- Linda Jaquet -
Fantastic! was the general response when we interviewed tourists and local residents about this year’s festival. Adri Schoeman, who has been a keen observer and participant of all fifteen festivals in Prince Albert, commented that this year’s was “almost as good as the very first one. And that’s saying a lot!”
If the smiles of stall holders, shop keepers and restaurateurs are anything to go by, this was certainly a highly successful Festival. About 1 000 people a day visited Prince Albert on the main Festival days, mainly from the Garden Route and the Karoo. Most stalls reported good sales and many have already booked stands for 2008.
“More importantly,” said Lisa Smith, “many visitors said they had discovered more about us and our village than in previous years”. A visitor from Gauteng said: “The tour of local houses and gardens smashed all the prejudices I’d had about the people who live here.” Others commented that they’d loved kuiering with Tannie Dadi Botma and local residents had heated debates over their choice of the most charming home.
Bokkie Botha said that his committee had achieved many of the objectives they set themselves: “The visitors we had every day enjoyed the Homes and Gardens Tours, the Scavenger Hunt, the walks and talks by local guides, historians, and artists, the Street Chess and the buskers, the musicians and performers, the Street Parade and the Baba Olyfies.
“They saw Prince Albert as the special place we know it is. We were determined that as many residents as possible would benefit economically from the Festival and I think that happened. I was pleased that the people of the town felt that this was their Festival. But next year’s committee will have to work harder to make sure that the poorest of the poor benefit even more”.
Mayor Andrew Claassen agreed and said he had enjoyed the Festival. He hoped that future Festivals would have a more cultural bent and that with the assistance of sponsorships, ticket prices would be more affordable. “Thanks to the Municipality’s Ashley Morkel, the wonderful Kaapse Klopse from the Cape Flats came to the Festival and enjoyed it so much that they will be back next year.”
The Festival Committee paid tribute to the Mayor’s commitment to the Festival and the personal interventions by the Deputy Mayoress, Mrs Magdalena Benjamin, the Speaker, Mr April Pienaar, and Councillor Gay van Hasselt in resolving several crises. Bokkie Botha was also full of praise for the Municipality’s contribution to the Festival and mentioned in particular the roles Johan van Zyl, Hendrik Kellerman and Karen van der Mescht played.
With hindsight, there were hitches. Parking arrangements and entrance control were chaotic at times and some local restaurants appeared unprepared for the numbers of visitors. There was deservedly high praise for the police and their presence from most but some Festival-goers complained about drunkenness and drug-related activities between the school grounds and the museum.
But overall, we can really give ourselves a pat on the back. The Festival brought people closer and has generated much interest in our village. We hear that Country Life and SA Olive are preparing articles on the Festival. The organising committee did a remarkable job in a short time with no resources to start with. If you think that last year’s Festival made a huge loss, it is remarkable that not only did they cover their costs but will leave a small surplus for next year’s committee. Thanks and congratulations to all of you!
The outgoing Festival Committee invite all those who live in Prince Albert to have their say about the Town and Olive Festival at a public meeting on Wednesday, 6 June 2007, at 17h30 at Onse Rus, Church Street.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
A Fantastic Festival!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:49 PM
Labels: Festival, Olive Festival, Town Festival
Christian Perspective
- Keith Goudie -
The story of Zacchaeus the wealthy chief tax collector of Jericho is one of the most fascinating stories in the Gospels. A combination of factors – Jesus’ need to pass through the town and the curiosity of Zacchaeus brought about an encounter that changed Zacchaeus forever. His handicap – shortness of stature – proved an asset because it made him climb a tree. And climbing that tree brought him face to face with Jesus.
The account says: When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”
Zacchaeus was no longer just one of the crowd; he was a person in whom Christ was interested.
Something must have sprung to life within Zacchaeus as the Master spoke to him. Once in his home, Christ’s presence there had such a profound effect upon him that he decided to give half his possessions to the poor, and pay back to anyone he had cheated four times the amount he had taken. Why would he do that?
In Lloyd Douglas’s book The Robe, Jesus says to Zacchaeus: “Why are you promising to do this?” “Master, I looked into your eyes and saw there the Zacchaeus I was meant to be.” If only we could see others as Christ sees them. What a difference it would make to all our relationships. Who can we look to for help in this? None other than our Lord. “Follow Me,” He says to you and me, “and I will help you see others through My eyes…. to see people not as they are but as they can be.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:48 PM
Labels: Christian Perspective
Letters - Briewe
Dankie Prince Albert!
Ek is redakteur van Vrystaat, 'n Oos-Vrystaatse gemeenskaps-koerant uit die Volksbladgroep, en het onlangs verlof gehad. Dit was 'n wonderlike, bevrydende ervaring om weer deur die Karoo te ry en die unieke, eiesoortige natuurskoon te geniet.
Op die ingewing van die oomblik het ek by Prince Albertweg afgedraai vanaf die hoofpad nadat ek oor RSG gehoor het daar is 'n 14 km lange tou karre in die omgewing van DeDoorns. Ek wou nog altyd gaan kyk het hoe Pince Albert lyk.
Wat 'n ontdekking! Toe ek die pragtige dorp inry, sien ek daar is 'n Olyffees aan die gang en dat ek nou behoorlik in die heuning geval het. Ry eers rustig rond en gewaar die mooi Viktoriaanse argitektuur oral in die dorp. Besluit toe om van stalletjie tot stalletjie te loop en ietsie van die fees te geniet en olywe te koop voordat ek weer die pad na Kaapstad aandurf.
Dit was so aangenaam op die fees met al sy vriendelike mense dat ek besluit het om oor te slaap. By die toerisme-kantoor verneem ek die dorp is tjok en blok vol en daar is vir my slegs 'n koshuiskamer. Nie lus vir 'n koshuiskamer op my ouderdom nie, besluit ek om by 'n kafeetjie te gaan koffie drink en die saak te oordink.
