- Denise Ohlson -
Deur die jare het inwoners van Prince Albert gewoond geraak daaraan dat die hoofstraat in ‘n rivier verander sodra daar ‘n ordentlike bui reën val. En niemand kla nie, want almal is net te dankbaar vir die reën.
Maar op 24 Februarie en 5 Maart het twee wolkbreuke veroorsaak dat massas stormwater, modder en gruis Klipstraat oorweldig het, die leivoor in Nuwestraat toegeval het en deur Markstraat gedawer het om in die hoofstraat op te dam teen die verstopte stormwaterafvoerstelsel.
Dramatiese skade is aangerig aan munisipale infrastruktuur en persoonlike bates. By Nuwestraat 24 het die stormwater só opgedam en gemaal in ‘n foutief geboude stormwatersloot, dat dit ‘n totale buitegebou en tuinmuur laat ineenstort het. By Markstraat 37 is die stormwater by die motorhek in en dwarsdeur die huis, en by Oppiehoek in Markstraat het Hester Marais een oomblik nog oor die telefoon gesê alles is onder beheer, maar die volgende oomblik was haar hele huis enkeldiep oorstroom en het die dak ook sommer in ‘n gieter verander. Klipstraat 35 se steenkeerwal is omgekalwer en duisende rande se tuingrond en gruisklip weggespoel. Van Dykstraat 7 is twee keer in ‘n dam verander toe stormwater uit die straat, deur die buurtuin en oor die stoepmuurtjie die huis binnegestroom het. In Kerkstraat het waardevolle historiese ringmure in die slag gebly...
Ook in Noordend het ‘n hele aantal huise oorstroom, en die skoolkonsert, in volle gang in die VGK se saal, het in totale chaos ontaard toe die krag ook nog onderbreek is en kinders nie in die donkerte hul pad huis toe kon vind nie. ‘n Inwoner van Botterblomstraat het aan die Vriend beskryf hoe ‘n rivier water deur haar voordeur en by haar agterdeur uitgestroom het terwyl sy en haar gesin hulpeloos toegekyk het. ‘n Ander gesin se splinternuwe elektriese ware en voorrade kos is uit hul “blikhokkie” weggespoel.
Volgens Dawid Rossouw, waarnemende munisipale bestuurder, het die munisipaliteit se raadgewende ingenieurs, PD Naidoo, hulp aangebied om die vloedskade te bepaal sodat ‘n eis vir beskadigde infrastruktuur by Provinsie ingedien kan word. Die skade is vermoedelik in die omgewing van R2 tot R3 miljoen – wat werk insluit wat die herhaling van soortgelyke skade sal voorkom. Die ondersoek is nog nie afgehandel nie.
Provinsiale owerhede het ‘n onlangse vergadering van senior munisipale beamptes van die hele Wes-Kaap gewaarsku om voorbereidings te tref vir weerpatrone wat al hoe meer gaan wissel. Hulle het aangedui dat as gevolg van klimaatsverandering die Provinsie langer periodes van droogte kan verwag en dat meer en erger stormweer, soos dié wat in Maartmaand gebeur het, te verwagte is.
Omtrent tien jaar gelede is ‘n studie gedoen oor die dorp se stormwaterpro-bleme. Daar is ‘n stutdam gebou by Peredraai (die begin van die Weltevredepad), en randstene is gelê in die westelike deel van die dorp om stormwater weg te voer van laagliggende eiendom. Vervolgens is randstene vanaf Meiringstraat tot verby die BP Garage en ook in Noordend, hoog op die agenda.
Inwoner John Mckenna, kenner in die konstruksiebedryf, het aan die burgemeester voorgestel dat gevangenes in hierdie krisis gebruik word om die strate skoon te vee sodat die teer nie verder verniel nie. Die burgemeester het egter, in die lig van die werkloosheidsituasie, besluit om spanne tydelike werkers te gebruik om die strate te vee. ’n Bedrag van R35 000 is reeds op die opruimingswerk gespandeer.
Volgens Dawid Rossouw is alle strate klaar gevee en is daar slegs herstelwerk wat deur die munisipaliteit se eie publieke werkspan verrig moet word. Met die ter perse gaan van hierdie berig was groot dele van die dorp se strate steeds nie opgeruim nie.
Maar, soos Hester Marais gesê het toe sy so verwese tussen al haar deurweekte aardse besittings op die sypaadjie sit: “Ek sê net dankie vir die Liewe Vader dat hy reën gestuur het en nie vuur nie.”
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Stormwater veroorsaak erg skade
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:52 PM
Labels: Storm
Frederick Allers
- Lydia Barrella -
Vir baie mense in Prince Albert is die naam Frikkie Allers ‘n baie imponerende een. Hy was ‘n prominente figuur wat oral in ons dorp sy bydrae gelewer het. Die Fransie Pienaar Museum is een van die instansies wat sy bestaan te danke het aan die deursettingsvermoë van hierdie lang, intelligente en ywerige man.
As die bobaas kleremaker het hy begin naam maak in Prince Albert en later was hy ‘n gesiene sakeman. Hy het Die Handelshuis, ‘n kruidenierswinkel (waar Lewis Stores vandag is) baie suksesvol bedryf. Vanaf 1966 het hy sewe jaar lank as burgemeester gedien en weer van 1980 - 82 in dié tuig gestaan.
Dit was in hierdie tyd dat oom Frikkie die samewerking van sy dorpsraad verkry het om die ou hospitaalgebou, wat amper gesloop is, te koop en te restoureer met die doel om die Fransie Pienaar Museum daarin te huisves. Fransie Pienaar was oom Frikkie se skoonma en haar versameling is reeds vanaf 1971 in Kerkstraat 16, ‘n huis wat ook aan die munisipaliteit behoort het, uitgestal. Die gebruik van laasgenoemde huis as museum is ook deur hom bewerkstellig.
In 1982, toe Fransie Pienaar se versame-ling na die huidige gebou verskuif is, was hy aan die voorpunt met die stigting van die Vriende van die Museum en hy was ook die eerste voorsitter van hierdie vereniging. Op eie koste het hy verskeie kere Kaapstad toe gereis om met die Provinsiale Museumdiens te onderhandel om ons museum as Plaaslike Museum te laat verklaar. Dít het hy reggekry en op 24 September 1985 het Gene Louw, die Administrateur van Kaapland, toe die museum geproklameer as Plaaslike Museum.
Deur Frikkie Allers se daadkragtige versiendheid is die museum vandag die toe-rismekern van die dorp. Die pragtige ou Victoriaanse gebou is perfek sentraal geleë en hoogs geskik vir die uitstal van Fransie Pienaar se waardevolle en uitgebreide versameling.
Waarlik ‘n skat waarop ons as Prince Alberters trots is.
