- Denise Ohlson -
Prince Albert se Landbouskousaal het op 18 Oktober tydens die dorp se sewende Oktoberfees letterlik uit sy nate gebars toe bykans vierhonderd feesgangers uit elke windrigting opgetrek het vir Eisbein en Sauerkraut, vir bier uit die vat en veral, ja veral, vir regte, egte Oempamusiek uit die heel boonste rakke.
Bodo Toelstede, organiseerder van hierdie fees der feeste, het hom heeltemal oortref deur met tientalle balle gelyktydig in die lug, kop te hou om so presies moontlik te probeer bepaal hoeveel Eisbeins om te bestel, gasvrye mense te werf om gratis verblyf te verleen aan die 38 lede van die Duitse Blaasorkes uit Hemslingen, kaartjies te druk en te verkoop, Tombola-pryse op te tower en sy Kieliebeentjie Orkes in te oefen vir die “voorvertoning”!
Ná bykans twee jaar se harde werk en presisie-beplanning, was dit skielik tyd om die musikante op die lughawe in Kaapstad te ontmoet en op ‘n besigtigingstoer te neem: Hulle het vier dae in Bloubergstrand oorgebly en absoluut perfekte weer gehad om met die sweefspoor teen Tafelberg op te gaan, op Kaappunt te staan, Kirstenbosch te beleef, baie suksesvol by die Beierse Polana Restaurant in die Waterfront op te tree, en sommer lekker Suid-Afrikaans te koop.
In Prince Albert is elke lid uitgeplaas by hul gawe gashere – en Saterdagaand kon Bodo die “Blaskapelle Hemslingen“ in hul indrukwekkende maroen uitrustings en ewe indrukwekkende instrumente met gepaste fanfare aankondig.
Die atmosfeer in die Landbousaal was net ongelooflik en die Duitsers het gou geleer dat “Afrikaners is plesierig” nie sommer net nòg ‘n liedjie is nie. Daar is tot laatnag met oorgawe gesing en gedans en opreg “gefees”. Selfs die dramatiese kragonderbreking kon die gees nie demp en daar is voortgespeel onder begeleiding van selfoonliggies, aanstekers en koplampies!
“Koningin Victoria” het weer haar verskyning gemaak om “Prince Albert” se hand te vra, die sestigjarige Christa Bremer het die gepaste passies in haar mooi handgemaakte rok gemaak om as Mej Oktoberfees gekies te word, en ons burgemeester, Magdalena Benjamin, het geskenke en goeie wense uitgeruil met die burgemeester van Hemslingen, Annegret Kregel.
Die lede van die “Blaskapelle” het vyf jaar lank gespaar om hierdie besoek moontlik te maak. En dit was ‘n “oorweldigende erva-ring” sê Bernhard Speer en Herby Röhrs namens die groep. “Ons is totaal oorrompel deur jul wonderklike land. Die natuur, die mense… Hier in Prince Albert is ons oorval deur gasvryheid en het behoorlik ge-smul aan die plaaslike produkte. Dit was ook vir ons ‘n verrykende geleentheid om in die skoolsaal vir die leerders te kon speel. Hul meelewing en spontane reaksie het selfs van ons gehardste manne trane in die oë laat kry.”
Die musikante se verblyf is afgesluit met ‘n ete hy Hotel Swartberg, waar hulle heel aandoenlik “Guten Abend, gut Nacht” saam gesing het. Bodo vergesel hulle vir nog vier dae op ‘n toer na Mosselbaai, Knysna, Keurbooms en die Addo Olifantpark.
Met hierdie sewende Oktoberfees, geborg deur die Duitse Federale Buitelandse Kantoor en die Goethe Instituut, het Bodo nou sy mikpunt bereik om altesaam meer as R500 000.00 tot die skoolfonds te kon bygedra. Sy kommentaar: “Ek bedank almal wat my deur die jare ondersteun en bygestaan het, veral by my vrou Gudrun is ek in die skuld vir haar onfeilbare onderskraging. Nou is ek tevrede – ek het my deel gedoen en ‘n ideaal bereik.”
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Onvergeetlikste Oktoberfees nòg
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:58 PM
Labels: Oktoberfest
Letters / Briewe
Grondpaaie versus Teerpaaie
Daar was ‘n tyd gelede blykbaar ‘n toutrekkery oor die opsie om die Sani-pas te teer tussen die paaie-owerheid en die erfenisbewakers wat dit teengestaan het. Toe die Swartbergpas se vere in die 1980’s reggeskud is vir die eeufeesviering, is daar blykbaar ook haastig gewerk om enige so ‘n moontlikheid uit te skakel.
Die noordelike helfte van die pas is meestal in ‘n goeie toestand, maar die suidelike helfte ontwikkel as gevolg van reën dikwels vele slaggate waarvoor herhaaldelik grond uit gruisgroewe aangery moet word vir herstel. Na ‘n onlangse rit oor die Swartbergpas het die volgende vrae by my opgekom:
Het die bewakers regtig al die nadele en voordele van grondpaaie en teerpaaie teen mekaar opgeweeg? Het iemand dalk gewonder waar kom die grond vandaan om enige grondpad in ‘n goeie toestand te hou. Het iemand al oor die land heen gaan kyk hoe groot is die gruisgroewe en waar dit geleë is? Gesien hoe groei dit in grote met elke vrag grond wat uitgehaal word? Getel hoeveel vragte grond is nodig om 1 km blad te gooi?
Die grond behoort wel aan iemand wat daarvoor betaal het. Op boerdery eenhede laat dit ongevraagde “damme” wat nie benut kan word nie. Dis weiding wat weg is. Dit word dikwels agtergelaat met die potensiaal om erosie aan te moedig. Ander streke se bo-groei herstel dalk gouer, maar grondversteurings in die Karoo neem 15 tot 20 jaar vir volkome herstel. Van laasgenoemde het ek eerstehandse kennis.
Die gruisgroewe was gemaak waar die stootskraperoperateur – na ‘n paar onsuksesvolle pogings elders – gedink het die beste gruis was. Of iemand vir die vernieling vergoed word, weet ek nie.
‘n Teerpad se basis is darem amper lewenslank (dalk effe langer indien die owerheid die oorlaaide vragmotors van die paaie kan afhaal), maar ‘n grondpad se blad moet elke 6 tot 10 jaar vervang word.
Kan iemand dalk die korttermyn en langtermyn berekening doen?
