- Denise Ohlson -
Die suidelike gedeelte van die Groot Karoo waar ons woon, is ‘n pragtige, oop, skoon en gesonde wêreld, maar net so mooi as wat die veld kan wees, oordek met gras en blomme, net so droog en ongenaak-baar kan die gebied raak.
Om Joseph Steyn van die plaas Rietfontein, geleë op die Kruidfonteinpad tussen Prince Albert en Leeu-Gamka aan te haal: “Ons het pas die vierde agtereenvolgende droë somer beleef. Omdat ons geen grasgroei gehad het nie, is die ruvoer reserwes totaal uitgeput.
Om diere dus ruvoer en kragvoer te gee wat aangekoop word, is onekonomies omdat die diere hul eie waarde binne vyf maande opvreet. Hoë voeraankope en klein lammeroeste het baie boere nou finansieël gedreineer.”
Daar was regeringsfondse vir drie maande beskikbaar om boere te help voer koop, met die hoop op reën, maar tevergeefs.
Meiring Hugo, wat sedert 1981 53km buite Prince Albert op Willemskraal boer, sê dat die gemiddelde reënval op sy plaas die afgelope 30 jaar 147mm was. 2006 en 2007, sy swakste landbou-jare ooit, was ondergemiddelde reënjare van net 102.5mm.
Peter Lawson van die plaas Jan Willemsfontein, 9 km buite Leeu-Gamka, was optimisties dat die 18mm reën wat in Junie en Julie op sy plaas geval het, tesame met die koue, ryperige nagte, sal help om weiding vir sy skape hierdie jaar te verseker: “’n Bietjie water help baie om die hele groeiproses aan die gang te kry”, het hy aan die Vriend verduidelik. Terselfdertyd hoop hy dat die distrik meer reën voor die lammerseisoen in Septembermaand sal kry.
Hoewel die Sentrale Karoo die armste distrik in die Wes-Kaap is, bly landbou met 30% die grootste werkverskaffer. Wanneer werkers plase verlaat om ‘n beter heenkome te soek, word hul poste nie gevul nie en hul werklose teenwoordigheid plaas geweldige druk op dorpe.
Inwoners en besoekers - veral in ‘n dorp soos Prince Albert, waar water in die strate in leivore loop en die dorp groen is - besef nie dat die veld in ‘n rampstoestand is en dat boere en hul diere ‘n stryd voer om te oorleef nie. Vanaf Laingsburg in die weste, Merweville, Prince Albertweg, die noordelike gedeelte van Prince Albert, Leeu-Gamka, dele van Beaufort-Wes tot by Rietbron in die ooste, slaan die droogte sy kloue al hoe dieper in. Die meeste boere kan nie meer bekostig om voer aan te koop nie en daar is geen produksie op veeplase nie. Die direkte gevolg is dat die finansiële posisie van veeboere uiters benard is.
Joseph Steyn vertel verder: “Ek sien net nie meer kans om aan te hou voer nie. ‘n Mens wag vir die reën wat volgende maand, volgende seisoen, volgende jaar, sal val - en so hou dit al vier jaar aan. Daarom het ons 1 180 ooie na boere by Mosselbaai, Beaufort-Wes en Victoria-Wes geneem waar die helfte van die opbrengs geneem word as vergoeding vir die weiding.”
“Gelukkig is ons boere ‘n trotse nasie,” sê Samie Luttig van die plaas Drie Riviere. Hy boer saam met sy seun Boeta, die vyfde geslag Luttigs in die distrik. “Ons ken ons God en gaan nie sommer lê wanneer dit swaar gaan nie. Baie boere het uitgespring om ekstra te verdien en boervroue het gaan skoolhou om kos op die tafel te sit.”
Hy sê dit is bitter vir ‘n boer as hy in die veld ry en sy diere kom na die bakkie aan op soek na voer en hy het nie kos nie, want die koöperasie wil nie verder help nie en die bankbestuurder is nie bereid om die limiet verder te verhoog nie. “Gelukkig was daar mede-boere uit die Wes- en Suid-Kaap wat met voer gehelp het. Hiervoor is ons almal baie dankbaar.”
Op Swartbult, die bekende Vyeplaas buite Prince Albert, vertel Jeanette Marais dat lusern, wat ten duurste aangeplant is, deur koedoes opgevreet is. “Dit moet vervang word - teen R2 000 per ton. Verlede seisoen is ongeveer 60% van die vyeoes deur die honger koedoes opgevreet en moes draad en pale gekoop word om die boorde toe te span. Een rol staaldraad van 1 500 m kos R900! Ander verhoogde kostes soos brandstof, lone en belastings wurg die boere verder. ”
In “Die Gang”, ten noorde van Prince Albert, lyk die prentjie heeltemaal anders. Volgens Anthony Mullins van die plaas Kredouw aan die voet van die Kredouwpas, het hulle 40mm reën in Junie gehad en het 58mm reën al in Juliemaand geval.
Die reën en die sneeu wat hierdie winter op die Swartberg geval het, het ook baie gehelp, sê hy. Die Langrivier loop en die plaasdamme in die gebied is vol.
Die Oukloofdam staan op ‘n gesonde 97% vol, maar Deon Gouws van die Prince Albert Waterforum waarsku dat nog reën hierdie seisoen nodig is om te verseker dat die dam in die somermaande voldoende water aan boere in die Prince Albert-omgewing kan voorsien.
Dankie aan Samie Luttig, Joseph Steyn, Meiring Hugo en Jeanette Marais vir hulle bydrae.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:32 PM
Labels: Droogte
Sterreprag oor Prince Albert
- Hans Daehne -
In Augustus lyk die sterrehemel weer effens anders as gewoonlik, miskien omdat niemand in die koue maande snags buite lank genoeg vertoef om die geleidelike verandering dop te hou nie.