Frederick Allers, is op Prince Albert oorlede in sy 89ste jaar. Hier het hy sy lewe lank gewoon en gewerk. Hy laat sy vrou, Elize, agter na ‘n huwelik van 61 jaar. Sy kinders Derek, Frances en Retha, kleinkinders en agterkleinkind eer hom saam met almal wat die voorreg gehad het om saam met hom ‘n pad te stap.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:50 PM
Labels: Memoriam
Christelike Perspektief
- Reinie Smit -
Met Paastyd wat voorlê, raak ons weereens bewus van die groot rol wat die Here regtig in ons lewens speel. Daarom wil ek vir ‘n oomblik stil word en die volgende belofte (uit “Daaglikse Woord”, Julie 2007) met julle deel. Dis teen ons yskas vasgeplak, en elke keer as ek dit lees, bid ek “Here, help my asb om dié belofte my eie te maak.”
- Gal. 2:20 -
Vandag belowe ek U, Heer,
Om sterk te wees, sodat niks my gemoedsrus kan versteur nie.
Om oor gesondheid, geluk en hoop te praat met almal wat ek teëkom.
Om my vriende te laat voel dat daar iets moois en goeds in hulle is.
Om altyd die sonnige kant te sien en optimisties omtrent die lewe te wees.
Om net oor die beste te dink, die beste te doen en die beste te verwag.
Om net so bly oor die sukses van andere te wees as oor my eie.
Om die foute van die verlede te vergeet en na groter sukses in die toekoms te streef.
Om soveel tyd daaraan te bestee om myself te verbeter, dat ek geen tyd oor het om andere te kritiseer nie.
Om te sterk te wees vir vrees, te sag vir woede, en te gelukkig vir kommer.
Om elke dag my hart in gebed oop te maak, sodat Christus in en deur my kan werk en straal.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:48 PM
Labels: Christelike Perspektief
Letters / Briewe
Ek Laat van My Hoor
Ek wil net ‘n klip in die bos gooi, na aanleiding van die redaksionele kommentaar oor Afrikaans (Februarie 2009).
Dit is so dat daar te min Afrikaans in die Vriend is, maar as daar nie Afrikaanse nuuswaardigheid geskryf word nie, kan daar mos nie Afrikaans wees nie.
Dié wat wel stories skryf wat nuuswaardig is, is goed. Daar word egter oor ons geskryf, en dan is dit ook in Engels. Ek het niks teen Engels nie, dit is ook ‘n taal net soos enige ander taal.
Gebeur daar dan niks in ons omgewing, straat of op die plase wat belangrik is nie? Ek lig maar net my mening. Ek woon op ’n plaas waar daar erge drankprobleme is.
Van die mense het al hul werk verloor, deur die drankmisbruik. Ek het al verskillende instansies genader, maar daar gebeur niks nie. As iemand miskien met raad en leiding kan help, sal dit waardeer word.
By voorbaat baie dankie
Klaarstroom Kla?
Ek is ‘n inwoner van die Klaarstroom gemeenskap wat ongelukkig is en teleurgesteld voel dat die onderburgemeester van die dorp toegelaat het dat ‘n vrou, wat in ‘n huis op ’n plaas gebly het waar haar pa vir meer as 10 jaar werksaam was, nou ‘n plakkerhut in die plakkerskamp moet opslaan.
Na haar ma se dood het die vrou vir haar pa huisgehou. Die eienaar van die plaas het haar van sinkplate voorsien om vir haar ‘n plakkerhut op te slaan terwyl die onderburgemeester geweet het hoe gekant die munisipaliteit teen plakkers is. ‘n Ander boer vat toe die huis en omskep dit in perdestalle wat baie netjies gemaak is in vergelyking met die ander arbeiders-huise, wat omtrent agt meter van die stalle af is.
Dieselfde onderburgemeester het gehelp om die plakkerskamp van water te voorsien. Daar was ‘n kraan in die middel van die plakkerskamp. Maar net ‘n paar weke daarna laat die onderburgemeester egter die kraan omtrent 50 meter van die plakkerskamp skuif. Daar is gestremde persone wat nou van water afgesny is en wat van ander persone afhanklik is.
Op 23 Februarie 2009 laat die onderburgermeester sy kar was met ‘n oop pyp wat van die gemeenskapsaal af kom en wat nie eens ‘n lae druk spuit aan het nie. Hy praat van watervermorsing in die plakkers-kamp, maar is dit nie juis watervermorsing om ‘n kar met ‘n oop, hoë druk pyp te was nie?
(Identiteit van die skrywer is aan Die Vriend bekend).
Om hoflikheidshalwe is ‘n afskrif van die brief aan die Onderburgemeester voorsien. Dit het die Onderburgemeester te laat bereik om in hierdie uitgawe kommentaar daaroor te lewer indien hy sou wou
Hinkmangesin sê dankie
As Hinkmangesin bedank ons hiermee van harte ‘n ieder en elk wat betrokke was met organisasie en ondersteuning vir die verkryging van ons minibus-taxi:
Mev Rachel Roberts, vir u tyd, raad en ritse oproepe, u was ons laaste uitweg en altyd was daar nog tyd en nog advies.
Ook die mense in die konstitusionele kantoor van die LP Novello J Mack, waar Mev Roberts ook werksaam is.
Mnr Dawid Rossouw vir die hulp en briewe wat u te midde van u druk program geskryf het.
Almal wat vir Willem saamry geleent-heid gegee het.
Verder almal wat nie by name genoem is nie, baie hartlik dankie.
Prince Albert vs Greyton?
The article “Heritage: Proudly Prince Albert or just another Greyton? (October 2008) refers.
Having lived in Greyton for thepart of four years, I have yet to come across a more caring and giving community than that of this village. No one has ever asked me what I do and how much money I have. They care about me and my well-being. The fact that Greyton is so sought-after has put a premium on property values, which sadly might give it the image of 'keeping up with the Joneses".
The writer’s perception of Greyton is seriously distorted.When last was he here and how well does he know the people? In fact, I have no doubt that Greyton is the centre of the Universe.
What a wonderful town
In March, four, not so young, beautiful or bold ladies visited your town and fell in love with the place.
We arrived on a Friday afternoon and our first stop was the Museum. It was a wonderful experience and was summed up as a ‘must revisit place’. It was almost homely… maybe because it brought back memories of what we recalled in our Grannies’ homes. A big thanks to Debbie for all the time she spent with us, pointing out certain items of interest and the little parting gift of a very special “Friendship Poem”.
We then rushed ‘home’ to our cottage for the weekend … Vergeet-My-Niet…what a wonderful place and a garden to die for! Unpacked the car and managed to make the Ghost Walk on Friday the 13th. Just our luck, the wind came up and made it rather unpleasant to walk about, so no problem, Ailsa came home with us and continued with all the stories and had us in stitches. I can’t recall when we all laughed so much! Oh, if only we’d had teachers like Ailsa at school it would have been a more enjoyable place!
On Saturday morning we experienced the street breakfast….such a pity there was not a Sunday one as well! Boerie rolls, pancakes & figs & figs & figs……say no more!
Wherever we went, we were asked if we were the ‘Quilters’? At first we were surprised, and then felt honoured! Good news spreads! Yes, we were the quilters, and met your very own Patchwork Dolls.
It was such a pleasure to meet the local group and if we made a noise… apologies! But you can’t expect 12 women, who have such a passion, to be quiet. Naturally we all wanted to talk at once! Hopefully we will be back for a big Show and Tell (Quilt-related… quilters don’t tell tales!) and a big quilt meeting!