Kultuurstigting se Antwoord
Die skrywer (bo) kan vir haar bydrae gekomplimenteer word en het heelwat sinvolle opmerkings in haar brief gemaak, veral aangesien eksterne omgewingsfaktore wel ter sprake is.
Die argument teen die omgewingsimpak van gruisgroewe kom oortuigend voor, maar ‘n meer omvattende studie en ontleding van voor- en nadele moet deeglik oorweeg word.
“Asemrowend, ontsagwekkend, ‘n briljante padbou ingenieurs meesterstuk…” is die woorde waarmee beide Jan Alleman en deskundiges na ‘n enkele rit die Swartbergpas beskryf. Sal daar nie afbreuk gedoen word aan hierdie verwondering en ontsag as die pad oor die Swartberg geteer sou word nie? Dit is tog ‘n nasionale monument en een van die mees voortref-like passe in die land. Kan dit werklik onverantwoordelik genoem word om, ondanks die behoefte aan gruismateriaal uit gruisgroewe, ‘n nasionale erfenisskat in sy huidige vorm te behou?
‘n Oortuigende tegniese siening wat maan teen die omskepping in ‘n teerpad, is diè van ervare siviele ingenieurs. Hul uitgangs-punt is dat die geometriese standaarde te knap is.
In sy huidige ongeteerde vorm is die ongeluksyfer laag (Ross, 2003). Daar is wel die paar onverskilliges wat oor die Swartbergpas jaag om vroeër by hul bestemming uit te kom. Dink net hoe die ongeluksyfer sal opskiet as die knap, kort draaie eers geteer is. ‘n Deel van die opgradering met teer behels dan ook die aanbring van ui-ters onooglike standaard veiligheidsrelings enduit – ‘n versperring van die asemrowende uitsigte nou te sien terwyl jy ry.
Die Swartbergpas is nie net ‘n kommunikasiepad nie, maar ook ‘n gesogte bestemming.
Ons besef dit dalk nie nou nie, maar toekomstige geslagte sal die Swartbergpas al hoe meer op prys stel. Die genot van ‘n rit op ‘n eeue-oue gruispad oor ‘n majestieuse berg word al hoe meer uniek en kosbaar.
Daar bestaan ‘n algemene siening dat swaar verkeer wat die Swartbergpas as skakelpad gebruik strenger beheer moet word. Ligter verkeer sal die instandhoudingsbehoefte en dus die aanvraagmateriaal uit gruisgroewe ooreenstemmend verminder.
Die moontikheid van ‘n tolstelsel spesifiek vir die instandhouding van die Pas, met die toegevoegde byvoordeel van kosbare werksgeleenthede vir (moontlik voltydse) padwerkers, moet goed oorweeg word. Hulle aandag kan uitsluitlik toegespits worddie pad se oppervlak, mure en dreinering.
Hierdie uiters haalbare opsie is reeds herhaaldelik deur die Kultuurstigting aan die padowerheid geopper.
We want Service Delivery - Not Self Service!
For the past two months I have been trying to extract a decision from the Municipal Council on a simple matter and I now just have to reveal to fellow Prince Alberters what I see as a total lack of work ethic, commitment and delivery on the part of some of our local Municipal Councillors.
I have just discovered that they have spent the last three formal council meetings in September and October arguing over and not agreeing on the minutes of previous meetings held from January to June this year! This means that decisions taken at those meetings cannot be implemented. I was also disgusted to learn that the voices of reason are brushed aside and that meetings are often stretched out from early in the morning to late at night and consequently free teas, lunch and supper are provided at the expense of the ratepayers! It would be interesting to know what the current expenditure on meals and snacks at Council meetings is.
As a result there are now dozens of urgent decisions awaiting Council approval. How is the Acting Municipal Manager able to do his job under these conditions? This is a bad joke at the expense of all ratepayers.
We in Prince Albert would do well to wake up, stand up for our own rights and interests. Why don’t we all start attending Council meetings from the public gallery to see what some of our elected representatives get up to? After all, we pay their salaries! If we are not satisfied with what we see, then we should perhaps call for new elections.
Come on Councillors do the job for which you are being paid and make us all “Proudly Prince Albert”
(A copy of the letter was sent as a courtesy to the Speaker of the MunicipalCouncil just before going to press. We hope that this will give the Council members sufficient time to respond in our next edition should they so choose.)
Munisipaliteit antwoord leser se vrae
Mnr G Breytenbach se Vrae aan die Munisipaliteit (Prince Albert Vriend, September 2008) verwys.
Die kwessie van ‘n kampeerplek in die parkie in Kerkstraat klink na ‘n goeie idee. Die Raad sal dit kan ondersoek, maar alle omringende bure sal daartoe moet instem.
Die ondersoek vir die betaling van rekeninge by buite instellings soos byvoorbeeld die Poskantoor was reeds ondersoek. Die maandelikse vaste fooi plus die kommissie wat op die betaling gehef word het dit nie koste effektief gemaak vir die paar verbruikers wat die fasiliteit wil gebruik nie.
Op navraag kan verbruikers wat verkies om by ander instellings betalings te maak is die aanbeveling om ‘n direkte bankinbetaling te maak op die bankrekening of ‘n internet oorplasing na die Munisipaliteit se bankrekening (laasgenoemde is die gewildste vorm van die ander betalingsmetode op hierdie stadium).
The building inspector has addressed numerous letters have been addressed to the owner of the house in Church Street that has RESTAURANT painted on its side in spite of no longer operating as such. It is the owner’s sole responsibility to remove the sign; the Municipality can not take this action. The owner lives abroad and has to date not responded to this and the Municipality’s other requests in respect of his property.
Vullis by ingang van ons dorp
Mnr en mev Frangs se brief (Prince Albert Vriend, September 2008) verwys.
Verskeie pogings, ook wat die skrywers aanbeveel het, is al aangewend om die gebied naby die Gholfbaan skoon te kry. Onlangs het ‘n groep skoliere in ‘n uur se tyd meer as 300 sakke rommel opgetel – op die presiese terrein.
Met die herwinningsprojek wat besig is om te ontwikkel behoort die toestand ook te verbeter. Die Raad het reeds in beginsel aanvaar om ‘n terugkoop stelsel in plek to stel. Persone wat graag geld wil ontvang vir rommel soos papiere, blikkies en plastiek kan dit inbring en sal dan vergoed word. Die tweedelige doel is om armoede te verlig maar terselfde tyd van die rommel ontslae te raak. Iets wat geld werd is, lê nie rond nie.
