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Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Issue 159
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:58 PM
Gemeenskapsfees ‘n groot sukses
- Henriette Liebenberg -
Prince Albert se eerste Gemeenskapsfees op 5 en 6 Maart was ‘n groot sukses. Die fees is deur die Munisipaliteit geïnisieer om plaaslike ekonomiese ontwikkeling aan te moedig, die gemeenskap bymekaar te kry en om die Burgemeester se Beursfonds vir behoeftige kinders ‘n hupstoot te gee.
Die fokuspunt van die fees, wat by die Odendaal-sportgronde gehou is, was die optog en optrede van die JazzArt Dans-teater. Die legende van die Karoo Watermeid is deur musiek en dans uitgebeeld. Plaaslike kinders van Prince Albert Primêr en Hoërskool Zwartberg is betrek in die optrede. ‘n Jong man in die gehoor het atmosfeer by die fees so opgesom: “Kyk net al hierdie mense! Dis nie net ‘n ‘Coloured’ fees nie. Dis rêrig ‘n gemeenskapfees!”
JazzArt is in Kaapstad gebasseer en is die oudste kontemporêre dansgeselskap in die land. JazzArt se Gordon Andries sê die potensiaal in die dorp is ongelooflik en dat ‘n jongeling volgende jaar gekies gaan word om drie jaar lank opleiding te ontvang. Geen dansagtergrond is nodig nie. Gordon sê JazzArt sal volgende jaar Prince Albert gereeld besoek om danswerkswinkels te hou en dat daar dalk ‘n samewerkingsooreenskoms met die Munisipaliteit gaan wees.
Edwin September, die Munisipaliteit se Gemeenskapsdienste bestuurder, sê ter oordeel aan die Idols- en talentkompetisies is daar heelwat on-ontginde talent in die dorp en dat JazzArt ook daar ‘n rol kan speel. Hy sê daar word gehoop om in samewerking met Die Burger aanstaande jaar ‘n baie bekende kunstenaar by die Gemeenskapsfees te laat optree.
Ander hoogtepunte van die fees was die stalletjies wat op een na almal plaaslik was, die Miss Gay-kompetisie (ja, ‘n “drag queen” kompetisie in Prince Albert waar omtrent gepronk is!) kindervermaak, musiekoptredes deur onder meer SlamJam Music Factory en die kies van Mnr en Mej Gemeenskapsfees. Daar was ook ‘n pretdraf, veteraanmotors, die VGK se blaasorkes, ‘n potjiekoskompetisie en stoepstories deur die stamhoof van die Griekwa Khoi, Poem Mooney, en André Boesak.
Tandekry-probleme was daar wel. Die tydskedule is nie altyd gevolg nie en daar was nie regtig skadu en sitplek vir diegene wat nie lus was vir die biertent nie. September sê ook geen drank gaan volgende keer buite die biertent toegelaat word nie.
Almal met wie die Vriend gepraat het, sê die fees was baie lekker en dat daar beslis volgende jaar weer een moet wees. Kinders veral was gaande oor JazzArt, die springkasteel, die Rodeo-bul en die waterglybaan.
September het dit benadruk dat die Gemeenskapsfees en die Olyffees uiteenlopend van aard is en dat die een nie die ander gaan vervang nie. Hy sê die Munisipaliteit het binne die begro-ting vir die fees gebly. Die geld is onder meer gebruik vir die vervoer en verblyf van mense en kunstenaars van Klaarstroom en Leeu-Gamka af.
Met verwysing na die Beursfonds, het September gesê die inkomste wat daarvoor verkry is uit die stalletjies, kindervermaak en tien persent van die biertent-verkope moet nog bepaal word. Volgens die Munisipale Bestuurder is 12 aansoeke vir beurse tot dusver ontvang, waarvan tien voorlopig goed-gekeur is. Sy sê suksesvolle kandidate sal kontrakte sluit met die Munisipaliteit om die getal jare waarvoor daar geldelike steun was, terug te werk.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:53 PM
‘n Christelike Perspektief
- Jackie Koegelenberg -
Ons almal het ‘n soeke na die Waarheid?
Ons almal honger en dors na onvoorwaardelike liefde…
Ons het ‘n behoefte om iewers te behoort en aanvaar te word...
Soms raak ons probleme te veel en ons weet nie watter kant toe nie...
Ons bou mure om ons om onsself te beskerm en ons vertrou nie maklik ander nie.
John.6 vs 35:
Jesus se: “Ek is die Brood wat Lewe gee. Wie na My toe kom, sal nooit weer honger kry nie, en wie in My glo, sal nooit weer dors kry nie.
Mat 11 vs 28-29:
Jesus sê: Kom na My toe, almal wat uitgeput en oorlaai is, en Ek SAL jul rus en vrede gee.
Neem My juk op julle en leer van My,
want Ek is sagmoedig en nederig van hart, en julle SAL rus kry vir julle gemoed.
Heb 4 vs 7:
Vandag as jy My stem hoor, moenie jou hart verhard nie…
Isaiah: 6 vs1:
He has sent Me (Jesus) to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom to the captives and release from darkness the prisoners…
Het jy al vir Jesus ‘n kans gegee in jou lewe?
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:52 PM
Briewe / Letters
Ten laaste is daar iemand van die bo-dorp wat reguit kan praat oor sake, wat nie huiwer om te sê dat die koning sonder klere is nie.
Mnr Boshoff se brief praat oor sake waarvan ons almalwat in Noord-Einde bly, weet, maar waarvan die meeste van die res van die dorp nie wil weet nie. Die lewe is swaar vir ons. Ons word gebruik en misbruik.
Ek werk by een van die gastehuise, so moet asb nie my naam gebruik nie.Ek moet ongelukkig anoniem bly, anders is ek sonder werk.
(Die skrywer se identiteit is aan die Vriend bekend.)
I would like to thank Hennie Boshoff for quoting the 11th Century Sufi mystic El Bakr when he said, “Generosity is when you give me more than you have.”
Thanks to the taxman it is with great confidence that I can say I have been generous.
But now that I am retired I have a confession to make – I dream of cappuccinos and apple pie.
Hennie Boschoff finds little good in Prince Albert. is always the way: revolutionaries and champagne socialists who, in the lap of luxury, dressed in designer clothes, black of course, having a chauffeur-driven prestige German car, telling us what we are doing wrong.
I am in fact proud of my Victorian heritage. Victorians knew about things like respect, manners, family values. Look at the state of the world today - drug addicts and prostitutes who have taken over our cities, teenage pregnancies, homosexual marriages. Does progression and advancement have to come at such a high price? We are devoid of culture without our history, so one must ask if our current revolutions are creating sufficient history for our future generations to inherit!
Is it Mr Boschoff’s intention that we all put strange sculptures in our gardens and the grotesque paintings, featured on the front page of The Friend, on our walls?
Surely not!
As inboorling van Prince Albert het dit vir my tyd geword om te groet. Met baie trane maar tog met `n lied in my hart neem ek afskeid.
`n Opregte dankie aan al my vriende. Dankie vir al jul liefde en ondersteuning die afgelope jare. In my tye van hartseer het ek my ware vriende en “ware vrien-de” leer ken, dankie dat jul daar was vir my.
Aan my mede-kollegas by Home Based Care en die Advieskantoor, dankie, ons het lekker saamgewerk die afgelope drie jaar as “ONE BIG FAMILY”, en so ook aan die hospitaal en kliniek.
Aan my Hemelse Vader, dankie dat Hy my elke dag gedra het; sonder Hom was dit onmoontlik. Met Sy hulp en krag kan ek my kop elke dag hoog hou en voortleef.
Ek gaan jul mis, maar daar wag `n nuwe lewe op my.
Dit is met groot hartseer dat ek afskeid neem van Prince Albert. Na 12 jaar in hierdie pragtige dorpie met sy baie spesiale mense, is dit baie swaar om tot siens te sê.
Ek wil graag almal bedank wat ‘n inset in my lewe gehad het in hierdie afgelope 12 jaar. Dit is onmoontlik om almal by die naam te noem, maar weet dat ek alles opreg waardeer en dat ek almal baie gaan mis.
Ek wil ook dankie sê aan almal wat gedurende die laaste, moeilike tyd aan ons gedink het in hul gebede. Prince Albert sal altyd ‘n spesiale plek in my hart hê.
I would like to comment on the school issue that has been going on for some time now.
As it is in any small town, everyone has a say, which in some ways is not positive because sometimes what is said is uninformed, but on the other hand it shows that our community really cares.
When there are issues in any organisation, they need to be raised. And the fact that these issues are in the newspaper shows that they have not been sorted out internally. This is serious, but notpoint of my letter.
Our school has always felt great appreciation for the support it gets from the community. But what with recent goings on, I feel that people might be losing the focus of what the school is all about, namely the children.
I would like to ask people to continue to give of their positive energy, and to show their support, if only for the sake of nearly 370 young learners!
In the article “Give the tortoise a drink” in the Friend (February), the writer states that the tortoise could possibly at a later stage of its life join the Thursday Group, an age of 75 years being suggested.
The Thursday Group, some being old, some really old and some younger, welcome the tortoise irrespective of age, as a member.
We recall the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare. The hare, albeit swift, did not win the race.
We, as members, run the race irrespective of obstacles, age being one and try to achieve what we plan to do, and like the tortoise in the tale, come out as WINNERS thanks to help from so many people.
Our thanks to the writer of the article for remembering the Thursday Group.
Two linked cases of housebreaking and theft were investigated and solved within two days by the Prince Albert SAPS, assisted by the forensic team from Beaufort West.