Dit is nou die tyd vir die wintersterrebeelde Aquila (die Arend), Lyra (die Lier) en Cygnus (die Swaan) wat almal effens bo die horison in `n noordelike rigting sigbaar is. Die helder hoofsterre van hierdie konstellasies, naamlik Altair, Vega en Deneb respektiewelik, vorm dan ook die Winterdriehoek.
Die Swaan word met uitgestrekte vlerke uitgebeeld wat deur `n groot sterrekruis aangedui word . Om die rede word na die Swaan ook as die Noorderkruis verwys.
Effens oos van die Arend kan mens die klein maar maklik herkenbare beeld van die Dolfyn uitmaak.
In die Noordweste is die sterrebeeld Skerpioen besig om van die toneel te verdwyn,
maar in plek daarvan kom die mooi Pegasus in die Noordooste al weer op. Dit is een van die indrukwekkendste sterrebeelde vir die suidelike halfrond weens sy yslike grootte en sy ooreenkoms met `n perdefiguur.
Sagittarius, makliker herkenbaar as `n teepot, is nou hoog oor ons koppe en huisves `n hele aantal uitstaande hemelsvoorwerpe soos oop en bolvormige sterrehopies, gasnewels en galaksies wat met `n verkyker opgespoor kan word, verkieslik vanuit `n lê-ende posisie.
Nuwe Maan is op die 1ste en 30 ste Augustus, `n rare verskynsel, en daarmee wissel die tye vir Nuwe Maan vir die res van die jaar na die einde van elke maand.
Volmaan is in die nag van die 16de Augustus met `n gedeeltelike maansverduistering, wat vanuit die hele Suid-Afrika sigbaar sal wees.
Venus word nou weer die helder Aandster vir `n paar uur na sonsonder.
Mars en Saturnus is nog sigbaar vroeg-aand in Leo, maar Saturnus sal binnekort te naby aan die Son kom en vanaf September weer vroeg soggens verskyn.
Jupiter is nog steeds baie helder die hele nag deur in Augustus.
In die Suide kan mens aan die verskuiwing van die Suiderkruis na wes waar-neem hoe die sterrebeelde van oos na wes om die Hemelsuidpool draai.
Hierdie rotasie is relatief en die gevolg van die aarde se rotasie van wes na oos. Sterre en sterrebeelde wat naby die Hemelsuidpool lê en die hele jaar bokant die horison sigbaar is, word sirkumpolêre sterre genoem. Die klein en groot Magellaanse wolke wat altyd `n pragtige gesig is, kom al weer in die Suidooste op.
Hou die sterre in u oë !
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:31 PM
Labels: Sterreprag
Letters - Briewe
Tannie Daddie Skryf
Liewe Vriende
Ek het lank gewik en geweeg voordat ek besluit het om hierdie storie te skryf, maar na my ongeluk dink ek dis ‘n “moet”.
Ons is tog so ywerig om ons te beveilig in ons huise, maar dink ons reguit as ons dit doen? Toe ek die aand val en daar op die vloer op my rug lê en my nie kan roer nie, toe tref dit my in watter gevaar ek eintlik is.
Daar lê ek soos ‘n pap baba. Niemand naby my nie, niemand hoor my geroep om hulp nie. Veilig, ja, dink ek, deure gesluit, vensters bedraad. Niemand kan my kom molesteer nie. Reg so.
Maar na ure se lê op my rug en planne maak, tref dit my: Wat gebeur as daar ‘n brand in die huis uitbreek? Ek was gewoond om saans die ligte af te skakel en dan die kort kersie op te steek in die blaker met die boksie vuurhoutjies daarin.
Sê nou net ek het die kersie opgesteek en dit het later uitgebrand en die was het oorgedrup en ‘n vlam veroorsaak? Dan het ek met huis en al uitgebrand en niemand sou my kon red nie. Ek sidder as ek daaraan dink.
Maar my Bewaarder sluimer of slaap nie. Hy was heeltyd daar by my - heelnag deur tot halfsewe die oggend toe Ockie Gouws my hulpkrete gehoor en my deur oopgebreek het.
Ek het ‘n fluit, maar dié hang buite my bereik. Ek het ‘n telefoon, maar dié is in die sitkamer... Al my hulpmiddels was van geen nut nie. Moet tog asseblief nooit vir julle so toesluit nie. Ek sal dit nooit, ooit weer doen nie. Laat die inbrekers dan maar liewer inkom. My redding was toe op die ou end my stem - waarmee ek om hulp kon roep.
Verskoon my skrif, ek is nog bietjie bewerig. Die heup kom aan, maar my been bly swak. Glo nie ek sal weer die been se volle gebruik terugkry nie.
Groete en dankie vir julle belangstelling.
Posbus 112
Dogs on the Koppie
On Wednesday morning, 9 July, at 7:40 whilst hiking on the Robert Gordon Koppie we heard a shout, and saw in the distance a brown dog chasing a bokkie.
The cross country jogger, who was with the dog, had good verbal control and immediately brought the dog to heel. Not good enough!
You are supposed to keep your dog on a leash at all times. Better still, keep dogs off the Koppie so that wild life will return.
Town’s heritage is disappearing fast
The excellent article on Heritage in last month’s Friend prompts a response not only about Heritage per se but more as a wistful reminiscence of how things were….less than five years ago!
Sadly, features that attracted us to the town are fast disappearing. The wonderful agricultural feel with its sights and sounds and open spaces seems to be replaced by a hint of suburbia with the addition of many more houses and barking dogs. Fewer chickens are seen roaming the streets nowadays, which is a pity!