But what was just the best: before all the Patchwork Dolls arrived we had a very special visitor… Romy. Never have we had ‘foot fiddles’ in such a setting. Here we all are, sitting in this magnificent garden, feet in baths of cold water and having someone on their knees ‘toeing’ to us. Who needs a fancy beauty parlour when you can have Romy and Pam’s rose garden!
Saturday evening was spent at Karoo Kombuis - a splendid Karoo lamb meal, music fundi….. we agreed that Michael should be on Noot Vir Noot…. he would most certainly win! And a lemon pudding that left you wanting more! Just a pity about the sheep, watching us from the other side of the fence!
On Sunday we returned home, feeling rejuvenated and very privileged to have spent a weekend in a very different type of heaven.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:45 PM
Brett the Vet - As You Spike It
The infinitely intricate entities of so-called pests evoke cries of horror and elation: they can mean death or salvation. Our detachment from nature facilitates hostility towards animals that are simply living out their niche. Human attitudes rouse corresponding retaliation or reconciliation from animals. We have the choice to be at one or war with nature. Peaceful coexistence is a rarefied challenge.
The perceived nuisance of useful insects is a warped reality often met with profuse and inappropriate lashings of deadly poison, when fragrant herbal repellants would suffice. Ants invaded nip harmlessly at naked toes only to protect their nests of kin, as they work recycling dead animals to make way for the living, aerate the soil, and provide food for other animals.
There’s savoir faire in freeing the air of pestilential sprays on days of flies and heat while they get on with decomposing meat. Butterflies drenched in colour floating over soft, scented petals epitomizing lightness of being represent another phase of life beyond drudgery chewing greens. Yet flowers and fruit are still produced by plants with leaves latticed by larvae labouring towards transformation.
Making peace with mosquitoes that scheme to extract sanguinary sips slips from combat to admiration for tingling, filigreed resonance in harmonious, fluttering chorus. The flip side of irritation is intrigue.
Nonchalant distribution of noxious substances continues unbounded, regardless of human and other animal health. Every day people casually contaminate themselves, children, pets, livestock, plants, and the environment (including underground water) with poisons powerful enough to kill usually indestructible insects.
No poison is harmless even in small amounts, and many are known to accumulate in human flesh, absorbed through the skin and breath, or ingested with food and water. There are serious deleterious effects of poison on the body in the long-term. An alarming range of attributed illnesses including cancers, blood disorders, and hormonal disruptions has been described through medical research.
Mathematics for pesticide dose rates is easily confused and it’s not unheard of for ten or more times the recommended concentration to be applied. Ticks are tough but die at the suggested dose. Sheep are strong but also die beyond a certain threshold of tolerance.
Blood and the meat contain poison in unpredictable amounts. Just as the remarkably unblemished and no less delicious fruit and vegetables available on sale for the general public are often laced with poison without warnings. There are many safe ways of controlling parasites that do not involve the use of pesticides.
For pets the poison comes conveniently calculated in drops with a booklet of warnings in small print. Now there’s resistance at vast expense while garlic, essential oils and diatomaceous earth remain cheap and effective. Presumably everybody wants companion animals that can be safely petted on the back of the neck.
The growing organic movement demonstrates recognition of the ill effects of poison and renounces its use, while actively embracing sustainable agriculture.
Every living being except man knows its place in the world happily occupied within a functioning ecosystem. Consciousness about the inherent value and sanctity of all forms of life is something only humans need to learn.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:44 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
Starry Splendour Over Prince Albert
- Hans Daehné -
Autumn is an ideal star-gazing time because the last glimpse of the Summer Constellations can still be enjoyed together with the Autumn Constellations and a pre-view of the rich Winter Constellations.
As Orion, the hunter, prepares to depart from the celestial scene in the west together with his dogs, canis major and canis minor we have to take leave ofsome splendid sights like the Orion nebula, the huge red giant, Betelgeuse, and of course the brightest star, Sirius in the large dog.
The two bright stars of the twins (Gemini) Pollux & Castor are high up in the north early in the evening.
In April, Leo, the dominant autumn constellation, moves into prime observation position, the zenith but it has to be imagined as a lazy lion lying on its back. To the east of Regulus, the main star in Leo, we find a bright “star” which is actually Saturn. The rings of Saturn are viewed edge-on at the moment which happened last in 1995. Towards the end of the year the rings will open up again and then we will look onto the northern surface of the rings of Saturn in the constellation of Virgo.
It is now the best time for the year to look for Mercury after sunset from Gordon`s Koppie.
Venus and Mars are both morning objects with Jupiter in the very early morning in the constellation of Capricorn.
Full Moon is on the 9th and New Moon on the 25thApril.
Looking in the southern direction we find the gems of the southern sky namely the crosses and the Magellanic Clouds. As any boy scout will be able to tell you the two bright Pointers point to the Southern Cross, Crux, while the neighbouring Diamond Cross and the False Cross do not have such markers.
The long axis of Crux points in the direction of the celestial South Pole and extended further beyond the pole leads to the Small Magellanic Cloud while an extension of the long axis of the Diamond Cross will lead you to the Large Magellanic Cloud close by.
On a dark night the Coalsack, next to the Southern Cross, and Magellanic Clouds are beautiful naked eye objects while a pair of binoculars shows fascinating details.
Kepler, the space telescope that can detect very faint changes in the brightness of stars, has been successfully launched by NASA to search for earth-like planets for the next six years.
Love and protect our Earth- it is the only planet with chocolate! Keep the stars in your eyes!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:44 PM
Labels: Starry splendour
Help Save the Swartberg Pass
ALL Prince Alberters who have driven over our most famous National Monument and World Heritage Site, the Swartberg Pass, since the recent floods will have been shocked by the damage caused to the road and the unique and unparalleled dry stone walls. The rain appears to have been at its strongest in three places: just beyond Malva– draai, from the Blikstasie to the top of the zigzags beyond Droë Waterval, and on the sections approaching and leaving Teeberg.
Deep furrows, some almost the height of a donkey, have been emptied of stones and rocks. The walls have been washed away in several places. Gorges have been created, some already eroding the road, where water rushed down into the valley below. Bain’s original bedrock is showing in long stretches of road.
It is clear that the maintenance work of recent years has not been sensitive enough to Bain’s construction of drainage channels under the road and the road camber. Many of the drainage outlets had been filled in with soil and rock, the camber reversed with the consequence that large bodies of water tried to escape by running down the road. Soil pushed against the carefully constructed walls during maintenance also helped to direct the flows down the road. The road humps, constructed in recent years, also appear to have been inadvisable as some of the breaches of the walls took place immediately above these large obstacles. Clearly, future cloudbursts could result in similar damage to other places where these humps have been made.
