Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Zwartberg Runners Take On the Two Oceans Marathons

- Terry Barnato -

Seven Zwartberg Runners’ members travelled to Cape Town over the Easter long weekend to participate in the Two Oceans Marathons. The bravest of the group was Tracy Swanepoel, who ran the Ultra Marathon: a gruelling 56km route through Hout Bay, over Chapman's Peak, down towards Fish Hoek, along the coast through Kalk Bay past Muizenburg and then back into Cape Town on Main Road to finish at UCT rugby field! Congratulations Tracy on your Blue Medal, finishing in 4505th place out of around 6000 runners in a time of 6hrs 27mins and 57seconds and representing Prince Albert in what is known as the world's most beautiful marathon!

In the Half Marathon, four Zwartberg Runners joined the 10 000 odd participants - the remaining two, Petrus Bostander and Burnett May having missed their transport and also the start of the race - to run the 21,1km, which also finished at the UCT rugby field, on a route that included the dreaded Southern Cross Drive... a good 3km of steady uphill. The results for these four were:

Brian Modra in 1778th place in a time of 1hr 50mins and 49s
Terry Barnato in 4190th place in a time of 2hrs 08mins and 14s
Juliana van der Westhuizen in 6710th place in a time of 2hrs 24mins and 34s
Marushka Erasmus in 9024th place in a time of 2hrs 47mins and 26s

Altogether it was a good experience and definitely a must for Zwartberg Runners next year. There's nothing like taking your place amongst the running greats of this world! Hopefully too we can get Petrus to the start line next year and cheer him home with a silver medal! Thanks again, runners, for your participation and support and unfailing good spirit!

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