Instead of repairing or renovating, structures are replaced, usually totally out of character. Lovely old fruit orchards and grazing sheep in open fields have either been subdivided or will be in the not too distant future. Municipal notices with proposals of subdivision appear frequently in this newspaper. Not to mention the controversial Housing Developments.
The functionality of the town with the schools and as a farming centre was another attraction (not just a “film-set town” for tourists). Truckloads of sheep and ostriches were often seen passing through. What has happened to all the farmers who used to frequent the Co-op?
The drought over the last few years has no doubt caused the town to lose its original purpose. It is distressing to see how much of the thick natural thorn bush that used to line the roads and riverbeds and surround the town has disappeared.
What a wealth of memories the many folk who have been here for donkeys’ years must have. Speaking of donkeys, with the surge of fuel prices we could see the return of the donkey cart – another common sight five years ago.
Prince Albert se Gholflandgoed
Dit is belangrik dat Prince Alberters deelneem aan die debat oor die voor- en nadele van die beplande gholflandgoed, dit raak ons almal.
Die ter saaklikste uit Kallie Erasmus se inligtingsvergadering:
- die gholfspelers ruil hulle grond vir nuwe fasiliteite, groen bowwe en setperke, klubgeriewe met restaurant, kroeg, onthaalgeriewe, tennisbane, jukskeibaan, rolbalbane, swembad. (Ek veronderstel hulle sal lewensreg geniet terwyl nuwe lede van hierdie ‘oop’ klub deur hulle tande betaal vir die ekslusiewe fasiliteite?)
- ‘n Swart Bemagtigingsgroep ontwikkel laerkoste behuising op die huidige gholfbaan perseel
- Die gemeenskap vind baat by nuwe werksgeleenthede
- ‘n Portwynkelder word opgerig
- Volstruisvlei is Prince Albert se grootste boerdery en werkverskaffer
- Een derde (sowat 40 hektaar) van die beplande gekonsolideerde gebied sal steeds landbou beoefen
- Een derde sal die gholfbaan en klubgeriewe huisves
- Een derde sal gebruik word vir 150 nuwe huise
Ek is opgewonde oor die totstandkoming van ‘n wynkelder vir die maak van Port. Dit sal ‘n beduidende waardetoevoeging tot die distrik wees, en verdien die sterkste ondersteuning. Uitstekend vir Toerisme, op die langer duur kan dit meer volhoubare werksgeleenthede skep as ‘n aantal vakansiehuise. Ek wil die Volstruisvlei eienaars dus mooi vra om die landbougrond te behou en nog Touriga en Tinta druiwe te plant!
Verskuiwing van die gholfbaan met klubhuis en bekostigbare behuising op die huidige perseel het beide meriete, maar dit mag nie gebruik word as polities korrekte motivering om die sonering van 150 nuwe woonerwe te regverdig nie.
Om ‘n imposante countryclub en gholf-landgoed met 150 eenhede langs die mooi-ste, mooiste ingang na Prince Albert te bou, gaan ‘n groot kontrakteur met ambagsmanne en arbeiders van buite benodig. Hierdie manne sal geruime tyd - twee drie jaar? - hier besig wees. Daarna sal ‘n groot persentasie waarskynlik hier agterbly en met ons plaaslike inwoners kompeteer vir huise en werk.
Hierdie nuwe voorstad sal ‘n geweldige las plaas op die kapasiteit van ons plaaslike owerheid. Die ontwikkelaars bou wel die paaie, en verskaf die water-, riool- en elektrisiteitsaanlegte, maar die instandhouding van hierdie dienste word daarna die verantwoordelikheid van ons munisipaliteit Al die inwoners sal moet help betaal aan die las.
Ek is ten gunste van sinvolle ontwikkeling, maar die hersonering van landbougrond vir die oprigting van nuwe luukse huise wat die dorp nie nodig het nie, is nie sinvol nie.
Where you stand depends on where you sit: Relocating the Prince Albert Golf Course
The golf course needs to be moved because the present course isn’t good enough to allow for proper play.
The impact of relocating the golf course on water and sense of place will be fully addressed in the EIA, as will layout and design. The new golf club will be an open one so there is no question of it being a “security complex”.
Has it occurred to anyone that while the development will have an impact if it proceeds, it may affect the town even more if it doesn’t?
There is a real need for affordable housing for those who have outgrown the old township but can’t afford to buy in the formerly White part of town. If the golf course site is not made available the Municipality will have to find, buy and pay for land which is likely to be less well-suited and really expensive.
The Volstruisvlei development seeks a balance between increased agricultural activity, the historical character of the town and the need for housing and relaxation facilities. In this process it consolidates fragmented agricultural land, eases the push for densification in the older part of town, creates sustainable jobs and bridges the physical gap between the town’s communities.
For those who sit at tables dependent on the town for an escape from poverty, a place to stay, an income and a future this looks very different to the bleak picture painted from where they sit by the authors in the previous edition of the Friend.
It is precisely because Prince Albert is a vibrant working town that we have a heritage to protect. Every successive generation has left its own scratch marks on the town’s surface and what we have today is the cumulation of the changes they made.
Imagine if our predecessors had committed themselves to “remaining as much the same as possible”: no running water, no electricity, no access roads, no hospital, no old-aged home, no magistrate’s court or police station, no gables, no inside toilets ... and no tourists!
Prince Albert Ambulans: Die stryd duur voort
Ek wil graag reageer op die Provinsiale Minister van Gesondheid se brief (Prince Albert Vriend, Junie 2008).