What does this mean for Prince Albert? The fact is that the Pass is usually a dependable (and shorter) route to our main shopping and support areas. Time-consuming re-construction will hamper and prevent access during repairs (the washed-away bridge at the Prince Albert entrance to the Pass took two years to repair). But, the Pass is the main tourist attraction the town has to offer. Everyone visiting Prince Albert, whether they be motor-bikers, mountain bike cyclists, day visitors, celebrities, international or South African tourists want to see the Pass or at least walk in the gorge below. They admire the wonder of Bain’s engineering, imagine where they themselves would have laid it out, enthuse over the beautiful walls and, to varying degrees, fear the deep drops to the valleys below.
The Prince Albert Tourism Bureau, mindful of the impact of tourism on the local economy, has written to Cape Nature, and the National and Provincial Roads Departments. Those legally responsible for the upkeep of the Pass have been requested to inform Tourism of their plans. An offer has been made to host a meeting of all interested, accountable and responsible parties to discuss concerns and approaches to saving the Pass. The possibility of a national campaign has been mooted.
We call on all Prince Alberters, visitors, and those who share our concerns to let us have their views and proposals. The Tourism Office will maintain a book of comments, proposals, and photographs. We would appreciate all contributions.
Chair, Prince Albert Tourism Bureau
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:43 PM
Labels: Swartberg Pass
50 Ton en ‘n Pofadder
- Ellen Joubert -
Dit is wat die herwinningsprojek sedert verlede Augustus in 18 vragte aan Retain Re-use Recycle in Oudtshoorn gelewer het!
Prince Albert kan met reg trots wees op die herwinningsprojek. In ‘n tydperk van 7 maande is daar net meer as 50 ton herwinbare goedere ingesamel, verpak en weggestuur. ‘n Ton gemengde herwinbares is rofweg gelykstaande aan een kubieke meter in volume. Dit beteken dat die projek ‘n hele 50 kubieke meter spasie in die stortingsterrein gespaar het. Dit is beslis ‘n merkbare bydrae, veral aangesien die stortingsterrein byna vol is.
Die projek se sukses is hoofsaaklik te danke aan die groep mense wat elke dag op die projek werk. Meneer George Vi-sagie met sy span laai op Donderdae die herwinning sakke getrou op en op ander dae hou hulle enige herwinbare materiaal wat hulle teëkom apart vir die projek.
Meneer Josef Delport met Basie Tolken aan sy sy, werk elke week met ‘n span van 4 tydelike werkers wat hulle help om die herwinbare materiaal in te vorder, te sorteer en te verpak. Die tydelike wer-kers word onder andere uit ‘n groep mense aangestel wat nou al ervare sorteerders en verpakkers is.
Die mense met ervaring lei elke week die met geen of minder ervaring op. Op hierdie manier is daar al hoe meer tydelike werkers beskikbaar wat met kundigheid en vaardigheid die projek aanhelp.
Die motivering van hierdie spanne is sommer tasbaar. Waar die projek aanvanklik maar net genoeg materiaal ingesamel het om een maal elke twee weke ‘n vrag weg te stuur, werk die spanne nou so vinnig dat dit eintlik al nodig is om elke week ‘n vrag te laat haal.
Maar daar is ook risiko verbonde aan werk op die projek! Aan die begin van Maart, net mooi met die oplaai van sakke vol herwinbares op die bakkie en sleepwa wat dit na Oudtshoorn vervoer, merk iemand met ‘n uitroep ‘n fris pofadder tussen die sakke op. Die slang het vinnig verdwyn tussen die oorblywende sakke in en daar was geen ander raad as om die sakke een vir een te skuif om te soek na die slang nie.
Elke sak en karton is naderhand weggeskuif en weer teruggepak, maar van pofadder is daar geen teken nie. Iemand merk spottenderwys op dat die slang seker saamgery het Oudtshoorn toe, maar almal dog maar hy het seker stil-stil tussen die bossies in verdwyn. Ons het lekker gelag toe ons hoor dat daar by Retain Reuse Recycle reuse konsternasie was toe die einste pofadder tussen ‘n stapel van ons kartonne ontdek is!
As jy of jou besigheid nog nie deelneem aan die herwinningsprojek nie, kan jy gerus onthou dat dit ‘n maklike manier is om ‘n verskil te maak aan ons eie dorp se vaste afval bestuur en aan die integriteit van die planeet. Sit net op ‘n Donderdag-oggend jou sak vol herwinbare materiaal op die sypaadjie – dis so maklik soos dit!
Die munisipaliteit rapporteer dat die raad die implementering van die beplande terugkoop stelsel goedgekeur het en dat inwoners hulle herwinbares sal kan verkoop aan die projek sodra die munisipaliteit die nodige skale gekoop het. Hou dop vir besonderhede oor hoe hierdie stelsel sal werk.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:42 PM
Labels: Recycle
Recent Building Construction and My Learning Curve
- Michael J Aggett -
The Heritage Advisory Committee, a Building Advisory Sub-Committee of the Municipal Council, has no statutory powers. Similarly, the Prince Albert Cultural Foundation has statutory powers only when buildings more than 60 years old are involved. The town is therefore wide open to inappropriate new development.
National Building Regulations
No construction may begin until the Municipal Council has approved building plans in writing. National Building Regulations require that a new construction not be aesthetically incompatible with its environment: ‘waarskynlik of inerdaad [nie] ontsier onooglik of aanstootlik [nie]’.
Furthermore, a building should not reduce the value of neighbouring properties: ‘afbreuk aan die waarde van aangrensende of naburige eiendomme.’ Numerous cases of inappropriate development around the town indicate that these regulations are not rigorously applied.
The Building Inspectorate
A toilet facility on site for construction workers, provided by the property owner, is a municipal requirement. Out-of-town workmen should not be housed in the buildings they are constructing unless sewerage and water connections have already been made.
Once a building permit has been issued and construction commenced the Building Inspectorate is required to progressively sign off the completed work in stages (for example, at the foundation stage and roof level stage). When construction is complete it is the owner and builder’s joint responsibility to clear the site of lumber, rubble and trash within seven days.
Letters sent are not necessarily received and/or filed by the Municipality. Increasingly, decisions are transmitted telephonically and portions of the record may thus be lost to posterity. The security of Municipal records (readily available to involved and interested parties) cannot be guaranteed.
The Executive Mayor has the statutory power to overrule the Municipal Building Inspectorate, the Town Manager and the Municipal Council and unilaterally sign off building plans that may still be in significant contention between involved parties.
Illegal building work
The South African courts are reluctant to order the demolition of partially constructed or completed buildings. Property owners regularly transgress building regulations in anticipation of paying a modest municipal fine, and thereby score handsomely. The Prince Albert Municipality does not have the wherewithal to initiate costly and protracted legal proceedings against miscreant property owners.
Having experienced firsthand shortcomings in the building plan procedures in Prince Albert, my call is don’t accept anything at face value and become seriously proactive regarding these matters. The more so because a number of significant Prince Albert building projects are reportedly in the pipeline.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:40 PM
Labels: building regulations
Why Jesus Folded the Napkin
Readers, Mavis and Michael Aggett, contributed this piece in celebration of Easter.
Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection?
The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed over the face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes.
The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.
Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, “They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!”
Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see. The other disciple out ran Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside.
He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side. Is that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes! In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day.
The folded napkin had to do with the Master and the Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure it was exactly the way the master wanted it.