I wish to applaud the investigating team for their speedy response and in particular, Constable Arries, for his meticulous attention to detail and absolute professionalism throughout.
We, as Prince Albert residents, are fortunate to have such a committed police team and we should all make every effort to support them in their unenviable task.
Thank you to the Thursday Group and all who took part in making my 90th birthday party such a really happy time.
Bless you all.
Die openbare polemiek en briefwisseling rondom Hoërskool Zwartberg getuig myns insiens grootliks van emosionele onvolwassenheid. Ek wil amper sê: “Word groot!”
Objektief beskou, spruit die hele kwessie uit onsekerheid a.g.v. te vinnige ver-andering: ‘n nuwe skoolhoof met sy eie bestuurstyl, demografiese verandering van leerders, veranderde onderwysbeleidsrigtings, asook die groeiende gebrek aan fondse.
Verandering is sekerlik een van die grootste faktore wat aanleiding gee tot depressie en uitgebrande sindroom. Dit het ook ‘n ingrypende invloed op die emosionele belewenis van mense.
In een van die briewe word vermeld dat personeel ‘afgeboek’ word weens stres.
Stres het baie oorsake, waarvan ver-andering maar een is. Daar is ook persoonlike probleme wat ’n rol speel: leë-nessindroom en kommer oor kinders op kosskool/universiteit, bestaansbehoeftes, gesondheidseise, aanpassing by die ver-anderde demografie en moontlik ook onvrede oor post-1994 Suid-Afrika.
Weerstand teen verandering is ‘n natuurlike menslike eienskap, gegrond op angs vir die onbekende. Dié vrees berus dikwels op wanopvattings en hoorsê. Mense klou aan die gevestigde wyse van doen, want dit bied sekuriteit. Waar daar ’n gebrek aan toekomsvisie is, is mense bang dat hulle hul werk sal verloor.
Om so ‘n negatiewe gesindheid te omskep in ‘n positiewe en trotse een, moet mense oortuig word dat verandering onafwendbaar is. Gevestigde ‘magsgroepe’ moet verskuif, professionele afguns moet hokgeslaan word en mense moet deur transformerende leierskap gelei word om nuut te dink oor ou probleme.
‘n Verligte toekomsvisie is slegs haalbaar as die personeel gewillig is om te ver-ander en saam te werk. Hierdeur word almal binne die organisasie bemagtig tot nuwe hoogtes, werksbevrediging en selfvervulling.
Transformerende leiers het ‘n sterk geloof in hulself, in hul personeel en die uitnemendheid van hul instelling. Vanuit die briefwisseling kom dit voor dat meneer McKnight wel die eienskappe van so ‘n leier toon. Dis net ‘n kwessie van groei. Daar is ‘n gesegde wat lui: “Goeie leiers word gemaak en nie gebore nie.”
Transformerende leiers is lewenslange leerders wat nie net nuwe kennis verwerf en toepas nie, maar ook leer uit eie foute. En, ondervinding het geleer dat ‘n leier eers sy voete in ‘n nuwe omgewing vind ná drie jaar!
Die anonieme briefskrywer se stelling dat die matriekslaagsyfer net te danke is aan toegewyde Gr-12 onderwysers, wil ek bevraagteken.’n Leerder word tog gevorm vanaf die grondslagfase – enige stewige gebou rus op ‘n goeie fondament.
En hoekom mag sy personeel hom nie as “meneer” aanspreek nie? Ek doen dit al die afgelope 52 jaar om my hoofde as meneer/mevrou/juffrou aan te spreek - al is hulle jare jonger as ek. En ek het dieselfde van die personeel onder my beheer verwag. As ek my hoof wil spreek, maak ek ‘n afspraak en spreek hom/haar in die kantoor. Sulke gesprekke hoort nie in die teekamer of terloops in die gange nie.
Moontlik moet die nuwe Beheerliggaam belê in professionele intervensie om die beste eienskappe van al die betrokke partye positief en tot voordeel van die grootmense van môre te ontwikkel. Dis ‘n saak wat veel verder strek as net HZ en Prince Albert. Dis die toekoms van mense; hierin het selfsug, skinderpraatjies en ondergrawery nie ‘n plek nie.
Ek sluit graag af op ’n positiewe noot: Die gedissiplineerdheid van die skoolkinders in HZ-skooldrag op straat, hul netheid en vriendelikheid, is opvallend die afgelope tyd. Is dit moontlik dat ‘n regte woord op die regte tyd gespreek word?
I have got to know and love the magical Prince Albert over the past few years, and visit my children and delightful grandchildren 3 or 4 times a year. It is for me as it is for many visitors a change, escapism and certainly beautiful on the senses.
I must congratulate you on your editorship of the Friend. In your hands it has changed from a very parochial newsletter to a sophisticated newspaper. I make a point of reading it and enjoy its recent developments.
I noted with interest that Hennie Boshoff is now a contributor to the paper.
I have been a guest on his spectacular "Villa Kruger" tours twice now and found both his review of Elza Botha's exhibition and his letter, like his and Rossetta’s art in the gardens and house, very thought-provoking, challenging and interesting. They make a very interesting and captivating read.
It's the deep, rich tones and textures such as those that set one apart from the herd. Again, I am happy to say that Prince Albert is not only a great escapism for my body and soul, but the mind too!
Best wishes
Newlands, Cape Town
Many thanks, our team works hard! [Ed]
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:47 PM
Brett the Vet - Random Axe of Kindness
Recently two sisters from Gauteng visited Prince Albert. They stayed in the caravan park and met a delightful feral cat who befriended them. Two weeks later, as promised, they returned to collect her. Meanwhile she had given birth to three kittens, who all had a viral respiratory tract infection, endemic in the local feral cat population.
The women were prepared to nurse the kittens back to health and provide a home for them despite putting their own cats at risk of infection. This will also mean four less spays to be done here when the municipality introduce their TNR (Trap Neuter Release) program. Demonstrated to be the most effective way of stabilizing the number of feral cats in a given area.
A caring, young farmer rescued a herd of infant male calves at a seaside dairy from the fate of veal crates. The first unseen tragedy occurred earlier when one of their mothers, a cow who had already given birth to four calves, each forcibly removed from her shortly after birth every year, became impaled on a razor wire fence and bled to death while trying to get to her baby.
Although the calves were kept together and fed milk substitute, they soon contracted fatal infections because of the shock of separation and change. The calves were susceptible to disease because they did not remain with their mothers after birth for long enough to suckle. The first milk or colostrum contains antibodies that are absorbed through the stomach to constitute their natural immunity.
At the peak of local drought, on the hottest day in March a particularly bleak patch of earth was packed with ostriches baking in the sun. To cool them down, irrigation sprinklers had been assembled, and rotated, drenching the gasping, bedraggled birds. Saturated circles of previously parched ground covered with layers of accumulated faeces formed a putrid slime that squelched between their toes and caked feathers to their thighs as they waited for the sun to set.
It is commendable that the local municipality has agreed to expand the piece of land allocated to local small pig farmers on the outskirts of town. They have also provided a tap, bringing water to the area, as the new borehole still needs to be fitted with a solar pump. The farmers want to raise their standard of husbandry by supplying more space, adequate shade, a continuous supply of water, and improving security to prevent children, who have been stoning vulnerable piglets to death, from entering the area.
Signs of growing awareness about the sentience of animals also demonstrate the limitations of our understanding. True compassion evolves through empathy, curiosity, and striving to recognize and reduce the extent of the suffering we have imposed on our domestic animals.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:46 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
Sterreprag oor Prince Albert
- Hans Daehne -
Herfs is nou al met duidelike tekens waarneembaar: die langer nagte, die geel blare en die koeler aande. Herfs word ook in die hemel aangedui, want dit is die tyd wanneer ons vir Orion en die Skerpioen tydens dieselfde nag kan waarneem met laasgenoemde wat deur middel van sy giftige steek tot Orion se ondergang aanleiding gee.
Die ware Herfssterrebeeld is egter Leo, die Leeu, die vyfde sterrebeeld van die diereriem en lê dus as sulks op die Ekliptika, tesame met al die planete. Dit is eintlik die helder hoofster, Regulus van Leo, wat presies op die Ekliptika lê en van die planete sien ons die rooierige Mars links van Leo en verder oos is die geelerige Saturnus in die sterrebeeld Virgo, die maagd. Beide Mars en Saturnus word nou algaande dowwer omdat hulle reeds deur hulle opposisietydperk gegaan het, terwyl Venus en Jupiter al helderder sal word.
In April kan mens Venus as helder Aandster in die sterrebeeld Aries, die Ram, net vir `n kort rukkie na sonsondergang vanaf Gordon`s koppie sien en alhoewel sy binnekort al helderder sal word, sal sy nie hoër as 25 grade styg nie, en dus vroeg met die Ram ondergaan.
Mars beweeg vanaf die oop sterrehopie M44 in Cancer na Regulus en al vinniger deur Leo na Virgo en Libra.
Jupiter maak in die middel van die maand sy oggendverskyning in die sterrebeeld Waterdraer en word al groter en helderder in Pisces in die Winter. Om dié rede is dit belangrik dat mens die diere-
riem sterrebeelde ken, sodat die planete met gemak opgespoor kan word.
Saturnus sal vir die volgende twee jaar in Virgo te vinde wees en lyk nog fassinerend op die oomblik met sy ringe feitlik van die kant gesien. Eers teen die einde van die jaar sal die ringvlak weer tot 10 grade oopgedraai wees.