Waarnemende Munisipale Bestuurder
Wettige Taxi Operateurs
“Bekommerde Ouer” se brief (September 2008) verwys.
Daar is tans twee wettige taxi operateurs in ons dorp, naamlik:
Mnr en mev van Rooyen
Ambraalstraat 3
Prince Albert
Tel: 023 5411907/072337314
Mnr W Hinkman
Dahliastraat 477
Prince Albert
Tel: 023 5411280/0822942216
Beide mnr van Rooyen en mnr Hinkman is ten volle teen passasiersaanspreeklikheid verseker en mag volgens hulle vervoerpermitte binne die jurisdiksie van die plaaslike munisipaliteit en ander dorpe en stede sake doen. Hulle is ook lede van die wettige Norwich taxi vereniging.
Die twee persone en hulle voertuie voldoen aan alle vereistes wat hulle bestuurspermitte en bestuurslisensies betref, nl, die Nasionale Padverkeerswet 93/1996 (NRTA 93/96) en die National Land Transport Transition Act (NLTTA 22/2000).
Wetstoepassing sal op onwettige operateurs gedoen word en daar word ‘n beroep gedoen dat die gemeenskap nie onwettige operateurs bevorder nie.
Verkeersbeampte, PA Munisipaliteit
Slow Down Please
I would like to make a polite plea to farmers and other road users to slow down when entering Prince Albert along the dirt road onto Pastorie Street! There are children walking and cycling up and down this street several times everyday on their way to and from school and it terrifies me because people only start slowing down as they approach the stop street crossing over de Beer Street. I am aware that it is a provincial road and speed bumps are not a possibility, so the only thing to do is to appeal to your sense of responsibility and please consider this thought: If your children or grandchildren were in this situation, wouldn’t you feel better if people drove considerately?
Thank You
I would like through the Friend to express my sincere thanks and gratitude to all the friends, acquaintances and even people not personally known to me who sent messages of hope and support during my recent surgery. Thank you too to everyone who visited me in hospital and kept my spirits up.
My rehabilitation will of necessity be long but with the continued support of friends and my wonderful family and the encouragement of a very able and enthusiastic physiotherapist, I am sure I will once again be able to walk around Prince Albert.
Thank you all once again.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:55 PM
Sterreprag oor Prince Albert
- Hans Daehne -
In November the huge Square of Pegasus becomes an outstanding evening feature of our night sky and should thus be in a position to be admired by everybody - the star-gazing enthusiast or someone who just gives an occasional upwards glance - because it is just going to be there ... in all its splendour and easy to identify.
The diagonals of the square extended upwards (southwards) point to lesser known constellations of the Zodiac. The one from lower right to upper left (along the neck of the horse) indicates Aquarius while the other diagonal from lower left to upper right points towards the V of Pisces. These are the last two signs of the Zodiac and it`s time to start from the beginning again with Aries, Taurus and Gemini, our Summer constellations culminating soon.
Full Moon is on the 13th with the moon close to Earth (Perigee) and this is the right combination for rain in the Western Cape. New Moon is on the 27th November .
The bright Venus is still our evening star and moves closer to Jupiter.
Jupiter, on the move through Sagittarius is still very bright but lower in the West in the evenings and sets before midnight for the month.
Saturn, in Leo, is a morning object for the whole of November. Because Saturn orbits the Sun in more than 29 years and thus takes more than two years to move through a Zodiac constellation it has been in Leo now for nealy two years and is on its way to Virgo.
Meteor showers can only be observed favourably this month on the 5th of November.
The very ambitious and just as expensive experiment 100m underground on the Swiss/French border, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experienced a little mishap earlier in September when its eight electro-magnets overheated and caught fire. The effort to accelerate tiny particles to nearly the speed of light generated too much heat in the magnets.
This will, however, not stop the experiment to create little black holes and new particles but just delay it until the damage has been repaired. More about this in future! To keep up to date about this visit Google under LHC.
The Hubble Space Telescope has also suffered a setback and its service mission has been delayed until a later date.
Keep the stars in your eyes !
Hans Daehne
Cell. : 072-641-96570
E-mail : daehne@telkomsa.net
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:54 PM
Labels: Sterreprag
Feestyd in die Fransie Pienaar Museum
Frances Olivier, kleindogter van Fransie Pienaar, stap nou die dag in die museum in en sê sy wil my spreek. Sy verduidelik dat haar moeder, Elize Allers, haar neëntigste verjaarsdag op 17 Oktober vier. Sy dink die museum is die ideale plek om die partytjie te hou.
Ek het volkome saamgestem: Wat ‘n beter plek kan daar wees om tannie Elize se verjaarsdag te vier, as in dié gebou, tussen al die kosbaarhede wat Elize se moeder, Fransie Pienaar, oor soveel jare met liefde en toewyding versamel het!
Vrydagoggend vroeg het ons gou alles reggeskuif en die heerlikste eetgoed in die Bassonkamer uitgepak. Tannie Elize het pragtig gelyk in ‘n sagte pienk pakkie en trots na al haar kinders en kleinkinders gesit en kyk terwyl Das Olivier van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak het om ‘n paar gevleuelde woorde te spreek.
Vriende en familie van heinde en ver het gesellig rondbeweeg en gesmul aan die versnaperinge. Die verjaarsdagkoek wat in die middel van die tafel gestaan het, gebak en versier deur Susan Viljoen, was natuurlik só ‘n ongelooflike kunswerk, dat niemand eers daaraan gedink het dat die koek gesny moet word nie!
Nou was dit tyd om familiefoto’s te neem en almal het die geleentheid gekry om saam met die “prentjiemooi” tannie Elize gekiek te word. Soos alle goeie dinge, het dié spesiale geleentheid ook tot ‘n einde gekom en almal het gehelp om die geskenke en orige eetgoed na die Allers-woning te vervoer.
Van al die personeel en lede van die Fransie Pienaar Museum: “Weer eens, baie geluk tannie Elize! Om op neëntig nog so statig, helder van verstand, en pragtig te wees, moet ‘n mens voorwaar deur die liewe Vader geseën wees.”
Debbie Badenhorst
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:54 PM
Labels: Fransie Pienaar Museum
Erfenis, Politiek... en Jy
Daar is ‘n noue band tussen ‘n dorp se erfenis en sy ekonomie – en as ‘n mens dit nie verstaan nie, kan erfenis – oor die politieke boeg gegooi – ‘n verdelende faktor word.
