The Prince Albert Town and Olive Festival edition of the Prince Albert Friend has just gone to the printers, and it is truly a bumper edition. In fact it's a record breaking 44 pages!
Inside you will find a huge collection of local news, information on festival events and interesting history tidbits on Prince Albert and the historic buildings that abounds. More importantly you'll get the complete Town and Olive Festival program and map, which will be essential to find your way to the various events. The festival edition of the Friend should be available from the 20th of April at a cost of R5.
This year's Town and Olive Festival promises to be jam packed with activities for young and old, and focuses on local produce and residents showcasing their diverse expertise and arts and crafts. To whet your appetite your appetite here's a list of some of the delights on offer.
[Please note: Event times are subject to change]
Antoinette hou Konsert
Antoinette Pienaar was in 1995 die eerste ontvanger van die Herrieprys op die KKNK en het sedertdien talle feeste bygewoon en deur die land getoer met haar sak vol stories.
Hierdie veelsydige kunstenaar en radio-persoonlikheid kom hou konsert by die Prince Albert Dorps- en Olyffees. Sy vertel, met haar unieke Karoo-humor, hoe Karoo-vroue van die stres van werk en huwelik ontslae raak deur saam te gaan hout maak, terwyl sy tussendeur sing en haarself op die kitaar begelei. Haar stories is skreeusnaaks, maar dit roer ook die hartsnare en bied insig in die wel en weë van die lewe.
Sy tree op Saterdag 28 April om 17h00 in die NG Kerksaal.
Kruie is Koning
Antoinette Pienaar is baie gewild vir haar Saterdagoggend-kruiepraatjie op RSG. Tydens die fees kom sy vertel van haar en die 91-jarige oom Johannes Willemse se lewe op Theefontein, die veepos waar hulle nou al vyf jaar lank bly en die Karoo se veldkruie bestudeer. Vir elke skeet en kwaal het Antoinette ‘n ou raat of resep en sy vertel met oorgawe van die eetkruie wat jy in jou tuin moet plant om jou gesond te hou.
Tussendeur is daar vermaaklike brokkies oor jakkalsbos en vergeetwortels en wat die lewe op ‘n veepos behels in die jaar 2007. Kom geniet ‘n gesellige oggend saam met die Bossiedokter en sy Nurse op Sondag 29 April om 09h30 -10h30 in die Dam by die Museum.
The Somerset College Jazz Band
The Somerset College Jazz Band, comprising of 17 members, was started in 2004 by Simon Chapman, Director of Music at Somerset College. They play popular and African-Jazz music in the style of Big Band Swing music, using the classic line-up of saxophones, trumpets and trombones, backed up with a rhythm section including flutes and clarinets. For their performance at the festival they will be accompanied by members of the Siyacula Community Choir of Somerset West – a choir that was started four years ago by Marijke Roos, well-known piano and vocal teacher.
This is the second time the band will be performing in Prince Albert and all the members are happy to be part of the festival.
They will be playing on Lisa’s Verandah at Onse Rus and at the Garden Terrace at the Swartberg Hotel, as well as at the VGK Hall.
Gamkaskloof se Raaisels
In April 1965 dokumenteer Brian du Toit en sy span studente die volkskultuur van die geïsoleerde Gamkaskloof-gemeenskap van 100 siele. Die 200 raaisels wat hulle toe opgeteken het, kom onlangs onder die aandag vanplaaslike kunstenaar Christine Thomas, en bly by haar spook.
Sy het pas ses Raaisel-skilderye voltooi en feesgangers word uitgenooi om die doeke te bekyk en die oplossings te soek. Daar is ‘n insiggewende Raaiselboekie te koop, wat jare se plesier sal verskaf…
Die uitstalling is ingesluit by die snuffeljag-kompetisie, so kom neem deel!
Dis kuns, dis pret, dis ‘n fees!
Kom snuffeljag en vind gou uit
In elke doek is daar iets te lees!
Children’s Art Decoded - Christine Thomas
Christine Thomas is ‘n afgetrede skoolhoof en kunsdosent. Sy woon en werk op Prince Albert en is met oorgawe en toewyding betrokke by die Prince Albert Kinderkunsprojek. Kom luister gerus na haar feespraatjie oor “Children’s Art Decoded”. Jy sal jou verwonder en verstom oor wat jy alles uit die voorbeelde sal leer!