The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table until the master was finished.
Now if the master was done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers and mouth with the napkin and toss it onto the table.
The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, 'I'm done.' But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant knew that the folded napkin meant, 'I'm not finished yet.'
The folded napkin meant, 'I'm coming back!'
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:38 PM
Merweville Ons Nuwe Tuiste
- Lenor Snyman -
Jakkalsfontein, sowat 35 minute se ry anderkant Merweville, toon nuwe lewe. Die grasperke groei en die malvasteggies van Prince Albert af aangery het gevat en groei welig. Die apiesdo-rings en al die lavender is aan die groei. Met die heerlike reën van die afgelope tyd is die grond ook gevoed en toon elke pol gras se binnekant lewe. Die riviere het geloop en op sommige plekke het die panne "gelei" gestaan.
Die familie Snyman kuier gereeld saam en die plaas is 'n veilige hawe vir bedrywige studente. Kobus Jnr. is tans verbonde aan AFDA waar hy besig is om homself te bekwaam in die film- en media bedryf as "cinematographer and editor" (die hoofvakke in tweede jaar). Die opleiding is 'n groot uitdaging en hy vind die geleenthede verrykend. Abel is besig om homself te bekwaam as elektrisiën en werk en studeer tans in Ceres om die 5 jaar opleiding suksesvol te voltooi. Francis is tans in graad 9 in die Hoër Meisie-skool La Rochelle in die Paarl en geniet elke geleentheid om te ondersoek en deel te neem. Sy hou haar besig met aksie-netbal, atletiek en is in die afgelope atletiekseisoen as die beste 0/15 veldatleet gekies. Sy neem dans en kuns as ekstra vakke en geniet die nuwe uitdagings baie. Elke uitnaweek kuier die familie saam en danksy 'n veilige busdiens en vriende is dit byna elke naweek wat Frani op die plaas kan kom groet en kuier.
Fudge is baie tevrede met die nuwe klein skaaphond "Swart" en hy neem ywerig deel aan die opleiding. Die jong skaaphond word nou die vaardighede aangeleer vir die groot 'skaapwerk' eendag. Fudge is nou 'n plaasbrak en is baie opgewonde as almal kom kuier oor naweke. Ek dink hy mis die baie kinders by Hoërskool Zwartberg. Ma Snyman het 'n professionele hekoopmaker geword en na die grondpad na die plaas is dit 'n vreugde, om te gaan skoene uitskop en die Karoo te geniet.
Dit is vir ons heerlik op die plaas en Kobus mis die kinders baie, maar is baie gelukkig met al die nuwe uitdagings.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:37 PM
What’s Cool at this Year’s Festival!
- Kosstalletjies – roosterkoek, kuduburgers, hoenderbreyani, toffie appels, pannekoeke, soetlappies, biltong, roomys. And for the sophisticated palate, marinated sea food, crêpe suzette, Jamaican delights and much, much more ….
- Riebeek Kasteel’s Steel Band, back by popular demand
- Almal se "favourite" – die malle-meule
- Ons eie Brian Finch – kom luister na sy nuwe liedjie opgedra aan Outa Lappies
- Hennie Boshoff se kunsuitstalling
- Prince Albert Primêr se grasieuse trompoppies
- Jazz Art Dance Theatre’s children’s workshops and community theatre
- Historical Walks and Talks
- Patchwork Theatre’s magical storytelling
- Principia se Marimba Band
- David Ferguson’s scintillating blues harmonica playing
- Muscle Cars – the growl of the engines will let you know they’re in town
- Mej en Mnr O’lyfie kompetisie
- Cooking demonstrations
- Die Dorps- en Olyffees Groot Optog
- Musical performances for all tastes and ages
- Street Chess – test your brain power against Prince Albert’s young champs
- Late Night Ghost Walks with the Story Weaver
- Bier Tent en Braaivleis
- Kompetisies vir almal – Olyfpitspoeg-kompetisie, Sterk Man-kompetisie, Miskoek-gooi kompetisie!
- Olive tasting and curing demonstrations
- Stalls Galore
- Olive trees and products
Local is lekker!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:36 PM
Labels: Festival, Prince Albert Festival
Olives Go Wild
Prince Albert is in for a real treat. Linda Costa of Olives Go Wild will be conducting fascinating and mouth-watering olive talks and tastings during the upcoming Prince Albert Town & Olive Festival. Linda’s expertise and experience in the fields of olive oil appreciation and the curing of table olives is recognised internationally. During the Festival, she will talk on olive oil appreciation and tasting, as well as reveal a simple guide to processing table olives.
Olives Go Wild is a business venture set up by Linda Costa and Sandra van Schaik to support and actively participate in the young and dynamic South African olive industry. Linda and Sandra are passionate about all things olive, its history and the substance of these majestically timeless and ancient trees. Their enthusiasm and knowledge is unselfishly shared with many people in South Africa and abroad wanting to learn about these vibrant trees and their bounty.
This is an ideal opportunity to extend your knowledge about this wonderful natural product.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Appreciation – To know it is to love it.
Learn how olive oil is made, what is meant by ‘extra virgin’ and how to protect your favourite olive oil. We will taste gorgeous oils and demonstrate the difference between the flavour-enhancing quality oils and the fly-by-nights, often perceived to be bargains. We will discuss how to use olive oil and expand on the ‘extra’ health benefits.
Duration: 60 minutes – 1 and 2 May at 10h00
Table Olives Made Easy
No more sleepless nights worrying about your olives in the bath! No more cancelled holiday breaks due to early olive harvesting! Learn how to make the best tasting table olives without any hassles.
By gaining an understanding of the fermentation process and an insight into possible problem areas, the curing of your olives will become easy, exciting and the result will be olives with consistent taste and texture.
Duration: 60 minutes – 1 and 2 May at 12h00
Tickets cost R100 per person. Advance booking is strongly advised as space is limited. All talks will be held in the conference room at the Swartberg Hotel.
For bookings call: Essie 083 387 1199 or Wendy023 5411 687/023 5411 787
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:35 PM
Labels: Festival, Prince Albert Festival
Library Week 2009
- Ailsa Tudhope -
The annual tea party for readers over 60 took place at the NG Kerksaal on Tuesday 17th March. It seems there are more guests each year! This time there were about 120 people who gathered to enjoy the entertainment and a cup of tea and delicacies provided by the Friends of the Library.
An eye-catching backdrop, consisting of handmade quilts and dolls, had been provided by members of the Vlytige Vingers Patchwork group. Chen Freysen, the Friend’s Committee Chair, welcomed everyone to the event and introduced the first guest artists – the Victoria Akademie children.
Chrisna Smit, their teacher, established the school at the beginning of the year. Ten local children of various ages, including her daughter Hané, are following Christian-based curricula, three in English and the others in Afrikaans. Beandrė Tolken presented a reading from NP van Wyk Louw’s ‘Vroegherfs’ and then the children sang some songs from the FAK songbook, followed by a solo from Laetitia Marais.