In Prince Albert het ons wonderlike oop ruimtes wat ander dorpe ons net kan beny. Besoekers stap deur ons strate en verwonder hulle aan ons geboue en staan verstom voor inwoners se vriendelike gesindheid jeens vreemdelinge…As ons na ons dorp kyk deur die oë van ons besoekers, sal ons dit sóveel meer waardeer.
In perspektief gesien, behoort ons hele gemeenskap dus dankbaar te wees vir ons beduidende dorpserfenis. Ons is geseënd met ‘n indrukwekkende historiese dorpsprofiel – heel anders as in ander dorpe waar die argitektoniese juwele afgebreek is om plek te maak vir nuwe geboue.
In Prince Albert hang werkskepping ten nouste saam met die inisiatief van die meer welgestelde huiseienaars. Ou geboue word met agting en teen ingrypende uitgawe herstel en in stand gehou – en daarvoor word plaaslike vakmanne en werkers in diens geneem.
Verhoogde belastings word op herstelde geboue betaal, en dit stel die munisipaliteit in staat om meer werkers in diens te neem. Stukwerk om armoedeverligting te bewerkstellig, is nog ‘n voordeel.
Werkgeleenthede vir honderde bouers, plaaswerkers, tuiniers en diegene wat by die leivoorstelsel betrokke is, is ook geskep met die bewaring van Prince Albert se ryk landbounalatenskap en sy historiese landboubasis.Saam dra al hierdie faktore by tot vreedsame saambestaan en kos op die tafel… Dit is dus eintlik logies dat ‘n hoë waarde geplaas moet word op ons dorp se erfenis en kulturele hulpbronne.
Ons dorp se ekonomiese hartklop hang nou saam met ‘n lewenskragtige toerismesektor, en:
die erfenis-trekpleister lok Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale toeriste na Prince Albert;
die gehalte en diens van ons gastehuise (wat staatmaak op honderde plaaslike werkers) dra grootliks by tot die sukses van plaaslike besighede.
Binne die munisipalitiet funksioneer die Erfenis- en Boukomitee – hul werk is om advies te gee oor erfenisbewaring en ontwikkeling. Die munisipaliteit verdien ‘n kompliment vir die befondsing van die Erfenisopname wat tans deur die Prince Albert Kultuurstigting onderneem word.
Onthou, ons erfenis sit vir ons kos op die tafel – dit is belangrik dat ons dit almal insien en verstaan. Waar ‘n dorp saamstaan en sy bates beskerm, groei ‘n sterk en vooruitstrewende gemeenskap.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:53 PM
Labels: erfenis
Stoep Talk: The quest for a passport
Have passport – will travel. Easier said than done, when you live in a rural town and your passport has expired. The good news is that a Home Affairs mobile office comes here once a month. The catch is, you have to find someone who knows when it is arriving and where it will be.
Having found out the date and place the Home Affairs team was expected, I went there only to be told that the mobile office was last seen at the Bejaardesorg Sentrum. Eventually I found the van in the middle of a soccer field, locked up with no-one in sight. Seeing my perplexed face, an onlooker said the team was at a meeting in the hall alongside.
Sensing my frustration, one of the officials let me know that they would assist me as soon as the meeting was over. For the next 45 minutes I listened with one ear to a lecture on the negative aspects of teenage pregnancies while I mulled over a plan to get to the front of the queue when the meeting eventually ended. What queue? We moved en masse to stand before two tables placed in front of the empty mobile office.
The comedy then started. As the Home Affairs officials placed their papers on the tables, these flew off in different directions, with officials in hot pursuit. Meanwhile the mobile van purred up and down the field for 20 minutes, trying to find an electronic signal necessary to set up the computers. At last the officials gave up and used their cellphones instead.
Just before proceedings began, they announced that we would have to have the precise amount of money as they had no change. Frantic negotiations began in the queue. I decided to sponsor a few people to make up the difference. When I finally handed in my form – just as they were closing up shop - I was told that I would be notified when my passport was ready. I do hope so!
At the same time, I am very aware that if I had had to renew my passport in Johannesburg, I would have spent hours in traffic and queuing in unpleasant surrounds. The hour and a half of my time here was so much gentler … and more entertaining.
Queen Vic
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:52 PM
Labels: Stoep talk
Kok en Juwelier is ‘n wenspan
- Denise Ohlson -
Vir Anton Maartens, gebore in De Aar en met grootwordjare in Namibië, was die Karoo nog altyd ‘n lekker kuierplek, maar met sy eerste besoek aan Prince Albert ‘n paar maande gelede, het hy net gewéét sy toekoms wag in hierdie pragtige dorpie. Sy lewensbegeerte om ‘n knus restaurant te hê, kon hy hier bewaarheid deur die deure van die geslote Miller’s Restaurant weer wyd oop te gooi en vir mense opwindende en interessante disse voor te sit.
Hy moes net sy lewensgenoot Jacques Maree daar in Centurion gaan oortuig dat die Karoo roep. Maar dit was nie te moeilik nie, want vir die jong juwelier het dit ook tyd geword om selfstandig te begin werk. Sy bedryf het begin vasval in rekenaarontwerp en in Prince Albert sou hy nou weer kon konsentreer op handgemaakte stukke en sy kreatiwiteit uitleef.
Anton se paadjie na Prince Albert strek terug na ‘n BA Drama en ‘n Dansdi-ploma, hoofrolle in Grease, My Fair Lady en agt maande lank op die stel van Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Hy skryf resensies oor kuns, kos en vermaak en sy loopbaan kom in ‘n stroomversnelling met drie spesifieke invloede: Al kon hy op laerskool al ‘n hele Sondagmaal kind-alleen opdis, laat die rolprent Babette’s Feast hom met nuwe oë na kos kyk. Terselfdertyd ontmoet hy ‘n Marokkaan wat hom voorstel aan Franse styl, vreemde kosse en verleidelike smake. Derdens help hy ‘n vriendin om ‘n fiksheidsbedryf te vestig - wat hy later oorkoop. So raak hy betrokke as Nataniël se persoonlike instrukteur. Hulle werk vyf jaar lank saam – en praat sonder ophou oor… kos! Nataniël inspireer hom met sy lewensfilosofie en Anton begin ‘n besigheidsplan optrek vir ‘n restaurant… Hy verkoop sy fiksheidsakademie en koop The Cornish Kettle in Irene.