Die Minister se inligting in verband met die tyd van die noodoproep en die tyd wat die ambulans daar aangekom het is wel reg volgens my Telkomlyn rekening.
Maar, die trein waarmee die dame, haar dogtertjie en my kleinkinders gereis het, het ongeveer 17h30 op Prince Albertweg stasie aangekom. Toe was die dame reeds siek.
Die kinders het die familie op Prince Albert geskakel en die ambulans se telefoonnommer bekom. Hulle het vanaf 18h15 die ambulans op 112 herhaaldelike kere geskakel maar geen antwoord gekry nie.
Me S Arense van Prince Albertstasie wat by Home Based Care werk, het ook die nommer geskakel sonder sukses. Toe het die kinders my geskakel.
Ek het die noodnommer van die ambulans geskakel, maar dit het of net gelui of net musiek gespeel. Uit desperaatheid het ek die Hospitaal gebel maar hulle kon my nie help nie. Toe het ek die Polisie gebel. Hulle was baie behulpsaam en het gesê dat hulle die ambulans sal gaan soek.
Teen hierdie tyd was dit reeds meer as ‘n uur dat verskeie persone die ambulans noodnommers gebel het en geen reaksie gekry het nie. Die polisie het dadelik gereageer en het voor die ambulans op die toneel gearriveer.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:28 PM
Prince Albert Kerke se Uitreikaksie
- Jan Bothma -
Die gedagte van ’n uitreikaksie tussen “Noord” en “Suid” bestaan al lankal in Prince Albert, maar noudat die plaaslike VGK gemeente ’n nuwe leraar het in ds Nico Cloete, begin die uitreikaksie daadwerklik gestalte gekry – veral ook ná die toeligting deur mev Ilse Koorts van Badisa oor die kritieke afmetings wat sekere verkeerde praktyke in ons gemeenskap aanneem en hoe haglik maatskaplike omstandighede is.
Die uitreikgroep het al twee Sondagmiddae saam met ds Chris Briers en ds Cloete van huis tot huis besoek gaan aflê. Hoewel van die gemeentelede maar skrikkerig was vir hierdie nuwe ervaring, het die Here hulle vooruitgegaan en hulle het by elke huis ’n wonderlike ontvangs gehad. Die geestelike behoefte was baie duidelik. Een man het gesê dat hy aan sy kinderdae terugdink toe die ouderling en diaken nog kom huisbesoek doen het. ’n Vrou, wat eens diaken en ouderling was en ook Sondagskool gegee het, het vertel hoe sy ná haar man se dood saam met ’n ander begin bly het en nooit meer in die kerk kom nie - maar niemand van die kerk besoek haar ooit nie. Sy het behoefte daaraan.
Wat ook wonderlik was, was die entoesiasme waarmee die groep van die VGK met die mense by die besoekpunte gepraat het en hoe hulle die NGK besoekers betrek het. Die boodskap was: Ons werk interkerklik en dit gaan daaroor om Jesus se Naam uit te dra en te wys daar word vir alle mense omgegee.
Ter nabetragting is besluit:
▪ Die jeug moet by hierdie aksie betrek word
▪ Alle ander kerke moet betrek word
▪ Die hande en voete en monde is te min om die werk te doen
▪ Skriftelike lektuur moet by mense gelaat word
▪ Daar moet opvolgbesoeke gedoen word
▪ Die uitreikaksie moet groei en nie doodloop nie
Met die tweede uitreik het die jeug en ook lidmate van ander kerke meegedoen - en dit is baie bemoedigend, want die aksie gaan nie daarom om lidmate vir enige kerk te werf nie. Die doel is om Jesus Christus se Woord uit te dra; om te sê en te wys dat ons Jesus se opdrag uitleef om vir Hom lief wees en vir mekaar om te gee en na mekaar uit te reik.
Intussen is Bybelboekies bekom en dit sal baie goed gebruik word.
Almal wat deel wil wees van die uitreikgroep, word genooi om in te skakel. Hetsy deur straatwerk te doen, deur voorbidding, morele onderskraging of finansiële steun – elke bydrae is van ewe groot waarde.
Belangstellendes kan meer inligting bekom by:
die NGK kantoor 023 541 1510
of die VGK kantoor 023 541 1483.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:27 PM
LIFE IN KAROO COUNTRY…or, remembering an old rhyme
- Elizabeth Storey-Lawson -
Last month, STOEP TALK rightly reminded us that “speed kills” and that we should all make our best efforts to drive more slowly through Prince Albert.
Hardly a single coffee-morning gathering does not wonder and worry at the lorries, bakkies and cars that seem to have little regard for small children, bikers, strollers and the elderly who cross and re-cross our streets. Our pets are in constant danger and speeding vehicles continuously decimate the wildlife that forages in the proximity of the dirt road to my village of Leeu Gamka.
Having lived all my adult life restricted to 35 kph on a tiny island, I was appalled at the speed with which many drive in South Africa. And I am just the sort of person who will stop to assist lumbering mountain tortoises reach the safety of verges.
Once driving in Namibia I came across a very small one who I believed would take too long to cross at his own pace. I stopped, determined to swiftly relocate him. By the time I had turned off the car, unbuckled, and emerged, he was nowhere to be seen and I wondered if in the simmering heat, it had all been a mirage!
Rather, having sensed the only shade for 500km in any direction, the tortoise had hunkered down under the very middle of my car. I truly feared that if I started the car, and drove even at the slowest pace, it might well be caught under my wheels.
Picture me, flat on my stomach on the searing tarmac, poking a long handled ostrich feather duster I had most conveniently bought in Windhoek at a small mound of retracted reptile determined to stay cool!