A familiar TV star, Michael Brunner, then took the floor and delivered a rousing rea-ding of ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling, followed by a marvellous Herman Charles Bosman tale of the Anglo-Boer War. We look forward to many more stories delivered in his deep velvet voice, since Michael and his wife Gunda plan to settle in our village.
Caleb and Rebekah Swanepoel then delighted the audience with song and were joined by more of their extended family for ‘Singing in the Rain’ – a gentle reminder of last week’s floods?
Prince Albert is richly blessed in its library staff. Thank you, Reinie, Bettie and Jeanetta for your service to the community and the extra time and effort you and the Library Friends put into making the annual tea party such a special event. Meer oor Biblioteekweek in volgende maand se Prince Albert Vriend!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:29 PM
Labels: biblioteek
Bernadette’s protégés
- Ailsa Tudhope -
During March Bergwater Wineries and Prince Albert welcomed back opera singer Bernadette ter Heyne, this time accompanied by her husband Jan, on another flying visit from Holland. She spent the week rushing between Hoërskool Zwartberg, Prince Albert Primêr and St John’s Church, giving small groups of children singing lessons.
Caleb Swanepoel of Albert College gave his impression of the training:
“Each time we did a series of warm-up exercises, to prepare our voices for singing. One exercise was ‘La-ooh.’ Bernadette played a note, we sounded it and then she explained in a very vivid way how we should think: ‘Imagine ripples in a pool, getting bigger and bigger. In the centre is a deep hole – imagine your voice going down.’ She was very friendly and gave us lots of advice. She actually held our jaws and pushed our mouths in to help us get the correct sound.
It is a pity that some of the children didn’t arrive on time for practices and at least five didn’t come to perform in the concert. At one stage Bernadette even thought she was going to have to cancel the concert, which would have been awful.”
Bernadette het aan elke kind ‘n lied gegee om te sing, terwyl ander self hulle lied gekies het.
Elkeen moes eers die storie van die lied verstaan en aan Bernadette verduidelik voordat hulle die lied leer sing het. Op hierdie manier het Bernadette hulle gehelp om die storie goed oor te dra terwyl hulle sing.
Saterdag, 7 Maart, het almal lank voor die tyd vir die konsert by St John Kerk bymekaargekom. Die kinders het in die tuin joga-oefeninge gedoen om te ontspan en hulle asemhaling te reguleer. Bernadette het hulle aan-gemoedig om nie te haastig te wees nie, en mees belangrik, om hulself te GENIET. Hulle moes as ’n span saamwerk: terwyl een kind sing moes die ander hom of haar ondersteun.
Die kinders het almal baie mooi gesing. Die gehoor was dadelik bewus van al die harde werk wat die kinders ingesit het. Dit kon nie ‘n maklike taak gewees het om die wenners te kies nie. Veels geluk aan Marshaline en Caleb, wat gesamentlik die eerste pryse gekry het, in die tweede plek was Andrew en Rebekah en Waldon en Hildegarde het die derde plek behaal.
Bernadette has given all the children voice exercises to practice which will help them prepare for her next visit. Thank you Bernadette for the energy and enthusiasm you pour into encouraging our children to, as you said: “take these little seeds and grow them into large flowers!” Their growing self-confidence and obvious enjoyment must be a great delight to you.
Thanks also to St John’s Chapelry for the use of the church for practices and the concert.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:28 PM
Oil and Ink
- Brent Philips-White -
Oil and ink are both passions of artist, Joshua Miles, whose paintings and woodcuts have been on regular display at the Prince Albert Gallery for the past three years. Oil being the medium of his paintings, mostly Karoo landscapes where he combines bold application of paint to create evocative images of our countryside, capturing the depth of the land with the interplay of light and shadow and the intensity and subtlety of the evening and morning light.
The ink component comes in the reduction block woodcuts which he has an absolute passion for and which he painstakingly produces. Carving into soft wood, applying the first dark layer of printers ink, hand printing on to paper, cleaning the ink from the wood, carving the next layer of the image, applying the next lighter shade of ink to the wood, setting the wood block with exactly the correct register over the first part of the image. This process is repeated over and over again until the lightest shade has been applied and the complete image reveals itself.
A frequent visitor to Prince Albert, passionate about the vast landscapes and huge skies we are blessed with, Joshua Miles’s exhibition, which opens at the Prince Albert Gallery on Good Friday, will combine these three passions. He will be showing paintings of our local landscapes twinned with woodcuts of the same scene.
Joshua has been honing his craft since completing his studies in Fine Art at UCT. He lives with his Scottish wife, Angela and five year old son Fred at the burgeoning artists enclave of Baard-skeerderbos.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:27 PM
Labels: Art
Emile Minnie in concert
-Tim Rowson -
Prince Albert had the opportunity to see the many talents of Emile Minnie on 28 February at the Kevin Hough Gallery. This singer-songwriter not only performed a selection of his own work, but also showed his keen ability on the clarinet and electronic piano.
The set opened and closed with the haunting and memorable piece on the clarinet from Verdi’s ‘La Forza del Destino’, the mood of which was in stark contrast to the body of the show. This saw Emile interweave plenty of comedic anecdotes with his own songs, many from his latest CD, “Nag-musiek”.
These included the evocative poem “Rietfontein” by I D du Plessis, which Emile has set to music and “Sandkasteel”, inspired by a visit to Morocco. He showed his versatility by including two of Edith Piaf’s much-loved chansons.
Emile’s slick work on the piano was quite mesmerising, and he could have happily extended all the magical riffs, which had the light instrument bouncing under his control.
Being able to combine all these crafts together so expertly created a crackling show, and it is the mark of a true artist to be able to pull it all off in such an entertaining manner. This was a showcase of vibrant Afrikaans culture, which had the audience clapping and whooping for more.
Emile has three CDs on release and these can be sourced from his website at www.emileminnie.com.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:26 PM
We Have a New Chamber of Commerce
Prince Albert’s business community and enterprising individuals will have a united and stronger voice after the inaugural meeting of the new Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce on 19 March at the Swartberg Hotel.
At the meeting, which was attended by around 30 interested people, Jo Long and Sally Arnold briefly outlined the Chamber's objectives and services which aim to represent business interests and the economic well-being of the entire Prince Albert community.
Judging from the questions and discussion the presentation clearly aroused the interest of many in the room.
An interim steering committee presented a draft constitution which was approved and ratified by the meeting.
The meeting agreed on a number of basic services:
- A website was successfully applied for and will soon be operational (www.princealbertchamber.org) ;
- The offer of the Swartberg Hotel to provide its conference facilities and services for the Chamber was agreed to with thanks;
- The contact phone number is(Yolande Singery) and the official address will be: Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce, Swartberg Hotel, PO Box 53 Church Street Prince Albert 6930
- An A-Z Directory of Services is currently being prepared by the Chamber and will soon become available in various outlets.
- A number of affordable membership categories and fee structures are being prepared that will enable as inclusive a membership profile as possible;
- A membership recruitment drive. This is off to a good start, with a number of businesses and individuals registering right away
- Regular meetings will be held on a quarterly basis throughout the year at the Swartberg Hotel. . An Annual General Meeting is also set for 18 March 2010
For more information contact Yolande Singery at 0713799983.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:24 PM
Labels: Chamber of Commerce
‘n Skitteraand! Mnr. en Mej. Prince Primêr word gekies!