Gou besef hy die opset is te groot – hy is eerder administrateur en bestuurder as chef - en sy begeerte na ‘n klein restaurant waar hy sy avontuurlus en individualisme kan uitleef, vervul hy nou hier in Prince Albert. Hy het ’n “kleintjie dood” aan alle bestanddele wat uit pakkies, blokkies, bottels en blikke kom. Vir hom is dit ‘n liefdestaak om aftreksel te kook en vars produkte uit te snuffel. Elke bord kos moet vir die eter ‘n “Wow” ervaring wees - en dit maak hom trots as mense foto’s van sy handewerk neem voor hulle begin eet!
Laat maar die patats met malvalekkers en die groenboontjies met skyfiekrummels by die huis – Anton gril letterlik daarvoor! Hy werk geesdriftig aan ‘n voorgereg met tamatieroomys as basis en meng met presisie aan sy begogelende “Karoo Koktails”!
Anton Maartens het gekom om te bly – en saam met hom bly ook Jacques Maree, die juwelier wat nèt so sy juweliersvoorskoot verruil vir sy kelnervoorskoot. Hy kén die spyskaart soos hy sy silwer ken. Praat maar met hierdie begaafde Vrystaatse kêrel wat nie gedink het ‘n klein dorpie gaan sommer weer sy hart steel nie. Maar hier skop hy nou vas en sê dankie aan sy standerd 2 juffrou wat hom so gefassineer en geïnspireer het met al haar juwele: “Sy het letterlik ‘n ring aan elke vinger gehad!” As sy darem nou sy werk kon sien! Elke stuk gestempel as egte silwer, en met sy voorletters as kenteken.
Jacques het drie jaar lank in Engeland Au Pair werk gedoen om geld bymekaar te maak vir sy studie in die ontwerp en vervaardiging van juwele. Met sy diploma in die sakkie, word hy lektor by ‘n klein skool en daarna gaan leer hy by Deonne le Roux hoe die kleinhandel inmekaarsteek. En nou is hy so gelukkig om elke dag weg van die kommersiële wêreld se onbuigbare masjienvoorskrife op sy handvaardigheid te konsentreer en die mooiste silwerware te maak – van oorbelle tot teelepels…
Ja, die kok en die juwelier stem saam: Jy hoef nie ryk te wees om voluit te leef nie.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:51 PM
Gewilde sanger trou
- Bodo Toelstede -
Marlene Loedewyk, gewilde sanger van die Prince Albert Kieliebeentjies Orkes, is op Vrydag 27 September getroud met Karel Willemse.
Hoewel Marlene en haar man geen ouers meer het nie, het die Here vir hulle op die dag vreugde en sonskyn geskenk en die saal van die Bejaardesorgsentrum was pragtig in blou en silwer versier.
Die tagtig gaste kon, ná die vonkelwyn se prop hard geknal en deur die lug ge-vlieg het, die gebraaide hoender, skaapvleis en heerlike slaaie geniet.
Die tannies wat van Worcester en die oom wat van George gekom het, was verheug oor die mooie fees wat Marlene en Karel vir almal gehou het.
Gudrun Toelstede het vir hulle ’n groot troukoek gebak, dit sorgvuldig versier en die mooiste foto’s van hul bruiloffees geneem.
Dit was waarlik ’n groot dag vir die twee, wat hulle hul hele lewe lank sekerlik nooit sal vergeet nie. Ons wens hulle alle voorspoed toe op hul lewenspad saam.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:50 PM
Andy and Don exchange vows at Abrahamskraal
Andy Botha, Bokkie Botha’s French-speaking and ex-chef daughter married Don Millar, Jo’burg accountant, at Abrahamskraal on 27 October. The theme of the wedding was red and white, beautifully highlighted by giant red Barberton daisies hanging in the trees at the splendid, old farmhouse outside Prince Albert.
After a week of blowing and inconsistent weather, one of those ideal days that only the Karoo can offer materialised. As Prince Albert is remote from everywhere and Abrahamskraal is remote from Prince Albert, guests made extraordinary efforts to come from the United Kingdom, Australia, Bangkok, Johannesburg, Prince Albert, Cape Town, Israel and many other places. The marriage was particularly blessed by the attendance of Tate, the couple’s one-year-old son.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:50 PM
Labels: Weddings
Landbouskou 'n Treffer
- Bianca Marais -
Prince Albert Landbougenootskap is trots op die skou wat hulle van 10 tot 11 Oktober kon aanbied. Piet Kleyn van die KKK wat die skou geopen het, het bevestig dat dit ‘n skou van gehalte was, en dat dit goed ondersteun. Die skouterrein was baie goed voorberei en het pragtig gelyk. Een aspek wat kommentaar uitgelok het was die besonder hoë gehalte van die diere wat vertoon is. Donderdag was daar ‘n boerbok kursus wat goeie ondersteuning ontvang het. Die Landbousaal was vol stalletjies en buite was daar nog meer, asook nywerheidsuitstallings. Van die beste saal- en boerperde in Suid-Afrika is vertoon en dit was ‘n lus vir die oog om te kon sien.
Die kleintjies het hulle Saterdag gate uit geniet met die koekbakkery. ‘n Hoogtepunt was ook die modeparade van trourokke en professionele ontwerpersrokke, asook rokke van ons voormalige mej. Tiener, Bertha le Roux.
Die bestuur en almal wat gehelp het kan trots wees op hulle werk wat vir die groot sukses van die 2008 skou gesorg het. Die organiseerders het hulle dankbaarheid aan een en elke vertoner en borg, asook die gemeenskap wat die skou ondersteun het, uitgespreek.
Hulle het ook laat weet dat hulle in 2009 nog groter hoogtes sal probreer bereik deur byvoorbeeld die hele gemeenskap van Prince Albert en omgewing aan te moedig om aan die skou deel te neem.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:49 PM
Labels: Landbou, Prince Albert Skou
HERITAGE: Proudly Prince Albert or just another Greyton?
- William Penfold -
Our unique, truly local Prince Albert architecture is something that should be retained at all costs. Like our other national treasures such as our rich history, San paintings and etchings, endemic plants and dinosaur footprints, our authentic local architecture should be guarded as a thing of beauty and a joy forever. It should be a relatively easy thing to ensure that our local authorities enforce the carefully planned ordinances that are in place.
