- Ailsa Tudhope & Helena Marincowitz -
Both the NG Kerk (1865) and the Chapel of St John the Baptist (1896) are National Monuments and part of the living history of Prince Albert.
The fine Neo-Gothic Dutch Reformed Church is laid out in the shape of a Greek cross. Some twenty years after its construction the ornamental cast iron fence was chosen from a catalogue and shipped out from a foundry in Glasgow. Visitors with an eye for detail might notice that the corner posts on the walls which run between the fences were carefully plastered to match the cast iron design.
The vast interior has an impressive carved pulpit, a carved oak chair donated by Cecil John Rhodes and a fine organ imported from England in 1886. There is only one other like it in the country, in Sutherland. Helena Marincowitz spoke about its provenance in a Prince Albert Friend article some years ago:
“Ds Adriaan Hofmeyr, het vir die musiekkultuur op hierdie dorp baie beteken, maar veral vir die kerk. Onder sy entoesiastiese leiding het die gemeente gou £850 vir die kerkorrel ingesamel. Die persone wat veral bygedra het was die broers Samuel en Jan Luttig en Frederick Oosthuizen. Die orrel is van England bestel en op 7 Augustus 1886 was die inwyding van die orrel. Ds Adriaan Hofmeyr het self die orrel bespeel saam met die nuwe orreliste Mej Fischer. Hy het ook die koor afgerig en ‘n Musiek en Letterkundige Vereniging op die dorp gestig. Met die goudstormloop in die distrik van Prince Albert in 1891, het Ds Adriaan by die delwers besoek gaan aflê en ook daar ‘n delwerskoor op die been gebring.”
‘n Blommefees vind plaas in die kerk vanaf 1.00nm, Vrydag 27 April. Die feesdiens begin 9.30 vm, Sondag, 29 April. The New Apostolic Church Choir, with 120 voices, orchestra and organ, conducted by Louis Diedericks, will perform from 4.00 – 5.30pm on Sunday 29th, followed at 4.45pm by Dr Noel-Jean Kriel’s organ recital, filling the beautiful building with stirring church and classical music.
Stefné Theunissen het ‘n brosjure geskryf oor die kerkgebou wat iets oor die preekstoel, orrel, Rhodes se stoel en baie meer vertel. Dit sal beskikbaar wees gedurende die Dorpsfees. A new brochure about the church will be available during the Festival.
Bishop Robert Gray, first Bishop of Cape Town, visited the community at Prince Albert on the 29th of October 1865 and conducted a service in the ‘Dutch church.’ He saw the need for a Mission school in the town and sent the Reverend John Gibbs to build it. Completed in 1871, it is the older of the two buildings on the St John's Church property. During the Festival the little hall, completely refurbished during 2006, will host Patchwork Theatre’s production of The Wizard of Oz, their Children’s story–telling and The Story Weaver’s “Karoo Tales of the Elements.”
Die gemeente het die kerk se 110de bestaansjaar in 2006 gevier. Argitek/bouer George Wallis het St John’s-kerk gebou ná die voltooiing van St Jude’s in Oudtshoorn. Die hoeksteen is gelê in 1895 en die kerk is voltooi vroeg in 1896.
St John’s is typical of late Victorian churches in small country towns: a simple building, with leaded lights which cast delicate trails of pale pink, green, yellow and scarlet across the interior of the church. The church holds a surprise, for the Rev. Breach, who came from Plettenberg Bay to help with the construction, painted a Scripture text around the walls.
The harmonium in the foyer was installed as a thanksgiving for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897 and was played by Florence Luttig, whose daughter Betty Weatherhead is Prince Albert’s oldest resident, having turned 100 last November.
A service of thanksgiving for HRH Prince Albert is held here each year during the Oktoberfest and the congregation organises regular musical events to raise funds to maintain the lovely old buildings. Enthusiastic support for these events from the whole Prince Albert community made the restoration work possible – an expression of true Prince Albert spirit. The church will be open for viewing on Friday 27 April and Saturday 28th April from 4.00 – 5.00 pm. An information sheet will be available for visitors.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Prince Albert’s National Monument Churches
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
11:34 PM
Labels: churches, national monuments, Prince Albert
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