Wat ek toe allerwyslik oordink en besluit het my seker vir altyd aan die dorp vasgeknoop. Daar op die kafeestoepie gewaar my oog die koekstalletjie - twee vriendelike koektannies agter die tafel en hulle verkoop dat dit bars. Ek loop na hulle. Ons groet, en ek vra: "Weet u nie dalk van 'n kerktannie wat nog vir my 'n kamer oop het vir vanaand nie?"
En daar slaan ek toe wel vir my verblyf los toe die een koektannie, mev. Sanet Fourie, my eers stip aankyk en toe sê: Ék het nog 'n kamer, maar die bed is nie opgemaak nie. Die kamer is ook deurmekaar.
Toe ons later die dag saam my bed opmaak en so 'n paar verskuiwings in die kamer doen, het ek geweet - hier is ek nou vir die eerste keer in my lewe in Prince Albert en ook nie vir die laaste keer nie.
Baie dankie aan Sanet vir haar liefde en gasvryheid - ek het 'n nuwe vriendin in die Karoo! Nee, vriendinne in die meervoud. Ek kon eindelik nie op Prince Albert wegkom nie en is die Sondag eers daar weg nadat ons ook die diens in die indrukwekkende NG kerk bygewoon het.
Dankie aan al Prince Albert se mense vir jul vriendelikheid en gasvryheid. Ek kan nou verstaan waarom Prince Albert as die Prins van die Karoo beskryf word. Op dié dorp bly net prinse en prinsesse.
Susan Maré
What excellent news that, against the express wish of many of our local community-without reference, our Municipal Authorities granted permission to have the public property of our “Burgers of Prince Albert” mutilated – defaced – or enhanced (dependent upon your personal viewpoint) by a self-styled sculptor who, in under three weeks, generously trained some of our youngsters onto the skills of his exacting craft.
In similar vein it is hoped that the inmates of our village will equally welcome a further advance on this illustrious improvement to the aesthetic quality of our cultural environment – for by obtaining a similar monetary grant, it is now intended that the so-called sculpted trees will be painted.
Under the guidance of the undersigned, who considers himself an artist of equivalent merit, 25 otherwise indigent school-children will be paid to further adorn the trees with paints donated by a leading household paint manufacturer. While this may not grant them admission to the Royal Academy, it is hoped that after this period of tuition, their newly acquired skill will not deteriorate to the mere application of graffiti.
Five hundred thirty seven signatures endorsing this action have been obtained – it being assumed that in view of their previous unilateral decision, reference to our municipal administrators is similarly unnecessary.
Unlike the earlier perpetrator, comment from all those who will have to live with the magnificent product of this new additional concept, is called for BEFORE work commences, and consideration will be given to their choices of the colours that are to be applied. The selection that has been donated varies from “Signal Red – through Lemon Yellow – Prince Albert Green”, with smaller amounts of Puce Purple and Brilliant White – indeed a fitting combination to express the diversity of the cultural mix of our country.
Irrespective of public uproar, work will commence at the discretion of the undersigned.
John Begg (BSc (Geol) Ph.Art)
Heengaan van Wyle Ds. Cyril Afrika
Die Kerkraad, Gemeente en Pastorie van die VGK Prince Albert wil alle inwoners van Prince Albert, omliggende dorpe en mense van oor die hele land en buiteland bedank vir hul telefoonoproepe, handdrukke en kaartjies van simpatie asook bydraes teenoor die Kerk en Pastorie na die afsterwe van ons geliefde Dominee, man en vriend, Cyril Afrika, op Dinsdag, 24 April 2007.
Dit was vir ons almal ‘n skok, maar ons weet dat die Here se hand, sy Wil groter is, as mense verstand.
Vir 18 jaar was Ds Cyril Afrika ons herder en Leraar, asook ‘n leiersfiguur in ons gemeenskap. Ons het gedink dat hy altyd met ons sal wees, maar God het anders besluit.
‘n Spesiale dank aan Dr Reinders, die ambulansdienste, en die paramedikus wat alles in hul vermoë gedoen het om Ds Afrika te help die oggend van sy heengaan.
Die kerkraad en gemeente wil vir Me J Afrika, Nomsa, Joshua en Pietie die Here se seën toebid vir die pad vorentoe.
Baie dankie, Me Afrika, vir u en u kinders se bydrae en ondersteuning deur die jare aan u man, die gemeente en die gemeenskap met sy werk in Prince Albert.
Die Here seën.
VGK Prince Albert
Vyftig-Fifty Quota
The spate of language issue letters is really uncalled for. The writers should consider the words of a poem written by a Scotsman in Queenstown in the late forties. He had his children learn it by heart. (At the time, some elderly folk referred to Afrikaners as Dutch.)
My late father taught it to me when I was seven:
Vyftig-Fifty Quota
Van die vyftig-fifty quota
Laat ons budge not een iota
Luister nie na all the jingoes
Wat bestaan by their own lingoes
We must in our onderwys
Vir die situation face
Reg is Reg and Wrong is wrong
En wat kort is, isn’t long
Rasse haat maak many blinded
Onverdraagsaam narrow minded
Is ons Engels, are we Dutch
Waarlik does it matter much
Dit is certain dat die Heer
In sy hemel doesn’t keer
Who is who and wie is wie
Want ons all his creatures be
Hierdie saak is all gemixup
Hierdie business moet ons fixup.
Ian Uys
Bushman Valley
Thanks, chaps!
During the strong winds on Wednesday, 14 May, the branch of a large tree opposite the school koshuis in De Beer Street was blown off, and brought down an electricity pole and heavy electrical cables. A large area to the south of Prince Albert was immediately plunged into darkness and without power for two days.