In lower Mark Straat, a perfect example of an historic Karoo outbuilding, complete with ‘buk as you go through’ stable door, exquisite corner fireplace with iron bar lintel, has been destroyed. All but two token walls have been demolished and a new concrete slab on a new brick plinth thrown in anticipation of creating more ‘suitable’ accommodation. This, in the name of ‘progress’.
Why could this building not remain and additional accommodation be built elsewhere on the property? It would certainly have been the cheaper option if this had at all been considered. This thoughtless action is, without doubt, a loss to the fabric of Prince Albert and is just one of many inappropriate and sadly irrecoverable actions in a town that is crying out for preservation.
It is so important for everyone to think twice (or more) before taking action. Get expert advice. For heaven’s sake, look for more than one opinion. This town desperately needs expert architectural input from architects with deep heritage experience and understanding.
At the moment, Prince Albert is heading toward Toyland with so many twee houses so lacking in fulsome detail and unimaginative design that don’t sit comfortably with the old and are too readily accepted for approval by an inexperienced municipality.
The delicate fabric of Prince Albert cottages is so vulnerable to the unconsidered onslaught of insensitive owners and builders. A single telephone call to a modern builder’s supplier will supply all the necessary requirements for a modern cottage in the supposed guise of Karoo Victorian country cottage.
This must be guarded against with all the will in the world. Most brand new tiles, brand new taps, brand new paving slabs etc. simply don’t belong! There is no ‘off the shelf’ alternative to a truly proportioned Victorian sash window.
There is no ‘off the shelf’ alternative to an old ’happy’ door or authentic French door. They must be designed and made. Surely the people spending the money we see being spent can see and understand this simple and basic requirement?
Why can’t we repair the old? Why can’t we replace the worn parts? Why rip out? Why destroy? Why did we come here?
Do we want Prince Albert to become like the soulless, ‘keep up with the Joneses’ town that Greyton has become? I sure as hell hope not. Do any of you know how Greyton used to be? It was like God’s gift to mankind. A bit like Prince Albert.
Have you noticed the way the poor stressed out, crime weary city folk set their car alarms when they park here in case one of us locals might rip them off? In our town, they soon forget their troubles and then inadvertently set off the alarm when getting back in their cars. Such is the way it still is here.
We need all worry that if you bring the city and its troubles to Prince Albert and, as sure as the village patina is relentlessly being rubbed off, the city and its troubles will come to bite you in the behind. Once a lifestyle is gone, there is no getting it back.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:48 PM
Labels: heritage
St John’s Flower Festival 2008
- Ailsa Tudhope -
Once again Prince Albert’s flower arrangers came up trumps and the display in the little Victorian church was glorious. The theme for the annual festival, which coincides with the Oktoberfest, was Psalm 150, a psalm of thanksgiving with a musical focus, which tied in wonderfully with the visit to the village by the Hemslingen Brass Band, many of whom attended the Thanksgiving service for HRH Prince Albert on the Sunday morning.
The Psalm enjoins us to “Praise God in his holiness …
Praise him in the sound of the trumpet: praise him upon the lute and harp.
Praise him in the cymbals and dances: praise him upon the strings and pipe.
Praise him upon the well-tuned cymbals: praise him upon the loud cymbals.
Let everything that hath breath: praise the Lord.”
The floral arrangements truly praised God “according to his excellent greatness.” Local gardens provided most of the flowers with which Ione Auerswald, Lettie Breytenbach, Peggy Clow-Wilson, Jeanette de Lange, Liz Erasmus, Renee Finn, Aileen Hughes, Amelia le Grange, Shireen Reid, Carol Tissiman, Michael Upton, Dawn Viljoen and Ann Whitton transformed the church into a scented bower.
Many arrangements incorporated real instruments and Tim Rowson’s harp, around which Michael built his arrangement at the entrance to the chancel, might well have been real. Klaas Pieterse’s “Karoo Cello” and Peggy’s harp at the altar added artistic touches, along with the beautiful display by the Patchwork Group: Mavis Aggett, Jeanette de Lange, Aletta de Wit, Babsie Muller, Victoria Raft and Shireen Reid. Victoria’s dolls are real characters and their presence was much appreciated. At least one was adopted during the festival!
Michael Upton spent several hours in the church on Saturday, playing a musical medley, to the delight of visitors. On Sunday Gudrun Toelstede and Renee Finn contributed a reading and prayers in German and the Albert College children provided music for us, as we gave thanks for HRH Prince Albert, for the gift of music and for the Hemslingen Brass Band and prayed for Prince Albert residents, both past and present.
This was the sixth year that the church had been so beautifully decorated and we hope that this is a tradition which will endure for years to come. Special thanks to everyone involved, especially Lorna Verran who created the eye-catching posters, Ann Whitton who arranged the publicity, Sonja and John Mckenna who provided refreshments for the floral artists, Mari du Toit for her generous donation of flowers and our dear Renee Finn, who so gently and graciously co-ordinated the Flower Festival.
Our next special service is the Karoo Carols by Candlelight with the Patchwork Theatre troupe at 7.00pm on Sunday 30th November.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:46 PM
Labels: st johns
Jan Hendrik Booyens – ‘n Buurman se huldeblyk
- Hennie Pretorius -
Ek kyk nog soms straat-op om te sien of oom Jan en Jessica nie in aantog is nie – oom Jan met sy wonderlike hinkstappie en die poedeltjie ewe neus-in-die-lug.
Vandat oom Jan weg is, bly Bokser die papegaai by ons. En my ingedagte straatkykery is eintlik net moontlik terwyl Bokser ‘n bietjie dut, want terwyl Bokser wakker is, is oom Jan as’t ware by my en Elsofie aan huis. Bokser is eintlik “Bokser Booyens, telefoon drié drié drié sés ágt.” Dis altans hoe hy hom aan ‘n mens voorstel.
Die kêrel is ‘n diep denker; ‘n ekspert as dit kom by sonneblomsaad en vingerbyt; hy praat en fluit nés oom Jan en hoes op aanvraag.
Hy is ook ‘n luidrugtige bron van tong-in-die-kies vermanings: Jy raas! Eet jou kos! Jy’s ‘n morsgat, né!
En nes oom Jan, ‘n koelkop raadgewer. So gebeur dit dat ek (nogal dikwels) my lot by hom bekla as Elsofie (en/of haar vriendinne) my lewe interessant kom maak het.
