Jakoba Visagie -
Op 8 Oktober, het die gr 7 leerders van Hoërskool Zwartberg deelgeneem aan ‘n Nasionale loopbaandragdag. Leerders kon op hierdie dag uitrustings aantrek wat die loopbaan voorstel wat hulle eendag wil volg. Elke leerder moes ook ‘n plakkaat maak en ‘n opstel skryf.
Onder die leerders was ‘n hele paar seuns wat graag eendag by die Weermag wil aansluit, twee dokters, ‘n marinebioloog, ‘n lugwaardin, ‘n sielkundige, ‘n danseres en ‘n paar onderwyseresse.
Hierdie dag word elke jaar landwyd gedurende die eerste week van die vierde kwartaal by skole gehou.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:09 PM
School’s English Concert Showcases Talent
- Sheila Coutouvidis -
A big crowd of family and friends showed up at the Zwartberg High School for a “show and tell” evening presented by the grade 1 - 7 English 1st language learners.
Songs, poems, and a puppet show depicting the “Golden Ball” story were delivered with skill, drama and enthusiasm. The older pupils gave project presentations on Global Warming and a short history of ships supported with poster displays.Everyone had an enjoyable time and the talent of these children was admired and appreciated.
Unfortunately the school is no longer able to pay thewhich would allow these learners to continue in this subject
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:07 PM
Hoërskool Zwartberg se Skaakspelers presteer
Vier van Hoërskool Zwartberg se leerders is in die SWD-span opgeneem om vanjaar aan die Nasionale Junior Skaaktoernooi deel te neem te Kaapstad op 13 – 18 Desember.
Die leerders is:
Valerie Pietersen (O/16)
Nadine Kroon (O/16)
Lucille Steyn (O/16)
Keith Square (O/18)
Ons is geweldig trots op hierdie leerders se prestasie, veral omdat dit die eerste keer is dat skaak as sport by ons skool aangebied word.
Hierdie leerders moet elkeen R1800.00 uit hulle eie fondse betaal om te kan deelneem. Ons skool ondervind ‘n skreiende tekort aan fondse en hierdie leerders se deelname aan die nasionale kompetisie is in die weegskaal.
Daarom vra ons as skool enige bydrae uit ons gemeenskap om hierdie leerders se pogings te versterk.
Vir enige navrae kontak asseblief die skoolhoof by 023 5411 570.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:54 PM
Prince Albert Primêr Diplomaplegtigheid
- Goliath Lottering -
Prince Albert weet al dat November die maand is wanneer die jaar se harde werk beloon word. 2009 is ‘n uitsonderlike jaar, want daar was soveel leerders wat presteer het, dat Prince Albert Primêr die Diplomaplegtigheid moes hou oor twee aande, sodat ons almal kon akkomodeer.
Die kriteria vir ‘n diploma is baie hoog: die leerder moet ‘n gemiddeld handhaaf van 80%, en dit is nie ‘n maklike taak nie. Dit kan slegs gebeur as die leerder deurgaans hard werk, al sy take voltooi en elke dag in die skool is.
Vir elke vak moet die leerder ‘n portefeulje hou van sy werk en die portefeulje word deeglik geinspekteer om seker te maak die werk is van hoogstaande gehalte.
Die Diplomaplegtigheids-kommitee het gesorg vir twee glansryke aande. Prince Albert se nuwe Munisipale Bestuurder, Me Juanita Fortuin, het die gemeenskap toegespreek. Haar boodskap was dat die gemeenskap ons leerders moet ondersteun en dat die leerders self niks en niemand moet toelaat om hul van hul ideale te laat afsien nie.
Ons hoof, Mnr J. Steyn, het weereens beklemtoon dat ‘n leerder se sukses in die lewe op drie pilare rus, nl. die skool, die kerk en die ouerhuis. Indien een van die steungroepe ontbreek, kan‘n leerder nie vooruit streef nie. Ons weet daar is leerders wat onder baie moeilike omstandighede gebuk gaan, maar wat nog steeds presteer en hul nie laat onderkry nie.