-D F van der Ross, Prince Albert Primêr Kulturele Komitee -
Prince Albert Primêr se mini-kermis het op 3 Maart begin met die uitdunne van die Mnr en Mej Prince Albert Primêr-kompetisie. Daar was groot opwinding en ons ouers en kinders het ewe hard gejuig vir die deelnemers. Die beoordeelaars het `n moeilike taak gehad om die finaliste te kies. Hulle was dit eens dat die standaard baie hoog was. Ons modelle het gestraal op die loopplank in hul gesofistikeerde uitrustings. Hulle het hard gewerk om voor te berei vir die aand en hul selfvertroue en waagmoed was te bewonder.
Ons het ook ‘n lekker konsert gehou op 5 Maart. Die kinders was te oulik en die gehoor het dit baie geniet. Die Patchwork Theatre het ons vermaak met Summer Loving en Greased Lightning. Hulle het skaars Greased Lightning klaar gesing toe die vreeslikste donderstorm oor Prince Albert losgebars het! Die saal was in donkerte gedompel en ons moes die konsert staak. Ouers en onderwysers het verskrikte kinders deur die donkerte en in diep vloedwater huis toe gery. Ons het besluit om die res van die mini-kermis uit te stel tot die volgende week omdat sommige van die kinders baie groot geskrik het tydens die storm.
Die kroningsaand is op 12 Maart gehou en dit was voorwaar ‘n skittergeleentheid. Baie geluk aan ons wenners: Mej. PAP Senior- Anolisha Paulse, Eerste Prinses- Benita Magiel, Tweede Prinses- Christolene Waterboer. Mej PAP Junior – Anastacia Miljiet, Eerste Prinses- Kaylin van der Ross, Tweede Prinses- Devenisha Arends. Mnr PAP Senior- Edric Windvogel, Eerste Prins- Corbin Pienaar, Tweede Prins- Eunice Pienaar. Mnr. PAP Junior- Dameitrio Sass, Eerste Prins- Denwill Heins, Tweede Prins – Ashlin Mackay.
Baie, baie dankie aan ons beoordeelaars. Ons waardeer julle harde werk opreg. Sonder u ondersteuning sou die mini-kermis nie ‘n sukses kon gewees het nie. Nogmaals dankie aan Dr Brett Bard, Elise Senekal, Andile Mkabile, Mike Upton, Louisa de Villiers, Rose-Marie Ewerts, Hennie en Rossetta Boshoff, Linda en André Jaquet. Ons het opregte waardering dat u bereid is om nieteenstaande u besige programme steeds gewillig is om vir ons te help.
Die mini-kermis het op Saterdag 14 Maart op ‘n hoë noot geëindig met die sportdag op die Odendaal-sportgronde. Sarah Sass se trompoppies het hul passies met grasie en noukeurigheid uitgevoer. Ons sien uit daarna om hulle weer in die Olyffees optog te sien! Baie dankie ook aan die sport kommitee onder leiding van Mnr Neville Claassen wat gesorg het vir ‘n opwindende dag. Daar was atletiek, netbal en rugby. Baie dankie ook aan die Zwartberg Runners wat die afloswedstryd gereel het.
Dankie ook aan die gemeenskap wat ons ondersteun het. Ons vra om verskoning dat ons die Kroningsaand en die Sportdag moes uitstel, maar u sal verstaan dat die kragonderbreking agv die storm buite ons beheer was. Ons sien uit daarna om volgende jaar weer die mini-kermis te reel!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:23 PM
Labels: PA Primêr
Minister: P A Municipality is Healthy
- Linda Jaquet -
During a visit to Prince Albert on 13 March, the Western Cape MEC for Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Pierre Uys, said that he was satisfied with the Municipality’s achievements to date and with its implementation of major projects. He felt that the appointment of the new Municipal Manager could only strengthen the already healthy situation he found during his visit. At the same time, he praised the efforts of Dawid Rossouw, who has acted as Municipal Manager since March 2008.
Minister Uys’ visit drew attention to the Provincial Government’s commitment to upgrading and building infrastructure in the Central Karoo this year. The Province has allocated R13.3 million to infrastructure projects, such as building and upgrading of roads, storm water drains, pipe lines, waste water works and bulk water provision, in the region. Funding will be channelled through the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG).
The MEC inspected the upgrading of Prince Albert’s waste water treatment works, where the oxidation dams need relining. The project of R4.7 million is being undertaken after the old dam walls started cracking and water seeped into a nearby river. The upgrading and lining of the dams will prevent future percolation into the underground water.
Minister Uys pointed out that the Province’s financial support of projects like the upgrading of the dams not only primarily benefited poor households, but had many positive spin-offs. “It stimulates economic growth, job creation and ultimately, improves service delivery and contributes to a better quality of life for all our people,” Uys said. “For example, the Municipality’s upgrading of the dams directly benefits the lives of 5 221 people and 1 199 households.”
According to Dawid Rossouw, Minister Uys had noted that Prince Albert was one of only seven municipalities in the Province to have its Anti-Corruption Policy in place. Uys had also referred to water crises throughout the Western Cape and instructed the Council to move quickly to free up invested funds so as to relieve Klaarstroom’s water problem and construct a water pipeline from the Swartberg to Prince Albert.
While in Prince Albert, Minister Uys attended the official opening of the Sydwell Williams Sentrum by the Executive Mayor, Magdalena Benjamin.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:22 PM
Labels: Municipality
New Municipal Manager
- Linda Jaquet -
Juanita Fortuin is Prince Albert’s new Municipal Manager. She is due to take up her position in the next two months. Ms Fortuin is currently a senior official in the Provincial Department of Local Government and Housing in Cape Town, where she is responsible for Governance and Integration. Her portfolio includes the areas of Integrated Development Planning and Intergovernmental Relations, as well as Municipal Support and Capacity Development.
Ms Fortuin will take over from Dawid Rossouw, who has been Acting Municipal Manager for over a year. Rossouw came out of retirement to fill the position following the resignation of Newton Wicomb in August 2007.
The Municipal Council has yet to appoint the Community Services Manager. We understand that the hung Council could not reach agreement on the recommended candidate and that the post is to be re-advertised. The Acting Community Services Manager, Edwin September, will apparently continue in the position until it is filled.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:21 PM
Labels: Municipality
Renu-Karoo hosts Prince Albert Garden Club
- Linda Jaquet -
There was a good turnout of Garden Club members, their visitors and potential new members at the plant propagation workshop at Renu-Karoo Veld Restoration’s facilities near the Prince Albert sewage dams on 4 March.
Renu-Karoo’s Sue Milton-Dean demonstrated with passion and much humour how to make cuttings of both hard and soft wood from indigenous plants. She also revealed the innovative and sometimes extraordinarily canny ways Karoo plants reproduce in the harsh, arid environment, their seeds often lying dormant for many years.
The interactive meeting saw members eagerly seeking the advice of Renu-Karoo staff members and making their own cuttings to take home and care for.
