Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Christian Perspective

- Keith Goudie -

I recently came across a book on evolution dedicated to a Christian who strongly believed that Charles Darwin was putting his soul in mortal peril because of his increasing agnosticism as he developed his theories about the origin and development of life. That Christian was close to Charles Darwin. In fact it was his wife, Emma Wedgwood Darwin, who was heiress to much of the Wedgwood pottery empire.

Without Emma he would not have been able to complete his life’s work. More importantly, they shared the tragic loss of a much-loved daughter Annie whose illness and subsequent death were probably caused by a genetic weakness. Not only was Charles often ill but he and Emma were first cousins.

Emma remains an example to other Christians. She supported her spouse with love and careful nursing and did her best to follow his supposition on the origin of the human species and to understand the Scripture in terms of the times in which it was written.

So should we.

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