Die ruimtetuig Cassini wat met goeie kameras aan boord om Saturnus wentel, stuur sedert 2004 indrukwekkende foto`s van Saturnus, die ringstelsel en die mane van Saturnus terug aarde toe. Dit het trouens nou nog `n paar nuwe mane ontdek sodat die getal mane wat om Saturnus wentel nou meer as 60 tel.
Die ruimtetuig Cassini het in 2004 die landingstuig Huygens wat hy na Titan, die tweede grootste maan in die sonnestelsel, geabba het op die oppervlakte van Titan laat land. Van die aarde af sou ons glad nie so baie inligting oor ons sonnestelsel kon bekom as dit nie vir die verskillende ruimtetuie was nie.
Giovanni Domenico Cassini was die eerste direkteur van die Paryse Sterrewag en het in 1671 die tweede Saturnusmaan, Japetus, ontdek, asook die Cassini-gaping in die ringstelsel terwyl die astronoom Christian Huygens in 1655 die grootste Saturnusmaan Titan gevind het. Op die wyse word vroeë ontdekkers deesdae nog vereer.
Nuwe Maan is op die 14de April en Volmaan is op die 28ste April. Dit beteken dat tydens die Prince Albert Olyffees die maan in sy amper volmaanfase waargeneem kan word en welliswaar deur `n sterk maanfilter.
Op die oomblik is juis die omgewing van die drie kruise baie pragtig in die suide bokant die Swartberge en die Groot Magellanse Wolk kan nog baie duidelik gesien word. Ander voorwerpe soos die “Wishing Well”, die Juwelekissie en die pragtige bolvormige sterrehopie, Omega Centauri kan ook tydens maanskyn bewonder word.
Hou die sterre in u oë !
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:45 PM
Labels: Sterreprag oor Prince Albert
Museum News
You have probably noticed that it has been very hot this summer. The tarmac melted in places, water in birdbaths and elsewhere evaporated in record time and people lucky enough to own a swimming pool had stacks of visitors. Some Prince Albert thermometers showed temperatures above 40 degrees in the shade.
“Thermometer, 1633, from the Greek for heat, hot and measure. An instrument for measuring temperature by means of a substance whose expansion and contraction under different degrees of cold and heat are capable of accurate measurement.”
A splendid specimen of a thermometer can be seen in the “kombuis” of the museum. It is nearly as tall as I am and so heavy that I can hardly pick it up.
Stephens inks, on its enamelled front it says at the top and the bottom and it is graduated in Celsius and Fahrenheit. Next to the relevant temperatures you can read: Freezing, Temperate, Summer-heat, Blood-heat, Fever heat.
During the heat wave the substance filling the glass tube climbed up to blood-heat, the last time I looked it was back to summer-heat.
The thermometer is mounted on a wooden plank, which reveals an interesting piece of information:
“This thermometer is the property of H.O Stephens, 191 Aldersgate Street, London and should be returned to him, carriage forward, if it cannot be advantageously exhibited OUTSIDE your shop, so as to be seen by the passing public, and in order TO PREVENT ITS BEEN [sic] BROKEN during the night, as some have been, TAKE IN AT CLOSE OF THE DAY.
If the tube should become broken, please communicate with me at once.
If the spirit in this thermometer has, in transit, been shaken into the expansion bulbs at the top of the glass tube, or is broken in the column, hold the thermometer in the middle firmly by both hands and shake it vigorously, but carefully downwards, care being taken that it does not touch the ground.
This jerky action will impel the whole of the spirit to the bottom of the tube.
N.B. This thermometer must not be disfigured by having attached to it any written or printed matter of whatsoever kind, if so it will be recalled.”
How is that for an advertising gimmick?
Gunda Hardegen- Brunner
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:45 PM
Chamber of Commerce Making Strides
- Jo Long -
The Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce started life last year with a small number of enthusiastic volunteers who believed that the town would benefit from an organisation that could support business and business people.
The Provisional Management Committee is greatly encouraged by the response it has received from local business people and, as well as dealing with its own projects, has endeavoured to respond to specific requests from members. Some of its achievements in the last year have included:
- 36 paid up members in its first year
- The reprint and extensive distribution of Prince Albert’s A-Z Directory of Services
- Due to demand, the reprint and sale of the Chamber’s “Proudly Prince Albert” stickers
- The launch of the Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce website,
- A meeting with Juanita Fortuin, the town’s Municipal Manager to air members’ concerns regarding the Municipality
- Successful lobbying of the Municipality on behalf of members regarding the recent building planning application delays
- Continuing involvement with the Municipality to help establish a solution to stop non local trucks passing through the town day and night
- Regular contact with Telkom to update members of the availability of additional ADSL ports in the town and to lobby for ADSL to be made available to those outlying areas of Prince Albert
- Investigations with banks other than ABSA with regard to their opening a branch in Prince Albert
- A meeting with ABSA’s Regional Manager to discuss members’ concerns and complaints about service levels at the Prince Albert branch
- SEDA Holdings enlisted several members to their funding initiatives for setting up and guiding small businesses
The Committee members are all volunteers and as such are only able to devote limited time and resources to the Chamber. The Committee would welcome any additional support, (no matter how little time can be spared), in order to help carry out more of the Chamber’s aims and objectives which include:
- Increasing membership of the Chamber
- Enhancing the Chamber’s website by providing more information about member’s businesses
- Updating and improving the Directory of Services
- Providing specialist business speakers for members
- Assisting with the marketing of the town’s businesses
We would also welcome any feedback or comments about the Chamber. More information about the Chamber and application forms to join are available by emailing: or writing to Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce, c/o Swartberg Hotel, Church Street, Prince Albert, 6930.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:44 PM
Verandering is nie vir sissies nie
- Lettie Breytenbach -
Die openbare debat rondom die pro-bleme tussen die skoolhoof en van die personeellede by Hoërskool Zwartberg, is kommerwekkend. Betrokkenes en be-langstellendes kan met vrug kennis neem van ‘n bestuursmodel wat my as voormalige dosent in verpleegkunde baie gehelp het.
In 1987 was ek in ‘n soortgelyke situasie met die aanvaarding van ‘n bestuurspos. Dit was maar ‘n ruwe (4X4)- reis. Gelukkig kan ek nou terugkyk op ongelooflike persoonlike groei en suksesse. Boonop het my felste kritici, die wat my die meeste ‘hel’ gegee het, my beste medewerkers geword (omdat hulle dryfkrag het en die moed het om hulle sê te sê). Hulle is net so trots op die prestasies wat saam bereik is, en hou nog altyd persoonlike kontak met my, soms om advies te vra, maar meer dikwels om hulle suksesse te deel. Dit maak alles die moeite werd!
Daar is tien fases wat hulself manifesteer in die proses, en elke fase het sy eie dinamika.
1. Bly in ewewig (equilibrium)
In hierdie fase funksioneer mense* steeds produktief omdat hulle persoonlike en professionele doelwitte nog in ooreenstemmimg is met dié van die organisasie… hulle is nog tevrede met die status quo. Sodra druk toeneem om te verander, begin hulle ongemaklik voel.
2. Ontkenning
Mense probeer die status quo handhaaf en verset hulle aktief teen enige verandering. Die energie wat voorheen gebruik was om produktief te wees, word nou verspil op verset/weersin - met die gevolg dat hulle emosioneel uitgeput en depressief word, nie meer gebalanseerd optree nie en ook nie logies dink nie. Werkswinkels in die hantering van stres is aangewese in hierdie fase.
3. Woede
Gedurende hierdie fase besef die mense dat die ewewig nie meer behou kan word nie. Daar is nie die nodige energie om weerstand te bied nie en hulle haal hul frustrasie uit op die bestuurder/leier.
4. Bedinging (“Bargaining”)
Nou probeer die mense om hulself uit die verandering te beding deur met die leier te onderhandel: ‘Ons sal dit doen vir jou, as jy dat doen vir ons.’ Alhoewel dit soms lyk na ‘n oplossing, is kompromie nie ‘n oplossing nie. Compromising is a good umbrella, but a bad shelter. (Bron onbekend.)
5. Chaos
Niks blyk te werk nie! Daar is ‘n (onnodige) verspilling van energie en al die partye wonder of die vorige pogings die moeite werd was. Leiers moet op hierdie stadium die vloeibare toestand aanvaar as deel van die proses. Bespreek die saak met die pessimiste vol negatiewe emosie en gee die versekering dat verandering wel tot almal se beswil sal volg.
6. Depressie
Selfbejammering, ‘n gevoel van leegheid en terugverlang na die ‘goeie ou dae’ kom nou sterk na vore. Van hierdie gevoel van gemis moet net kennis geneem word, maar optrede hoef nie te volg nie. Dit moet ook nie ontken word nie.
7. Aflegging
Mense aanvaar nou die werklikheid van ver-andering en bied nie langer weerstand nie. Aanvaarding is egter sonder enige entoesiasme. Leiers moenie in hierdie stadium druk toepas vir meer optimisme nie, maar mense toelaat om op hulle eie spoed te werk .
8. Openlikheid
Mense raak nou gereed vir die proses van verandering. Nou sal die beleids- en prosedurehandleidings en ook die doelwitte maar weer bespreek moet word - al kom dit onnodig voor.
9. Gereedheid
Mense is nou uitendelik gereed om energie in te sit en die veranderings te laat werk. Leiers het tydens hierdie fase werklik ‘n sterk leidinggewende, ondersteunende en motiverende rol. Aanprysing speel veral ‘n groot rol.