But the arguments against excessive speed apply to many other considerations. Farmers too suffer the bane of speeding vehicles along dirt roads as the dust raised settles injuriously on fruit trees, gardens and stock alike. I think we all are aware of the risks of the road per se, but few give much thought to a kilo of dirt embedded in a sheep’s fleece.
Karoo Country is rife with dirt roads running through farms. Many of these roads are set amidst spectacular scenery and often in seemingly under- populated areas. The mountain passes attract a myriad of visitors who thrill to the twists and turns, hairpin curves and breathtaking vistas. The roads themselves unfortunately tend to elicit a Le Mans Rally-driver fantasy!
My husband’s friend, I will call him ‘Mr. Fourie”, has a large fruit and stock farm along side the beautiful Montagu Pass. He is, quite reasonably, super sensitive about the horde of seasonal speeders who hog the road and raise just such calamitous clouds of dust.
Returning to his farm from George recently, Farmer Fourie had a terrifying encounter with a massive descending Merc. Forcing him to the very edge of the precipice, and adding unearned insult to near-miss injury as she careened past, the driver screamed through her open window at him: “P-I-G”!
A stream of answering invective rose in his throat, fortunately to be heard only by the rushing wind. Out of breath, his venom spent, he struggled to regain the center road and hold the last arc of the killer curve…only to screech straight into a wall of looming lard. There before him was his prize 600 kilo “Landrace” sow, ecstatically celebrating her escape with a leisurely trot down the Pass.
I am delighted to report that Farmer Fourie’s pig, and his pride, reached home unscathed that afternoon. Throughout the evening, with both a touch of remorse and a large dose of gratitude, he hummed to himself: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me!”
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:26 PM
Labels: Life in Karoo Country
Stoep Talk: Proudly Prince Albert
- Queen Vic -
Due to the countless stops on the N1 because of repairs being done, I recently found myself driving along from Prince Albert Road to Prince Albert in the dark. What a pleasure! Instead of having to concentrate on how I was going to pass the next truck, I could take in my surroundings. The mountains were highlighted by the full moon. What a backdrop to the drama I happened to be listening to on my car radio. This is certainly something I could never do or experience in a city.
The drama brought me back to thinking about the Grahamstown Festival earlier in July. What a variety of shows and extraordinary talent. How I wished I could whisk every young Prince Alberter off to the Festival and expose them to the range of abilities, the exuberance of performers, both young and old and the joy that is to be had in hard work and dedication.
An observation I made was that many of the shows, crafts and activities at the Festival were proudly Grahamstown - in particular, the food stalls. Biting into the most wonderful Greek pastries, I enquired of the sellers, “Do you have a shop here?” “Oh no,” they replied, “We only do this once a year for the Festival – these are our grandmother’s recipes.” So it was with the plethora of food stalls. Quality coffee and decadent cakes awaited us at the entrance to many of the shows – all provided by the locals. And so I thought, surely we could do this too, and be really “Proudly Prince Albert” at our next Festival.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:25 PM
Labels: Stoep talk
Ons eie Mense Presteer Alweer!
- Linda Jaquet -
Tien Prince Alberters het in ‘n formele seremonie by die Prince Albert Provinsiale Hospitaal op 20 Junie erkenning gekry vir die toewyding waarmee hulle ons dorp se mense tussen 25 en 30 jaar gedien het.
Die staatmakers is aan Prince Albert goed bekend: Petronella Pretorius, Salome Stols, Gesina Mynhardt, Felicia Hendricks, Katriena Hendricks, Griet Klaassen, Esmarelda Lodewyk, Poppie Meintjies, Janetta Hendriks en Aletta van Gund het erkenning verkry .
Die nuwe Direkteur van Gesondheid vir Sentraal Karoo, me Lizzy Msindo-Mayeng, het tydens die seremonie persoonlik langdienssertifikate aan tien personeellede oorhandig en het haar bewondering vir hulle merkwaardige prestasie uitgespreek.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:24 PM
Labels: Hospitaal
Community chooses PAAK executive in lively election
-Linda Jaquet-
Over 400 residents attended a boisterous AGM of the Prince Albert Advies Kantoor/Advice Office in the VGK Hall on the evening of 10 July.
A small group, which appeared to be aligned to the ANC, vociferously queried several aspects of the financial report by the outgoing Chair, Goliath “Tool” Lottering and were advised that the audited financial report was available to the public at the PAAK office.
The same group also noisily opposed Lottering’s nomination as Chair for another year, proposing Mrs Magdalena Benjamin, the Acting Executive Mayor, as their candidate. Although Mrs Benjamin received far fewer votes than Lottering, the same group nominated her as Vice-Chair but saw her come second to the incumbent, Caroline Adams. Isak Windvogel’s nomination as Secretary was unopposed, while Willem Hendricks was voted in as Treasurer. An additional five members, Janine Nel, Beatrice Kok, Pieter April, David Hendriks and Beulah Oliphant, were also elected.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:24 PM
Labels: PAAK
Power to the People
The evening of Thursday, 17 July, was a memorable one for 21 families in Bergsig, a neighbourhood of Prince Albert unofficially known as “die blink hokke”. For the first time in the two years they have lived in their corrugated iron homes provided by the Municipality, the residents cooked their evening meals on an electric hotplate and ate by electric light.
The Acting Executive Mayor, Mrs Magdalena Benjamin, officially turned on the electric power to the homes as the sun was setting. The Municipality donated each household an electricity voucher valued at R20 and a hotplate. Mrs Benjamin encouraged the residents to use their new electrical power wisely and sparingly, while enjoying the advantages it brought to their lives.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:23 PM
Labels: Municipality, Power
Brett the Vet - Hello My Friend Hello
In a crowded city like London it is quite normal for people to walk right past thousands of others every day. On buses and trains, in lifts and aeroplanes there is almost no acknowledgement of other human beings at close range. But this also happens in Prince Albert where even familiar folk are sometimes painfully oblivious to intercourse. The universal struggle for individuality is unravelling social cohesion.