Saterdag 28 April: Children’s Art Decoded
Tyd: 12h00 – 13h00
Plek: St John’s Saal
Prys: R20
The Wizard of Oz
Well-known Children’s Tales
Patchwork Theatre is a Theatrical Troupe of local children under the expert direction of Tracy Swanepoel and Carol Campbell. They have delighted local audiences with their acting, singing and mime in a number of productions, including extracts from Oliver and For the Love of Seven Dolls; a production of Oklahoma and The Prince Albert Story. This will be their first appearance at the Prince Albert Town and Olive Festival and their enthusiasm, energy and professionalism is bound to enchant visitors and locals alike. The Wizard of Oz and their lively reading of popular children’s tales will provide sparkling interludes for children of all ages!
Patchwork Theater is ‘n toneelgroep wat bestaan uit plaaslike kinders onder die kundige spelleiding van Tracy Swanepoel en Carol Campbell. Hulle het al talle harte gewen met hul opvoerings van Oliver, For the Love of Seven Dolls, Oklahoma en The Prince Albert Story.
Hierdie jaar neem hulle vir die eerste keer deel aan die Prince Albert Dorps- en Olyffees en die entoesiasme en energie borrel behoorlik oor! Besoekers sal nou saam met inwoners die geleentheid hê om hierdie groep se professionele optrede na waarde te skat as hulle na The Wizard of Oz kom kyk.
Patchwork Theater gaan ook bekende kinderverhale al lesend “opvoer” – hul oorgawe en sprankel sal kinders van alle ouderdomme vermaak!
Friday 27th, Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th April: Well-known Children’s Tales
Time: 17h00 -17h30
Venue: St John’s Church Hall
Price: R5
Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th April: The Wizard of Oz
Time: 11h30 – 12h30
Venue: St John’s Church Hall
Price: R10
Monday 30th April: The Wizard of Oz
Time: 10h00 – 11h00
Venue: St John’s Church Hall
Price: R10
The Gates of Consciousness
Picnic at Tierberg
Scholtzkloof Private Museum and Rock Art
Judy Maguire, of the farm Scholtzkloof, is a palaeontologist with 30 years’ experience. She made a study of the survival strategies and food plants of the !Xo Bushmen of western Botswana and is presently a Heritage Resource Trainer
and Inspector at the Taung and Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Sites respectively. She offers three unique experiences during the festival.
Judy Maguire van die plaas Scholtzkloof is reeds vir 30 jaar ‘n paleontoloog.
Sy het ‘n intensiewe gemaak van die oorlewingstrategiëe en voedselplante van die !Xo Boesmans van die weste van Botswana en is tans Erfenisbronopleier by die Taung en en Inspekteur by die Wieg van die Mensdom.
Sy bied drie unieke belewenisse gedurende die fees.
Friday, 27th April: “The Gates of Consciousness – San Trance dancing and its connection with painted images”. This lecture focuses on San beliefs and religious practices, especially their use of trance dancing and altered states of consciousness. The relationship between religious beliefs, trance and their painted and engraved images is discussed and put into the context of the San world view as recorded in the 19th century and as a result of contemporary ethnological studies.
Hierdie lesing fokus op die San se gelowe en geloofsuitlewing, veral deur gebruik van hipnotiese toestande en beswymingsdanse. Die verhouding tussen geloof, beswyming en hulle tekeninge en graverings word bespreek aan die hand van kontemporêre etnologiese studies en in die konteks van die San se 19de eeuse wêreldbeskouing.
Time: 19h00 – 20h30
Venue: NG Kerksaal
Price: R20
Saturday, 28th April: Picnic at Tierberg Bushman/Archaeological Site. This site is 40 km out of town and the outing takes about 3 hours. Participants must have their own transport and park in Pastorie Street. Bring own water and picnic baskets, wear closed shoes and sun block. At the museum we see the displays first, then depart for Tierberg, stopping to look at Karoo ecology and geology en-route. At Tierberg we visit a stone tool factory and rock art panels. We enjoy our picnic and return to town.
Hierdie terrein is 40km buite die dorp en die uitstappie neem 3 ure. Deelnemers moet eie vervoer, piekniekmandjies en water hê; dra asb toe skoene en sonblok en parkeer in Pastoriestraat. Die uitstappie begin by die uitstalling in die museum, waarna almal saam vertrek na Tierberg en langs die pad die Karoo ekologie en geologie bekyk. By Tierberg besoek ons ‘n klipwerktuigfabriek en rotskunspanele. Daarna hou ons piekniek en kom terug dorp toe.