As one of the residents who was without electricity for 50 hours, I would like to thank the Municipal electrical team for their prompt action and for working diligently for long hours to rectify the problem.
Ann Whitton
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:47 PM
Starry Splendour over Prince Albert
-Hans Daehne-
During the recent, very successful and most enjoyable Prince Albert Town and Olive Festival we tasted a sample of the approaching winter and the night sky already displays the well-known winter constellations of Libra, Scorpius and Sagittarius.
The day after the rain we enjoyed together with some visitors to Prince Albert the splendours of Prince Albert`s night sky which has become so familiar to us.
June is a very special month this year not only because it harbours the Winter Solstice on the 21st but because it is a" Blue Moon" month which means it contains two full moons which happens very seldom, hence the expression "once in a blue moon". The second Full Moon on the 30th of June is called the blue moon although it is not blue in colour.
From the 16th of June the sun will set later but the sunrise will also be later until on the 7th of July the earth reaches its furthest distance from the sun, after that day sunset will become later and sunrise earlier each by one minute per day.
New Moon ( only one) will be on the 15th.
Mercury will be in the evening sky again until the 11th of June but so close to the sun that to observe it one has to go up Gordon`s koppie.
Venus is still bright in the evening twilight for the entire month but also only from a high observation spot.
On the night of the 5th of June Jupiter will be at opposition (that means in its best observation position), visible for the whole night, at the smallest distance from Earth namely 644 mil. km (=4.3 AU), at maximal brightness (-2.6) and largest apparent diameter.
Jupiter is the very bright object close to the constellation of the Scorpion which is easy to find because it looks like the real thing. Not far from Jupiter is the huge red giant Antares with a diameter of more than 300x that of our sun.
The term "red giant" refers to the developmental stage of a star rather than the colour of it which is usually more orange or yellow than red. A red giant is an old star and our sun will reach its red giant stage in about five billion years when it will expand to the size of the orbit of Mars.
Saturn moves in an easterly direction towards Regulus the brightest star in Leo whhich can be identified by its inverted question mark also called "the sickle".
The three crosses in the south are beautifully displayed over the Swartberg and harbour among them many fascinating objects in binoculars and telescopes such as open clusters like the Jewel Box, globular clusters like Omega Centauri, nebulae like the Eta Carina nebula and double stars like Alpha Centauri, the brighter one of the pointers.
Keep the stars in your eyes !
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:46 PM
Labels: Starry splendour
The Festival is over and the outgoing Organising Committee is developing notes to assist the next Committee in organising an even better event in 2008. A public meeting is planned to do a post-mortem with the same objective.
We have received an amazing number of thank-yous and passing comments on what many have said was one of the best Festivals they have experienced.
Die Feeskommitee glo dit was ‘n fees met ‘n verskil: besoekers het die geleentheid gekry om Prince Albert te verken en te leer ken, danksy al die duidelike en interessante padtekens wat orals deur ons eie kreatiewe inwoners aangebring is.
Die geheim van ons sukses is die feit dat dit ‘n spanpoging was. Sonder die hulp, harde werk én samewerking van verskeie organisasies soos die skole, kerke en besighede, sou ons nié op kort kennisgewing die wa deur die drif kon trek nie.
The Committee would like publicly to thank:
The Police, for keeping us safe and ensuring there were no unpleasant incidents to mark the Festival. Bambanani Security for assisting the police and us, without any expectation of reward! The young helpers who tried so hard to keep kids off the Museum’s beautiful plants.
Die Munisipaliteit het ons deurlopend van raad voorsien en was onmisbaar in die reëlings. Hulle het vir die toilette betaal, was verantwoordelik vir die kragpunte by die stalletjies, die vullis verwydering, die opsit van feesligte, die toemaak van sekere strate, die verf van die skaakborde in die straat, en veel meer. Hulle het selfs die Kaapse Klopse vir ons ingevoer!
Die Burgemeester, Onder-Burgemeester en die Raadslede, was almal tot ons beskikking met advies en hulp as daar ‘n krisis was.
The Tourism Office, both of you in the front line.
The Schools, the Headmasters, and teachers, the parents, and pupils.
The chess organisers and the players who stood us so proud.
Alle Borge; plaaslike besighede en inwoners wat goedgunstiglik geld en donasies geskenk het.
Those who helped us with logs and seating, as well as straw bales.
Die boer wat sy hekke vir ons geleen het vir die pad se toemaak.
The Scavenger Hunt Participants (businesses and individuals).
Stall holders. Come again please.
Die Prince Albert Vriend. Die Uitgewer en lede van die Komitee wat saamgewerk het om die Feesuitgawe en die uitstekende program saam te stel.
Die Olive Branch en sy Uitgewer wat konstant met die pers in verbinding was en puik verslag gelewer het.
The manager of Prince Albert’s websites for her enthusiastic editing and updating of the Festival’s online programme and news of events.
Homeowners who opened their houses and gardens to the public.
Die joernaliste, wat danksy hul entosiasme en vernuf, so baie besoekers na ons dorp gelok het.
Die wonderlike kunstenaars, letter-skilders en ontwerpers.
Our very own “professional” photographer, who took photographs for press releases, prior to and also throughout the Festival.
All at the Lazy Lizard, who organised the Fun Run and the Street Parade.
Die eienaar van die outydse fietse wat bereid was om dit vir ons te leen sodat dit in die Parade gebruik kon word.
Die Straatkunstenaars wat ons vermaak het met mimiek en danse.
The Museum and staff who played many roles, purveying, advising, and teaching.
People in the Parade: The two trompoppie troepe, the antique vehicle owners, the Golden Games and others.
Die “Patchwork” teatergroep.
Die gaskunstenaars wat ons kom vermaak en verryk het met hul optredes.
The Somerset College Band and the Siyacula Community Choir.
All the presenters, talkers, visit hostesses and hosts, ghost walker, town historians, and collectors who shared their passions and collections.