In general, human attitudes continue to change in the quest for advancement, while other animals continue to interact in much the same way. Animals encountering one another will always show interest. For reasons ranging from food to sex, attention may be brief or sustained, plain or complex, subtle or unrestrained. Animals also notice and are fascinated by human beings.
Interspecies recognition goes beyond mere greeting, and exists as a kind of mutual verification, a tacit inclusion in the intricate network of life flourishing and dwindling on a shared planet. Many modern humans shun instinctive communication rituals. Not only do we routinely ignore members of our own species, but others too.
Nobody likes to be ignored. And domestic animals in particular are sensitive to exclusion. Even the coolest cat secretly craves attention. The domestic species are mostly social animals like humans, and need company.
Hierarchy maintains the inherent order in a given group of animals. The constant interaction between individuals is an instinctive dynamic of affirmations demonstrated through behaviour, body language, vocalisation, and subtler forms of communication.
This harmony is disrupted when too many animals are crowded together under abnormal circumstances as in feedlots or broiler houses. Chickens can recognise up to 100 individual birds. Broiler farming crams thousands of chickens into confined spaces, so they constantly encounter strangers, causing high levels of stress and fighting because they cannot establish familiarity.
The understanding of gaze and non-verbal recognition is essential to evolve the way we view animals. It is self destructive to remain exclusive. An attitude that embraces every living thing and reveres the inherent value of different life has the miraculous effect of inspiring wonder. In the wildest jungle and the bleakest space, creatures are alerted to every human face. Our response is a measure of courage and conviction to relate and integrate.
We see the world in bold brush strokes that obliterate marvellous and mesmerising intricacies. We simplify the landscapes and the skies, and cast a murky veil of lies to hide fears and flaunt pride.
Animals are immersed in the detail of their immediate worlds and the fullness of life. Like swimming, riding a bicycle, or keeping the peace, perhaps humans also need to learn to respect life.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:22 PM
Labels: Brett the Vet
RSG in Lewende Lywe
-Denise Ohlson-
Saterdag 12 Julie was ‘n vrolike dag met die besoek van die RSG ateljee aan Prince Albert. Derrich Gardner, bekend vir sy program Brekfis met Derrich, het in lewende lywe by die Saterdagmark kom uitsaai en met talle Prince Alberters onderhoude gevoer. Nadat burgemeester Magdalena Benjamin die hele Suid-Afrika oor die lug welkom geheet het in ons pragtige en gasvrye dorp, het mede-aanbieder Johnny Davids die twee musieksterre wat saamgekom het om toehoorders te vermaak, voorgestel. Jennifer Zamudio en D’Low (Boompies) het hulle met oorgawe op die verhoog uitgeleef.
Kallie Erasmus het RSG luisteraars vertel hoekom Prince Albert so ‘n spesiale dorp is, Susan Perold het aan die wye wêreld verkondig dat die heerlike SoetKaroo wyn wat sy en haar man Herman hier in ons hoofstraat maak, saam met baaaie opofferende liefde en vertroeteling in die bottels beland… Ellen Joubert het trots vertel van die Herwinningsprojek wat pas op die been gekom het en waarvoor daar hard saam met die munisipaliteit gewerk word om te bewys dat ‘n klein dorpie soos ons die saak suksesvol kan bestuur.
Sue Milton-Dean het ‘n beurt gekry om te praat oor haar Renu-Karoo kwekery waar sy saad kweek om die veld te hervestig en Doringbome plant om volhoubaar brandhout te voorsien. Barbara Gorniak was die kundige wat rondom die eiendomsmark raad en kennis uitgedeel het, en dat Karoovleis en biltong spesiaal is en ‘n besonderse lekker smaak het, kon vleiskenner Elise van der Merwe aan die land bevestig.
Oor ons historiese huise en haar insiggewende staproete kon Lydia Barrella met gesag praat en oor ons sterreprag en die toere wat hy aanbied, was Hans Daehne besonder welsprekend. Kunstenaar Christine Thomas het ook geleentheid gekry om Suid-Afrika te vertel van haar Rooikamp-uitstalling by die plaaslike museum en ook oor die reeks skilderye wat sy gemaak het van die Raaisels van Gamkaskloof.
Dit was ‘n besonder suksesvolle program en Derrich Gardner – en sy luisteraars - is goed geïmponeer met ons voortreflike dorp. Dat hy met tonne Swartberg-foto’s terug is huis toe, spreek boekdele.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:22 PM
Labels: RSG
Recycling News
- Imke Maeyer and Ellen Nicol -
After many months of anticipation and many mountains to climb, the recycling depot is open!
It is situated at the rubbish dump, constructed out of strong mesh to prevent the wind from blowing things away, and partly under cover. There is a key for the enclosure which is in the hands of the permanent employees at the dump.
At the moment we urge anyone and everyone that is interested to take their recyclable goods to the depot, until the waste management forum and municipality have worked out the exact logistics of collecting from peoples’ homes, and also of handing out of bags.
There are farmers feed bags available, and if you would like to make use of them, they can be collected at 19 Pastorie Street. These bags are sturdy, and can be reused several times.
It will be very helpful if goods are separated at home into glass, plastic, tins and paper. If this is not possible, the staff at the depot can sort your contribution, but they will be able to operate a much more efficient project if they receive mainly sorted material.