Time: 09h00 – 12h30
Venue: Meet in front of Museum
Price: R25
Sunday, 29th April: Scholtzkloof Fossils and Rock Art
Participants must have their own transport and come out to Scholtzkloof farm which is about 9 km outside the village. Wear closed shoes and sun block, have their own water. Visit Judy’s detailed private museum, which will take them through the SA archaeological sequence. See San artifacts on display and experience a fire-making tool demonstration. Visitors are taken up a kloof, passing some fossil exposures, to see a rock art site. Tea will be served back at the house.
Deelnemers moet eie vervoer en water hê; dra asb toe skoene en sonblok.
Scholtzkloof plaas is ongeveer 9km buite die dorp. Hier besoek ons Judy se indrukwekkende private museum wat ons deur die SA argeologiese geskiedenis sal neem. Ons besigtig‘n uitstalling van San gebruiksartikels en beleef ‘n vuurmaak-gereedskap demonstrasie. Daarna stap ons die kloof op, verby blootgelegde fossiele en besoek rotskuns. Tee word by die huis bedien.
Time: 09h00 – 12h00
Venue: Scholtzkloof
Price: R30
Rooikamp Walk
Elizabeth (Baba) Lekay was born in a part of Prince Albert called “Die Rooikamp” in 1936, where she lived until she and her husband Hekkie and their three children were evicted to “North End” during the apartheid regime. On her Rooikamp Walk Baba points out the beacons of her life… tells of the “good old days”, of the hardships, the traumas… and how she survived to tell her courageous and touching story today. Her memoirs can be read in Prince Albert Kweekvallei: Landmark events, colourful characters and the lifestyle of an historic Karoo town.
Elizabeth (Baba) Lekay was born in a part of Prince Albert called “Die Rooikamp” in 1936, where she lived until she and her husband Hekkie and their three children were evicted to “North End” during the apartheid regime. On her Rooikamp Walk Baba points out the beacons of her life… tells of the “good old days”, of the hardships, the traumas… and how she survived to tell her courageous and touching story today. Her memoirs can be read in Prince Albert Kweekvallei: Landmark events, colourful characters and the lifestyle of an historic Karoo town.
Friday, 27th April: Rooikamp Walk
Time: 16h00 – 17h30
Venue: Meet at “Oppiehoek”
Price: R20
Saturday, 28th April: Rooikamp Walk
Time: 11h30 – 13h00
Venue: Meet at “Oppiehoek”
Price: R20
Sunday, 29th April: Rooikamp Walk
Time: 16h00 -17h00
Venue: Meet at “Oppiehoek”
Price: R20
Taste and Talk SoetKaroo
Herman and Susan Perold moved from the Cape winelands to the little Karoo village of Prince Albert after falling in love with an old Cape Dutch house with “1841” on the front gable. In the 19th Century, the original owner of the land, Michael Combrinck, produced fruit and grapes and made wine and brandy. Now, in the 21st Century, the Perolds cultivate a small vineyard and make a fortified dessert wine appropriately called SoetKaroo.
The vines were planted in 2000, the maiden vintage of SoetKaroo bottled in 2004. To everyone’s delight, it won a Double Gold medal at the 2005 Michelangelo International Wine Awards. If it is not the smallest winery in South Africa, it is definitely the biggest in the main road of Prince Albert!
Visitors are welcome to see the vineyard and what’s happening in the little cellar, and, of course, to taste the wine!
Saturday 28th April: Taste and Talk SoetKaroo
Time: 17h00 – 18h00
Venue: 57 Kerkstraat
Price: Entrance free
Wolwekraal Revisited / Koppie Walk at Sunset / Koppie walk at Sunrise
Sue Milton, Professor of Conservation Ecology, and her husband, ornithologist Richard Dean, have studied the effects of rainfall and grazing on plants and birds on the farm Tierberg for the past 20 years. They now own a piece of Karoo veld on Wolwekraal near Prince Abert – where they are developing an indigenous seed production and nursery business. They will offer educational and recreational walks here to reveal some of the little known mysteries of the Karoo veld. The book Karoo veld – Ecology and Management will be for sale during the festival at Tru-Karoo Art Shop where you can also meet Sue amongst the plants she has propagated.
Sue’s other activity during the festival will be exploring the Robert Gordon Koppie Trail with its magical history and unique plant life, including the endemic Bijlia dilitata. Come and enjoy this stunning experience with its spectacular vistas – you can choose between sunset or sunrise.