To learn more about Renu-Karoo’s work and objectives, take a look at their website: www.renu-karoo.co.za
The next meeting of the Garden Club is on 1 April with a visit to the olive press at Kredouw Farm. Please meet at the Fransie Pienaar Museum, from where cars will leave promptly at 14h30. For more information, call Michael Upton on 023 5411-872.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:20 PM
Labels: Renu-Karoo
Victoria Akademie Bied Individuele Onderrig
- Denise Ohlson -
Volgens Chrisna Smit, voorheen verbonde aan Hoërskool Zwartberg (1998-2002 en weer 2005 -2008) as onderwyser in verskeie leerareas, maar van 2007 slegs Engels, het soveel radikale omwentelinge die afgelope dekade in skole plaasgevind, dat sy tot die slotsom gekom het dat die huidige skolestelsel ruimte geskep het vir private onderrig.
Met ‘n hoofstroomstelsel gerig op die massas en waar individuele aandag onmoontlik is as gevolg van skreiend oorbevolkte klasse, het sy besluit om haar eie loopbaan op te offer en deeglik navorsing gaan doen oor die alternatiewe moontlikhede wat in die mark beskikbaar is. Haar oorwoë keuse het geval op die hoogs aangeskrewe Impak/ Delta Christelike Onderwys stelsel, en met haar eie dogter en nog nege kinders het sy die 2009 akademiese jaar met oortuigde daadkrag begin.
Victoria Akademie bied al die gewone skoolvakke aan en leerders het die keuse om die kursus in Afrikaans of Engels te voltooi terwyl hulle teen hul eie pas werk onder Chrisna se kundige leiding en toegewyde toesig. Sy kan staatmaak op professionele insette van mense soos André Goosen, wat sy gekoöpteer om haar by te staan.
Chrisna sê: “Enigeen wat belangstel in die toekoms van ons jeug, sal besef dat individuele behoeftes, gebreke en talente individuele aandag verg. Die Victoria Akademie bied gespesialiseerde onderrig aan kinders van Gr 1 tot Gr 12, en ek konsentreer op basiese vaardighede wat in die nuwe skolestelsel in die slag gebly het. Vaardighede soos lekker bak en brou sessies, naaldwerk en kreatiewe naaldwerk, kuns en algemene kultuurwaardering, en om ‘n liefde vir eie skepping by leerders te kweek.”
Wat vir haar van groot belang is, is dat haar Akademie kinders in Prince Albert hou wat andersins koshuisgangers in ander dorpe sou word. Sy glo “dat dit ouer en kind die geleentheid bied om nouer bande te smee terwyl goeie plattelandse waardes by die leerder ingeboesem word. Terselfdertyd verloor die dorp en die gemeenskap ook nie die finansiële bydraes wat die ouers kan maak nie.’’
Eersdaags word ‘n opedag gehou en gedurende die Olyffees sal die akademie stalletjies hou waar handwerkstukke en gebak van die leerders te koop aangebied sal word. Op 21 Maart het lede van die akademie aan Words and Music by die St John’s Kerk deelgeneem en het ook tydens Biblioteekweek vir ons senior burgers opgetree.
Chrisna nooi enige persoon wat belangstel in die aktiwiteite van die onderrigsentrum om met haar te skakel by 082 373 2385.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:19 PM
Labels: Victoria Akademie
Veels Geluk, Christian de Wit
Baie geluk, Christian de Wit, met jou A-gemiddeld in die matriek eind-eksamen. Christian was in 2008, Hoër Landbouskool Oakdale te Riversdal, se Dux-leerling. Hy het uitstaande punte vir Wiskunde, Natuurwetenskappe, Landbouweten-skappe, Lewens Oriëntering, Engels en Afrikaans behaal.
Christian was voorheen ‘n leerder by Hoërskool Zwartberg waar hy gr 10 klaargemaak het. Hy studeer nou ingenieurswese by die Universiteit Stellenbosch.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:18 PM
Jong Seuns Lewer Kookwater Krieket
- Dirk Visser -
Die o/13 krieket span van Prince Albert Primêr het 19 Februarie teen Hoërskool Zwartberg gespeel en 23 Februarie was dit die o/11’s se beurt.
Daar het groot opwinding geheers tydens die busrit na ons buurskool en die wedstryde het vir nog verdere opwinding gesorg.
Zwartberg se o/13 span het eerste gekolf en 63 lopies in 25 boulbeurte aangeteken. Prince Albert Primêr het aanvanklik gesukkel, maar danksy ‘n briljante onoorwonne 25 van Marlow Vries het die besoekers Zwartberg met 6 paaltjies geklop. Marlow se beurt het drie viere en ‘n uitstekende ses ingesluit.
Danksy puik boulwerk deur Zwartberg se o/11’s het hulle Prince Albert Primêr tot 40 lopies in 20 boulbeurte beperk. Ten spyte van goeie boul-en veldwerk deur Prince Albert Primêr is die wenlopies deur Zwartberg in die 18de boulbeurt geslaan.
Die twee spanne se gedrag was onberispelik en dit is wonderlik om te sien dat krieket met soveel entoesiasme in die platteland beoefen word. Sterkte aan die twee spanne vir die res van die seisoen.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:15 PM
Labels: Krieket
Zwartberg Runners News
- Terry Barnato -
Six o’ clock in the morning, to the strains of “Chariots of Fire,” saw five Zwartberg Runners on the start line of the Cango Half Marathon. The sixth runner, Tracy Swanepoel had already left an hour earlier on the buses that would take the marathon runners out to the start at the Cango Caves. They would run the 42.2km back into Oudtshoorn, joining the 21.1km runners for the last 8km to the finish line.
The morning was cool and fresh and the run headed out of town, taking the runners on a dirt track through some of the rural area around Oudtshoorn, before turning back to finish at the Military Base. Our runners finished well, in that they were all happy with the effort they had made!
The finishing times were:
Brian Modra 01.49.59
Terry Barnato 02.12.15
Juliana vd Westhuizen 02.19.04
Sandy Bower 02.19.09
Charlotte 03.01.03
Maruschka Erasmus 03.01.05
Tracy Swanepoel 04.37.50
like these can be very enjoyable as all along the route there is encouragement from other runners, as well as the folk manning the marshal points and water stations. Somehow, it is easier to run these longer distances in this way than during everyday training.
Zwartberg Runners will be at the start line in Oudtshoorn again on 4 April at the KKNK, where a 21.1km run is offered, as well as a 10km race. We hope to take some of our Hoërskool Cross Country runners and see what they can do! Anyone wanting to join us is welcome! Just come and let us know.
The Cross Country at Hoërskool Zwartberg has begun very well. We have had a record attendance of 36 young runners whose enthusiasm has not diminished.
We have lots to offer these young folk in the line of competitions this year including our own event on 16 May. We are glad for their enthusiasm and we hope that these weeks will instil in them a love of running and keeping fit. We wish them good luck!
If anyone would like to join the Zwartberg Runners you can contact Janet or Terry at 023 5411 462 or 072 331 9354.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
6:51 PM
Labels: Zwartberg runners