10. Genesis
Die verandering word nou operasioneel. Mense herbelê hul energie in die instansie en in hulself, tree pro-aktief en vindingryk op en inisieer vrywillig nuwe projekte en idees. Dit baan die weg vir nuwe rolverdelings en loopbaangeleenthede.
*Die term ‘mense’ kan vervang word met personeel/werkers. Die model is toepaslik op ‘n veel wyer gebied as net die werkplek.
Booyens S.W (Red.)1995 Dimensions of Nursing Managent; Kenilworth. Juta & Kie
Breytenbach A.M.S. 2004 Notas vir Onderrig aan gevorderde Verpleegstudente in Verpleegadministrasie; (Ongepubliseer)
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
8:43 PM
Prince Albert Groentetuin Projek kry skadu bome
Op Vrydag, 19 Maart, is die eerste koeltebome by die Prince Albert Groentetuin-projek geplant. Hierdie tuin, wat ’n oppervlak van 1 ha beslaan, is in tien tuine opgedeel, en word huidiglik deur sewe persone bestuur.
Dis ’n projek wat deur die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Landbou, Sentrale Karoo Distrikte, gefinansier word. Die Departement verskaf die toerusting en sade, en werkswinkels rakende die kweek van groente en tuinbestuur gaan aan die tuin-eienaars gebied word.
Dis ’n opwindende projek en een waarvan die sukses verreikende gevolge kan hê. Die tuin sal groente soos spinasie, wortels, kool en aartappels lewer, wat gebruik kan word om die eienaars en hul gesinne te voed, óf om ’n inkomste te lewer deurdat dit op markte verkoop kan word.
Die tuin-eienaars sê hul drome is groot, en hul vertrou op die Man van Bo. Hopelik sal harde werk hiér groente lewer, en sal die sukses van hierdie projek ander instansies motiveer om soortgelyke projekte te finansier.
Die ses koeltebome, drie Acacia karroo (Soetdoring) en drie Rhus pendulina (Witkaree) is deur Renu-karoo Veld Restoration cc geborg, wat hierdie bome en ander inheemse plante te koop aanbied. Die skenking is gereël deur Mnr Jan Johannes, distrikshoof vir die bogenoemde Departement.
(NMMU Natuurbewaring student by Renu-Karoo Veld Restoration cc)
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:40 PM
Water: we want to get it right
-Linda Jaquet -
Earlier this year, a hastily organised meeting of residents concerned about the water situation in Prince Albert, in particular water for domestic use, revealed that many residents are very concerned and frustrated about a whole range of issues:
- the quality and safety of drinking water, now and in the long term;
- the sustainable management and security of the town’s water resources;
- the Municipality’s poor record of informing residents timeously about water cuts and staffing and technical problems;
- where to address water-related queries;
- the lack of the necessary expertise in the Municipality;
A number also took the management of the Kweekvallei Water Users Association (KWUA) to task for the unsatisfactory communication to water users about the new water pipeline and a general lack of transparency.
The Friend has now raised concerns about drinking water during long and hard discussions with the Municipal Manager, Juanita Fortuin and the Acting Technical Services Manager, Heinrich Mettler. Mettler, a civil technician experienced in water management was seconded to our Municipality by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) last year as part of their efforts to strengthen rural municipalities to deliver services and to operate more efficiently.
Both Fortuin and Mettler acknowledged the recent difficulties and said that there was a lack of the skills needed to manage the water supply. Knowledge of the system had not been transferred properly following the retirement and resignation of people who had looked after the town’s water for many years.
Dr Ricky Murray of Groundwater Africa was contracted in 2006 to analyse Prince Albert’s water management system and make recommendations about the long-term sustainability of the town’s water supply. The Municipality later ended his services, which were funded by the Department of Water Affairs as a Masibambane Project. The skills of Johann Rissik, a local resident who worked with Dr Murray, were also lost as a result. He looked after the complicated system of boreholes, pumps and electronic monitoring and trained a municipal official, who later resigned,
The Municipality and the Kweekvallei Irrigation Board then implemented only one of Dr Murray’s recommendations, the laying of the pipeline in the furrow, the purpose of which was to save water losses along the furrow and ensure that a fair share of the savings was allocated to the Municipality. This too had been delayed for two years due to haggling in the Council. His recommendations covered modifying the boreholes’ pumping rates, upgrading borehole monitoring equipment, appointing a dedicated person to manage the town’s water resources and supply system and changing the furrow allocation schedule to provide a continuous and consistent supply of water.
Heinrich Mettler told the Friend that proper monitoring of the water supply system was not yet up to scratch and that one of the boreholes supplying water to the town had been out of commission since late last year. He confirmed that there had been unintentional mishaps:
- the pipes had been flushed in the wrong season
- chlorine had been incorrectly added to one of the reservoirs
- the high-pressure reservoir adjacent to Gordon’s Koppie had over-flowed on more than one occasion
- the contractor responsible for the pipeline, Mabungwe Civils, had stopped the water flow one day in January to work on the pipeline without informing the Municipality causing a dam to run dry and residents to be without water for 12 hours.
Mr Mettler added that high water consumption in the town during the holiday season and particularly during the recent exceptionally hot period had increased the pressure on the water management system. Mettler reassured residents that their drinking water was being properly managed and commended his new team and their predecessors for doing a good job under difficult circumstances for which they were ill prepared. He also had high praise for Jan Nel, an electrical and mechanical specialist, who for the last year or so has responded uncomplainingly to calls at all times of the night and day to repair pumps, solve problems and check the telemetry system that monitors the boreholes daily. “Jan went way beyond what was expected of him.”
Who looks after Prince Albert’s water? At the moment the buck stops with Heinrich Mettler, who heads up the new Technical Services section in the Municipality. (The Community Services Manager was previously responsible for these water services.) A water team that answers to him was appointed on 15 January this year. It is made up of Jeff Armoed, the water treatment works process controller, Reinhold Romp, the waste treatment works process controller and Eben Briessies, the data collector/lab assistant. They are all receiving intensive on the job training in their respective areas of responsibility from the Technical Assistance Centre (TAC), sponsored by Water Affairs and the DBSA.
The Municipality’s water management is now a pilot project for the TAC, which will assist at any time. Mettler is also trying to find funding to employ a groundwater specialist to assess the current water situation following the hot summer and to train the water treatment process controller.
Mettler assured the Friend that he and his team would make every effort to ensure a safe supply of water to the town and not repeat recent mishaps. They were working hard to address residents’ concerns and to comply with Water Affairs’ prestigious Blue Drop status. To get this the Municipality will have to meet stringent criteria for overall water management quality. In February, the Municipality’s compliance was 9% and Mettler is aiming at 50% compliance by end of April. The bottom line is that the water is safe but the required reporting mechanisms have not yet been met.
The Municipality will now bring out a quarterly newsletter reporting on water quality and other related issues. Residents’ telephone calls or enquiries about water-related problems will be recorded on a daily water incident sheet and dealt with systematically by the water team. At this stage, while the water team is still new on the job, Mettler requested that all queries and problems be addressed to him at the Municipality.
Mettler could not confirm that the Municipality is as yet receiving its fair share of the water flow from the new pipeline. One of the objectives of the pipeline was that saved leakage would go to the Municipality ensuring that leiwater users would receive their leiwater and the Municipality would be assured of more water. He indicated that he was in the process of installing a weir in the channel where part of the water flow is diverted to the Municipality’s balancing dam. The weir will determine volume of water. “We do know that water users are all getting more than before. Our readings higher up on the pipeline make me confident that the town has sufficient water at the moment.”
However, the Municipality has only the one balancing dam and is therefore not able to store its excess water, which overflows into the leiwater furrow and is taken by leiwater users. Mettler says that a second balancing dam and upgrading of pipes are essential. These will cost R13 million and an application for funding has been submitted to Water Affairs.
Mettler is confident of the pipeline’s ability to withstand high pressure, saying that the consulting engineer, Flip van Jaarsveld, of KV3 had tested it satisfactorily. This is essential for the recharging of the boreholes in winter and vital for filling the town’s aquifers and so boost water supply during the summer peak demand period. According to Mettler there has not been an artificial recharge test to date.
Mettler stressed that he and his team wanted to work with the community. He was open to attending community meetings and meetings of residents’ organisations to talk about issues of concern to townsfolk. He welcomed suggestions and urged residents with relevant expertise to get involved. “One way of investing in your town is to give your time,” he proposed. He also thanked the community for responding to the Municipality’s call in January to save water. Consumption had dropped noticeably after that.
Jeff Armoed, the town’s water treatment works process controller, commented that he was fully committed to his new position and its important responsibilities. “The safety of the town’s water is all consuming for me. I could not go home at night knowing that my children would have to drink water that was not safe.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:39 PM
Water Users Assocation
Hittegolf toestande raak Prince Albert nie regtig nie
Ten spyte van een van die warmste somers in onlangse tye het die watervloei in die voor aan die einde van die verpypte deel deurlopend bo 55% gebly wat ‘n aansienlike verbetering is op wat in die verlede ervaar is.
Now that the contractors have withdrawn from the piping project it is hoped that the teething problems that were experienced have largely been eliminated and that the town can look forward to better water efficiency because leakages and evaporation have been eliminated.
After the hiccup that was experienced when the contractors diverted the water flow in the furrow and the town experienced a brief water shortage in January, the situation is greatly improved. According to a spokesperson of the Municipality the implementation of the new system has meant that the town’s dams have remained well over 75 percent full despite the heat and the increased usage.