Die bouers en ambagsmanne wat vir ons die twee skaakstelle, die kaartjie-stalletjie en die trapkarre gebou het.
Die kinders, meestal van Noord-End, wat so pligsgetrou papiere en rommel opgetel het en sodoende verseker het dat ons dorp netjies lyk.
The playground organisers for their entertainment and preparedness to tone down the music when asked (during talks).
The toilet cleaners, who also played a part in keeping streets closed, arranged candles, and cleaned until late at night.
Die Straatveërs wat so ongesiens gewerk het om die strate skoon te hou.
Die geduld van die parkeer-beamptes.
The film expert from Mossel Bay who brought Lord Oom Piet with him.
The student tourist guides and their wonderful teacher.
The three ladies who organised the ‘cheese-and-wine’ at the opening of Christine Thomas’ exhibition at the Gallery.
Die inwoners van Mark- en Kerkstraat wat baie ongerief moes verduur gedurende die fees.
Die straatkunstenaars se agent en my vier helpers wat die hele naweek beskikbaar was om boodskappe oor te dra en swaar items rond te skuif.
The owner of Seven Arches for permitting his premises to become the centre of the Festival for announcement purposes, and the rugby team (next year: the strong men!).
The local hotelier, who, after the Festival, made a donation to ensure we did not end in the red.
B&B, Guest House, and self-catering accommodation owners, home-owners who let us use their accommodation when there was none to be had, and our new residents from Victoria West, who knocked on doors to solve the problem.
Aan almal wat advies gegee het, opbouende- en afbrekende kritiek gelewer het, ook dié wat gekla het, die Fees was, en is, vir u ook ‘n ernstige saak.
Enigiemand wat ek per ongeluk uitgelaat het.
Finally, I would very personally like to thank my Vice-Chairperson (without whom this Festival would have been much poorer), and my entire fantastic hard-working Committee for the incredible work done, the time spent, the preparedness to endure frustration, the many sacrifices made, and in particular for taking on lonely portfolios and to a great extent achieving the objectives we set at the beginning!
Bokkie Botha
Chairman, Festival Committee
Die Feeskomitee:
Sonja Mckenna (Onder-voorsitster)
Zelia Mullins (Sekretaresse)
John Mckenna
Lisa Smith
Denise Ohlson
Pam Wessels
Kobus Snyman
Di Steyn
Kallie Erasmus
Jan Bothma
Marinette Theron
Pieter Joubert
Rachel Roberts
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:44 PM
BRETT THE VET - Incomplete Unbalanced Riot
Incomplete Unbalanced Riot
The recent scare over contaminated pet food has raised concerns about the safety of commercial animal feed. Many pet owners who rely exclusively on commercial food from packets or tins for their pets in the belief that these are 'perfectly balanced' are beginning to question the validity of manufacturers’ claims.
A significant number of dogs has died from renal failure after ingesting contaminated food. The cause has been identified as melamine, a substance normally used in the fertilizer and plastic industries. Melamine has been isolated from gluten (a by-product from rice or wheat grain industries) imported from China.
Gluten is often added to animal feeds to increase protein levels. Melamine, produced from coal, increases the nitrogen content of gluten without increasing its nutritional value, to make it appear to have more protein. Feed companies striving to keep their costs down seek out the cheapest possible protein sources. In China, adding melamine to gluten is apparently common practice, although the practice is banned in many other countries.
The contaminated food has been withdrawn. But the fiasco does highlight a number of issues: The importation and nature of cheap feed additives, the deception by suppliers, and the consequences of feeding animals unnatural food. Also, indirectly the safety of animal flesh for human consumption (melamine has also been identified in the body fluids of pigs where it has also been found in the diet).
These days it is not unusual for basic foods like bread and butter to be imported from around the world. The argument is that it's cheaper to import. But the consumer ends up paying more. Then there is the cost of transport on the environment, and the negative effect on the local economy also needs to be considered.
Many commercial feed additives are detrimental in more subtle ways. Gluten itself (without the addition of melamine) is often the cause of gastrointestinal intolerance. Some preservatives, colorants, flavourings, and antioxidants have been implicated in causing various types of cancer, blood disorders, birth defects, skin disorders, behavioural disorders.
Other ingredients are merely difficult to digest like soya, dairy products and grains. All of which are not part of a natural diet for dogs (or cats), but are added as cheap bulk and protein substitutes.
The attractive packaging, naming, veterinary endorsement and marketing of so many commercial feeds lulls people into believing they are feeding their pets 'only the best' dried pellets or mush from a tin.
The real and natural form of protein for dogs and cats is meat. But meat is expensive, and its use in pet food is kept to a minimum. The least desirable off cuts from cheaply produced livestock (ie. factory farmed) are rendered into pet food.
The irony is that safety, quality and nutritional value are all compromised by cost cutting measures and consumer demand for increased shelf life and relative ease of handling, often at exorbitant prices. But what could beeasier, or cheaper, than throwing a few humanely produced raw meaty bones down for a complete and balanced meal for your dog or cat? Not only is this better for your pet but it's also better for the environment, it supports our local economy, and it discourages factory farming.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:44 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
Huis Kweekvallei baat by die Fees
- Magriet Engelbrecht -
Toe Vrydag 27 April aanbreek, is dit nie soos in die stories nie: Dis allesbehalwe sonnig en helder met ‘n blouselblou hemel… Almal wil tog te graag reën hê, maar ai, Huis Kweekvallei sit met sowat 80 liter poeding en twee reuse potte vol kerrie en rys. Om nie te praat van die vetkoek en maalvleis, sop en broodjies nie.
Maar “the show must go on” en tafels stoele, warmplate, elektriese kabels, sambrele en al die kos word uitgedra op die sypaadjie by Kerkstraat 52A. Die stalletjie is reg, en daar word gewag vir die eerste kopers.