Hierdie jaar het Prince Albert Primêr ook trofees oorhandig aan die top presteerders in elke graad. Die pragtrofees is oorhandig aan die volgende leerders:
Gr 4. Beulah Windvogel
Gr 5. Renechia Mooneys
Gr 6. Branwill Koot
Gr 7 Janavieve Minnaar
Gr 8 Sandré Bezuidenhout
Gr 9 David-Leigh Willemse
In die grondslagfase gr1-3 het 60 leer-ders diplomas ontvang. Hulle moes presteer in drie leerareas, nl. Geletterdheid, Gesyferdheid en Lewensvaardighede.
Altesaam 86 leerders uit die Intermediêre en Senior fases het diplomas ontvang in die nege verskillende leer-areas.
Ons wil ook ons onderwysers bedank, hulle harde werk is ook beloon. Ons leerkragte bly deurgaans op hoogte van nuwe verwikkelinge in die onderwys deur kursusse by te woon en verder te studeer. Naweke, aande en na-skoolse ure word opgeoffer vir ons leerders, want ons weet hulle is ons toekoms.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:53 PM
Prince Albert Primêr se sport eindig op ‘n hoë noot
- Dirk Visser -
Prince Albert Primêr kan werklik terugkyk op ‘n baie suksesvolle jaar op die sportveld.Die rugbyspan het slegs een nederlaag gely die hele jaar, tydens hul eerste wedstryd van die seisoen, en die krieketspan was net so suksesvol.Die vlugbalspan het ook nie minder as 17 SWD spelers en twee WP spelers opgelewer nie en die skaak- en netbalspanne was ook weereens baie suksesvol.
Landloop wat vir ‘n paar jaar stil was het ook met hul terugkeer drie SWD atlete opgelewer.Marlow Vries het die O/13 Jong Arende verteenwoordig as onder-kaptein en was een van SWD se uitblinkers op die Craven Week in Kimberley.
Op 31 Oktober het PA Primêr ook weer suksesvol hul kleuresport afgehandel.Die optog het stiptelik om 07h00 begin vanaf Prince Albert Primer na Hoerskool Zwartberg se sportvelde. Die trompoppies het vir groot vermaak gesorg en met hul pragtige uitrustings het hulle die dag se verrigtinge op die perfekte wyse begin.
Dit was ‘n lieflike dag en alles hetvolgens plan verloop, behalwe vir die o/6 leerder-tjies wat nie by die wenpaal wou stop nie! was werklik ‘n riem onder die hart om te sien hoe geesdriftig die leerders is om aan sport deel te neem.Die drie huise wat deelgeneem het was die Sharks, Bulls en die Stormers.Die Bulls kon nie die mas opkom nie (omtrent soos die rugbyspan se vaste vyf) en die Stormers en Sharks het dinge uitgespook.Die oorwinning is eers bepaal deur die laaste item van die dag en die Sharks het met 2 punte geseëvier.
Ek het lanklaas ‘n atletiekbyeenkoms bygewoon wat so glad verloop het en ‘n spesiale woord van dank aan mnr Mark Rockman wat die hooforganiseerder van die dag was.Ook ‘n spesiale woord van dank aan al die opvoerders wat gehelp het om 2009 so ‘n suksesvolle jaar te maak.Ons glo dat ons in 2010 net sal voortbou op hierdie merkwaardige prestasies.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:53 PM
Wildekanisland hou Konsert
Op 6 November 2009 het boeties en sussies, ma’s en pa’s, ouma’s en oupa’s en ander belangstellendes weer reggesit om die Wildekanisse se mannewales op die verhoog te geniet.