Hierbenewens is dit bemoedigend dat die stand van die dorp se boorgate na instelling van die nuwe waterreëlings goed gebly het en hulle slegs teen ‘n baie lae tempo gepomp is. Die waterbeperkinge wat ingestel is dra ook by daartoe dat die dorp se damme vol genoeg bly ten spyte van die erge hitte.
Draft rules relating to water turns
Many new property owners in Prince Albert seem to have difficulty in understanding how water turns work. To address this concern the KWUA is in the process of developing a set of “water turn rules”. Comments on those rules and suggestions for further inclusions would be welcome. The preliminary rules provide as follows:
A water turn is registered in respect of a particular property for a particular time and may only be taken on that property during that time.
No changes to water turns may be effected without the prior written approval of the Management Committee.
- Must not leak;
- Must be locked both during and outside of registered water turns;
- Must be placed in the furrow and removed from the furrow by the owners.
- Property owners are primarily responsible to ensure that they receive their water turn.
- No property in respect whereof a water turn is registered may be transferred without all outstanding water levies having being paid.
- It is a criminal offence to put garden or other refuse in the furrow.
- Accesses to properties that cross over the KWUA water furrow must comply with the applicable regulations a copy of which may be obtained from the Management Committee.
Kallie Erasmus, Vice-Chair, Kweekvallei Water Users Association
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:37 PM
‘n Welkome oase in die Karoo
In 1997 was in die Leeu-Gamka omgewing 'n groot projek om indringerbome, veral die prosopis of muskietboom, te verwyder.Een van die gemeenskapsleiers in Leeu-Gamka se woongebied, Bitterwater, Me Letithea Solomons, het die Voorligtingsbosbouer, Mnr Joel Syphus van Kluitjieskraal Kwekery op Wolseley, ernstig aangespreek omdat hier net probleembome verwyder word en daar nie alternatiewe bome in hulle plek geplant word nie.
Toe Mnr Syphus en Me Solomons oor die moontlikheid van 'n depot vir bome op Leeu-Gamka praat, het sy hom na die NG predikant op die dorp, Ds Willem Burger verwys.Die NG Kerkgronde was volgens haar die enigste ruimte waar so-iets op Leeu-Gamka suksesvol gedoen kon word.
Vroeg in 1998 word daar ongeveer 200 klein boompies op die kerkgronde afgelaai.Gou het ons besef dat mense nie net in bome belangstel nie.Ons moes ook struike hier aanhou.Uit skenkings en plantjie verkope is die eerste kweekhuis opgerig.
Wat die vestiging van 'n kwekery op Leeu-Gamka moeiliker gemaak het, is dat dit 'n brakwaterkwekery is.Ons het spoedig uitgevind dat plante beslis nie hou van brakwater op hulle blare nie.Die gevolg is dat ons nie die plante met spreiers kan natmaak nie. Elke plant moet individueel met die hand natgemaak word.Om te kyk watter inheemse bome in ons omgewing aard, het ons bome op 'n oop stuk grond geplant.Huidiglik is meer as 30 verskillende inheemse bome op ons "toetsgrond" geplant.Indien die boom nie op die "toetsgrond" groei nie, sal ons hom nie by die Kwekery verkoop nie.
Kliënte het begin vra na vetplante en middel 2002 het ons ook ons eerste vetplante hier gekry.Dit was gou 'n treffer en mense vanaf die N1 stop spesiaal daarvoor.
‘n Winkelgeboutjie is ook opgerig, waar plaaslike mense hul handgemaakte produkte kan verkoop. Hier is ook ‘n teetuin waar jy rustig kan ontspan, weg van die besige N1 snelweg.
Ek sluit af met 'n aanhaling van Ds Burger:
"As iemand my van 'n singende boom sou vertel, sou ek dit afmaak as maar net nog 'n fabel, 'n slaaptydstorie vir kinders.Net so sou ek die storie van Leeu-Gamka Kwekery en Padstal soos ek dit vandag ken, 12 jaar terug as wensdenkery beskou.
Ek sou dink dat dit iemand is wat kontak met die werklikheid verloor het en nie die realiteite van Leeu-Gamka ken nie. Iemand wat op Leeu-Gamka 'n kwekery begin, sal mos totaal verspot wees - daarvoor is hierdie gemeenskap mos heeltemal te klein.
Tog het hierdie kwekery begin en vandag weet ek dat dit 'n God-storie is - wat hier gebeur het, is nie mensewerk nie.God self het hier 'n pad met ons geloop"
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:37 PM
GPF Stig Straatkomitee
Die Gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum het ten doel om die gemeenskap van Prince Albert te bemagtig en versterk. Sodoende kan misdaad aangespreek en verminder word. ‘n Veiliger en beter gemeenskap kan sodoende geskep word.
As eerste daadwerklike stap in hierdie rigting is ‘n Straatkomitee te Bosduifstraat op 8 Februarie gestig. Die Straatkomitee dien as die spreekbuis vir die inwoners in die straat – tans Bosduifstraat – en het ten doel om die basiese behoeftes tot die meer ingewikkelde behoeftes van die inwoners aan te spreek, in samewerking met die GPF. Op grondvlak het elke inwoner van die straat die geleentheid om hul behoeftes bekend te maak. BADISA het reeds die hande van die GPF begin vat deur die stig van ‘n speelgroepie vir klein kindertjies in Bosduifstraat.
Indien u saam met die GPF wil werk om ‘n verskil in Prince Albert te begin maak, kan u Dave Rennie skakel by 082 568 2935.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:36 PM
Join Ratepayers - for Strength in Numbers
- PARA Committee -
At the most recent committee meeting several matters were discussed, the main one being the fact that certain members of the Municipal Council were trying to have a vote of no confidence passed against the Municipal Manager. Why this should happen is very worrying as by all accounts the Municipal Manager is doing a very good job. More on this matter elsewhere in the Friend. Other concerns that the committee intends handling with a view to positive results, were also listed.
Prince Albert Ratepayers Association (PARA) Chairperson André Jaquet and two other committee members, André Goosen and Johan Senekal, met during March with the Municipal Manager, Ms Fortuin, to discuss certain aspects of service delivery. “As a non-political group of residents, we wanted to express our concerns to the Council through the correct channel. We have done so to the Municipal Manager who answered some of our concerns and promised to look into others,” he said.
Lidmaatskap van die PABV toon goeie groei , met 62 lede ten tye van die skryf van hierdie artikel. Hierdie is sonder twyfel ‘n geval waar die krag in getalle lê. Lede word aangemoedig om hulle besorgdheid te lug deur by die vereniging aan te sluit. Barbara Castle is die tesouriere en kan by 35 Markstraat genader word. Lidmaatskapgeld is R20 en Barbara sal ‘n kwitansie daarvoor uitreik.
Lede word daaraan herinner dat hulle te alle tye hulle kwellinge onder die aandag van enige komiteelid kan bring. Komiteelede is Barbara Castle, Hugh Forsyth, André Goosen, Willem Hinkman, André Jaquet, Johann Senekal en Stephan Schoeman.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:35 PM
2010 Olive Festival to be a Record for PA Stalls
Zelia Mullins, Prince Albert’s Tourism Manager, who is co-ordinating this year’s Olive Festival, told The Friend last week that “This year, Festival-goers can expect a celebration that will focus on the arts, crafts, food and wine tasting but with a strong emphasis on olives, olive oil and olive products.”
Throughout the weekend, visitors can see olives being pressed at Kredouw Farm at the foot of the Kredouw Pass and at Prince Albert Olives’ new press on the outskirts of town. Olive oil tastings and a display of olive products are also scheduled for the festival.
Asked whether this wouldn’t narrow the appeal to younger folk, Zelia said: “Not at all. What I mean is that we are very pleased at the increased number of local stallholders who have decided to sell olive products, plants, a range of food and locally made goodies, clothing, antiques and collectibles and crafts. There will also be several new stalls this year, where metal art, homemade shoes, woodcrafts, household linens and organic olives are just a few of the items on offer”.
“Naturally, there will be something for everyone: a fun mix of market stalls, walks and talks, live music, theatre and movies, a beauty pageant with a difference, a half marathon and cool activities for the young and the not so young. And of course, there will be the Festival’s old favourites: the chip spiral seller, the ice-cream man and of course, the Huis Kweekvallei stall and its award winning ‘basaar poeding’. And the festival would not be the festival without the kiddies’ favourite: the mallemeule. Townsfolk and visitors should also start practising for the olive-pip spitting competition. The late Clive van Hasselt’s record remains unbeaten.”
This year the official Prince Albert Half Marathon is part of the Olive Festival. The Zwartberg Runners are expecting 120 runners to participate in this event and the other races happening at the same time. Other highlights to look out for will be the local production of the classic comedy sketch, Dinner for One, starring Ailsa Tudhope and Mark Steyn and the screening of two classic Afrikaans movies including the first Afrikaans musical, ‘Kom Dans Vanaand’ at the Jans Rautenbach Schouwburg.
The Patchwork Theatre is presenting their popular story telling and will also be busking in the street along with other residents. A puppet theatre will keep both young and old amused. And the word is about that even a fortune-teller is keen to come to the festival this year and predict our futures … for a small donation, of course!
The “Mr Popeye and Miss Olive Oil” pageant at Villa Kruger at sunset on Friday, 30 April, officially opens the festival and promises to add magic, sparkle and glamour, and even a touch of the outrageous, to the weekend.
Zelia is also delighted that walks and talks that have been so popular in previous years are back on the programme.
Lydia Barrella will lead her historical walks through the town and open her mineral collection to the public, while Sue Milton-Dean will guide those who care about the environment and love wide open spaces on walks at Wolwekraal. The Story Weaver will again tell all about ghouls and apparitions and historical footnotes on nightly Ghost Walks.