Maar so maklik is dit nie, want blykbaar skrik die dreigende reën almal af. Gelukkig maak ‘n boer mos ‘n plan en gou word die musiek nader gebring. Sake begin floreer soos die musiek en geurige moerkoffie al meer mense nader lok om te eet en sommer ook‘n bietjie te gesels.
Letterlik ál die die kos word verkoop – tot die laaste bakkie poeding toe. Teen die aand is almal se batterye maar pap en die ledemate styf en seer, maar die samewerking was net met een word verstommend.
En die antwoord op die groot vraag: Die bedrag gein is R7,739! Wonderlik!
We would like to thank everyone in Prince Albert who contributed towards our stall, thus helping us to succeed in obtaining funds so necessary to cope with the demands of Huis Kweekvallei. Thank you for your support and the friendly chats.
This Festival really was a memorable event. It once again proved that teamwork guarantees success. And, most important of all: Without the Lord’s blessing we could not have done it.
Please contact any of the people below if you would like to be involved with the affairs of Huis Kweekvallei and its residents.
We need help to visit them, talk to them, make them feel that they can still be of use to somebody – as a grandma or grandpa, perhaps?
We will also be launching our “Sponsor a Disposable Nappy” project soon – a very necessary but expensive item for many of our residents.
Please give it some thought and
Johan du Toit 023 541 1626;
Magriet Engelbrecht 023 541 1510; Johanna Luttig 023 541 1908
or Ina Burger 023 541 1410.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:43 PM
Labels: Huis Kweekvallei
Die Langenhoven - Basson konneksie
-Debbie Badenhorst-
‘n Museum is mos ‘n gebou vol ou meubels en honderde “goetertjies” wat orals uitgestal staan. Jy stap rond, kyk hoe mense dekades gelede geleef het, jy stap uit, en ry. Reg? Verkeerd!
Wel, ten minste werk dit nie só by die Fransie Pienaar Museum nie!
Besoekers stap deur die museum en begin dan met die vriendelike personeel gesels oor ons pragtige dorpie en die wonderlike klimaat, en dan hèèl toevallig vra hulle of daar enige inligting beskikbaar is oor ‘n oupa of grootjie wat jare gelede die magistraat of winkelier op Prince Albert was. Dadelik begin jy deur boeke en lêers blaai, tot jy iets vind wat ook dié besoeker gelukkig sal maak. Soos ons ouer word, raak dit mos al belangriker om te weet waar jy vandaan kom. Mense kom soek na hul “roots” by die museum.
So stap mnr. Gerhardt Langenhoven ook nou die dag hier in en vra of daar enige Langenhoven afstammelinge op Prince Albert woon. Hy is die kleinseun van C.J. Langenhoven se broer. Gerhardt en sy vrou is besig met ‘n historiese toer deur ons land, op soek na nog inligting oor C.J. Langenhoven.
Ons raak aan die gesels en dit val my by dat Ouma Marie Basson jare gelede vele staaltjies oor C.J. Langenhoven vertel het. C.J. het gereeld op Vyevlei kom kuier sodat hy in rus en vrede kon skryf. Sy geliefkoosde skryf-plek was in die okkerneutboord agter die huis, langs die watervoor.
Hy was versot op moerkoffie en het kort-kort met so ‘n skerp stem na Ouma geroep: “Marie! Koffie!” en dan moes Ouma Marie draf met ‘n halwe blikbekertjie koffie, nie ‘n vol beker nie, want netnou wil hy weer so ‘n lekseltjie hê!
Ek blaai deur “Versamelde Werke, deel 7” en kom op dié gedig van C.J. Langenhoven af. Is dit dalk op Vyevlei geskryf?
Die Onteiening
Dis die derde jaar van droogte en dis vaal in die Karoo;
Uit ‘n wolkelose hemel brand ‘n harde son van bo.
Ek sien blarelose stengels net soos vingers opgesteek
Van die bossies stil en hygend wat om uitkoms staan en smeek
Tot ‘n jammerlose hemel en ‘n son wat skroei van bo.
(.....dan na die reën, vers 5.....)
Ek sien ‘n groene lowerland – is dit die vaal Karoo,
Met blare blink van vettigheid en prag van blomme bo,
Met ooie elk hoogmoedig by ‘n huppelende lam,
Met kruisgrasruigte in die veld en oorvloed in die dam?
Waar dooie kaal woestyne was is lewend-groen Karoo.
Teen die tyd dat Gerhardt Langenhoven vertrek, het ons baie inligting oor die ou dae uit geruil en ons besef dat ons iets in gemeen het: Die Langenhoven - Basson konneksie strek nou oor drie geslagte!
Die Fransie Pienaar Museum lewer graag ‘n diens aan sy gemeenskap en besoekers. Ons is nie net nóg ‘n museum met honderde “goetertjies” nie!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:42 PM
Labels: Museum
Hulde aan Ds. Cyril Afrika (November 1959 – April 2007)
- Charles Ewerts -
Wyle Ds. Cyril Afrika was vir die afgelope agtien jaar Leraar van die VGK Gemeente Prince Albert. Hy was vir ons Gemeente en Gemeenskap soos ‘n groot rots van ons Karoo-omgewing. Almal het gedink dat hierdie rots altyd daar sal wees want baie het na daardie rots gegaan vir hulp, berading, leiding, geselskap en self in bors skoonmaak. Baie het meer gevra as wat hy kon gee, maar as Dominee het Cyril Afrika nooit gekla nie.
Hy was ‘n unieke persoon wat al die gawes en talente wat God hom gegee het, tot voordeel van sy Gemeente en Gemeenskap gebruik het.
