Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The Festival is over and the outgoing Organising Committee is developing notes to assist the next Committee in organising an even better event in 2008. A public meeting is planned to do a post-mortem with the same objective.

We have received an amazing number of thank-yous and passing comments on what many have said was one of the best Festivals they have experienced.

Die Feeskommitee glo dit was ‘n fees met ‘n verskil: besoekers het die geleentheid gekry om Prince Albert te verken en te leer ken, danksy al die duidelike en interessante padtekens wat orals deur ons eie kreatiewe inwoners aangebring is.

Die geheim van ons sukses is die feit dat dit ‘n spanpoging was. Sonder die hulp, harde werk én samewerking van verskeie organisasies soos die skole, kerke en besighede, sou ons nié op kort kennisgewing die wa deur die drif kon trek nie.

The Committee would like publicly to thank:

The Police, for keeping us safe and ensuring there were no unpleasant incidents to mark the Festival. Bambanani Security for assisting the police and us, without any expectation of reward! The young helpers who tried so hard to keep kids off the Museum’s beautiful plants.

Die Munisipaliteit het ons deurlopend van raad voorsien en was onmisbaar in die reëlings. Hulle het vir die toilette betaal, was verantwoordelik vir die kragpunte by die stalletjies, die vullis verwydering, die opsit van feesligte, die toemaak van sekere strate, die verf van die skaakborde in die straat, en veel meer. Hulle het selfs die Kaapse Klopse vir ons ingevoer!

Die Burgemeester, Onder-Burgemeester en die Raadslede, was almal tot ons beskikking met advies en hulp as daar ‘n krisis was.

The Tourism Office, both of you in the front line.

The Schools, the Headmasters, and teachers, the parents, and pupils.

The chess organisers and the players who stood us so proud.

Alle Borge; plaaslike besighede en inwoners wat goedgunstiglik geld en donasies geskenk het.

Those who helped us with logs and seating, as well as straw bales.

Die boer wat sy hekke vir ons geleen het vir die pad se toemaak.

The Scavenger Hunt Participants (businesses and individuals).

Stall holders. Come again please.

Die Prince Albert Vriend. Die Uitgewer en lede van die Komitee wat saamgewerk het om die Feesuitgawe en die uitstekende program saam te stel.

Die Olive Branch en sy Uitgewer wat konstant met die pers in verbinding was en puik verslag gelewer het.

The manager of Prince Albert’s websites for her enthusiastic editing and updating of the Festival’s online programme and news of events.

Homeowners who opened their houses and gardens to the public.

Die joernaliste, wat danksy hul entosiasme en vernuf, so baie besoekers na ons dorp gelok het.

Die wonderlike kunstenaars, letter-skilders en ontwerpers.

Our very own “professional” photographer, who took photographs for press releases, prior to and also throughout the Festival.

All at the Lazy Lizard, who organised the Fun Run and the Street Parade.

Die eienaar van die outydse fietse wat bereid was om dit vir ons te leen sodat dit in die Parade gebruik kon word.

Die Straatkunstenaars wat ons vermaak het met mimiek en danse.

The Museum and staff who played many roles, purveying, advising, and teaching.

People in the Parade: The two trompoppie troepe, the antique vehicle owners, the Golden Games and others.

Die “Patchwork” teatergroep.

Die gaskunstenaars wat ons kom vermaak en verryk het met hul optredes.

The Somerset College Band and the Siyacula Community Choir.

All the presenters, talkers, visit hostesses and hosts, ghost walker, town historians, and collectors who shared their passions and collections.

Die bouers en ambagsmanne wat vir ons die twee skaakstelle, die kaartjie-stalletjie en die trapkarre gebou het.

Die kinders, meestal van Noord-End, wat so pligsgetrou papiere en rommel opgetel het en sodoende verseker het dat ons dorp netjies lyk.

The playground organisers for their entertainment and preparedness to tone down the music when asked (during talks).

The toilet cleaners, who also played a part in keeping streets closed, arranged candles, and cleaned until late at night.
Die Straatveërs wat so ongesiens gewerk het om die strate skoon te hou.

Die geduld van die parkeer-beamptes.

The film expert from Mossel Bay who brought Lord Oom Piet with him.

The student tourist guides and their wonderful teacher.

The three ladies who organised the ‘cheese-and-wine’ at the opening of Christine Thomas’ exhibition at the Gallery.

Die inwoners van Mark- en Kerkstraat wat baie ongerief moes verduur gedurende die fees.

Die straatkunstenaars se agent en my vier helpers wat die hele naweek beskikbaar was om boodskappe oor te dra en swaar items rond te skuif.

The owner of Seven Arches for permitting his premises to become the centre of the Festival for announcement purposes, and the rugby team (next year: the strong men!).

The local hotelier, who, after the Festival, made a donation to ensure we did not end in the red.

B&B, Guest House, and self-catering accommodation owners, home-owners who let us use their accommodation when there was none to be had, and our new residents from Victoria West, who knocked on doors to solve the problem.
Aan almal wat advies gegee het, opbouende- en afbrekende kritiek gelewer het, ook dié wat gekla het, die Fees was, en is, vir u ook ‘n ernstige saak.

Enigiemand wat ek per ongeluk uitgelaat het.

Finally, I would very personally like to thank my Vice-Chairperson (without whom this Festival would have been much poorer), and my entire fantastic hard-working Committee for the incredible work done, the time spent, the preparedness to endure frustration, the many sacrifices made, and in particular for taking on lonely portfolios and to a great extent achieving the objectives we set at the beginning!

Bokkie Botha
Chairman, Festival Committee

Die Feeskomitee:
Sonja Mckenna (Onder-voorsitster)
Zelia Mullins (Sekretaresse)
John Mckenna
Lisa Smith
Denise Ohlson
Pam Wessels
Kobus Snyman
Di Steyn
Kallie Erasmus
Jan Bothma
Marinette Theron
Pieter Joubert
Rachel Roberts

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