Die konsert is adverteer as “21 Favourite Nursery Rhymes with a Twist” en elke ouer se bors het geswel wanneer hulle kleintjies so ewe agter die mikrofoon ingeskuif het om ‘n Engelse versie op te sê. Na die gespanne oomblikke tydens die opsê van die versies, was daar elke keer heerlike opwinding wanneer die karakters in die versie heerlik oor die verhoog heen en weer gedans, -huppel of –spring het.
‘n Reuse spinnekop wat verrassend baie soos Jaydenh Delport gelyk het, het die skare vermaak op ‘n rock weergawe van Itsy Bitsy Spider. Die spinnekop was nie lank alleen in die kollig nie – elke ander lid van die konsert geselskap het in ‘n dansie uitgebreek en kennelik die kans om so lekker rond te beweeg baie geniet.
Daar was pret met Humpty Dumpty, Little Teapot, Polly Put The Kettle On (met Jady Moos wat tee drink asof sy gereeld by die Koningin van Engeland kuier), Wee Willie Winky, Little Miss Muffet, Hey Diddle Diddle en vele meer gediggies.
Benewens was daar ook die mooiste ballet opvoering deur die Wildekanis dogtertjies wat alles behalwe wild was en pragtig op die verhoog rondgedraai en trippel het.
Die Patchwork Theatre het die gehoor vermaak terwyl die kleinspan van kos-tuums moes verander, en almal het heerlik gelag oor die pittige liedjies wat hierdie jong teater-geselskap opgevoer het.
Die tradisionele gradeplegtigheid het van die graad R maats verlang dat hulle ook ‘n nuwerwetse Afrikaanse gediggie moet opsê en hulle het almal met vlieënde vaandels geslaag. Juffrou Jennifer wat in die voorste ry van die gehoor gesit het, het baie in haar noppies gelyk met die spannetjie wat volgende jaar in haar klas gaan sit.
Vader Kersfees het ook van die aand te hore gekom. Hy het opgedaag met ‘n sak vol geskenke – net mooi genoeg vir elke Wildekanis. Nou hoe op aarde kry hy dit reg?
Die dekor verdien ook vermelding – sowat van sterre en liggies het ons lanklaas gesien. Die hele verhoog was omskep in die sprokieswêreld waar elke karaktertjie kon straal in sy of haar rol.
Berlinda Nel en almal wat haar gehelp en ondersteun het moet weer eens komplimenteer word met ‘n pragtige konsert – pragtig hoofsaaklik omdat dit so op-vallend was dat die kinders hulself gate uit geniet het.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:51 PM
Zwartberg 200 Club News
We held the Draw at the Golf Club on 6th October and after much excitement and encouragement from our golfers, the first prize went to John Seldon from de Beer St, and second prize went to John Begg for his third win! Third prize went to Richard McKnight.
Thank you to these winners who generously donated their prizes back into the pool and by the way, John Seldon was one of the initial supporters in the concept of this project. Thank you!
2010 is looming ahead and we are planning our fundraising for next year. Once again we ask you to join us for the 200 CLUB.
Another project is the Zwartberg 200 Plus Club which is a R100 donation for the year, payable before 15 February 2010 and works on the same draw system and prize money of 30% of monthly input.
All the forms are included in the newspaper and will be available at various shops including Home Hardware, Prince of Africa and the Tourism Office. Please join us for some fun and fundraising.
For any further enquiries:
Di Steyn [P T A], tel 023 5411 454 or the school secretary at 023 5411 570.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:51 PM
P A Primêr wen mini-krieket
-Marshalene Reed -
Prince Albert Primêr se o/7 en o/9 mini-krieket spanne het op 3 November teen Hoërskool Zwartberg gespeel.Zwartberg het die onderspit gedelf met die vele paaltjies wat hulle verloor het.
P A Primêr se o/7 span het met ses lopies teen Zwartberg se twee lopies gewen.
Tydens die spel van die o/9 span het Due-Maire vir Heinrich van Hoërskool Zwartberg uitgevang terwyl Jevanio vir hom ‘n paaltjie gegee het.Dit was ‘n skouspelagtige vertoning aangesien dit baie vinnig gebeur het.