Hy was ‘n leraar met baie planne en idees, wat dinge op sy unieke manier gedoen het en oor die jare het hierdie planne en idees gestalte gekry. Ds. Afrika se eerste paar jaar as leraar in hierdie gemeente was moeilike jare. Dit was in die tyd waar hy sy leierskap, sy vermoe om mense te beinvloed begin uitleef het in Prince Albert. Tydens hierdie moeilike jare, die jare van apartheid, het hy die Advieskantoor begin.
Die veiligheidspolisie het telkemale sy studeerkamer en pastorie kom deursoek. Ds. Afrika se diep geloof in God en ondersteuning van sy vrou, Jackie, het hom deur gedra.
Barmhartigheid, liefde, geregtigheid en evangelisasie werk het hom baie maal met andere laat verskil, veral op plase tydens sy vroeëre jare van bediening. Hy het selfs hierdie evangelisasie werk buite die land se grense voortgesit.
Ds. Cyril Afrika het sy Kerkorganisasies soos die Sondagskool, Getuienisaksie, Jeug, Vrouediens, Gebedsgroep, Brigade, Christelike Alkoholiste Bond en Worship Team deur die jare gereeld werkswinkels laat bywoon en selfs aangebied om hul vaardig te hou. Om gemeenskapsvlak het sy bydrae geen perke geken nie. Hy het tydens sy tentmakerbediening die Bambino Kleuterskool saam met sy vrou begin. Op Seekoeigat het hy ‘n Koshuis vir meer as 100 leerders laat oprig en dit was ook waar hy sy laaste nagmaaldiens gehad het die Sondag voor sy dood en geskenke aan die kinders uitgedeel het, dit in April maand, asof hy geweet het dat GOD hom sal kom haal.
Hy was die stigter van die Bejaardesorg-sentrum. Vir die ou mense en jeug in ons Gemeente het hy ‘n spesiale plek gehad. Hy het ‘n liefde gehad vir houtwerk en het ook ‘n houtwerkprojek begin. Hy het ook ‘n Begrafnisdienste begin om die behoeftes van die mense te voorsien. Hy het self tydens sy werk by die Prince Albert Hospitaal ‘n groot bydrae gemaak om die Hospitaal na ‘n staatshospitaal te help lei.
Ds. Afrika se planne vir ‘n radiostasie vir die Karoo was in ‘n baie gevorderde stadium. Ds. Afrika se bydrae tot die politiek en sy unieke manier van dinge doen het hom baie maal met sy gemeentelede en andere laat verskil maar sy bydrae het hy gegrond op die Woord van God.
As gemeente sê ons dankie vir God dat Hy Cyril Afrika na Prince Albert gestuur het. Ons sal hom baie mis, maar is bly vir die herinneringe aan so ‘n merkwaardige man. Ons weet dat in Geloof dat Ds. Cyril Afrika is by God vir wie hy gedien het.
Die Gemeente en Pastorie kan Ps. 23 neem om ons te troos. “Die Here is my/ons Herder.” Vaarwel Cyril Afrika, ek glo ons sien mekaar weer.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:41 PM
Labels: Cyril Afrika
-Chantelle van Eck-
Ek het die voorreg gehad om die Kompetisie vir die Prince Albert Dorps- en Olyffees 2007 se mnr, mej en baba O’lyfie te reël. Saterdagoggend, 28 April, toe die mammas en hul spruite so opgewonde kom aanmeld, het ek vir die eerste keer besef dat dit eintlik ‘n baie moeilike taak is wat aan my toevertrou is!
Vir elke pa en ma is hul kind die mooiste en kosbaarste.
Dis reg so. Dit moet so wees. Ek is net bly die beoordeling van hierdie moeilike kompetisie het op die skouers van ander dames gerus. Graag bedank ek Hanneke Basson en Christelle Smit, oud onderwyseresse van Hoërskool Zwartberg, asook Marika Heyns.
My dank aan die volgende borge: Prins Kem; PA Vis en Chips; Pep Stores; Swartberg Slaghuis, Pam Wessels; Studio Chris; Bergwater en die Toerisme Buro. Di Steyn het haar goed van haar taak gekwyt met die aankondigings.
Laaste maar nie die minste: Die wenners van 2007!
Mnr Baba O’lyfie Jan-Stephan Smit ( 18 Maande )
Mej Baba O’lyfie Jancke van Eck ( 15 Maande )
Mnr O’lyfie Benje Steyn ( 5 Jaar )
Mej O’lyfie Juranda Willemse ( 5 Jaar )
Volgende jaar maak ons weer so.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:40 PM
Labels: Olyffees
Samuel se Winkel
- Denise Ohlson -
‘n Paar jaar ná die verkoop van haar suksesvolle Plaasstal besluit Johanna Luttig om saam met haar dogter Madri Rossouw weer ‘n winkel in Prince Albert oop te maak. Na ‘n láng soektog na ‘n geskikte perseel, dink hulle diep en ernstig oor die regte naam ... Oplaas besluit hulle op ‘n familienaam: Samuel Luttig.
Samuel Luttig was ‘n grootboer wat sedert 1830 saam met sy broer Jan op die volgende plase in die distrik geboer het: Varsfontein, Abrahamskraal, Kweekkraal, Syferfontein, Veldmansrivier, Uitkyk, Remhoogte, Kareltjie, Zagariasfontein en Vyevlei.
Toe hy en sy vrou op Prince Albert kom aftree, laat hulle ‘n huis in die hoofstraat bou wat hulle Helmuth noem.
Vandag is hierdie huis (op die hoek van Luttigstraat) ‘n verklaarde Nasionale Gedenkwaardigheid en een van die mooiste gebouesierade in die dorp.
Johanna se seun Samuel is die vyfde geslag Samuel Luttig. Hy boer saam met sy pa Samie op die plaas Drieriviere.