Nes oom Jan luister hy gewoonlik met groot empatie na my treurmares, want hy ken sekerlik ook die vroulike geslag – en dan oordink hy die saak ‘n bietjie, en dan sê hy (met groot deernis): “Kom, kom ons gaan piepie.”
Ek groet, Jan Booyens. Jy het ‘n leemte gelaat in Leebstraat, maar jy het nog altyd ‘n sê hier in die Pretorius-huis.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:45 PM
Labels: Memoriam
Restoring its Crowning Glory
Work is well underway to restore the distinctive parapet moulding, the crowning glory, on Number 97, Church Street. And what is more, there is a plan to return the elaborate woodwork to the veranda of this c.1860 Karoostyle building. The floral fretwork under the veranda roof at either end has already been crafted and restored to the original design.
The building was recognised by Helena Marincowitz as a fine example of Karoostyle architecture and included in her book: “Karoostyle – Folk Architecture of Prince Albert and Environs” published in 2006 (available from the Fransie Pienaar Museum). She described the building as follows:
“Een van die mooiste Karooboustyl hui-se (c.1860) in Prince Albert, is geleë op die hoek van Kerk en Crosbystrate. Hierdie geskiedkundige Karooboustyl huis het bekend gestaan as Langner se huis.” (Helena Marincowitz)
Lance Speirs and his wife, Kerri, are the current owners, who have recognised the value of restoring this significant example of Karoostyle architecture.
As the town is discovering¸ Lance puts energy and commitment into his considerable skill as a craftsman, and there is much to be grateful for that he is undertaking this demanding task.
Apart from the parapet, photographic records which exist show a unique design for the veranda woodwork, and Lance sends out an urgent plea to anyone who can assist with more early pictures taken of this house.
Any help with old photographs would be greatly appreciated or any leads as to the original design of the fretwork (broekielace).
Enige kopieë van foto’s van hierdie huis, (Kerkstr 97), of enige leidrade van die oorspronklike “broekielace” ontwerp sal waardeer word.
Contact/skakel : Lance 084 473 3155.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:44 PM
Labels: Restourasie
New Speaker: We have to create more jobs
- Linda Jaquet -
As I hurried into the waiting room of the Municipal building in the middle of October, I struggled to catch my breath while trying to formulate a correct approach to the conversation I was about to have with the new Speaker in the Prince Albert Town Council.
I needn’t have worried. Councillor Stoffel Botes reflected a quiet confidence and an openness to share and to learn; all welcome qualities given that he is a relative newcomer to local government politics and to an influential position in an environment where interaction is robust and fraught with conflict and where even-handedness and a cool head is needed.
Botes, who has been the Speaker in the Prince Albert Town Council since the middle of September, is a member of the Democratic Alliance and, with his wife Carina and their young daughter Belinda, lives in Klaarstroom. Councillor Botes’ recent appointment as Speaker is in accordance with the verbal agreement between the DA and the ANC in the Town Council whereby they share the Executive Mayor and Speaker positions for the duration of the Council’s term.
Throughout the interview, Botes referred to the need for councillors to represent and work for the community, which he stressed includes everyone and every town and settlement in the greater Prince Albert area, including the oft-forgotten farmers and farm workers. His interest in uplifting the lives of ordinary people, he said, had informed his work as a Community Development Worker (CDW) in Klaarstroom and led to his wanting to be part of decision-making and to his entry into local-government politics in 2004.
Councillor Botes was clearly concerned about the importance of job creation in the Municipal area if the Council is to address the needs of the poor and emphasised that the magical words “job creation” had to be sustainable and help people acquire real and marketable skills. How to do this, he admitted, would not be easy and in so doing, would also mean dealing with the difficult questions of development, progress and the conservation of Prince Albert as a unique, historical rural town. He felt that the tourism potential of the town needed to be expanded, there needed to be more investment in this area of the town’s economy and thus more job opportunities created. Again, he felt that the community’s views on these essential issues should guide decision-makers.
Botes compared his role of Speaker to that of a chairperson. While the necessary laws and rules were in place on conducting meetings, he was also very aware that he had to use his discretion and common sense to manage meetings. His bottom line was, he said, that decisions had to serve the community, which meant greater co-operation between the two political parties represented in the Council. However, he cautioned that this was not easy because of the Hung Council and tendencies for councillors to play political games. He was acutely aware that this meant delays in decisions being made and implemented and raised the ire of residents.
He felt that one way of overcoming the sticking points in Council would be for both parties to be fully represented in all of the Council’s standing committees, thereby reducing unnecessarily lengthy debate of the committees’ recommendations by Council members. He counted the committees’ roles as invaluable as, he said, their members not only represented the community’s and ordinary people’s interests and views but also had specialised skills and experience. He encouraged everyone to take an interest in Municipal affairs and urged people with ideas and potential projects to present them to the Municipality.
Long term, Councillor Botes foresaw that the town’s prospects would depend on its investment in its young people. He hoped for stability in local government with people with appropriate skills filling positions in the Municipality and a Council that was well-informed and energetic.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:43 PM
Labels: Municipality
Dance, Art and All that Jazz
- Linda Jaquet -
Alfred Hinkel, the Artistic Director of the Cape Town-based Jazzart Dance Theatre believes passionately that Prince Albert has the potential for the successful establishment of a creative arts centre. Two years ago Jazzart held a week of highly-successful dance workshops in Prince Albert for youngsters in the area and followed this up with performances in the town by the company’s trainee dancers. Alfred and his colleagues have since raised the funds to fulfil their hope of developing a community arts project in Prince Albert leading eventually to a fully-fledged centre where young people can be trained in the performing and visual arts.
Jazzart propose to use their twelve year involvement with the communities of Okiep and Clanwilliam as a model for their plans in Prince Albert. In both these rural towns, they initially focused their workshops and performances in the local schools. As part of their Living Landscapes project in Clanwilliam, Jazzart and their partners host a week-long series of workshops in Clanwilliam each spring. Young people learn the art of lantern-making, puppetry, fireworks, dance, mask-making, rhythm and story telling. The week concludes with a parade through Clanwilliam at sunset and an open-air performance by the community, for the community. According to Alfred, community enthusiasm has increased every year and about 5 000 people joined this year’s parade.