By popular demand, the festival will again host the Homes and Gardens tour, enabling visitors and locals alike to get a glimpse of how Prince Alberters live and create their own special spaces. Carol Tissiman is hosting a workshop on indigenous plants for home use and the ever-popular Astro-Tours will hold stargazing evenings on the rugby field at Hoërskool Zwartberg.
The festival runs from Friday, 30 April, until the late hours of Saturday, 1 May. Zelia reports that the town’s guest accommodation is filling rapidly and that excitement is building.
To learn more about the festival or to book a stall or accommodation, call the Tourism Office on 023 541 1366
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:35 PM
Garden Club News
- Linda Jaquet -
Horticultural Latin
Consider how puzzled an American searching for blueberries in British supermarkets must feel when in Kent what he has called a blueberry all his life, is called a bilberry and in the south west of England is known as a whortleberry. In York it is a winberrry, in Scotland a blaeberry and in the Midlands it is called a huckleberry. And all the while, in the United States, the huckleberry is something completely different. This is an indication of how the common names of plants are often so much more confusing than their Latin botanical names.
Horticultural Latin was the subject of a well-researched and entertaining talk at the Garden Club’s March meeting. Neil Dixon, a British-trained horticulturalist now living in Prince Albert, led his enthusiastic audience through the history of the development of botanical plant names: from the times of the Greeks, who started using Latin names, to the Middle Ages when there was an interest in what were regarded as useful plants.
Later, Leonhart Fuchs, one of the fathers of botany continued the task and in the 1700s, Carl Linnaeus, now known as the father of taxonomy, finally created the binomial (literally “two name”) system, which he thought would make plant names easier to understand.This system, still in use today, of giving formal botanical names to plants is guided by the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, which can only be changed by the International Botanical Congress.
While all this may sound rather complicated, what it means is that every plant is a member of a family with common features in a unique combination, for example, the Rosacea – belonging to the Rose family or Orchidacea – belonging to the Orchid family. Every plant’s name is made up of a Genus, - like a person’s surname – usually a noun which can be commemorative or descriptive, such as Acacia (meaning spine or thorn) and its specific epithet or species, which describes the plant’s characteristics, appearance, origins, habitat, flower or aroma. For instance pendulum, (weeping), capense (from the Cape), rubra, (red) and suaveolens (sweet scented). Thus we have the Acacia karoo and Bijlia cana, the vygie unique to Prince Albert and the Nerine marincowitzii Snijman, a member of the Amaryllidaceae family, discovered by Pat Marincowitz on his farm, Kleinsleutelfontein outside Prince Albert.
As Neil showed his audience, a little Latin can go a long way and most amateur gardeners know more meanings of Latin words than they realise.In fact, Neil and his wife, Jacqui, have found their knowledge of horticultural Latin has been tremendously helpful in identifying the right kinds of plants for their garden in Prince Albert.Not yet familiar with most South African indigenous plants or plants suited to local conditions, they have relied on their understanding of botanical names when sourcing for plants at nurseries in the area.Should anyone be interested in learning more, Neil has copies of his speaking notes available.
April Outing with Cultural Foundation
The Garden Club will join the Prince Albert Cultural Foundation’s outing on 24 April.The morning excursion “Water, Energy, Waste will shape your future”, is led by Sue and Richard Dean and will start at Eerstewater at 08h30 and will visit the Council waterworks, the sewage works, the Renu-Karoo composting, the woodlot and food garden allotments.Please wear walking shoes, a hat and bring water along with you. You are free to break away from the excursion whenever you choose.The outing costs R20.00 per person.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:34 PM
Strange Water Affairs
- Hugh Forsyth -
A short while ago the writer was required to tell an Uncle Remus story in public. The story comes from the American Deep South and is about Bret Fox, Brer Rabbit and the Tar-Baby. It seemed to go down O.K. even though it ended with a vexing question.
From time to time in our pretty town there are strange water affairs, and one such recent affair is best reported on after the style of Uncle Remus.
One morning early Uncle Remus he walk out in the yard and he find the water tap running open. Now he know who leave the water tap open, so he call the Boy, and Uncle Remus he say, - Boy, you leave the water tap running open? – And the Boy say, - Oh no, Uncle Remus, not me. Now Uncle Remus he know the Boy telling lies, but he take a fatherly view of the situation, and he say, - Boy you and me gonna sit down on the porch cause I gotta story to tell you. – So they go sit on the porch, the one facing the other.
When they sit comfortable, Uncle Remus he say, - Boy, we live in a water-challenged area, and that mean there be a whole lot of folks around here and there be just a little bitty water, so we got to watch out for water real good. You understand?- And the Boy nod his head up and down.
Now Uncle Remus he say, - In this town there be a Lady Farmer who got a nice farm with green pastures and brown cows for good milk and prize-winning cheese and she got fluffy goats for warm blankets and comfy socks, and she got hens and roosters for pecking around all over. For to make this work nice she also got water coming in a furrow from the mountain. And on this furrow there be a sluice gate, and when it be the Lady Farmer’s turn to take water, right on the clock, she open the sluice gate, and when her turn finished, right on the clock, she close the sluice gate. And so far everything going fine.
Then one day the Lady Farmer get the feeling something ain’t right cause the water from the furrow start to look real scarce and the pastures is start to look brown. Now things go from bad to worse cause the water from the furrow get more and more scarce, and the Lady Farmer start to figure there be a water thief about, like somebody messing with the sluice gate. Now the Lady Farmer she getting real mad, cause the pastures is looking black, and the fluffy goats is begging for a drink, and the hens and roosters is lying on the ground with their wings flat, just praying for rain.
So the Lady Farmer she stomp up and down the furrow looking for the water thief, but she don’t catch him cause he so sly, when he see the trouble coming he dive off into the bushes and he lie low. Now the Lady Farmer she getting so mad she coming close to the end of her wits when real sudden she get the brainwave. A brainwave be a mighty good idea, you understand? – And the Boy nod his head up and down.
So the Lady Farmer she go down to the friendly home hardware store and she buy a big can of birdlime. Now birdlime be real sticky stuff, you put your hand on birdlime and you don’t get free again, never no more. The Lady Farmer she come home and round about sundown time she paint the birdlime all over the sluice gate. She paint it so good that when she finished it start to look like a portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Then she go sleep, real peaceful.
In the middle of the night the Lady Farmer wake up sudden cause she hear a yelling and a hollering and a begging for mercy, and she smile slow. Then she get out the warm bed and she put on the pink dressing gown and the farm boots, and she take some stuff in her hand, and she walk up the furrow.
By ‘n by she see just what she wanna see, cause there be the water thief, and him stuck all over the sluice gate like he come into this world with that contraption as part of his original body. The Lady Farmer she stand over the water thief, and him slobbering for mercy, and the tension is running real high cause in her right hand she got a meat axe and in her left hand she got a knife and fork.
Now the Boy sit up straight and his eyes go wide like dinner plates, and he say, - Oh no, Uncle Remus, you mean the Lady Farmer she kill and eat the water thief? – Uncle Remus sit back, and he pause to take some breath, then he say, - Well, maybe she kill and eat the water thief, and maybe she don’t. But I wanna tell you one thing, Boy, you leave the water tap running open in the yard again and the Lady Farmer gonna come by and she gonna kill and eat you.-
The Boy come all over shaking and trembling, but he don’t leave the water tap running open again, never no more.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:34 PM
Church Choir a Hit in Prince Albert
- André Jaquet -
Listening to a choir in a church was the last thing I felt like doing on a beautiful Prince Albert Autumn Saturday afternoon. And yet, gently prodded by my wife I decided that my moaning and grumping would be more effort than just getting up and driving to the New Apostolic Church for the event.
We arrived early, to be met and greeted warmly by smiling choir members who ushered us to our places in the packed hall. Friends, kids, elderly people and in general folks of all ages, sizes and pigmentation were relaxed and chatting and the buzz of anticipation was somehow there. ‘A good beginning,’ I thought.
The 130-strong male-voice choir and orchestra of the New Apostolic Church in the Kuils River Bishop area were in Prince Albert to continue their ministry through music here. The orchestra played that morning to enthusiastic market-goers and were due to also pay house visits to members of the local New Apostolic Church congregation and spend time with Sunday School children and senior members of the church during their stay.
As the speeches of introduction carried on my enthusiasm waned, but when the choir and orchestra burst forth with their first number, ‘Dare to be a Daniel’ it was as if we all were swept off our feet on a magical carpet of sound that not only had the rafters vibrating but which penetrated our very souls. The volume was so powerful that you felt a physical impact on all your senses.
If this were the report of a music critic, I would say that the 100 choir members achieved a high degree of unity of sound, so that the harmonies struck the ear in precisely the right proportion and that only the pure voices of intended soloists were raised above the rest. Having sung in a professional choir for many years I know exactly how hard it is to achieve that.
The repertoire consisted on the one hand of joyful songs of praise as well as technically difficult choral and orchestral music. For young performers this was a truly remarkable achievement. I would love to hear a repeat performance in a year or three because believe me, this is a good ensemble.
The soloists and the orchestra deserve mention for their performances too. The violin and piano solo Czardas showed commendable technical skills. Voice soloists too were good and where there might have been some technical faults these were overshadowed by the effort and heart put into performances.