Die o/9 span het met drie lopies teen Zwartberg se twee lopies gewen.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:50 PM
Brigdton Rugby Voetbal Klub Uitklopkampioene
- Claude Hendriks -
Tydens die jaarlikse RVK uitklop-toernooi op 10 Oktober 2009 is Brigdton RVK van Oudtshoorn as die Kampioene in die A en B afdelings van die kompetisie gekroon. Die dag was baie suksesvol en almal het dit geniet. Spanne wat die kompetisie bygewoon het is, Brigdton, Uniondale, Wolverines, Orchard, Mountain Stars en Willing Hearts.
Hierdie spanne het mekaar kliphard aangevat en die humeure wat nou en dan vlamgevat het is uitstekend deur die SWD skeidsregters beheer. Laasgenoemdes het alle wedstryde goed hanteer. Die klub wil ook die SAPD vir hulle sigbare teenwoordigheid bedank. Die biertuin en die dag se afsluiting met ‘n dans was ook ‘n reuse sukses. Dankie aan almal wat die dag meegemaak het, veral die onder-steuners wat van heinde en ver gekom het.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:49 PM
Willing Hearts Rugbyklub hou ons Naam Hoog
- Jeff Griebelaar -
Ons plaaslike klub het vanjaar weer skitterende rugby gespeel en sy twee spanne is met plekke in die semi-finale van die SWD Presidentsliga beloon. Die wedstryde is op Albertinia gespeel, waar die A-span teen Albertinia Rangers en die B-span teen Riversdal Blues gespeel het.
Ons A-span het uitstekend gespeel en het die wedstryd van die begin af voorlangs beheer en op die aanval en verdediging geskitter. Ons B-span het hul ook goed van hul taak gekwyt maar ongelukkig in die tweede helfte het hulle handdoek ingegooi en toegelaat dat hul opponente hul oorskadu. Daar was tog van die manne wat in die verloorstryd uitgeblink het en Jaco Hendriks, Randall Wagenaar en Adrian Lodewyk het die SWD Plattelandse span gehaal.
Tydens die SWD Intersone Junior Rugby Kompetisie wat na die afloop van die liga gespeel is, is twee van ons spelers vir die SWD Intersone Junior 0/20 span gekies. Ons A-span afrigter, mnr Claude Hendriks was die hoofafrigter en Henry Arries was die hulpafrigter van die Prince Albert/ Beaufort Wes omgewing. Albei het ook die afgelope jaar hul IRB level 1 afrigterskursus suksesvol voltooi en ons stel hulle toegwydheid hoog op prys.
Aan die bestuur van die klub wil ons ook baie dankie vir hul bydrae die afgelope jaar sê. Sonder julle goeie werk sou ons ook nie ons SWD verpligtinge suksesvol kon uitvoer nie. Al het dit somtyds broekskeur gegaan, kan ons trots wees dat ons dit kon verrig. Ons moet almal vir hulle ondersteuning tydens die afloop van die Presidentsliga-finaal hartelik bedank.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:49 PM
Fellow Runner’s Tragic Death
- Brian Modra -
A good friend of the Zwartberg Runners, Sanet Wentzel, owner of Oudtshoorn’s “Run Walk for Life” club, was tragically killed early on Saturday morning, 7 November.
Sanet had gone for a run with some friends on the Cango Caves road when, according to reports, a car swerved on the wrong side of the road and struck and killed her. The driver, Lluwelyn Eftha of Worcester, has been charged with culpable homicide.
Just nine hours earlier, Sanet had written a Facebook entry: "Love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't."
Sanet was well known to and appreciated by the Zwartberg Runners club as a spirited person who always brought life to the annual events we hosted. She ran in both of our Swartberg Pass races, and in other events in which we participated, such as the African X-trail. We were planning some joint activities with her club in 2010.