Sue Milton, professor in Bewaringsekologie, en haar man, ornitoloog Richard Dean, bestudeer reeds 20 jaar lank die effek van reënval en beweiding op plant- en dierelewe op Tierberg. Onlangs het hulle die eienaars geword van hul eie stukkie Karooveld naby Prince Albert, waar hulle ‘n inheemse saadkwekery ontwikkel. Hier, op Wolwekraal, beoog hulle om opvoedkundige en ontspanningsuitstappies aan te bied en die Karooveld se geheime met ons te deel. Die boek Karooveld Ekologie en Bestuur sal gedurende die fees by die Tru-Karoo kunswinkel te koop wees, waar Sue ook persoonlik van haar plante sal verkoop.
Gedurende die fees sal Sue saam met feesgangers die geskiedkundige Robert Gordon Koppie staproete met sy unieke plantlewe verken, wat die endemiese Bijlia dilatata insluit.
Kom geniet hierdie asemrowende ervaring met die oneindige uitsigte – jy kan self kies: sonsopkoms of sonsondergang.
Saturday, 28th April: Wolwekraal revisited
Time: 10h30 – 13h00
Venue: Meet at Oppiehoek
Price: R25
Saturday, 28th April: Sunset Koppie Walk
Time: 17h00 – 18h30
Venue: Meet at Robert Gordon Koppie
Price: R25
Sunday, 29th April: Sunrise Koppie Walk
Time: 07h00 – 08h30
Venue: Meet at Robert Gordon Koppie
Price: R25
Die NG Kerk op Prince Albert is deel van die Prince Albert Dorps- en Olyffees op Sondag, 29 April. Om 9h30 die oggend is daar ‘n Feesdiens met die tema: “Met God is die lewe liefde en ‘n fees.”
Die pragtige kerk, een van die 18 Nasionale Gedenkwaardighede in die dorp, sal vir die duur van die fees getooi wees in letterlik duisende feestelike blomme. Die deure sal elke dag van die fees wyd oop staan vir stille aanbidding en meditasie – en feesgangers die ruimte bied om rustig te wees te midde van al die feesbedrywigheid.
Massakoor/Mass Choir
Die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerkkoor van Kuilsrivier, met 120 stemme, orkes en orrel, staan onder leiding van Louis Diedericks. Hulle tree op by die Prince Albert Dorps- en Olyffees op Sondag, 29 April (14h00 tot 15h30) in die NG Kerk. Hier is ‘n geleentheid om ‘n uitstekende koor te hoor optree… Hulle sing Mozart, Handel…. Tradisionele Xhosa, Afrikaanse en Spirituele Negerliedjies… Psalm 150… I’ll walk with God… Kom deel in die vreugde en vrede van hul uitvoering.
Na hul optrede sal daar ‘n 15 minute pouse wees en dan volg ‘n Orreluitvoering deur dr Noel-Jean Kriel (17h45 tot 19h00).
The New Apostolic Church Choir, with 120 voices, orchestra and organ, is conducted by Louis Diedericks. They have a well-proven track record, so do not miss this opportunity to hear them sing Mozart, Handel… Traditional Xhosa, Afrikaans and Negro Spiritual songs… Psalm 150, I’ll walk with God…Come and share in the joy and peace of their performance in a church festively decorated with flowers.
After a fifteen minute break, Dr Noel-Jean Kriel will give an organ recital (17h45 to 19h00).
Date: Sunday, 29th April
Time: 14h00 – 15h30
Venue: Dutch Reformed Church
Price: Donations at the door
Historic Walk / Minerals explained
Lydia Barrella has lived in PA for 22 years. She is known for her determination to protect the cultural and historic character of our town. On her Historic Walk she will share her vast knowledge of our town’s prescious buildings and architecture with you. Wear comfortable shoes and a hat, bring water with and don’t forget the sun block! Lydia is also a keen collector of minerals. See her astonishing collection as she talks you through their intricate but orderly structures. Watch minerals glowing in the dark – and be ever impressed and mesmerized!
The Prince Albert Town and Olive festival is not to be missed and runs from 14h00 Friday 27th April to 12h00 Monday 30th April.
See you there... and don't forget to get your Festival edition of the Prince Albert Friend!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Prince Albert Town and Olive Festival Edition
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:36 PM
Labels: Dorpsfees, Fees, Festival, Olive Festival, Olyffees, Town Festival
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