Please make sure that everything you recycle is clean - dirty tins or smelly old milk bottles are not recyclable! It is simple to clean these items, just wash them at the very end of your dishwashing, in that way you don't need to use extra water!
The aim is eventually to have various ways of handling the recycling:
- one is just for interested people to take their own,
- another is for the litter to be collected from peoples’ homes,
- yet another is to collect from a central point on a certain day of the week, where people can bring their goods, and get paid (by weight) for their goods,
- and lastly, we would like to start a system at school where the children bring recyclable goods and get rewarded for their efforts.
Please look out for more information as it becomes available, but in the meantime, let’s make use of the enclosure; the staff has attended a training course in Oudtshoorn and will be able to assist you when you get there!
Opening times at the enclosure are Monday to Friday from 8am until 5pm.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:21 PM
Labels: Recycle
Ons Landbou Skoukoningin 2008!
- Anschen Marais -
Op 19 Julie was dit weer ons kroning van die Prince Albert Skoukoningin 2008 en haar twee prinsesse. Ons deelnemers het die taak vir die beoordeelaars omtrent moeilik gemaak. Ons wil graag die beoordeelaars, naamlik Miems Theron, Sandra Esterhuyse, Hestie Fourie en André Jaquet, wat hulle uitstekend van hulle taak gekwyt het, bedank. Christene Grové was ook wenner van die “Mooiste rok” kompetisie, terwyl Therene Fourie as Mej Persoonlikheid gekies.
Duisende dankies aan die borge, sonder julle sou ons nie pryse kon gee aan ons wenners nie: Verité-Ann du Toit, Marelize Vorster, Diana Koorts, Johanna Luttig, Bianca Marais, Stefaan Schoeman van Bergwater Landgoed en Ronel Fourie.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:20 PM
Labels: Prince Albert Skou
Zille: DA must win Western Cape in 2009
-Linda Jaquet-
Democratic Alliance leader, Helen Zille, paid a quick visit to Prince Albert on Saturday, 19 July, to meet with her party’s representatives in the Local Municipal Council. She also held an informal round-table discussion with about 80 residents that afternoon in the Hoërskool Zwartberg hall.
Ms Zille described her first time in Prince Albert as a reconnaissance trip and said that she planned to return. Her visit was one of a series she was making to various parts of South Africa to see how the DA could resolve local problems and she had come to our town to listen, focus on and analyse issues. The DA leader said that she was aware of the problems surrounding service delivery in Prince Albert as a result of the hung Council. In particular, she was intent on finding out why the DA now no longer held the Executive Mayoral position following the resignation of the DA’s Andrew Claassen. At the same time, she stressed that solutions also lay in the hands of the voters and that “in a democracy people get the government they deserve.”
Referring to the elections in 2009, Zille said that the DA stood a good chance of winning a majority in the Western Cape. This would enable the party to implement its policies at provincial level and to resolve the kinds of problems experienced by Prince Alberters. She stressed the importance of a good team of candidates at all levels – national, provincial and local – to represent voters and make sure that voters’ decisions should not be determined by race and colour.
Zille said that her mission was that the DA become a party of all the people of South Africa and a party based on values and a vision of South Africa that would unite people despite their diverse backgrounds and identities. The DA was intent on defending the Constitution and its values at a time when elements within the ANC were “waging a total onslaught” on it. Recent research by Lawrence Schlemmer illustrated that the DA was the most multi-racial party that South Africa had ever had. As a result, the only card left to the opposition to play was thus the race card, she said.
Ms Zille answered a variety of questions from the audience ranging from concerns about the balance of power in the Council, the state of the local ambulance service, transport problems of learners in Leeu-Gamka and the integrity of the political process. “Politics is not for sissies,” she responded to a comment on the verbal attacks on DA councillors in recent Council meetings. One resident told the Friend: “She made everyone feel important and was brave to undertake to find answers and come back to us.” Another resident felt that Zille was an inspiration because she had fought hard for her political principles for 40 years and had no thought of giving up.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:18 PM
Labels: Politics
Zwartberg Runners training Hoërskool Zwartberg cross country team
- Terry Barnato -
The local Zwartberg Runners club is helping Hoërskool Zwartberg develop a cross country running team and held their first training session at the school on the afternoon of 23 July.
The running club’s Terry Barnato was delighted at the turnout of ten runners. “Some were very fit, others were sort of fit, and some had a way to go before they attacked the Comrades! But the first hurdle was to arrive and that, these young students did,” said Terry.
The runners did a few laps around the field and then Terry chatted to them about some of the goals that were well within their reach. According to Terry: “We have our eyes on a 5km Fun Challenge in Oudtshoorn in September, as well as the possibility of entering two teams for the Business Relay in October, also in Oudtshoorn. Definitely on the cards is the Meiringspoort 10km run which comes around in October and which students of 15 years and older can enter. We may even have an entrant for the Half Marathon through Meiringspoort if Marius Williams feels ready!”
The cross country team plans to meet every Monday and Wednesday afternoon and will also head out along the streets of Prince Albert. Terry noted: “Running is an easy sport, and yet gives so much in return and we hope that these young folk can make it their own! We have lots of water sachets left over from our own half marathon in May, and these will become our good friends as the weeks go by and the days heat up!”
Two Zwartberg Runners’ members, Maruschka Erasmus and Juliana van der Westhuizen participated in the Knysna Forest Half Marathon on 12 July. Juliana finished in a time of 2:40:25, while Maruschka completed the race in a time of 2:46:01. Well done and thanks for representing the Zwartberg Runners.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:17 PM
Labels: Running, Zwartberg runners
Notes from a Clear Stream
- Jeremy Witts-Hewinson -
So, you thought using eco-diesel was a move closer to saving the planet?