The young conductor of the orchestra impressed me by his sensitive approach and the ability he showed to shape the sounds of instruments to complement singers. The organist and pianist also deserve mention for the groundedness of their performances. The musician in me knew that there was something else that made this singing quite exceptional and added to the notes printed on the musical scores. Something that I couldn’t put my finger on. I listened with great care to song after song, some well-known favourites and others that were new to me. There was huge applause and when the theme changed to ‘Akkedissie’ and ‘Vanaand gaan die Volkies Koring Sny’, I swear that the thunderous applause lifted the roof a few centimetres!
And yet, what was I missing that explained the quality of singing and the response of the audience? Halfway through the performance it struck me that each and every choir member was singing from the heart. They were true believers and this was a joyful celebration of what they really felt. That is what made this a moving and very special afternoon for many others and me. Thank you, the New Apostolic choir and orchestra of the Kuils River Bishop area.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:33 PM
Politics Paralyse our Municipal Service Delivery
- Linda Jaquet -
Between 24 February and 18 March, the Prince Albert Municipal Council was forced to adjourn every one of its seven meetings, as there was no quorum. On each occasion the ANC councillors indicated that they could not support a motion of no confidence in the Municipal Manager, Juanita Fortuin, tabled by the three DA councillors. As a result, the Adjusted Municipal Budget had also not been passed by the time of going to press. In terms of legislation this budget had to be approved by the end of February but the council is only due to meet again on 31 March.
The DA councillors, the Speaker, Cllr Stoffel Botes, Cllr Willem Jansen and Cllr Jacobus Goliath refused to disclose the content of their motion to the public. They told the Friend that in terms of the Council rules they could only do so once the motion had been passed. They added that they had informed both the ANC and Fortuin of the reasons for their motion and that they had the backing of their regional structure and senior DA members. Fortuin will then have seven days to respond to claims of alleged irregularities.
They also stated that the ANC members appeared to be protecting Fortuin unnecessarily and were also guilty of postponing the vote on the Adjusted Budget until the very last and then insisting that the budget be discussed ahead of the DA’s motion. Cllr Willem Jansen told the Friend that “it was not important” that the budget had not been passed by its due date.
In turn, Deputy Mayor April Pienaar told the Friend that the ANC councillors could not support the DA’s motion as they had not been provided with any information in support of the allegations and could not make an informed decision. As a result they had no alternative but to walk out of council meetings. They pointed out that in case of an even vote, the Speaker, who is from the DA, had a casting vote.
Another worrying development is that Cllr Pienaar claimed that as Acting Mayor in Cllr Maria Benjamin’s absence, he could not approve any activities provided for in the Adjusted Budget because that would be unauthorised expenditure. This has had a negative effect on the day-to-day operations of the Municipality.
On 3 March, the eve of another special council meeting, residents, including some DA members drafted a petition in support of Ms Fortuin’s performance. In just 18 hours they collected over 250 signatures, which Barbara Gorniak, the initiator of the petition, handed to the Speaker before the council meeting. This was witnessed by 25 concerned residents. More signatures were collected the following day and again handed to the Speaker. A copy of the signed petition was sent to the MEC for Local Government, Anton Bredell.
At midday on 23 March the Friend was told that the regional leaders of the DA and the ANC had worked out an end to the impasse. Both parties would withdraw their motions of no confidence and work out how to deal with the allegations against Ms Fortuin before the end of the month.
However, later on the same afternoon, the Friend learned that Councillor Willem Jansen of the DA had personally tabled a motion of no confidence in Ms Fortuin. The Friend will keep readers informed of further developments.
Interviewed by the Friend, Minister Bredell said that he was very concerned about what was happening in Prince Albert and that he would send two senior officials as soon as possible to establish the truth about the allegations against Ms Fortuin.
Bredell said that he was tired of councillors who wasted their time on petty personal politicking rather than concentrating on service delivery. He hoped for a better quality of candidates in the municipal election scheduled for 2011.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:32 PM
Zwartberg Runners Hit the Ground Running
- Lesley van Heerden -
Community Fun Run
The Zwartberg Runners were invited by the Municipality to organise a sporting event during the Prince Albert Community Festival and it was a wonderful and enriching experience holding a Fun Run for the countless little legs at the Festival!
Arriving at the Odendaal Sports Grounds, we found ourselves a spot under a tree and set up camp.The Municipality sponsored the drinks and our Club supplied the prizes.
Shortly before the run was to begin, we began the round up of participants, blowing a whistle, walking through the crowds of youngsters; it was a Pied Piper of Hamelin experience!
The children began to gather and soon we had over a hundred participants of all ages.We spanned our 'Finish' banner, issued a volley of instructions and they were off!A short, but truly FUN fun run!
Our thanks to the local police for helping maintain safety and order during the run and to all the volunteers who helped at the start and were marshals along the route.
Prince Albert Half Marathon
And now.... we invite you all, villagers and visitors, to join us in our annual Prince Albert 21.1km race to be held on 1 May during the Olive Festival. Or choose another run or walk - there are also the 5km or 10km routes - and enjoy being out in the autumn Karoo dawn, topping up on one of life's best anti-depressants.... exercise!Mild enough to be thoroughly enjoyable but enough to get those 'happy hormones' circulating!
We need to raise funds for the half marathon and are again raffling a lamb (a great success every year), while our junior runners will operate a car wash throughout March and April.
Keep an eye on the Olive Festival Program and don't miss the highlight – the Swartberg Half Marathon!
Our members’ achievements
Thank you to Maruschka Erasmus and Charlotte Bothma who ran the Karoo National Park 21.1 on 13 of February and represented us so ably. Well done too to Tracy Swanepoel, who ran the Cango Marathon on 27 February and has qualified to run the Comrades Marathon this year.
2010 Club Committee
This year’s committee is Terry Barnato, Chair, Lesley van Heerden, Vice-Chair, Sandy Bower, Treasurer and Janet Modra, Secretary. special ‘thank you’ to Juliana van der Westhuizen for her hard work as secretary-cum-fundraiser in 2008/9!
Anyone interested in joining the Zwartberg Runners should please contact Terry Barnato on 023 541 1462. We welcome runners and walkers, both serious and not so serious.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:31 PM
Prince Albert Public Library Book Review
by Santa Montefiore
This is a love story and while some might find it overly romantic, others will find it tender and inspiring… especially those who love their own gardens. The story revolves around a garden that has been neglected, a cottage that holds a secret, a mysterious Frenchman (who is, of course, handsome) and a family in need of love.
It begins as Miranda and David Claybourne move into a country house with a once-beautiful garden. But reality turns out to be very different from their dream. Soon the underlying unhappiness in the family begins to surface. And as it does so each family member is isolated in a prison of resentment and loneliness.
Then a dashing and enigmatic Frenchman arrives on their doorstep. With the wisdom of nature, he slowly begins to heal the past and the present.
But who is he?
Then Miranda finds a diary that has been left in the cottage. She begins to read it and, through it, she and the whole family learn that a garden, like love itself, can restore the human spirit. And that a lovingly tended garden can keep on inspiring those who enjoy it... not just season after season but generation after generation too.
“Wise and winsome, poignant and powerfully moving, The French Gardener is a contemporary story told with an old-fashioned sensibility steeped in the importance of family and the magical power of love.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:30 PM
‘Deep South’, a fitting farewell to Chrisna
- Ailsa Tudhope -
Chrisna and Peter’s last concert at St John’s Church was a thoroughly entertaining evening of music from the ‘Deep South’ of the USA and South Africa.
Peter and Rosemary McEwan compiled a programme which gave full reign to Peter’s voice and allowed Chrisna to display her virtuosity at the piano. Besides her sensitivity as an accompanist, Chrisna sets herself a high standard as a soloist. ‘Going Home’ from Dvorák’s 9th Symphony, From the New World, the Afrikaans medley and the encore, In a Persian Market, fully demonstrated her expertise.
Peter’s costume might have made the audience wonder if he had fallen on hard times but they soon realised it enhanced the theme of songs from the American Deep South, particularly the Negro Spirituals and lullabies which typified the years before the Civil War. It was most fitting that he performed Old Man River, which he first sang in a competition at the age of twelve, in his last concert with Chrisna.
To add to the significance of the evening, three of his sons travelled especially from Johannesburg, giving Peter a wonderful surprise and allowing him to serenade his youngest with Mighty Lak a Rose, which he had crooned to him moments after he was born.
Sarah Modra delighted everyone with her performance of I’se gwin back to Dixie on the clarinet and Hugh Forsyth’s rendition of Uncle Remus’ Brer Rabbit tale The Tar Baby was much appreciated.
The sing-along of well-known South African and American songs was a roaring hit; the audience were all in excellent voice and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Peter and Chrisna’s duet Why do I love you? from Showboat brought tears to the eyes of many, but was a glorious finale to this most successful concert.
Prince Albert has lost a treasure with Chrisna’s departure. She regularly played the organ at the NG Kerk, was an integral part of the Words and Music programmes, Carols by Candlelight services and other special events at St John’s Church and was a bastion of the Hoërskool Zwartberg Kultuuraande. She did sterling service in classrooms at Zwartberg and her own learning centre and many children and adults experienced her encouraging, enthusiastic and thorough teaching in their music lessons.
Her many friends throughout the community wish Chrisna, Hané and Jan Stephan many blessings as they set out upon a new path.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:30 PM
Miernes bars uit alle nate
- Denise Ohlson -
Kinderspeletjies is dit vir Marina Nel om elke dag tot 33 peuters besig te hou met knip en plak en in-kleur en saamwerk. Suiwer vreugde, vertel sy, is dit vir haar as ‘n tweejarige wat ander as “hopeloos” sal afskryf, ná twee jaar van kundige onderrig gereed is om met vertroue na voorskoolse Wildekanisland te promofeer. “Al wat ek in die lewe wil en kan doen, is om met die kindertjies te werk,” sê Marina wat in 1992 haar HOD Junior Primêr behaal het en sedert 2004 die besige Miernes Kleuterskool daar langs Hoёrskool Zwartberg se sportterrein bedryf .