Our sincere condolences go to her husband Mark, her two daughters, Monique and Melissa. We will sorely miss her.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:48 PM
SWD Amateurwedstryd
- Titus Hendriks -
As voorsitter van Prins Albert Willing Hearts RVK sal ek graag alle rolspelers wil bedank vir die bydrae wat hulle gemaak het tydens die SWD Amateur wedstryd tussen SWD en Grens op 8 Augustus 2009. Die plaaslike Munisipaliteit het alles in hul vermoë gedoen om ons klub te ondersteun en moet hartlik vir hulle pragtige aanbieding van die dag bedank word.
Dit was ‘n geskiedkundige gebeurtenis aangesien dit die eerste keer was dat Prince Albert ‘n provinsiale wedstryd kon aanbied en sodoende as gasheer vir die SWD en Grens rugbyspelers kon optree. Mnre Lewis van Zyl (SWD Sekretaris) en Abie Steenberg (SWD Skeidsregter) was regtig in hul noppies. Met die afloop van die wedstryd het hulle ook laat weet dat Prins Albert ’n SWD Arende wedstryd op die Odendaal Sportgronde sal kan aanbied.
Hulle het bygevoeg dat herstelwerk aan sekere gedeeltes van die gebou en speeloppervlak gedoen sal moet word. Hierdie tekortkominge is aan die Munisipaliteit uitgewys en vir die herstelwerk daarvan gevra. Die klub het intussen ook weer aansoek by die SWD gedoen om volgende jaar ‘n Vodacom wedstryd aan te bied.
Ons glo dat die nodige klein herstelwerk aan die gebou en speeloppervlakte gedoen sal word en dat die Odendaal sportgronde heeltemal reg sal wees om die wedstryd aan te bied. Ons weet dat ons op die rolspelers, wat ‘n bydrae tot die SWD Amateur wedstryd gelewer het, kan staatmaak. Dankie ook aan die klub se spelers en ondersteuners wat ’n uitmuntende bydrae gelewer het.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:47 PM
Sokkertoernooi ondersteun die PAAK
- Goliath Lottering -
Die Prince Albert Advies Kantoor (PAAK) het met die 2010 Wêreld-beker kampioenskap in gedagte ‘n sokkertoernooi op 14 November georganiseer. ‘n Heerlike ontbyt, visbraai en potjiekos vir middagete is aangebied. Nadine Appies van die Sentraal Karoo Distriksmunisipaliteit was die gas-spreker. Sy het oor MIV/VIGS gepraat en haar boodskap het oor voorkoming gehandel.
Rangers van Kaapstad, Stars F.C., Red Pumas, Orlando Spurs, F.C.United, Untouchables XI, Striking Eagles en Super Strikers, het almal deelgeneem aan die toernooi. Die wenspan was Stars FC
Die PAAK het die gemeenskap hartlik bedank vir hulle ondersteuning. Die voorsitter, Goliath Lottering, het sy personeel geloof vir die manier hoe hulle die aangeleentheid georganiseer het. “Met Auntie Tiekie aan die spits gaan ons nog baie duisende rande insamel. Ons wil ook baie dankie sê aan al die sokker klubs wat deel geneem het,” het hy gesê.
Volgens Lottering is die fondse hoofsaaklik ingesamel om die PAAK in staat te stel om selfonderhoubaar te word. “ ‘n Pragtige bedrag van R28 920.60 is ingesamel waarvan die wins R17 070.10 was. Ons moet weer eens die gemeenskap hartlik bedank vir hul ondersteuning. Dit is ‘n teken dat die organisasie haar besig hou met die goeie dinge.
Lottering het beklemtoon dat PAAK aan samewerking glo en graag met almal wil saamwerk. “Vir ons is die mense belangrik vir wie ons moet help. Ons glo verder met die hulp van ons Meester gaan ons nog baie hoogtes bereik.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:46 PM