It started in a scrapyard in Oudtshoorn. My wife insists I’m the only person she knows who window shops in an industrial area! I noticed an old Fintail 200D Mercedes Benz standing forlornly in the late winter sun. Having always wanted to include a clattering oil burner in my collection of old Mercs, the saga began.
In a sort of gladiatorial challenge to the scrap merchant, the offer was made on condition that it could be driven off the property. Much slingering, shouting, clattering, and lots and lots of blue smoke later, the engine was running. I nursed her through the scrapyard gates, at which point the column-mounted gear lever plopped unceremoniously to the moth-eaten-carpeted floor! I had a deal which I then wasn’t sure I wanted! The fact that Suzie (that was the name scratched on the key ring) made the 60km drive home without too much drama re-enthused me.
After months of gathering dust and muisvoël droppings under the mesquite tree, a body re-spray and engine reconditioning was carried out.
Aware that fossil fuels are so infra dig, I found an article in a women’s magazine about a person living on her eco-friendly, permacultural, self-contained, energy efficient, recycled, organic, green - and/or all of the above - plot in Noordhoek very interesting.
Choosing to overlook the fact that she sounded like a bit of a modern Marie Antoinette to me, play-playing the modern equivalent of milkmaid-milkmaid in the backyard of the palace, I focused on the point that her little diesel car was fuelled entirely by bio-diesel. This is what’s replacing ever-diminishing fossil fuel resources and saving the planet, we’re told.
What if Suzie, with a few modern modifications, naturally, was able to clatter away happily on planet-saving fuel? A quick response from a company distributing the stuff in the Western Cape led me to a bloke near Gouritz River mouth. Bulk purchasing is the way to go – that is what the aunty in Noordhoek does. I had visions of Suzie towing a small tanker-trailer to purchase supplies.
What stood between me and Suzie saving the planet was the “modification” to her engine. A restoration project that I felt was a little indulgent was going to turn into something really altruistic and progressive! The opportunity to persuade local farmers to come on board loomed. Maybe I could become a regional agent AND help save the planet! I espoused my idea of Suzie being a vehicle for planetary salvation to my environmental guru up the valley and his usual bright and happy face cascaded into a sadly bewildered look of bemusement.
Alas, the profit motive had already hijacked my high-flown ideals. Apparently, virgin rainforests in Borneo are being flattened as you read, to make way for highly profitable palm plantations producing tons of palm oil for highly energy inefficient refineries churning out bio-diesel!
Desperately clinging to my idealism in the face of such brutal truth I stammered, “But what about supporting the emerging Free State farmers in their plan to produce tons and tons of rape seed to be made into environmentally-friendly bio- diesel?” “It’s all genetically modified and causing havoc with indigenous plant species in the area!” You can’t exactly tell the bees where to go a-courting, I suppose…
Of all the plans of mice and men… that plan was surely devised by the mice. What is a non-consumerist eco-warrior to do? Can anyone suggest how I can persuade my 1930’s anthracite consuming Aga to behave more kindly to our dying planet?
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:16 PM
Einstein visits Prince Albert!
- Abigail Modra -
I have often thought about Albert Einstein, the brilliant mathematician and scientist, and I always wanted to know more about him and his life. A couple of weeks ago I got my chance.
On the eve of the 4th of July our family crammed into our little Opel Corsa and sped down to the Jans Rautenbach Schouwburg to watch David Muller (also known as The Merry Scholar) perform his 'Imagining Einstein'.
It was definitely an enjoyable evening. His acting was superb - from the moment that he came in on his bicycle it was Einstein who stood before us, told us about his life and explained his theorems using visual demonstrations and volunteers. I think that he portrayed the eccentricity and brilliance of Einstein very well.
The following evening we met at the Lazy Lizard for his performance of Roald Dahl's version of The Three Little Pigs. He also did Whale Nation - a long, long, long poem about the beauty and majesty of whales.
At the end of the show, with our bellies full of soup and fresh Lazy Lizard buns he divided the audience into four groups and gave us each a part of The Three Little Pigs to re-enact. Everyone went home laughing at the results.
I should also mention that he and his family did a drama workshop with the Patchwork Theatre on the 3rd of July and left us with lots of hints and a few ideas for our next production!
Thank you, David Muller!
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:15 PM
Labels: Theatre
Onse Lulu reserwe in die SA Fietsryspan
- Denise Ohlson -
Prince Albert se Lulu Jooste (18 ) is ingesluit as reserwe in die SA Fietsryspan wat in Kaapstad en omgewing gaan deelneem aan die Junior Wêreld Padkampioenskappe vanaf 18 - 20 Julie.
Sy is vandeesweek deur die Suid-Kaap Fietsry Assosiasie en die Oudtshoorn Fietsryklub gelukgewens met haar uitstekende prestasie tydens die SA Padkampioenskap in Oos-Londen - waar sy twee 4de plekke behaal het.
Haar verbintenis met die Oudtshoorn Fietsryklub en die Suid-Kaap Fietsry Assosiasie is ook beloon met dié woorde: "Jy is voorwaar ‘n aanwins vir die Assosiasie. Jou toewyding en prestasies is ‘n voorbeeld en inspirasie vir ander fietsryers binne die Suid-Kaap."
Lulu het haar jaar goed begin deur beide die Suid-Kaap asook die WP kampioenskappe vir die padwedren en tydtoets te wen. Verlede week, by die Oesterfees in Knysna, was sy algeheel 6de Senior vrou en 1ste Junior dame.
Posted by
Prince Albert Friend
7:11 PM
Labels: fietsry