Johanna sê die idee van die winkel het weer eens ontstaan om waarde toe te voeg tot hul plaasprodukte. Pasteie, gebak, gebottel, droëvrugte en kweperlekkers is van hul gewildste aanbiedinge. Madri maak ook pragitge kralewerk, groetekaartjies en spogborde vol geleentheidshappies. En op die plaas kweek Johanna blomme vir ruikers en kranse. Dit is vir haar belangrik dat die verwerking en voorbereiding van die plaasprodukte ook werk skep vir die plaasvroue op Drieriviere.
Dit is Johanna en Madri se doel om die breë publiek van Prince Albert en ook elke toeris te bedien, en hulle is dankbaar vir die ondersteuning wat hulle geniet. Hulle gaan bly poog om net die beste gehalte in hul winkel te hê.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:40 PM
Labels: winkels
Lord Oom Piet
- Japie Gouws -
Op die koue Sondagaand van die Dorps- en Olyffees maak ‘n brandende swart stofie die ontvangs-lokaal van die Berg-waterkelder heerlik warm. Die vriendelike Stefaan en Chantal Schoeman, eienaars van Bergwater, speel self gasheer en gasvrou en bederf fliek-gangers met hul wonderlike wyne. Mense met piekniekmandjies, peuselgoed, komberse, kussings, jasse, serpe en mussies bewonder die wonderlike vroeë winter-sonsondergang in die Prince Albert Vallei en kuier heerlik op die stoepe, op die gras en binne die pragtige lokale.
Die tafel is gedek vir die aanbieding van “Lord Oom Piet”. Die belangstelling vir hierdie kultusfilm van Jamie Uys wat dateer uit 1962, oortref almal se verwagtinge. Die stoele raak te min an elke kantoorstoel, al die tuinbankies en naderhand selfs wynkratte, word ingedra om vir almal ‘n sitplekkie te kry. Sommige maak hulle op die vloer tuis met kussings en komberse. Toe die ligte afgesit word, is daar selfs ‘n paar fliekvlooie op die groot konferensie-saal! Baie het al van die fliek gehoor, ‘n paar het dit gesien en van die jongeres weet nie eens van Jamie Uys nie! Maar almal is in afwagting vir dit wat gaan kom.
Vir ‘n uur en ‘n half sit Afrikaans en Engels, jonk en oud, vasgenael en kyk hoekom Jamie Uys as ‘n meester-fliekmaker bekend is. Die storie oor NAT en SAP politiek, die skreeusnaakse situasies, is tipies Suid-Afrikaans. Daar is goeie spel, bekende akteurs uit ‘n vorige eeu, interessante musiekverwerkings van Afrikaanse musiek, puik fotografie en selfs ‘n gasoptreded deur die internasionale sangpaar Webster Booth en Anne Ziegler. Seker een van die bekendste tonele uit die Suid-Afrikaanse movie-wêreld – waar Jamie Uys in sy Skotse rokkie verskyn en sê – “Laat net één donner lag!”, het weer eens die gewenste uitwerking in hierdie storie vol komedie en sosiale lesse. Die film, met sy gelukkige einde as Boer en Brit se kinders op mekaar verlief raak, bring heimwee vir dié rondom vyftig, is interessant en steeds snaaks vir die jongeres ... Die lekker kuier vooraf, die mooie venue, die uitstekende wyn, die gawe fliek – die aand was ‘n reuse sukses! Kom ons maak volgende jaar weer so!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:39 PM
Labels: Fees, Lord Oom Piet
Biblioteekweek ~ 2007 ~ Library Week
Van 14 – 18 Mei het ons weer ons jaarlikse biblioteekweek gehad – ‘n week vol bedrywighede!
Kinders van die onderskeie skole het deelgeneem aan kompetisies, en die pragtigste kunswerk was in die biblioteek te sien. (Hou volgende maand se Vriend dop vir ons pryswenners!)
Dinsdag het die Biblioteek Vriende die Bejaardesorgsentrum in Noord-end besoek. Die Albert College leerlinge het ons verras met hul musiektalent - en ja, Elvis Presley is ‘alive and kicking’! Jeanette de Lange en Jeanette Jacobs het ’n vertelling gedoen oor “Die Here is my Heerder.” Daarna is heerlike basaarpoeding uitgedeel.
Woensdag het ons die twee kleuterskole besoek met stories, lekkers en koeldrank.
Donderdag het ons ons Teedrink vir lesers bo 60 gehad in die NG Kerksaal. Die funksie is bygewoon deur amper neentig mense – baie dankie aan elkeen wat gekom het. Daar was ’n item deur die Vriende van die Fransie Pienaar Museum. Africana uit Museum se biblioteek is hiervoor gebruik en het vir baie vermaak gesorg.
Liz Erasmus spoke about a book which tells the tale of the tapestries depicting the establishment of Rhodesia. These lovingly crafted art works are on display in the Bulawayo Museum. Jeanette de Lange had us in stitches with her advice on healing all ills from “Ouma en Oupa se boererate” and Renee Finn and Peter McEwan revealed the intricacies of conducting a courtship-by-correspondence using a book on letter-writing for lovers. The Museum library is open to all – and what a treasure trove it is.
Albert College’s talented singers appeared again – one can never have enough of their crystal clear voices and enchanting melodies, and we discovered that Johnny Cash is still around too. After the entertainment everyone enjoyed a tasty tea, thank you to all who contributed plates of cakes and savoury treats.
Van ons kant af, ‘n GROOT dankie aan elke Biblioteek Vriend en almal in Prince Albert vir jul positiewe gesindheid en bydrae tot die biblioteek, dit word werklik raakgesien en baie waardeer.
Reinie, Bettie en Jeanette
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:38 PM
Labels: biblioteek
Prince Albert Wedding for Jozi Couple
- Elaine Hurford –
A casual remark paved the way for a country wedding for Johannesburg couple, Caroline Rix and Gordon Midgely. Caroline is an actress and Gordon has his own editing company for the film and TV industry.