“I believe that this would be easier to achieve here. After all you have artists and people with a range of skills living here and their contributions and ideas are vital,” Alfred told a group of Prince Alberters, who were interested in finding out more about Jazzart’s ideas for the town. He proposed that next year’s Olive Festival offered the perfect opportunity for a community arts project culminating in a parade and an open-air performance featuring the Jazzart dancers and local youngsters. Samuel Delport, Deputy Headmaster of Prince Albert Primêre Skool, enthusiastically endorsed the suggestion and offered his commitment to the proposed project.
“If you want to make something really work, you can’t expect it just to happen overnight, Alfred said. “If the community is interested in taking on this challenge, the time is now.”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:43 PM
Labels: dance
Farewell Cynthia!
- Ailsa Tudhope -
Early October saw several luncheons and tea parties where Cynthia Cory was wished God-speed as she set out on her next adventure – life in Mossel Bay.
Cynthia and her late husband, Jack, moved from Swaziland to Prince Albert in 1992.Cynthia told the Friend that at that time they were the first pukkah "English"toin the town and were warmly welcomed and embraced by the community.Clow-Wilson first met Cynthia when she found herself hospitalized during her first the week in Prince Albert. A very concerned Cynthia arrived at the hospital to make sure the “English lady” was coping in her Afrikaans surroundings.
Soon Cynthia had joined the Vroue Landbou Vereeniging (VLV), become a member of the Thursday Group and, later, the St John’s English services had their basis in her lounge, where the Fellowship group used to meet. These services led to the buildings being restored and the garden established, to the growth of the English-speaking part of the congregation and its work in the community. Over the years the townsfolk have been amazed at and drawn in by Cynthia’s enthusiasm and dogged determination to get things done.
During these years Cynthia’s life has been visited by joy and sorrow. It was here that she lost her dear husband and her son. Many in the community were able to stand with Cynthia during the sad days and to experience her support and comfort when they faced similar losses and challenges.
Cynthia, the people of Prince Albert are going to miss you, but we send you forth with our love and our blessings.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:42 PM
Labels: Farewell
Hoërskool Zwartberg se Wiskunde Sterre
Hoërskool Zwartberg se Gr 1 – 11 leerders het met die aanmoediging van hulle entoesiastiese wiskunde onderwys, Me Lola Bothma, in hierdie jaar se CAMI Wiskunde Kompetisie uitgeblink. Die skool se span is eerste geplaas in die Suid-Kaap – Karoo afdeling van die kompetisie met die meeste aantal leerders wat deur is na die finale rondte wat op Sondag, 19 Oktober, in George plaasgevind het.
Baie geluk aan al die leerders – gelys hieronder – wat deurgedring het na die finaal:
Gr 1
Bianca Vorster - 4de plek
Gr 2
Hegan Pipes - 2de
Pieter Koorts - 4de
Shaun v Zyl - 5de
Antonio Charles - 14de
Gr 3
Monique Klue - 1ste
Willie Gouws - 2de
Drieske Marais - 3de
Andrea Adams - 5de
Deodette Philander - 8ste
Shurwynne Roberts - 11de
Gr 4
Louis van der Nest - 11de
Thomas Gous - 13de
Gr 5
Driekus Marais - 10de
Sakkie Vorster
Gr 8
Bradley Maans - 4de
Kayla Jantjies - 5de
Beandri Tolken - 6de
Niel van der Nest - 7de
Kiewiet Grootboom - 8ste
Gr 9
Kallie Floorse - 5de
Gr 10
Cornelis Swanepoel - 1ste
Brendan Visagie - 5de
Gr 11
Nina Vermeulen - 1ste
Joshua Marais - 3de
Truwede Deelman - 5de
Melvin Apies - 7de
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:39 PM
Labels: Hoërskool Zwartberg
Zwartberg Runners Romp Home
- Abigail Modra -
Meiringspoort’s smoothly tarred road weaves gently in the shadows of the spectacular Swartberg and crosses the Groot River several times. The craggy faces of the mountain are covered in rocks and little indigenous plants. Beside the river, the plants grow thickly and baboons are a frequent sight.
Unfortunately, you don't see much of this beauty when travelling half asleep in a car at 4 am!
Zwartberg runners travelled to De Rust on Saturday, 18 October, to compete in the annual Meiringspoort 21.1 and 10 km runs. At the registration, we joined 1 900 other competitors to sign in and were then transported to the starts in numerous ostrich trucks. The club entered three runners in the half marathon and eight runners and one walker in the 10 km.
3...2...1...BANG! We were off! The weather was beautiful, the course was gentle and there were many water tables. At the end each runner/walker was welcomed in with loud cheering and clapping and the aroma of freshly braaied wors. The food stalls must have made a small fortune that day.
Our lot did extremely well. Patrick Lottering was our fastest, coming 6th in the 10 km! He was joined by Joshua Swanepoel and Heindirie Bostander who both came in the top 15.
Thank you to Alex Barnato for driving us safely to De Rust and back and for cheering and photographing everyone. Keep an eye on the Zwartberg Runners website, www.zwartberg.com/runners, for the photos and results!
Our runners’ results and times were:
10 km:
6th Patrick Lottering: 37.13
14th Heinderie Bostander:44.28
15th Joshua Swanepoel:44.44
38th Johanna Mokoaqo:51.38
63rd Abigail Modra:55.17
82nd Cornelis Swanepoel:56.54
120th Matthew van Heerden:1.01.05
162nd Ellen Nicol (Joubert): 1.05.24
325th Ione May (walking): 1.23.39
21.1km(886 runners participated):
396th Tracy Swanepoel:1.56.08
736th Juliana vd Westhuizen: 2.26.57
829th Maruschka Erasmus:2.40.55
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:38 PM
Labels: Zwartberg runners
Pass the baton!
- Terry Barnato -
Zwartberg runners were once again loyal supporters of the 2008 Oudtshoorn Lamprecht & Meyer relay race. We entered three high school teams: "Zwartberg A, B en C spanne", as well as a walking team: "Zwartberg Stappers".
Our "A Span" came 2nd in the High School category, narrowly missing the gold medal, as well as finishing 9th overall. All our young folk gave their all and enjoyed cheering each other on.
We might not have won any gold medals, but we did get a special mention at the prize-giving, as well as a thanks for having made the effort to come over the mountain.
We then celebrated our efforts with Steers burgers sponsored by the Zwartberg Runners club. Most of all we came back all fired up and ready to start serious training.
We would like to thank Billy van Rooyen for his efficient taxi service and a very special thanks to our club members who helped cover the transport costs. Without you we could not have participated.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
9:21 PM
Labels: Zwartberg runners