Haar skool bedien die hele gemeenskap se twee- tot vierjariges, en hoewel sy eintlik net ingerig is vir 24 kinders, hanteer sy en haar helper, Lydia Marais, baie dae meer as dertig bedrywige “miertjies”. Dit word duidelik noodsaaklik om uit te brei, maar Marina kry, ten spyte van talle pogings, steeds geen ondersteuning van die munisipaliteit of die staat nie. Min ouers het ook ekstra fondse om by te dra nadat die skoolgeld betaal is.
Sy is Bodo Toelstede oneindig dankbaar vir sy jarelange finansiёle steun en morele onderskraging. Die lugversorger wat Johan Senekal geskenk het en die skrynwerk wat Jan Marais gereeld doen, maak dit vir almal nóg lekkerder by die skool.
En as daar dalk nog ‘n barmhartige Samaritaan verskyn wat wil help plafonne slaan, of wat ‘n bydrae kan maak tot ‘n broodnodige Wendy-huis, of selfs kan kom hand bysit om ‘n ekstra klaskamer aan te bou, sal Marina en Lydia op en af spring van opgewondenheid.
“Ons het soveel oulike kinders hier; daar is soveel goeie werk om te doen, maar die omstandighede raak beklemmend. Veral nadat die skool twee keer onder vandale deurgeloop het, moet ons nou ‘n plan maak om kosbare apparaat en speelgoed te beveilig.”
Die jong vandaliste is gelukkig gou deur die polisie aangekeer en die skade van R800 word geleidelik terugbetaal, maar dit was ‘n onnodige en gevoelige terugslag.
Marina hoop dat die gemeenskap haar elmboё sal sterk en sy nooi almal wat wil kom help uit om te kom kyk na die die fasiliteite - en self te sien hoe die kinders die skool geniet. Maak ‘n afspraak met haar by 079 516 1057.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:30 PM
Prince Albert Primêr se Mini-krieketspan is Onoorwonne!
- J.J. Fransen –
Woensdag ,10 Maart, het Prince Albert Primêr se mini-krieketspan na Dysselsdorp gereis om teen PJ Badenhorst Primêr te gaan meeding.
Hulle het weereens gewys waartoe hulle in staat is en het die wedstryd met 8-3 gewen. Romario Mooneys het baie oulik gekolf en het met sy toegelate 6 balle, 9 lopies aangeteken. Baie geluk aan hom en sy span.
Die spanne is op Woensdag, 17 Maart, na ‘n “Road Show” wat deur die SWD en Gauteng se Krieketraad georganiseer is, genooi.
Daar het die mannetjies ‘n hele paar tegnieke en vaardighede aangeleer. Hulle het ook ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd gespeel wat hulle terdeë geniet het. Die raad het hulle agterna met heerlike lekkernye bederf en hulle bedank vir hul belangstelling in krieket.
Ons vertrou dat daar eendag ‘n provinsiale speler of selfs ‘n Protea uit die span sal kom!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:29 PM
Iona vrywilligers ondersteun Hoërskool Zwartberg
- Lesley van Heerden -
Terwyl Ailsa Tudhope betrokke was by die Iona Gemeente het sy vir die vrywilligers ‘n “Powerpoint” vertoning oor Prince Albert en Hoërskool Zwartberg aangebied.
Die groep uit Engeland, Skotland, Noorweë, Swede, Duitsland, Kanada en Australia het kleingeld ingesamel en gevra dat sy iets vir die skool moet koop – ’n fantastiese verrassing. Sy het ses handige boeke oor werksgeleenthede gekry, maar nog ’n verrassing was op pad.
Peter en Susan Whitmill het nog ’n geskenk gestuur: genoeg geld om wetenskaplike sakrekenaars te koop vir die ‘Matrieks van 2011’. Hierdie gelukkige Graad 11 leerders sal seker uitstekende punte vir Wiskunde en Wetenskap behaal, en ons glo dat Hoërskool Zwartberg baie trots sal wees op hul prestasie in albei vakke.
Baie dankie aan die Iona-span en spesifiek aan Peter en Susan, wat ons kinders so bederf het.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:29 PM
Lizandro, ons wonderseun
- Phillida April -
Die leerders van Juf Phillida April se graad 1 klas by Prince Albert Primêr was baie bly om die begin van die jaar ‘n nuwe maatjie te kry. Lizandro Lekay is inderdaad ‘n baie spesiale maatjie wat dit geniet om elke dag skool toe te kom.
Sy moeder Marianne Lekay stoot hom elke oggend in sy rolstoel skool toe. Hy is gebore met Spina bifida wat beteken dat met geboorte, ‘n deel van sy rugstring ontbloot was. is dadelik na geboorte toegemaak tydens ‘n baie delikate operasie.
Ongelukkig het dit veroorsaak dat Lizandro nie kan loop nie. Hy sal vir die res van sy lewe van ‘n rolstoel gebruik moet maak. Hy is egter ‘n intelligente mannetjie en geniet sy skoolwerk en pas goed aan. Die Rooikruis Hospitaal in Kaapstad het onlangs geld geskenk sodat Lizandro al sy maatjies by die skool met koek en koeldrank kon trakteer.
Die rede vir die feesviering was dat Lizandro die enigste oorlewende kind is uit ‘n groep kinders wat met dié kondisie gebore is.
Die toegewyde sorg van sy moeder, wat skool toe kom om sy doeke om te ruil en alles vir hom doen, is definitief een van die redes dat hy so mooi vorder.
Hy word op 29 Julie 8 jaar oud. Sy moeder ontvang nie tans staatsondersteuning nie en as gevolg van die feit dat sy Lizandro heeltyd moet versorg, is dit ook onmoontlik vir haar om te werk.
Marianne is egter baie goed met naaldwerk en as ons lesers kan help met wol of lap sal dit baie waardeer word.
Indien jy kan help kontak Linda Fodor by 076 552 6235.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:28 PM
Nog ‘n Argus op Dawid se kerfstok
- Dawid Rossouw -
Van begin Januarie tot die week voor die Argus het ek meer as 2000km met my fiets gery. Ek het goed gevoel en was gereed om die fietstoer aan te pak. Die middag voor die ren het die suidooste wind begin waai en die nag deur was ons kort-kort wakker soos die wind die bome en takke geruk het. My gedagtes het teruggegaan na verlede jaar se toer wat in stormsterk wind afgelê is en het ek my daaraan getroos dat dit nie erger kan wees nie. Na verlede jaar se toer het ek 'n spesiale t-hemp gekry spesiaal ontwerp met“I survived the tour of storms!". Ek sal dit weer doen!
Die wind was sterk, maar nie naastenby soos verlede jaar nie. Oor die eerste 45 km tot by Simonstad het ons in die bek van die suidoos ingery en dit hetenergie getap. Die res van die rit is ge-kenmerk deur dwarswinde wat gevaarlik was en baie konsentrasie geverg het. My mikpunt was om die 110 km onder 5 uur te ry. Ek kon nie daarin slaag nie, maartevrede met my tyd en het 17 793 ste uit 28 817 deelnemers wat die ren voltooi het geëindig. Onder die 22 533 mans, alle ouderdomme, wat die endpaal gehaal het, ek 14 965 ste (7 568 mans eindig na my).op die drumpel van 72 jaar nog so te vaar maak my dankbaar vir goeie gesondheid en daarvoor prys ek die Here.
Die toer is van begin tot end 'n belewenis, die entoesiasme onder die deelnemers, die opgewondenheid, aanmoediging en meelewing van toeskouers is uniek.
Die skokkende nuus van drie goeie vriende wat naby Oudtshoorn kort voor die toer gesterf het, was neerdrukkend, maar ons het geweet hulle was ook lief vir die Argus. Jan Eloff se vrou, Johanna, het vir my gesê 'n spesiale plekkie vir hom was die kruin van Chapmans Piek. Ek het haar belowe dat ek daar beslis aansal dink... dit het ek gedoen! Aandoenlik was ook om te sien hoe drie vriende van Magda van Lill met foto's van haar op hul rue gery het. Ons fiets-ryers gee ommekaar. Die plakker wat die Argus orga-niseerders versprei het, is gepas: LOVE A CYCLIST. SHARE THE ROAD.
Die medalje met die sokkerstadion op is 'n mooi aandenking, maar die mooi natuur langs die roete, fiets-vriendskappe, dankbaarheid om veilig klaar te maak en nie 'n stywe of seer spier te hê nie, is die grootste beloning.
Ek wil ook my mede-fietsryers van Prince Albert gelukwens met hulle prestasies: Chris Jooste het die wedren in ‘n tyd van 4 uur en 43 min klaargemaak, terwyl sy dogter Lulu 100ste uit 5183 in haar groep met ‘n tyd van 3 uur 34 min presteer het. Chris jnr het die ren in ‘n fantastiese tyd van 3 uur en 14 min klaar-gemaak en het 5de in sy ouderdomsgroep geindig. Bokkie Botha het ‘n tyd van 5 uur 21 min behaal en sy seun, Jamie, het ook goed gedoen om in ‘n tyd van 6 uur 28 min klaar te maak. Veels geluk almal! Sien julle almal volgende jaar.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:25 PM