When they bought their Meiring Street house last year, Elaine Hurford told the engaged couple how popular Prince Albert has become as a venue for country nuptials.
A few months later, they arrived to visit her, with an invitation, and the wedding was a fait accompli for March 24. A starlit dinner on the lawns at Abrahamskraal followed the ceremony at St John’s Anglican Church, attended by 80 friends and family from the UK and all over South Africa.
The ceremony and reception were accompanied by cello and harp recitals by professional musicians Marian Kimmel and Jane Theron, friends of the family.
Caroline and Gordon spent two nights at Dennehof Guesthouse before leaving for a ten-day honeymoon in New York.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:37 PM
Labels: Weddings
Patchwork Theatre triumph again
- Ailsa Tudhope -
The Wizard of Oz” and Patchwork Theatre’s Story-telling were great fun and much appreciated during the Prince Albert Town and Olive Festival. Here are some comments from Patchworkers and a member of their audience:
Thank you to everyone who came to our production of “The Wizard of Oz”. We had a great response from our audiences and truly enjoyed performing for you. The cast worked superbly together and nothing was a chore. The singing was enthusiastic and the shows noisy and colourful. Congratulations to all the cast! Tracy Swanepoel – the director.
I liked being part of “The Wizard of Oz” very much. I think the audiences found it very amusing. We had a lot of fun doing it and lots of fun laughing at our mistakes. We stood out well in the Saturday morning Parade and enjoyed singing in the bakkie. Story-telling is great, especially playing our parts. Our stories were exciting and funny, and dressing up is always special. Caleb – the Straw Man.
It was a good experience for us and we learnt a lot. We were quite astonished by our first Wizard of Oz performance because we had quite a large audience. It went well, although there were a few mistakes. Storytelling was hilarious for the audience and us because we hadn’t really practised enough. We had a great time acting and can’t wait until the next show. Thanks to Tracy Swanepoel who directed both productions and Dessie who baked all the cupcakes enjoyed by cast and audience. Joshua – the Tin Man.
It was great fun working together. Although we weren’t word perfect, we made up for our mishaps by inventing on-stage additions to the script. I think that most of the credit goes to Tracy who cleaned the hall after productions, sorted out props, fixed the posters and signs and was doorman cum prompt cum applause-starter. Thanks too to Dessie for baking the cup cakes and the Modra family for making our costumes; if you were at any of the performances you would have seen that they were very well made, barring a few design defects, especially the Lion’s tail. Matthew – the (sometimes tail-less) Lion.
As Prince Alberters we are not known for our modesty when it comes to our village, and rightly so, for we have much of which to be proud, not least, The Patchwork Theatre.
If you take delight in children being children; enjoying themselves; sharing their enjoyment with fun, laughter and an enormous amount of exuberant energy, you would have been as hugely entertained by “The Wizard of Oz,” as was I and every other member of the audience. On top of much ad-libbing, not so quiet prompting and some really delightful ‘throw away’ lines, they sang, and oh dear, can they sing?
Over the Rainbow had many of us sitting entranced, blinking through moist eyes and with mouths full of cup cake which could not get past the lumps in our throats. Thank you Patchworkers, I look forward to your next production! Andrew Tudhope – fan club member.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:35 PM
Labels: Patchwork Theatre
Festival 2007 Fun Run
The winners of the Festival’s Fun Run, organised by the Lazy Lizard, were:
Women - 5km
1) Venny Proud (Knysna)
2) Ellen Nicol (Prince Albert)
3) Alba Stegman (Prince Albert)
Men – 5km:
1) Eugene Maritz (Prince Albert)
2) Patrick Lottering (Prince Albert}
3) Kallie Floorse (Prince Albert)
Women – 10 km
1) Endra Uys (Somerset West)
2) Mariet Willemse
Men – 10 km
1) Ignatius Wentzel (Somerset West)
2) Petrus Bostander (Prince Albert)
Baie geluk aan al die wenners sowel as al die deelnemers wat die wedloop suksesvol voltooi het!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:35 PM
Labels: Festival 2007 Fun Run
Hoërskool Zwartberg se trots!!!
- Diana Koorts -
Ons skool is met reg trots op bogenoemde twee atlete wat besonder goed presteer het die afgelope atletiekseisoen.
Nikela het uitsonderlik presteer die seisoen.Sy is die nr.1 atleet in die SWD–streek – nadat sy die SWD rekord verbeter het met 2cm. Sy het ‘n hoogte van 1.44m gespring. Daarna het sy aan die Wes-Kaap byeenkoms deelgeneem en ‘n hoogte van 1,47m bereik, waarmee sy die Boland–rekord geëwenaar het en tweede by die byeenkoms geëindig het. Met so ‘n pragtige prestasie het sy ‘n goeie plek in die Wes-Kaapspan behaal en verder geoefen vir die SA byeenkoms.Later het sy ook haar merk gemaak in groot atletiekkringe toe sy aan die SA-byeenkoms in Pretoria op die Pilditch stadion gaan deelneem het. Daar het sy ook baie goed gevaar en ons hele skool en gemeenskap is voorwaar met reg trots op haar.
Christine het ook ‘n baie goeie seisoen agter die rug. Sy het baie goed presteer op verskeie byeenkomste waaraan sy deelgeneem het. Sy het ‘n derde plek by die SWD byeenkoms behaal- met ‘n afstand van 4,68m - waarmee sy SWD kleure verwerf het. Daarna het sy aan die Wes Kaap byeenkoms deelgeneem waar sy ook ‘n derde plek behaal het. Baie geluk Christine – ons is sommer baie trots op die “nuwe atleet” wat so goed presteer.
Nogmaals baie geluk aan die twee atlete en alle sukses vir die pad vorentoe. Ons hou saam met julle duimvas
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:24 PM